By Zhuoshan Liu
SACRAMENTO – Private defense attorney Michael Mullan, Deputy District Attorney Adrianne McMillan and Sacramento County Superior Court Judge Steve White huddled in the middle of a courtroom here Thursday, discussing Brandin Parker’s case.
According to current record, on Feb 6, Parker, 27, of Folsom was arrested for violating probation and possession of methamphetamine in Folsom. In May, he was arrested for loitering, violating probation, possession of methamphetamine and resisting arrest at 11:55 p.m. on the 1700 block of Creekside Drive, Folsom.
After huddling with the court, defense attorney Mullan asked contacted the defendant, and said he had an offer to resolve his two cases.
In the first case, Parker was sentenced to three years informal probation, 90 days in custody, no contact with certain people, and a stay away order of 100 yards from certain people’s property. In the second case, Parker must attend a drug program, four years informal probation, drug conditions, and restitution to be determined.
According to the judge, on December 29, 2019, Parker unlawfully drove a vehicle under the influence of drugs. On July 28, 2012, Parker drove under the influence. To the charges, the suspect pleaded no contest.
The judge then pointed out that “you will be on two additional probations after this proceeding.” Parker was sentenced to 90 days in custody, minus 21 days for credits, for a total of about 35 days left.
“You need to make restitution to CHP and restitution to a certain person. And you are supposed to have no contact with certain people. You are supposed to possess no dangerous drug. You should have no association with drug users. No matter day or night, when requested by the police officers to search your place, you should allow the search. And the other fines are waived,” said the judge.
“Do you accept that?” asked the judge.
“Yes,” answered defendant Parker.
“Then that will be the order. Good luck to you,” said the judge.
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