Commentary: Inaccuracy on Nishi Affordables

A recent email from Eileen Samitz put out information that was blatantly inaccurate.  In addition to other more subjective claims, Ms. Samitz writes: “The deceptive and inadequate student only “affordable housing” proposal would be run and managed by the landlords. So unlike standard practice, with there is State or Federal oversight of affordable housing programs, the Nishi 2.0 landlord would get to make the selection of which get to be considered for the student ‘affordable housing.'”

What she writes is simply a falsehood.  The city of Davis has its own Affordable Housing program, with an office that you can call or email.

Nishi’s affordable housing is no different than any other in the city.  They have an annual review and can take it over if the landlords do not comply with the provisions.  Moreover, even for standard or traditional affordable housing, the city itself is the compliance agency, not the state or the federal government.

The Nishi affordable housing program is governed by the Development Agreement.

At the very bottom of Page 59 of the Development Agreement, it is titled, “Reporting for Affordable Beds.”

Here the city lays it out: “Developer will provide an annual report to the City of Davis demonstrating compliance with this program.”

There are also claims that in case the landlords fail to find suitable tenants to qualify for affordable housing, they can rent the affordable units at market rate.

It is important that people read these agreements as they lay out the conditions of approval.

Here on page 60 of the agreement it clearly states: “In the event that Developer fails to lease all of the Affordable Beds in any year, after diligent efforts, Developer will pay the City of Davis’ Housing Fund an amount equivalent to the difference between the total annual market rent and the rent for the Affordable Bed for each bed that is not rented to an Extremely Low or Very-Low Income student, as applicable for that year, and may lease those beds at market rate.”

So the answer here is yes – they can rent at market rate, but not as a benefit to the developer, as they will then have to pay the city the difference in the rent which would go into the affordable housing fund.

But, more than that, there are provisions that if the developer fails to fully rent the required number of beds for two consecutive years, the city in effect can take over the affordable housing project.

In the regulatory agreement: “The required number of Affordable Beds shall be maintained and rented in the Nishi Multifamily Units in perpetuity and shall be implemented through a Regulatory Agreement and Restrictive Covenants…”

The idea that the city has allowed the developers some sort of benefit here is completely false.  The idea that there is state or federal oversight into local affordable housing is also false.

The irony is that both Nishi and Lincoln40 are on the cutting edge of providing affordable housing to students.  Those who argue that this project is a benefit to developers are losing sight of the fact that, under normal conditions, students would not even being able to rent affordable housing.

Eileen Samitz makes the argument again, “On top of that only students being allowed access to the 15% ‘affordable’ beds. Meanwhile, the City’s long-term ordinance has required 35% affordable housing in multi-family housing for years.”

As we pointed out previously, why can’t Nishi get to 35 percent? For fun, I did a back-of-the-envelope calculation as to what it would cost.

Part of the problem here is that the affordable component, as it is set up, has to be internally and privately subsidized.  That means that market rate renters are basically subsidizing the reduction in costs.

I calculated, based on the difference between the market rate units and affordable units, that to get to 35 percent it would cost the property owners about $1.8 million annually.  In this case, it is not a matter of building the units – the units will be built regardless, it is a matter of recouping the difference between market and affordable units on an ongoing basis.

Back in February, The council asked Aaron Latta, who has emerged as one of the leaders in the student housing fight, for his perspective and the student perspective on the Nishi affordable proposal.

He said, “At the bottom line, any level of affordability for students is a good thing.  This is the second project that exists that has it.”

He pointed out, “Every single one of these numbers are people, but if we don’t get this project passed, it’s that many more people without an affordable place to live.”

Mr. Latta said that the affordable housing plan for Nishi was “beyond my expectations” and he was “amazed by the affordable housing plan for Lincoln40.”

The reason the students aren’t complaining about 15 versus 35 percent is that they know, without this project, they would get no affordable housing.

As a Cal Works eligibility worker pointed out, the panelist who is a single mother and living at Solano Park has limited options for attending UC Davis.  The family can either live in Solano Park – under apparently intolerable conditions, provided that they are accepted – or they can live outside of Davis, commute, and incur even greater transportation and childcare costs.

