By Liz Merry and Bob Schneider
We support Bapu Vaitla for Davis City Council from District 1.
Bapu has demonstrated his commitment to Davis through service on the Social Services Commission and Cool Davis. He has a strong background in using data to create effective policy for real change. Bapu will work effectively for climate change and affordable housing policy and implementation. We will finally get an updated general plan before more piecemeal development. He gets things done.
We are greatly disappointed and strongly oppose Dan Carson. Please DO NOT support him. We feel that he demonstrated strong disregard for democratic principles and acted unethically when he worked for the DISC developer and then sued the Measure H public opposition using developer funds.
Vote for Bapu!
Liz Merry and Bob Schneider are long time residents of West Davis.
To be clear, Vaitla supported Measure H and continues to defend it today. Vaitla himself has also not issued a public statement on Carson’s electioneering for the Yes on Measure H campaign, Carson’s use of his City email account to campaign for measure H, Carson’s lawsuit against his own constituents, or the $42,000 debt the Yes on H campaign paid on Carson’s behalf. In fact Vaitla even launched his campaign with a photo of himself surrounded by prominent supporters of measure H.
Colin- Bapu was fighting for affordable housing. Most recently he has stated that we need a general plan update before more piecemeal development proposals. Only through more a comprehensive plan can we fully understand the impacts, particularly traffic and emissions, and take advantage of opportunities. I believe it is through this process that we can maximize affordable housing opportunities.
“Most recently he has stated that we need a general plan update before more piecemeal development proposals,” but a couple months ago Vaitla supported Measure H that was not in the general plan. H was also predicted to bring over 2,000 additional employees to Davis. The City of Davis consultants predicted this would have a big impact on the Davis housing market. It would have driven up the cost of housing in Davis.
I completely agree with you though that “Only through more a comprehensive plan can we fully understand the impacts, particularly traffic and emissions, and take advantage of opportunities. I believe it is through this process that we can maximize affordable housing opportunities.” If you add that it is only through restoring a permanent affordable housing ordinance with stronger requirements than the week interim ordinance will we be able to maximize affordable housing opportunities. In the 3 years Vaitla served on the Social services commission he has not fought to update the general plan and to fix the interim affordable housing ordinance though.