Proposition 4, Parental Notification, Has an 8 Point Lead in Latest Field Poll

California is vastly different from most states. Case in point, parental notification for abortions. The issue is one of the slam-dunks for opponents to abortion. In state-after-state they put these type of initiatives on the ballot and win them easily. But not in California. Twice before abortion opponents have put parental notification measures on the ballot in California and twice before the California voters have defeated them.

Is this time different? Mark DiCamillo of the Field Poll thinks so.

Right now is it ahead by a 49-41 margin with 10 percent undecided. However after we have mentioned before on this blog, late breaking voters and undecideds tend to oppose new initiative. However, this issue may be a bit different.

Mark DiCamillo points to two factors–the Latino Voters and the Presidential Election.

“If there’s a shift going on, it’s coming from the Latino voters. Because this is a presidential election, Latino voters will constitute a larger proportion of the turnout than was true two years ago.”

According to the Field Poll, Latinos are even more strongly in favor of this measure than they were a few years ago. According to DiCamillo, Latino voters are expected to be 17 percent of the electorate in November. The poll indicates they favoring the measure 62 percent to 31 percent. That 31 point margin is somewhat higher than it was in 2006 when it was 22 percentage points.

Proposition 4 is a parental notification law rather than a parental consent law. That means when a minor requests an abortion from a doctor, the doctor must send a letter to her parents. Regardless of parental opposition, the abortion could be performed 48 hours later.

Supporters of the measure believe that parents need to be informed and involved in crucial decisions in their daughter’s lives.

However, opponents like the ACLU argue that government should not and cannot mandate good family communications.

“Of course parents want to be involved in their daughters’ lives. Many pregnant teens do confide in a parent. But laws can’t create good family communication—that has to start long before a daughter is pregnant. It’s important to remember that not all teens live in homes where open communication is safe and possible. Many teens fear being forced to have the baby, kicked out of their homes or subjected to violence.

Proposition 4 won’t transform abusive, dysfunctional families into stable, supportive ones. It would create more difficult options for pregnant teenagers at an already difficult time in their life.”

They go on to argue that Proposition four is more dangerous than previous parental notification initiatives in two ways.

“It would dramatically expand the liability of doctors who care for pregnant teenagers, authorizing lawsuits against them decades after an abortion is performed.”

Furthermore they argue:

“A deceptive and dangerous alternative was written into Prop 4 for pregnant teens who can’t safely notify their parents or obtain court orders. Authors of the initiative assert that teens in an abusive home could request that notification be sent to another relative over 21 who fits the initiative’s criteria. But it’s not as simple as it sounds. To invoke the alternative, a teen would have to write a history of charges against her parents and provide that document to her doctor. The doctor must then send the teen’s written statement to law enforcement and send the state-scripted abortion notice to a designated substitute relative, together with a letter saying that the parents have been reported to a law enforcement agency. This provides no real protection for the pregnant teen. If law enforcement pursues the report, or the relative calls the parents, the abusive parents will find out about the teenager’s charges, her pregnancy and her abortion.”

I agree with the ACLU’s position on this proposition. I understand both points that are raised by this proposition. First, I think we need to work together to limit pregnancies in teens. Second, I agree that teens need to include their parents in their decisions. That’s why they are minors.

Unfortunately, the real world often does not work out nearly as idyllic as we would like it to be. There are many teens that come from broken and abusive homes and this puts a tremendous burden and creates a tremendous barrier to make the right types of decisions for their lives.

Far from helping these teens, they put them at risk both physically and emotionally. What I would like to see rather than this type of legislation which is a band-aid at best for the types of problems raised by both opponents and supporters of the measure, is legislation that would create real resources to help teens even before they become pregnant. Real resources to help families come together, real resources to enable parents to become more involved in their children’s lives, so that we do not get the point of the abortion choice. That is the legislation I will support. This I see as a draconian measure that attempts to force communication where obviously it has long since in many case broken down.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. “Second, I agree that teens need to include their parents in their decisions. That’s why they are minors.”

    Maybe this is just grammatically confusing, but teens are not minors because they should include their parents in their decisions, they are minors because they are generally and legally understood to be dependent upon their parents for food, shelter and most of their other needs, including guidance regarding their physical and moral health and development. I am surprised that the ACLU would take the position that people do not have the right to guide their children in the direction they think best.