There are thus very limited options for students who need affordable housing.

—David M. Greenwald reporting

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  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. There are no housing subsidies planned at Nishi. The owners/developers are simply making less money from 15% of the residents.

    There will be parking subsidies at Nishi if the majority of residents are paying part of the cost of the parking spots only used by a minority.

  2. I have believed that the reason students were not included in “Affordable Housing” was that it was all but impossible to tell what a younger student’s “income” was since it is difficult to know how much they are really being subsidized by their family (relative to another student’s income / family subsidy).

    I don’t understand how the programs at Nishi or Lincoln40 get around that.

    Can anyone explain that?

    1. Here is the HUD standard: “For a student to be determined eligible for low-income housing, she must demonstrate her independence from parents. The student is required to be of legal contract age under state law and have established a separate household from her parents for at least one year prior to submitting a housing application. The student also cannot be claimed as a dependent on IRS income tax returns and she must obtain a certification of how much financial assistance is provided by a parent, even if there is none provided. Any financial aid provided from the institution of higher education or private sources will be used to calculate income unless the student is over the age of 23 and has a dependent child.”

  3. Here is the development agreement:

    Full-time students who have not been claimed as an income tax dependent by any individual for the tax year immediately preceding application to the program may qualify by verifying financial independence and by demonstrating that the full-time student’s income does not exceed Very-Low Income or Extremely Low Income for a single person household, as applicable to the Affordable Bed for Yolo County.

    i. Verifying Financially Independent Status: Financially independent full-time students must be able to demonstrate that they are not claimed as a dependent on anyone else’s tax return and show financial self-sufficient status by means of verifying documentation such as tax returns and W-2s, and additional information to demonstrate financial independence.

    ii. Verifying Low Income Status: The full-time student or non-student must document his or her income by means of verifying documentation such as tax returns, W-2s, FAFSA documentation, bank statements, etc. “Income” shall be defined as set forth in 25 Cal. Code Regs §6914. Developer shall be responsible for developing written procedures for verification of income status consistent with the Fair Housing Laws, this Affordable Housing Plan and the Regulatory Agreement to be recorded against the Nishi Multifamily Units…

  4. I just heard about this article since, like so many others I know, I have stopped reading the Vanguard for many reasons including its lack of objectivity and fairness in discussion. Also, I emailed David a while ago explaining that he was not on my email list and he was not to be using my emails, even if they are forwarded to him by someone. He can always call me and ask for clarification if he does not understand something.

     On this issue the point I made is not inaccurate.  First, as I said, the Nishi “affordable housing program” is not being overseen by a state or federal agency, as most are and where there is very rigid accountability of assuring the housing units are going to the people who qualify. In the case of Nishi, if the landlords can not find a student that qualifies, then the “bed” goes for market rate the difference in rent goes to the City’s affordable housing fund. This is not a “regular” policy in standard affordable housing. Second, affordable housing projects are not supposed to limited to students only. This issue has been raise all along. Third, the City is pretty overwhelmed as it is, and has had its difficulties with trying to do affordable housing oversight as well. For instance, there was the scandal in south Davis where in El Macero II project in the late 1990’s where the affordable homes wound up being sold to the developer’s relatives. Also, the many Wildhorse Ranch affordable homes that should have had limited equity conditions to help build an affordable housing fund when sold by owners, and instead were sold with massive windfalls going to the first owners. Fourth, I find it ironic that of all people, that David you would be arguing against more affordable housing with the reduction of affordable housing from 35% to 15%. You are one of the people who have benefited by the former 35% policy.

    So, I am signing off and, like so many others, I not really interested in posting on the Vanguard because of the rancor and lack of fairness or respect in the discussion.

     And I would ask David that you please respect other people’s communications, and if you have a question about something I have communicated to others that you may hear about, instead of writing an article about it, please contact me by phone or email for any clarifications.

    1. One the issue of emails, once you hit send, you basically lose control over their content and they are in effect in the public realm and fair game. There is nothing proprietary or privileged about the communication. That’s especially true if you are putting inaccurate information out there – and both the email and this response are inaccurate.

