Silicon Valley reporter Susan Bassi, who is being criminally prosecuted by Santa Clara County District Attorney Jeff Rosen, has released a new video related to her criminal case. At the local level, the video has attained viral status, with more than 250,000 views.
Washington Post columnist Radley Balko featured Bassi’s case in his coverage of Rosen’s attempt to demonize and punish Santa Clara County deputy alternate public defender Sajid Khan for Khan’s blog posts about the role of prosecutors in perpetuating racial bias and police brutality.
Rosen ultimately backed down in the Khan controversy, but continues to prosecute Bassi on controversial charges related to taking photos and video of an alleged police misconduct incident in the public filing area of a Santa Clara County Superior Court courthouse.
A local Santa Clara County court rule prohibits courthouse photos or video, but legal experts point out that the well established federal right to record the police supersedes any contrary state or local law, including a local court rule.
A thorough overview of the Bassi case is provided in a January court filing: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/6617004-Motion-To-Disqualify-Recuse-District-Attorney-s.html