    This proposition is not about creating good communication in families. It is the task of every adolescent to individuate and separate from their parents. They are in the process of becoming independent, but they are not independent just yet. It is important for them to have private areas of their lives, things they do not share with their parents. They are also testing boundaries and doing things that they know their parents would disapprove of, such as drinking, experimenting with recreational drugs, etc. No teen that I know of wants to tell their parents that they have wrecked the family car, but we do not have a law protecting them from telling their parents about it when they do. We do have laws against child abuse. This proposition gives specific legal protection for the girl who fears any kind of parental retribution. Since Planned Parenthood is able to provide teens with abortions, there is no reason why they cannot provide the counseling and support for obtaining any judicial intervention deemed necessary.

    And this is the real reason for this law. It is far more likely that a teen is in a situation where she is being sexually abused than it is that her parents are going to beat her up for getting pregnant. There is no history or statistics that indicate that this particular reaction to a teen pregnancy(parental abuse) happens in any measurable way, including the 38 states that have laws requiring either parental notification or consent.

    There was just a case in Sacramento where a girl was impregnated by her step-father and had a late term abortion, that her mother only discovered accidentally. This man is now being charged with rape, but without the mother being notified, she would not have had any idea what was happening to her daughter except for the accidental discovery. How many girls are being abused by teachers, ministers, youth leaders or other older men and getting abortions without their parents’ knowledge?

    In this day and age with the internet, and other communication technologies, the potential for girls getting in over their heads without their parents knowing what is going on is infinite.

    To make the claim that every ‘good’ parent will know every single thing their teen does is preposterous. My daughter is very open with me, open enough to tell me that “nobody tells their mom everything”.

    Sexual abuse is well known to be something that any child has difficulty revealing. The one thing that every good parent would do if their daughter had to tell them she was pregnant is ask who the father was. If it was her same age boyfriend, they would most likely call his parents, so then his parents would know what was going on with him, as well. And despite the fact that this proposition is being promoted by pro-lifers, the fact is that probably more parents would be likely to ‘force’ a girl to have an abortion than to ‘force’ her to have a baby.

    The most important feature of this bill however, is that if their daughter is pregnant by someone who is an adult (the most common scenario for pregnant teens by the way) They will be able to deal with that adult appropriately.

    No abortion provider, no matter how well motivated can know what any one girl’s daily life is like the way her parents do. Even if the provider were to ask who the father was, they would have no way of following up on it, unless the girl revealed the abuse. And we already know this is unlikely. A girl who would conceal her pregnancy from her parents is not going to have a problem with concealing who her sexual partner is from complete strangers at a clinic.

    Many teens I have talked with have told me that if a girl had an abortion and did not tell her parents, this would cause such a huge obstacle to communication in the future that they thought it would destroy the girl’s relationship with her parents. So, if we consider a 15 year old girl who does not want to tell her parents she is pregnant because she does not want to disappoint them, or even have them disapprove of her, she does not want to lose their respect or trust, is not going to tell them if she does not have to. Just as she would rather not have to tell them she wrecked the car, or has an “F” in history. But the consequences of not telling them of this gravity that she is in a sexual relationship and has gotten pregnant are something she is really too young to predict.

    The opponents of this proposition are proposing that the vast majority of parents do not love their children and want what is best for them. This is really sick thinking. People who abuse their children need to be discovered and prosecuted, but hiding serious situations from all parents because some parent somewhere might be abusive is much more likely to lead to harm for these girls.

    Parents cannot intervene and fulfill their responsibility as parents without having reasonable access to information. If my daughter gets drunk in public, I expect the police to let me know so that I can help her. I don’t really expect that if she gets drunk at a party, she is going to be likely to tell me if she doesn’t have to. I don’t think this makes me a bad parent.

    Many teen girls get involved with older men and don’t realize how the relationship is going to damage them psychologically in the future but they do know their parents would not approve and so they hide it. The scenario of the adult who is sexually abusing a teen girl, getting away with it because he can take her in for an abortion is much more likely and much more damaging than the girl whose parents get mad at her for being pregnant.

    Let parents be parents. If the state wants to take over my parenting responsibilities by providing the funding for my daughter to have an abortion without me even being notified, then let them take the rest of the responsibility too. I could use the money!

  2. “Second, I agree that teens need to include their parents in their decisions. That’s why they are minors.”

    Maybe this is just grammatically confusing, but teens are not minors because they should include their parents in their decisions, they are minors because they are generally and legally understood to be dependent upon their parents for food, shelter and most of their other needs, including guidance regarding their physical and moral health and development. I am surprised that the ACLU would take the position that people do not have the right to guide their children in the direction they think best.