      The irony of her post is Eileen cites the Wildhorse Ranch affordable housing scandal. In that case, the city failed to insure that affordable houses remained affordable in perpetuity. Did the state or federal government step in to oversee it or sanction city employees when they profited from the scandal? No. Nothing happened. The state and federal government do not oversee local affordable projects, the city does. There is no difference between how this program is administered and how other affordable programs are administered in this city. It is unfortunate that Eileen doesn’t want to engage here, because I would ask her to offer some sort of proof on this point. I cited the development agreement, she’s not cited anything in support of her view.

      On 35%, that’s a political issue, but again I would point out that most of the city’s affordable housing was funded under RDA or as land dedication sites. DACHA was a standalone project, it was not funded under the city’s 35% affordable housing policy. Students would be ineligible for housing under most traditional programs. And private financing to 35% would be prohibitive in cost.

    2. Interesting that Eileen tells David “not to be using my emails” it must be nice when she can make stuff up and only sent it to people who believe it and never call her out on it (it must be an email list of out of touch people since anyone who has spent any time in the El Macero Estates area of South East Davis North of El Macero knows that it probably has 35% of the homes “worth over $1 million” but is not even close to having 35% “affordable” homes apartments and condos)…


      1. Actually it was Simmons Estates (scandal)… but facts don’t matter… (north of El Macero, sw corner of El Macero Estates…)  we’re seeing ‘false facts’ a lot… here, statewide and nationally… and some of the ‘false facts’ are denials of true facts… it is what it is… or, what is pretended to be…

        Why am I thinking Lewis Caroll and Alice?

  5. David:

    I disagree with your assertion that emails not sent to you or the Vanguard are in “fair game”.  How would you like it, if your personal emails were being unexpectedly publicly broadcast?
    Per Eileen’s comment above, she has already asked you (privately, and now publically) to not publish emails (or sections thereof) that are not sent to you or the Vanguard.  She has invited you to contact her directly, if you “mysteriously” come across one that causes you concern.  Why didn’t you do so, before attempting to discredit her publicly (and without her advance knowledge), regarding an issue that she has already explained?
    I saw this article yesterday, and noticed that there were already nasty, personal comments being made.  (Before there was even a response, from Eileen.)  Fortunately, these have since been removed.  But, your article encouraged these types of comments in the first place.  Is this really what you want to encourage?

    Is the Vanguard so short of original ideas that it has to resort to this?  

    1. “How would you like it, if your personal emails were being unexpectedly publicly broadcast?”

      That wasn’t a personal email. But I operate under the assumption whether it is sending out over 2000 Vanguard emails or sending out other emails that I have no control over them once I send it out. So I always make sure not to send something I wouldn’t want everyone to know about it.

      “She has invited you to contact her directly, if you “mysteriously” come across one that causes you concern. Why didn’t you do so, before attempting to discredit her publicly (and without her advance knowledge), regarding an issue that she has already explained?”

      Why would I do that? She didn’t ask me if her email was accurate before she sent it out probably to 1000 people or so, there are inaccuracies floating in the community and my article addrssed them.

      “Fortunately, these have since been removed. But, your article encouraged these types of comments in the first place. Is this really what you want to encourage?”

      No that’s why we removed the comments that were inappropriate.

      “Is the Vanguard so short of original ideas that it has to resort to this? ”

      Is there a policy discussion you would like to have regarding the facts here? That was the purpose of posting this article.

      1. David:  “Is there a policy discussion you would like to have regarding the facts here? That was the purpose of posting this article.”

        It seems pretty clear that the purpose of your article was to attack Eileen.  My concern is the lack of journalistic integrity regarding your article.


        1. It is interesting that when people don’t want the truth and like the “alternative facts” that often accuse the people telling the truth of “attacking” the person making stuff up…

        2. Other than stating that her email is inaccurate – which I believe is correct and you haven’t disputed – I fail to see anything that attacks her.  There is certainly no personal attack in there, other than mentioning her by name.

