On March 5, at 7 pm, join the Vanguard’s discussion panel on Yolo County Ethnic Studies Public Forum.
The discussion will cover:
– What Ethnic Studies (ES) is and is not, from historical and academic perspectives;
– Why Ethnic Studies is needed in our schools and consequently in our communities;
– Updates on efforts to bring ES to schools in the county;
– Challenges in the work to bring ES to schools, and suggested solutions or steps to take (from the perspective of the panelists, including DJUSD educators);
– Native and BIPOC experiences in regards to Ethnic Studies efforts in Yolo County.
Short Q&A with audience members: while we will do our best to answer the questions asked on the day of the event, you are also invited to email them ahead of time to njmvondo@gmail.com.
Dr. Melissa Moreno, Ph.D. (Ethnic Studies Professor, Yolo County Board of Education Member)
Daniel Engotto (DHS Student / BSU)
Kelly Wilkerson (DJUSD Educator / Los Rios Community College Trustee)
Justine Villanueva (Attorney and Author, Filipino American Parent)
A DJUSD representative has been invited.
A Spanish interpreter will be present. If you need one in another language, email njmvondo@gmail.com, and we will do our best to accommodate you.
Moderators: Anoosh Jorjorian & NJ Mvondo
Event Sponsors:
Multiculturalism Rocks
Creating Inclusive Davis Schools (CIDS, pronounced “Kids”)
Davis Phoenix Coalition
Ethnic Studies Coalition
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