    This proposition is not about creating good communication in families. It is the task of every adolescent to individuate and separate from their parents. They are in the process of becoming independent, but they are not independent just yet. It is important for them to have private areas of their lives, things they do not share with their parents. They are also testing boundaries and doing things that they know their parents would disapprove of, such as drinking, experimenting with recreational drugs, etc. No teen that I know of wants to tell their parents that they have wrecked the family car, but we do not have a law protecting them from telling their parents about it when they do. We do have laws against child abuse. This proposition gives specific legal protection for the girl who fears any kind of parental retribution. Since Planned Parenthood is able to provide teens with abortions, there is no reason why they cannot provide the counseling and support for obtaining any judicial intervention deemed necessary.

    And this is the real reason for this law. It is far more likely that a teen is in a situation where she is being sexually abused than it is that her parents are going to beat her up for getting pregnant. There is no history or statistics that indicate that this particular reaction to a teen pregnancy(parental abuse) happens in any measurable way, including the 38 states that have laws requiring either parental notification or consent.

    There was just a case in Sacramento where a girl was impregnated by her step-father and had a late term abortion, that her mother only discovered accidentally. This man is now being charged with rape, but without the mother being notified, she would not have had any idea what was happening to her daughter except for the accidental discovery. How many girls are being abused by teachers, ministers, youth leaders or other older men and getting abortions without their parents’ knowledge?

    In this day and age with the internet, and other communication technologies, the potential for girls getting in over their heads without their parents knowing what is going on is infinite.

    To make the claim that every ‘good’ parent will know every single thing their teen does is preposterous. My daughter is very open with me, open enough to tell me that “nobody tells their mom everything”.

    Sexual abuse is well known to be something that any child has difficulty revealing. The one thing that every good parent would do if their daughter had to tell them she was pregnant is ask who the father was. If it was her same age boyfriend, they would most likely call his parents, so then his parents would know what was going on with him, as well. And despite the fact that this proposition is being promoted by pro-lifers, the fact is that probably more parents would be likely to ‘force’ a girl to have an abortion than to ‘force’ her to have a baby.

    The most important feature of this bill however, is that if their daughter is pregnant by someone who is an adult (the most common scenario for pregnant teens by the way) They will be able to deal with that adult appropriately.

    No abortion provider, no matter how well motivated can know what any one girl’s daily life is like the way her parents do. Even if the provider were to ask who the father was, they would have no way of following up on it, unless the girl revealed the abuse. And we already know this is unlikely. A girl who would conceal her pregnancy from her parents is not going to have a problem with concealing who her sexual partner is from complete strangers at a clinic.

    Many teens I have talked with have told me that if a girl had an abortion and did not tell her parents, this would cause such a huge obstacle to communication in the future that they thought it would destroy the girl’s relationship with her parents. So, if we consider a 15 year old girl who does not want to tell her parents she is pregnant because she does not want to disappoint them, or even have them disapprove of her, she does not want to lose their respect or trust, is not going to tell them if she does not have to. Just as she would rather not have to tell them she wrecked the car, or has an “F” in history. But the consequences of not telling them of this gravity that she is in a sexual relationship and has gotten pregnant are something she is really too young to predict.

    The opponents of this proposition are proposing that the vast majority of parents do not love their children and want what is best for them. This is really sick thinking. People who abuse their children need to be discovered and prosecuted, but hiding serious situations from all parents because some parent somewhere might be abusive is much more likely to lead to harm for these girls.

    Parents cannot intervene and fulfill their responsibility as parents without having reasonable access to information. If my daughter gets drunk in public, I expect the police to let me know so that I can help her. I don’t really expect that if she gets drunk at a party, she is going to be likely to tell me if she doesn’t have to. I don’t think this makes me a bad parent.

    Many teen girls get involved with older men and don’t realize how the relationship is going to damage them psychologically in the future but they do know their parents would not approve and so they hide it. The scenario of the adult who is sexually abusing a teen girl, getting away with it because he can take her in for an abortion is much more likely and much more damaging than the girl whose parents get mad at her for being pregnant.

    Let parents be parents. If the state wants to take over my parenting responsibilities by providing the funding for my daughter to have an abortion without me even being notified, then let them take the rest of the responsibility too. I could use the money!

  3. “Second, I agree that teens need to include their parents in their decisions. That’s why they are minors.”

    Maybe this is just grammatically confusing, but teens are not minors because they should include their parents in their decisions, they are minors because they are generally and legally understood to be dependent upon their parents for food, shelter and most of their other needs, including guidance regarding their physical and moral health and development. I am surprised that the ACLU would take the position that people do not have the right to guide their children in the direction they think best.

