Letter to the Vanguard

Every so often I get letters to the editor, I post them as I get them if they relate to Davis and Yolo County politics or issues. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of the Vanguard.

Don’t Trust Cabaldon

Statements from his brochures:

Prevent flooding. Rebuild the levies.

Fact: West Sacramento hasn’t received the state/federal funding that he said we would get to do the work.

Protect water quality.

Fact: As a member of the state’s Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board, he didn’t vote to fine Hilmar Cheese Company for their wastewater polluting the groundwater. As mayor of W. Sac, he voted to poison our water with Hydrofluosilicic Acid.

Preserve open space and wildlife habitat. Resist the spread of urban sprawl into agricultural land.

Fact: Come take a look at Southport (W. Sac). The latest developments have ended many acres of ag land into urban sprawl, but they are stacked on top of each other and next to each other. River Park (743 acres) and Yarbrough (710 acres) is in the works now to be built on. He is bought and paid for by developers and caters to their interests.

Expand community college campuses in Woodland, Davis, West Sacramento, Fairfield, and Vacaville.

Fact: Campuses are already in each city mentioned.

Freeze tuition at public universities and community colleges. Expand Cal Grants. Forgive student loans in exchange for service in areas of great public need.

Fact: Where will the funds come from? The State is broke. It takes a majority in both the assembly and senate to pass these items.

Comments Cabaldon has made about his constituents in West Sacramento:

The bridge is about economic opportunity, not about unleashing “the hordes of the unwashed” on nice neighborhoods.

“The pressure and the stigma and sometimes the all too casual bigotry in this town made it painfully clear when I first ran for office that I could either serve this community or I could be a gay man. But I could not be both,”

Calls us “fat” and “unhealthy.”

Says our children are “illiterate.”

He wants us to walk, ride a bike, or take public transportation. You don’t see him walking, riding a bike, or taking public transportation. In fact, it is only 1.1 miles from his residence to City Hall, but he chooses to drive his 350Z.

Cabaldon was mentioned in the 2005-2006 Yolo County Grand Jury investigation of the Washington Unified School District (WUSD) in West Sacramento.

“Issues of Public Trust

The Mayor of West Sacramento is employed by EdVoice, an advocate for charter schools through Aspire Public Schools, Testimony indicates that after a presentation by Aspire Public Schools at a WUSD Board meeting, the mayor announced, the entire City Council supports this.” He has apparently also repeatedly stated that there will soon be several charter schools in West Sacramento. While a high school may be “the hub of the community” and “it’s hard to divorce that from the city,” concern was expressed to the Grand Jury regarding the mayor’s apparently overlapping interests. Further, the Aspire presentation was conducted in collaboration with U. C. Davis and Sacramento City College, the latter being the employer of WUSD Board Member Mary Leland.”


5. Witnesses expressed concern that the Mayor of the City of West Sacramento may be exercising undue influence in advancing the development of charter schools in the area while employed by Ed Voice and that a sitting Board member is employed by another charter school proponent, giving the impression of a hidden agenda.”


06-40 The Mayor and WUSD Board Members should discontinue utilizing city and district functions to promote the agendas of their other employers.”

Is this the person you want in the 8th Assembly District?

I don’t.

Mary Lasell

West Sacramento


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Who do I trust? Cabaldon. And that letter was uber-shrill. I could barely read it without feeling like I was being screamed at.

    I just filled out my absentee for the 3 S’s (Saylor, Souza, Sydney). Anyone else?

  2. Who do I trust? Cabaldon. And that letter was uber-shrill. I could barely read it without feeling like I was being screamed at.

    I just filled out my absentee for the 3 S’s (Saylor, Souza, Sydney). Anyone else?

  3. Who do I trust? Cabaldon. And that letter was uber-shrill. I could barely read it without feeling like I was being screamed at.

    I just filled out my absentee for the 3 S’s (Saylor, Souza, Sydney). Anyone else?

  4. Who do I trust? Cabaldon. And that letter was uber-shrill. I could barely read it without feeling like I was being screamed at.

    I just filled out my absentee for the 3 S’s (Saylor, Souza, Sydney). Anyone else?

  5. Mary Lasell was the failed candidate against Cabaldon in the last mayor’s race.

    She had this same rant then.

    Voters rejected it.

  6. Mary Lasell was the failed candidate against Cabaldon in the last mayor’s race.

    She had this same rant then.

    Voters rejected it.

  7. Mary Lasell was the failed candidate against Cabaldon in the last mayor’s race.

    She had this same rant then.

    Voters rejected it.

  8. Mary Lasell was the failed candidate against Cabaldon in the last mayor’s race.

    She had this same rant then.

    Voters rejected it.

  9. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Flouride in the water to prevent tooth decay?
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!
    The horror!

  10. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Flouride in the water to prevent tooth decay?
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!
    The horror!

  11. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Flouride in the water to prevent tooth decay?
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!
    The horror!

  12. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Flouride in the water to prevent tooth decay?
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!
    The horror!

  13. Localdem,

    I know lots of people voting SSV, myself included. Most of them are young and really pissed off. I was on the fence for a while but the more shrill the anti-growth people have become, the more I knew where my votes needed to go. I’ll send you an extra stamp if you need one.

