By Danielle L. Monge
SANTA BARBARA, CA – Joshua R. Godwin pleaded not guilty to a felony robbery charge in a preliminary hearing before Judge Thomas Adams in Santa Barbara County Superior Court late last week.
Godwin is being charged with one 2nd degree robbery felony charge, as well as three misdemeanor charges that include: vandalism, possession of drugs, and intent to defraud.
Deputy Public Defender Matthew Speredelozzi claimed the DA was “bolstering their case,” stating instead that the defendant’s felony robbery charge had to do with Godwin giving a clerk a 20 dollar bill and leaving with merchandise that was worth less than that.
Judge Thomas Adams responded to attorney Speredelozzi’s argument by stating, “please do not repeat the details of the case that were already provided to me.”
Deputy District Attorney Wesley Meyer did not comment on Speredelozzi’s claim.
Godwin’s attorney Speredelozzi emphasized that his defendant’s case had special circumstances, requesting for Judge Adams to begin Godwin’s trial as soon as possible.
Judge Adams denied attorney Speredelozzi’s request stating, “There is not a chance in the world. We have a whole ton of cases way ahead of this case. That is just not going to happen. I’m just being realistic for you.”
Godwin’s trial is set to begin Dec. 3.