    This proposition is not about creating good communication in families. It is the task of every adolescent to individuate and separate from their parents. They are in the process of becoming independent, but they are not independent just yet. It is important for them to have private areas of their lives, things they do not share with their parents. They are also testing boundaries and doing things that they know their parents would disapprove of, such as drinking, experimenting with recreational drugs, etc. No teen that I know of wants to tell their parents that they have wrecked the family car, but we do not have a law protecting them from telling their parents about it when they do. We do have laws against child abuse. This proposition gives specific legal protection for the girl who fears any kind of parental retribution. Since Planned Parenthood is able to provide teens with abortions, there is no reason why they cannot provide the counseling and support for obtaining any judicial intervention deemed necessary.

    And this is the real reason for this law. It is far more likely that a teen is in a situation where she is being sexually abused than it is that her parents are going to beat her up for getting pregnant. There is no history or statistics that indicate that this particular reaction to a teen pregnancy(parental abuse) happens in any measurable way, including the 38 states that have laws requiring either parental notification or consent.

    There was just a case in Sacramento where a girl was impregnated by her step-father and had a late term abortion, that her mother only discovered accidentally. This man is now being charged with rape, but without the mother being notified, she would not have had any idea what was happening to her daughter except for the accidental discovery. How many girls are being abused by teachers, ministers, youth leaders or other older men and getting abortions without their parents’ knowledge?

    In this day and age with the internet, and other communication technologies, the potential for girls getting in over their heads without their parents knowing what is going on is infinite.

    To make the claim that every ‘good’ parent will know every single thing their teen does is preposterous. My daughter is very open with me, open enough to tell me that “nobody tells their mom everything”.

    Sexual abuse is well known to be something that any child has difficulty revealing. The one thing that every good parent would do if their daughter had to tell them she was pregnant is ask who the father was. If it was her same age boyfriend, they would most likely call his parents, so then his parents would know what was going on with him, as well. And despite the fact that this proposition is being promoted by pro-lifers, the fact is that probably more parents would be likely to ‘force’ a girl to have an abortion than to ‘force’ her to have a baby.

    The most important feature of this bill however, is that if their daughter is pregnant by someone who is an adult (the most common scenario for pregnant teens by the way) They will be able to deal with that adult appropriately.

    No abortion provider, no matter how well motivated can know what any one girl’s daily life is like the way her parents do. Even if the provider were to ask who the father was, they would have no way of following up on it, unless the girl revealed the abuse. And we already know this is unlikely. A girl who would conceal her pregnancy from her parents is not going to have a problem with concealing who her sexual partner is from complete strangers at a clinic.

    Many teens I have talked with have told me that if a girl had an abortion and did not tell her parents, this would cause such a huge obstacle to communication in the future that they thought it would destroy the girl’s relationship with her parents. So, if we consider a 15 year old girl who does not want to tell her parents she is pregnant because she does not want to disappoint them, or even have them disapprove of her, she does not want to lose their respect or trust, is not going to tell them if she does not have to. Just as she would rather not have to tell them she wrecked the car, or has an “F” in history. But the consequences of not telling them of this gravity that she is in a sexual relationship and has gotten pregnant are something she is really too young to predict.

    The opponents of this proposition are proposing that the vast majority of parents do not love their children and want what is best for them. This is really sick thinking. People who abuse their children need to be discovered and prosecuted, but hiding serious situations from all parents because some parent somewhere might be abusive is much more likely to lead to harm for these girls.

    Parents cannot intervene and fulfill their responsibility as parents without having reasonable access to information. If my daughter gets drunk in public, I expect the police to let me know so that I can help her. I don’t really expect that if she gets drunk at a party, she is going to be likely to tell me if she doesn’t have to. I don’t think this makes me a bad parent.

    Many teen girls get involved with older men and don’t realize how the relationship is going to damage them psychologically in the future but they do know their parents would not approve and so they hide it. The scenario of the adult who is sexually abusing a teen girl, getting away with it because he can take her in for an abortion is much more likely and much more damaging than the girl whose parents get mad at her for being pregnant.

    Let parents be parents. If the state wants to take over my parenting responsibilities by providing the funding for my daughter to have an abortion without me even being notified, then let them take the rest of the responsibility too. I could use the money!

  4. “Second, I agree that teens need to include their parents in their decisions. That’s why they are minors.”

    Maybe this is just grammatically confusing, but teens are not minors because they should include their parents in their decisions, they are minors because they are generally and legally understood to be dependent upon their parents for food, shelter and most of their other needs, including guidance regarding their physical and moral health and development. I am surprised that the ACLU would take the position that people do not have the right to guide their children in the direction they think best.