  14. Localdem,

    I know lots of people voting SSV, myself included. Most of them are young and really pissed off. I was on the fence for a while but the more shrill the anti-growth people have become, the more I knew where my votes needed to go. I’ll send you an extra stamp if you need one.

  15. Localdem,

    I know lots of people voting SSV, myself included. Most of them are young and really pissed off. I was on the fence for a while but the more shrill the anti-growth people have become, the more I knew where my votes needed to go. I’ll send you an extra stamp if you need one.

  16. Localdem,

    I know lots of people voting SSV, myself included. Most of them are young and really pissed off. I was on the fence for a while but the more shrill the anti-growth people have become, the more I knew where my votes needed to go. I’ll send you an extra stamp if you need one.

  17. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Fluoride in the water to prevent tooth decay?*
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!”

    In the 1964 election in Davis, the big issue (bigger than the presidential election**) was whether the city should fluoridate the water. There was a broad coalition of dentists and university scientists advocating a “yes” vote; there was an active and agitated group of opponents who claimed fluoride would poison them.

    The vote itself was quite interesting. By a very small number, something like 4 votes, the “yes” side won the election, which took place during the June primary. However, for some technical reason, the vote had to be done again in the fall, and that time it lost, also by a small margin. As such, Davis has never had fluoridated water.

    * Perhaps if a dentist is reading this, he or she can weigh in with an informed judgment; but it is my understanding that adding fluoride to water, today, would be much less meaningful than it was 44 years ago, because all toothpastes now, unlike in 1964, have fluoride in them. As such, we all get enough fluoride to fight tooth decay, something not true in days of yore.

    ** Davis was then a liberal Republican town. Nelson Rockefeller easily beat Barry Goldwater in the primary. In the general election, Davis went overwhelmingly for LBJ. By the 1968 election, Davis was 2:1 Democratic and has remained mostly Democratic ever since.

  18. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Fluoride in the water to prevent tooth decay?*
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!”

    In the 1964 election in Davis, the big issue (bigger than the presidential election**) was whether the city should fluoridate the water. There was a broad coalition of dentists and university scientists advocating a “yes” vote; there was an active and agitated group of opponents who claimed fluoride would poison them.

    The vote itself was quite interesting. By a very small number, something like 4 votes, the “yes” side won the election, which took place during the June primary. However, for some technical reason, the vote had to be done again in the fall, and that time it lost, also by a small margin. As such, Davis has never had fluoridated water.

    * Perhaps if a dentist is reading this, he or she can weigh in with an informed judgment; but it is my understanding that adding fluoride to water, today, would be much less meaningful than it was 44 years ago, because all toothpastes now, unlike in 1964, have fluoride in them. As such, we all get enough fluoride to fight tooth decay, something not true in days of yore.

    ** Davis was then a liberal Republican town. Nelson Rockefeller easily beat Barry Goldwater in the primary. In the general election, Davis went overwhelmingly for LBJ. By the 1968 election, Davis was 2:1 Democratic and has remained mostly Democratic ever since.

  19. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Fluoride in the water to prevent tooth decay?*
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!”

    In the 1964 election in Davis, the big issue (bigger than the presidential election**) was whether the city should fluoridate the water. There was a broad coalition of dentists and university scientists advocating a “yes” vote; there was an active and agitated group of opponents who claimed fluoride would poison them.

    The vote itself was quite interesting. By a very small number, something like 4 votes, the “yes” side won the election, which took place during the June primary. However, for some technical reason, the vote had to be done again in the fall, and that time it lost, also by a small margin. As such, Davis has never had fluoridated water.

    * Perhaps if a dentist is reading this, he or she can weigh in with an informed judgment; but it is my understanding that adding fluoride to water, today, would be much less meaningful than it was 44 years ago, because all toothpastes now, unlike in 1964, have fluoride in them. As such, we all get enough fluoride to fight tooth decay, something not true in days of yore.

    ** Davis was then a liberal Republican town. Nelson Rockefeller easily beat Barry Goldwater in the primary. In the general election, Davis went overwhelmingly for LBJ. By the 1968 election, Davis was 2:1 Democratic and has remained mostly Democratic ever since.

  20. “Hydrofluosilicic Acid”? You mean put Fluoride in the water to prevent tooth decay?*
    I suppose he also did nothing about West Sac being surrounded by lethal levels of Di-Hydrogen Monoxide!”

    In the 1964 election in Davis, the big issue (bigger than the presidential election**) was whether the city should fluoridate the water. There was a broad coalition of dentists and university scientists advocating a “yes” vote; there was an active and agitated group of opponents who claimed fluoride would poison them.

    The vote itself was quite interesting. By a very small number, something like 4 votes, the “yes” side won the election, which took place during the June primary. However, for some technical reason, the vote had to be done again in the fall, and that time it lost, also by a small margin. As such, Davis has never had fluoridated water.

    * Perhaps if a dentist is reading this, he or she can weigh in with an informed judgment; but it is my understanding that adding fluoride to water, today, would be much less meaningful than it was 44 years ago, because all toothpastes now, unlike in 1964, have fluoride in them. As such, we all get enough fluoride to fight tooth decay, something not true in days of yore.

    ** Davis was then a liberal Republican town. Nelson Rockefeller easily beat Barry Goldwater in the primary. In the general election, Davis went overwhelmingly for LBJ. By the 1968 election, Davis was 2:1 Democratic and has remained mostly Democratic ever since.