        3. Actually, I’m not seeing anything that’s inaccurate regarding the quoted sections from Eileen.  She has explained that.

          Taking someone else’s email (that was not addressed to you), and claiming that it’s “blatantly inaccurate” and featuring it as an article is a personal attack.


          1. Really you don’t see any inaccuracies?

            Let’s look at this again.

            “The deceptive and inadequate student only “affordable housing” proposal would be run and managed by the landlords. So unlike standard practice, with there is State or Federal oversight of affordable housing programs, the Nishi 2.0 landlord would get to make the selection of which get to be considered for the student ‘affordable housing.’”

            So what’s inaccurate?

            1. There is no State or Federal oversight of “standard” affordable housing programs. She presented no evidence to the contrary.

            2. The Nishi 2.0 landlord is managing the affordable housing but is audited by the city like any other project.

            When she was called on it, she sidetracked slightly by stating, ” the City is pretty overwhelmed as it is, and has had its difficulties with trying to do affordable housing oversight as well.” That’s quite a bit different from what she said originally. It’s also not accurate either, but not what she initially said.

            3. The statement “the Nishi 2.0 landlord would get to make the selection of which get to be considered for the student ‘affordable housing.’”” Implies something that is not true, what qualifies as an affordable housing is regulated by three factors: (1) the development agreement, (2) Fair Housing allocations which determine the rent, (3) Annual Audits.

            None of what she said is accurate and her explanation didn’t address any of this.

            I get that she’s butt-hurt to be called out on this, but if you are going to send out an email to hundreds of voters, you should expect to be held accountable for your inaccuracies.

        4. David:  “There is no State or Federal oversight of “standard” affordable housing programs. She presented no evidence to the contrary.”

          Your stating that the State and Federal government just “hand out” funds for Affordable housing, with no oversight at that level?  Really?  And, that it’s suddenly up to Eileen to “disprove that” in an article in which you hijacked a email, and perhaps doesn’t want to (or have time to) spend all day unwillingly arguing on the Vanguard?

          David:  “The statement “the Nishi 2.0 landlord would get to make the selection of which get to be considered for the student ‘affordable housing.’”” Implies something that is not true, what qualifies as an affordable housing is regulated by three factors: (1) the development agreement, (2) Fair Housing allocations which determine the rent, (3) Annual Audits.”

          Again, not seeing where that conflicts with what Eileen stated.  Not sure that the point of her original email was to explain all factors that comprise Affordable housing programs.

          David:  “I get that she’s butt-hurt to be called out on this, but if you are going to send out an email to hundreds of voters, you should expect to be held accountable for your inaccuracies.”

          I don’t know that she’s “butt-hurt”, as this entire article reflects more on the Vanguard’s reporting, than it does on Eileen.


        5. “Your stating that the State and Federal government just “hand out” funds for Affordable housing, with no oversight? Really? And, that it’s suddenly up to Eileen to “disprove that” in a article in which you hijacked a email, and perhaps doesn’t want to (or have time to) spend all day unwillingly arguing on the Vanguard?”

          If the state/ feds have oversight, you should be able to prove it. What I was told is that the local jurisdiction oversees local affordable housing and it makes sense because neither the state nor the feds have the resources to go into each community and monitor individual housing units.

        6. “Again, not seeing where that conflicts with what Eileen stated”

          Her statement implied that the landlord had complete control over who got into affordable housing.  That’s not accurate.  There are rules and a compliance mechanism.

        7. David:  Again, you’re moving well-beyond what Eileen actually stated.  And, I seriously doubt that there is no state and federal oversight of Affordable housing programs, e.g., in which they provide funding.

          I could take the time to confirm this, but I’m not particularly interested in debating this topic with you. Perhaps something you should do, if you’re attempting to “disprove” it. (And, perhaps something you should do, before alleging that someone is engaging in “blatant inaccuracies”.)

          I’m more concerned that you’re hijacking an email, and misrepresenting it. It is not the same as willingly engaging on the Vanguard (via submitted articles/comments).