    This proposition is not about creating good communication in families. It is the task of every adolescent to individuate and separate from their parents. They are in the process of becoming independent, but they are not independent just yet. It is important for them to have private areas of their lives, things they do not share with their parents. They are also testing boundaries and doing things that they know their parents would disapprove of, such as drinking, experimenting with recreational drugs, etc. No teen that I know of wants to tell their parents that they have wrecked the family car, but we do not have a law protecting them from telling their parents about it when they do. We do have laws against child abuse. This proposition gives specific legal protection for the girl who fears any kind of parental retribution. Since Planned Parenthood is able to provide teens with abortions, there is no reason why they cannot provide the counseling and support for obtaining any judicial intervention deemed necessary.

    And this is the real reason for this law. It is far more likely that a teen is in a situation where she is being sexually abused than it is that her parents are going to beat her up for getting pregnant. There is no history or statistics that indicate that this particular reaction to a teen pregnancy(parental abuse) happens in any measurable way, including the 38 states that have laws requiring either parental notification or consent.

    There was just a case in Sacramento where a girl was impregnated by her step-father and had a late term abortion, that her mother only discovered accidentally. This man is now being charged with rape, but without the mother being notified, she would not have had any idea what was happening to her daughter except for the accidental discovery. How many girls are being abused by teachers, ministers, youth leaders or other older men and getting abortions without their parents’ knowledge?

    In this day and age with the internet, and other communication technologies, the potential for girls getting in over their heads without their parents knowing what is going on is infinite.

    To make the claim that every ‘good’ parent will know every single thing their teen does is preposterous. My daughter is very open with me, open enough to tell me that “nobody tells their mom everything”.

    Sexual abuse is well known to be something that any child has difficulty revealing. The one thing that every good parent would do if their daughter had to tell them she was pregnant is ask who the father was. If it was her same age boyfriend, they would most likely call his parents, so then his parents would know what was going on with him, as well. And despite the fact that this proposition is being promoted by pro-lifers, the fact is that probably more parents would be likely to ‘force’ a girl to have an abortion than to ‘force’ her to have a baby.

    The most important feature of this bill however, is that if their daughter is pregnant by someone who is an adult (the most common scenario for pregnant teens by the way) They will be able to deal with that adult appropriately.

    No abortion provider, no matter how well motivated can know what any one girl’s daily life is like the way her parents do. Even if the provider were to ask who the father was, they would have no way of following up on it, unless the girl revealed the abuse. And we already know this is unlikely. A girl who would conceal her pregnancy from her parents is not going to have a problem with concealing who her sexual partner is from complete strangers at a clinic.

    Many teens I have talked with have told me that if a girl had an abortion and did not tell her parents, this would cause such a huge obstacle to communication in the future that they thought it would destroy the girl’s relationship with her parents. So, if we consider a 15 year old girl who does not want to tell her parents she is pregnant because she does not want to disappoint them, or even have them disapprove of her, she does not want to lose their respect or trust, is not going to tell them if she does not have to. Just as she would rather not have to tell them she wrecked the car, or has an “F” in history. But the consequences of not telling them of this gravity that she is in a sexual relationship and has gotten pregnant are something she is really too young to predict.

    The opponents of this proposition are proposing that the vast majority of parents do not love their children and want what is best for them. This is really sick thinking. People who abuse their children need to be discovered and prosecuted, but hiding serious situations from all parents because some parent somewhere might be abusive is much more likely to lead to harm for these girls.

    Parents cannot intervene and fulfill their responsibility as parents without having reasonable access to information. If my daughter gets drunk in public, I expect the police to let me know so that I can help her. I don’t really expect that if she gets drunk at a party, she is going to be likely to tell me if she doesn’t have to. I don’t think this makes me a bad parent.

    Many teen girls get involved with older men and don’t realize how the relationship is going to damage them psychologically in the future but they do know their parents would not approve and so they hide it. The scenario of the adult who is sexually abusing a teen girl, getting away with it because he can take her in for an abortion is much more likely and much more damaging than the girl whose parents get mad at her for being pregnant.

    Let parents be parents. If the state wants to take over my parenting responsibilities by providing the funding for my daughter to have an abortion without me even being notified, then let them take the rest of the responsibility too. I could use the money!

  5. I know of a case in which a pregnant young girl, with her “friend” who was brought along for moral support, trekked to the nearest set of railroad tracks. The pregnant girl drank as much vodka as possible, then laid down on the tracks, and waited for a train to run her over. The train did.

