Applications for the 2014-15 Youth Leadership Davis class are now available. We expect another strong, compassionate group this year. Do you know Junior and Senior High School youth from the Davis area who would be a good match for this remarkable program?
Youth Leadership Davis (previously Youth Leadership Institute of Davis) is a year-long program that equips high school students to be community leaders through hands-on experience, skill building and education. YLD allows high school students to confront the vexing and controversial community life and health issues of our day.
Training and education includes interpersonal skills, mental health and addiction issues. As trained interns at Davis’ Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter, the high school students learn about the root causes of homelessness. They received intensive shelter training and certification in mental health first aid. Moral, ethical and spiritual reflection is a component of the program. However, YLD is a non-denominational program open to all high school students grade 10-12.
For more information: https://sites.google.com/site/youthleadershipdavis/ or contact Supervising Mentor/Trainer Mike Coleman 758-3952