        8. You keep saying you seriously doubt it – have you talked to anyone?  Looked it up?  Your serious doubts are not evidence.  I’ve spoken to people to who do this for a living who have told me that the local city is the enforcement agency for affordable housing.

        9. David:  You’re the one making an allegation, using a hijacked email from an unwilling participant.

          Suggest that YOU look it up, before alleging that someone is engaging in “blatant inaccuracies”.  I have yet to see a federal or state agency which doesn’t audit programs in which they provide funding. (And, that includes compliance audits.)



          1. You keep using the word hijack. That implies that we illegally obtained the email. It’s not like we hacked her account and leaked it to wikileaks to post on the internet. She sent it to 1000 people or so and it was in the public domain. People forward it. It’s fair game.

            “Suggest that YOU look it up, before alleging that someone is engaging in “blatant inaccuracies”. I have yet to see a federal or state agency which doesn’t audit programs in which they provide funding.”

            I did my homework, I gave you the answer I got. You haven’t. Neither did Eileen before sending it out.

        10. You sure like to use the word “imply”, when making allegations.

          One definition of “hijack” is to “take over something, and use it for a different purpose”.  (Just confirmed that, online.  But, cannot provide a link to it for some reason.)

          Regarding federal and state oversight, you’re again making an allegation against a person in which you haven’t done your homework, and are attempting to engage unwilling participants on the Vanguard. Not my idea of journalistic integrity.

          A lack of willingness, interest (or time) to research and/or comment on the Vanguard is not an “admission” or acknowledgement of a point.


          1. I talked to several affordable sites and asked them who oversaw their activities, and was told by them, the city. They would know.

        11. I can pretty much assure you that they would NOT necessarily know what state and federal agencies do, to monitor programs in which they provide funding. And, that includes compliance with regulations.

          Look up the responsibilities of the federal OIGs, for example. (And/or, perhaps the state auditor.)

  6. Hi Ron – it seems pretty odd that you would be attempting to debate David without having researched the facts.  I did a quick google search after reading your exchange and found it interesting that for New Harmony, the city used $7 million in RDA money (which they administer) and then $1.7 million in Federal HOME funds – but the city received it, which puts the city as the overseer of the affordable housing project.  It seems like very little effort on your part would have yielded a better understanding than you currently have.

    1. Craig:

      You’re making assumptions that because the city received the funding, then the agencies that actually provide the funding turn over all responsibilities to ensure compliance to the city.  And, that federal and state agencies perform no subsequent audits to ensure compliance. (That almost sounds like a recipe for potential corruption.)

      It seems that you’re jumping to a conclusion, without an understanding of how state and federal agencies monitor programs in which they provide funding.

      I have not looked up the specific responsibilities in this case, but again – David is making the allegation, here. And, he’s asking the wrong folks to confirm.

      If I were to research this, I’d probably start by looking at the responsibilities of the agencies that provide funding.


      1. I simply don’t understand how you can continue to argue without facts.  Pretty everything you’ve written on this subject has been an assumption and not based on research or evidence.

        1. I suspect that’s a bit different than overseeing local affordable housing, but I’m glad you finally did a little legwork.  The article doesn’t state it, but one has to wonder if someone filed a complaint to trigger the HUD investigation.

        2. Craig:  That was an example of a local (city-administered) affordable housing program.

          Again, David is the one who should research this (and from a correct/accurate source), before attacking a portion of a hijacked email.

          Perhaps kind of ironic, that David is actually the one who is incorrect on this. Sort of backfired on him.

        3. Not sure you’re really contradicting the point.  Are you saying that the city should always accept federal grants for housing so if they mess up, they can be audited by HUD?  yes, I’m being absurd.  I think you should go back to what she said in her email.  Is HUD monitoring and overseeing New Harmony to make sure that each unit is rented according to specifications or is the city doing that and HUD simply coming with an audit if a complaint is filed? Again, simply posting the article isn’t very helpful because it doesn’t give us real insight.  David claims to have talked with affordable housing sites who say that the city rather than the state or feds are the enforcement mechanism.  It may be that there are layers here, but that gets back to the question posed – is Nishi really that much different than most affordable housing sites in Davis that don’t have federal grants involved?  I don’t know.  I’m not expert.  But neither are you.