    Had a parental notification law been in effect, someone in the know about this child’s pregnancy might have been forced to report it – and perhaps could have talked her out of what she saw as her only way out. If the baby’s father was a close relative of the pregnant girl or was her own dad, then some trusted adult could have counseled her. She needed some adult advice, not the moral support of another mixed up kid.

    To me, parental notification laws are a no-brainer. Parents need to be told what is going on in their child’s lives when what it is is so extreme, and whatever it is will effect them in profound ways. I don’t find the arguments against parental notification very compelling or persuasive at all.

    I think it is far more likely good will come from parental notification, than from the rare instances it might cause a problem. I’ll go with the the method that involves the lesser risk.

    Let’s face it, this has become a political issue. Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way. They fight any limitation, no matter how reasonable, tooth and nail. They see parental notification as an attempt at undoing Roe v Wade, instead of looking at it for what it is – a reasonable safeguard for pregnant children who do not always have the maturity to make informed or wise decisions.

    I would almost guarantee you the parents of the dead girl I mentioned wished with all their hearts they had been told about her pregnancy before she chose to take her life. There may have been harsh words, an “I told you so” or two, but the parents most likely would have figured out what was in the best interests of the child – and it would not have been suicide by train. If parents were not supportive or abusive, a parental notification law would have steered her towards other assistance. Her choice was a desperate uninformed one. How incredibly sad…

  6. I know of a case in which a pregnant young girl, with her “friend” who was brought along for moral support, trekked to the nearest set of railroad tracks. The pregnant girl drank as much vodka as possible, then laid down on the tracks, and waited for a train to run her over. The train did.

    Had a parental notification law been in effect, someone in the know about this child’s pregnancy might have been forced to report it – and perhaps could have talked her out of what she saw as her only way out. If the baby’s father was a close relative of the pregnant girl or was her own dad, then some trusted adult could have counseled her. She needed some adult advice, not the moral support of another mixed up kid.

    To me, parental notification laws are a no-brainer. Parents need to be told what is going on in their child’s lives when what it is is so extreme, and whatever it is will effect them in profound ways. I don’t find the arguments against parental notification very compelling or persuasive at all.

    I think it is far more likely good will come from parental notification, than from the rare instances it might cause a problem. I’ll go with the the method that involves the lesser risk.

    Let’s face it, this has become a political issue. Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way. They fight any limitation, no matter how reasonable, tooth and nail. They see parental notification as an attempt at undoing Roe v Wade, instead of looking at it for what it is – a reasonable safeguard for pregnant children who do not always have the maturity to make informed or wise decisions.

    I would almost guarantee you the parents of the dead girl I mentioned wished with all their hearts they had been told about her pregnancy before she chose to take her life. There may have been harsh words, an “I told you so” or two, but the parents most likely would have figured out what was in the best interests of the child – and it would not have been suicide by train. If parents were not supportive or abusive, a parental notification law would have steered her towards other assistance. Her choice was a desperate uninformed one. How incredibly sad…

  7. I know of a case in which a pregnant young girl, with her “friend” who was brought along for moral support, trekked to the nearest set of railroad tracks. The pregnant girl drank as much vodka as possible, then laid down on the tracks, and waited for a train to run her over. The train did.

    Had a parental notification law been in effect, someone in the know about this child’s pregnancy might have been forced to report it – and perhaps could have talked her out of what she saw as her only way out. If the baby’s father was a close relative of the pregnant girl or was her own dad, then some trusted adult could have counseled her. She needed some adult advice, not the moral support of another mixed up kid.

    To me, parental notification laws are a no-brainer. Parents need to be told what is going on in their child’s lives when what it is is so extreme, and whatever it is will effect them in profound ways. I don’t find the arguments against parental notification very compelling or persuasive at all.

    I think it is far more likely good will come from parental notification, than from the rare instances it might cause a problem. I’ll go with the the method that involves the lesser risk.

    Let’s face it, this has become a political issue. Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way. They fight any limitation, no matter how reasonable, tooth and nail. They see parental notification as an attempt at undoing Roe v Wade, instead of looking at it for what it is – a reasonable safeguard for pregnant children who do not always have the maturity to make informed or wise decisions.

    I would almost guarantee you the parents of the dead girl I mentioned wished with all their hearts they had been told about her pregnancy before she chose to take her life. There may have been harsh words, an “I told you so” or two, but the parents most likely would have figured out what was in the best interests of the child – and it would not have been suicide by train. If parents were not supportive or abusive, a parental notification law would have steered her towards other assistance. Her choice was a desperate uninformed one. How incredibly sad…

  8. I know of a case in which a pregnant young girl, with her “friend” who was brought along for moral support, trekked to the nearest set of railroad tracks. The pregnant girl drank as much vodka as possible, then laid down on the tracks, and waited for a train to run her over. The train did.

    Had a parental notification law been in effect, someone in the know about this child’s pregnancy might have been forced to report it – and perhaps could have talked her out of what she saw as her only way out. If the baby’s father was a close relative of the pregnant girl or was her own dad, then some trusted adult could have counseled her. She needed some adult advice, not the moral support of another mixed up kid.

    To me, parental notification laws are a no-brainer. Parents need to be told what is going on in their child’s lives when what it is is so extreme, and whatever it is will effect them in profound ways. I don’t find the arguments against parental notification very compelling or persuasive at all.

    I think it is far more likely good will come from parental notification, than from the rare instances it might cause a problem. I’ll go with the the method that involves the lesser risk.

    Let’s face it, this has become a political issue. Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way. They fight any limitation, no matter how reasonable, tooth and nail. They see parental notification as an attempt at undoing Roe v Wade, instead of looking at it for what it is – a reasonable safeguard for pregnant children who do not always have the maturity to make informed or wise decisions.

    I would almost guarantee you the parents of the dead girl I mentioned wished with all their hearts they had been told about her pregnancy before she chose to take her life. There may have been harsh words, an “I told you so” or two, but the parents most likely would have figured out what was in the best interests of the child – and it would not have been suicide by train. If parents were not supportive or abusive, a parental notification law would have steered her towards other assistance. Her choice was a desperate uninformed one. How incredibly sad…

  9. “What I would like to see rather than this type of legislation which is a band-aid at best for the types of problems raised by both opponents and supporters of the measure, is legislation that would create real resources to help teens even before they become pregnant. Real resources to help families come together, real resources to enable parents to become more involved in their children’s lives, so that we do not get the point of the abortion choice. That is the legislation I will support.”

    You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.

    How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.

    Parents need to know if their daughter has become pregnant, to help her make a more mature decision than the one she made getting pregnant out of wedlock. I would rather take the chance on notifying the parents, than worry about some vague possibility the parent might be engaging in incest or may be abusive.

  10. “Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way.”

    Who are pro-abortionists, it seems like you are painting with a pretty broad brush here?

  11. “What I would like to see rather than this type of legislation which is a band-aid at best for the types of problems raised by both opponents and supporters of the measure, is legislation that would create real resources to help teens even before they become pregnant. Real resources to help families come together, real resources to enable parents to become more involved in their children’s lives, so that we do not get the point of the abortion choice. That is the legislation I will support.”

    You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.

    How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.

    Parents need to know if their daughter has become pregnant, to help her make a more mature decision than the one she made getting pregnant out of wedlock. I would rather take the chance on notifying the parents, than worry about some vague possibility the parent might be engaging in incest or may be abusive.

  12. “Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way.”

    Who are pro-abortionists, it seems like you are painting with a pretty broad brush here?

  13. “What I would like to see rather than this type of legislation which is a band-aid at best for the types of problems raised by both opponents and supporters of the measure, is legislation that would create real resources to help teens even before they become pregnant. Real resources to help families come together, real resources to enable parents to become more involved in their children’s lives, so that we do not get the point of the abortion choice. That is the legislation I will support.”

    You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.

    How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.

    Parents need to know if their daughter has become pregnant, to help her make a more mature decision than the one she made getting pregnant out of wedlock. I would rather take the chance on notifying the parents, than worry about some vague possibility the parent might be engaging in incest or may be abusive.

  14. “Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way.”

    Who are pro-abortionists, it seems like you are painting with a pretty broad brush here?

  15. “What I would like to see rather than this type of legislation which is a band-aid at best for the types of problems raised by both opponents and supporters of the measure, is legislation that would create real resources to help teens even before they become pregnant. Real resources to help families come together, real resources to enable parents to become more involved in their children’s lives, so that we do not get the point of the abortion choice. That is the legislation I will support.”

    You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.

    How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.

    Parents need to know if their daughter has become pregnant, to help her make a more mature decision than the one she made getting pregnant out of wedlock. I would rather take the chance on notifying the parents, than worry about some vague possibility the parent might be engaging in incest or may be abusive.

  16. “Pro abortionists don’t want a woman’s right to choose limited in any way.”

    Who are pro-abortionists, it seems like you are painting with a pretty broad brush here?