        4. Craig:  I provided an example of federal oversight of a local Affordable housing program in which the government provided funds, which you (and David) incorrectly suggested did not occur.

          Yes – I would call that a contradiction, from what you and David stated.

        5. I have not heard that the Federal Government is providing funds to the Nishi developers.  If this is the case why are we talking about properties on the East Coast that use government funds?

    2. Craig:  “I did a quick google search after reading your exchange and found it interesting that for New Harmony, the city used $7 million in RDA money (which they administer) and then $1.7 million in Federal HOME funds – but the city received it, which puts the city as the overseer of the affordable housing project.  It seems like very little effort on your part would have yielded a better understanding than you currently have.”

      Again, what part of “my understanding” was incorrect?  And, what was the point of your post?

      Would you feel better if I posted additional examples of federal oversight of (traditional) local Affordable housing programs?

      Regarding “leaving” the conversation, I’m not stopping you from doing so, if you choose. I had no intention of engaging in Affordable housing, in the first place. I was more concerned about the methods and incorrect information that David was putting out, based upon a section of a hijacked email from an unwilling participant.

  7. “A recent email from […] put out information that was blatantly inaccurate.”

    I haven’t read any of the comments above, so please accept my apologies if what I am saying here repeats something that has already been said.  I also have not seen, received, or read the e-mail in question.

    With that said, (1) the David’s sentence above is personal opinion, not fact. (2) the information presented in the e-mail is (more than likely) personal opinion, not fact, (3) the inclusion of the e-mail author’s name affects the tone of the article … and not for the good, (4) the article comes across as a political polemic rather than as a journalistic communication, and (5) I suspect (but do not know) that the e-mail was clearly labeled as political by its author.

    In my personal opinion this article is not one of the Vanguard’s finer moments.  In my personal opinion this article is symptomatic of the political polarization that is pervasive in our community, and the detrimental effect that polarization has had on the Vanguard.

    1. Matt:  “In my personal opinion this article is symptomatic of the political polarization that is pervasive in our community, and the detrimental effect that polarization has had on the Vanguard.”

      I agree, but would suggest that the polarization is partially caused and encouraged by the Vanguard.

    2. I thought Ron was bad when he often posts he does not have time to take a minute to look in to something (but somehow he has the time to post over ten times on a single topic) but for Matt (who has the time to create complex financial posts to say “I also have not seen, received, or read the e-mail in question” and “I haven’t read any of the comments above” then post about the email and comments is not one of his finer moments…

      How can anyone say “David’s sentence above is personal opinion, not fact.” without reading the e-mail?

      1. Ken:  Regarding my participation, this is what occurs when one allows oneself to get dragged into this nonsense, by those who put out misinformation and then challenge others to disprove it.  In other words, David has (partially) achieved his goal. (Congratulations, on that.)

        1. Ron you are up to 15 posts on this topic and (despite the link to a project in NJ that has nothing to do with Nishi) it looks like you still can’t post anything David wrote that is incorrect.

          P.S. I don’t think David’s “goal” was getting you to post 15 times or to get Matt to post about something he could not be bothered to read…

        2. Here’s #16, since you can apparently count, but cannot read what David claimed:

          David:  “There is no State or Federal oversight of “standard” affordable housing programs.”

          That is “blatantly incorrect”. And, somehow wasn’t clear enough to you, despite 15 comments.

          Recently, you also challenged me about something that was repeatedly/already clarified in an article, as well.

          Should we try for 17 comments, regarding the same topic? 🙂

  8. Eileen said, “the Nishi “affordable housing program” is not being overseen by a state or federal agency.”

    True. Single full time students do not qualify for programs overseen by state or federal agencies.

    affordable housing projects are not supposed to limited to students only.

    The ones funded by and being overseen by a state or federal agency are not limited to students only…yes, that’s true.

    the City is pretty overwhelmed as it is, and has had its difficulties with trying to do affordable housing oversight as well. (gives example of fraud 20 years ago where family members of developers bought for sale low income houses.)