  17. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? “

    I wasn’t talking about sex at all in that excerpt you pulled out of my blog entry. I’m talking about families and family services. By the time it gets down to sex and communication about sex, it is too far gone.

  18. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? “

    I wasn’t talking about sex at all in that excerpt you pulled out of my blog entry. I’m talking about families and family services. By the time it gets down to sex and communication about sex, it is too far gone.

  19. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? “

    I wasn’t talking about sex at all in that excerpt you pulled out of my blog entry. I’m talking about families and family services. By the time it gets down to sex and communication about sex, it is too far gone.

  20. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? “

    I wasn’t talking about sex at all in that excerpt you pulled out of my blog entry. I’m talking about families and family services. By the time it gets down to sex and communication about sex, it is too far gone.

  21. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.”

    I won’t deny that these things happen, but I seriously think you exaggerate the level and frequency of these activities.

    Are you just trying to provoke more blog discussion by offering exaggerations?

    “How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.”

    Wow! You seem to have a rather lurid interest in the sexual behavior of others.

    Do you disapprove of condom use? What if those condoms are being used by married couples?

    You seem to imply this rampant hedonism is taking place right here in Davis. Could you offer some statistics to show that this is huge and growing local problem?

  22. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.”

    I won’t deny that these things happen, but I seriously think you exaggerate the level and frequency of these activities.

    Are you just trying to provoke more blog discussion by offering exaggerations?

    “How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.”

    Wow! You seem to have a rather lurid interest in the sexual behavior of others.

    Do you disapprove of condom use? What if those condoms are being used by married couples?

    You seem to imply this rampant hedonism is taking place right here in Davis. Could you offer some statistics to show that this is huge and growing local problem?

  23. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.”

    I won’t deny that these things happen, but I seriously think you exaggerate the level and frequency of these activities.

    Are you just trying to provoke more blog discussion by offering exaggerations?

    “How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.”

    Wow! You seem to have a rather lurid interest in the sexual behavior of others.

    Do you disapprove of condom use? What if those condoms are being used by married couples?

    You seem to imply this rampant hedonism is taking place right here in Davis. Could you offer some statistics to show that this is huge and growing local problem?

  24. “You mean like abstinence? Or condom training? The problem is that current sex ed programs in schools teach kids how to use a condom. The television and movies promote promiscuity. Porn is everywhere. You have actresses who think the only way to make it in the acting industry is through the casting couch. Prom night is all about trading sex for the price of a prom ticket. Parents raising children these days, who want to teach their children right from wrong, have a difficult time competing with all the mixed messages being sent out.”

    I won’t deny that these things happen, but I seriously think you exaggerate the level and frequency of these activities.

    Are you just trying to provoke more blog discussion by offering exaggerations?

    “How many college kids do you know are engaging freely in sex? The sewer plant is filled with white balloons – condoms filled w sewer gasses in a college town. Sex has become like a handshake for many kids and young adults. Young girls now have performed oral sex on a school bus, and dirty dancing is the norm at proms.”

    Wow! You seem to have a rather lurid interest in the sexual behavior of others.

    Do you disapprove of condom use? What if those condoms are being used by married couples?

    You seem to imply this rampant hedonism is taking place right here in Davis. Could you offer some statistics to show that this is huge and growing local problem?

  25. Most teenagers do not live in abusive situations. I understand the argument for protecting the teenager in some cases, but in most cases communication with parents should be encouraged, not denied.

  26. Most teenagers do not live in abusive situations. I understand the argument for protecting the teenager in some cases, but in most cases communication with parents should be encouraged, not denied.

  27. Most teenagers do not live in abusive situations. I understand the argument for protecting the teenager in some cases, but in most cases communication with parents should be encouraged, not denied.

  28. Most teenagers do not live in abusive situations. I understand the argument for protecting the teenager in some cases, but in most cases communication with parents should be encouraged, not denied.

  29. Communication with parents should be encouraged, not mandated. The problem is that pregnant teens who are too scared to talk to their parents will try to abort by themselves, or use a back-alley service (remember those??), or run away from home.

  30. Communication with parents should be encouraged, not mandated. The problem is that pregnant teens who are too scared to talk to their parents will try to abort by themselves, or use a back-alley service (remember those??), or run away from home.

  31. Communication with parents should be encouraged, not mandated. The problem is that pregnant teens who are too scared to talk to their parents will try to abort by themselves, or use a back-alley service (remember those??), or run away from home.

  32. Communication with parents should be encouraged, not mandated. The problem is that pregnant teens who are too scared to talk to their parents will try to abort by themselves, or use a back-alley service (remember those??), or run away from home.