    This fraud happened 20 years ago with for sale cheap houses, different staff, different council, not similar to lower cost bed rentals for students. She can ask Mike Harrington about it – it was discovered while he was on the Council, under his watch.

    Federal or State oversight?  Is she referring to the Section 8 housing program?  Single students do not qualify for that program, but even so, landlords still make the decision who they will rent to.  I think Eileen doesn’t understand how it works to be poor and trying to find housing when there is very little housing for anyone at any price.   I have students living out of their cars and spending the night in my building.  A bed near campus where they can walk to class will be such a relief.

  9. “A bed near campus where they can walk to class will be such a relief.”

    Or, on campus – where the rent for entire developments could theoretically be controlled/influenced by UCD (instead of a relative “handful” of beds).  And, wouldn’t require a half-baked proposal with questionable air quality, 700 parking spaces, and probable negative fiscal impacts to the city.  (Not to mention a lack of an innovation center component, to help offset costs.)

    If Nishi passes without an innovation center component, watch for the Vanguard and others to aggressively push for one, far from downtown and UCD (with housing). (Actually, that campaign has already started.)

    1. We’ve been pushing for one for nearly five years now. Regardless of Nishi. Did you ever read the Studio 30 report on the Dispersed Innovation Strategy?

      1. You’ll be pushing even harder, if Nishi passes without an innovation center component.

        As another commenter once said (regarding a similar subject), accommodating one problem in a poorly thought-out manner can create a “cascading series of (subsequent) problems”.

        There aren’t any other sites like Nishi (e.g., close to UCD, downtown, etc.).

        If a developer is simply trying to avoid costs (e.g., regarding air quality testing, and an adequate EIR), that’s not sufficient justification to support a less-than-ideal (current) proposal.  This is a permanent, major decision ultimately impacting all of Davis. (Not just the current student housing challenges, created solely and unilaterally by UCD.)

        In any case, it’s not likely that it would be built anytime soon, regardless of the election outcome.

        1. If there’s no innovation center component at Nishi, that will “justify” the push for one elsewhere.  (And, might even create a bigger need for one, due to the probably negative fiscal impacts of a housing-only development at Nishi.)

          I’m failing to see why an “Aggie Square” or World Food Center can’t be pursued there jointly, with UCD.  (Instead of building these proposals in Sacramento.) Access to the site could remain as currently proposed, through UCD.

          And, if air quality was actually tested on the site (and appropriately analyzed) as recommended long ago, perhaps it could include housing. (Not sure exactly when that recommendation was first made, but I think it was about 3 years ago, from what I’ve heard.)

          1. “If there’s no innovation center component at Nishi, that will “justify” the push for one elsewhere.”

            The need for an innovation center at MRIC or the NW Quadrant was predicated on the need for 200 acres. Nishi is considerably smaller and the Studio 30 report, while pushing for R&D at Nishi, did not anticipate that it would satisfy the need for innovation space.

            “I’m failing to see why an “Aggie Square” or World Food Center can’t be pursued there jointly, with UCD. (Instead of building these in Sacramento.)”

            Because UCD grew tired of waiting for Davis to overcome its land use squabbles.

          2. From the Studio 30 report on why Davis needs to pursue an innovation center not just Nishi:

            “The current isolated and dispersed sites that are available and appropriately zoned are not adequate in terms of size, location, or configuration (and related constraints) to address the emerging market need of an Innovation Center… Studio 30 estimates Davis could absorb up to 10 percent or around 100,000 square feet of the 1-1.5 million industrial/ office square footage absorbed annually in the Sacramento region. Because of this Studio 30 estimates Davis needs at least 200 acres for business development and expansion over a 20 +/- year time horizon.”

            This is central to understanding why developing Nishi was not going to be sufficient even through they saw it as “the best opportunity for the close-in/ incubator.” It didn’t have the space to address the need for larger businesses: “Though not sufficient to meet needs of midsized businesses it could serve as a catalyst for establishment of early phase companies and promote downtown business development.”

            Your comments are uninformed by this analysis and thus you are miscalculating