By: Evelyn Perez Garnica
On Monday, November 7, the University of Kentucky suffered an unpleasant incident. The racist motivations involved are important to bring to light so that individuals are educated on multiculturalism and shown that racial attacks are still something very prominent in the present day.
At about 4 am on Monday morning, a student at Kentucky University both physically and verbally assaulted another student, Kylah Spring, who was working at the front desk of a dorm building. The assailant was Sophia Rosing, a white 22-year-old student, who was charged with fourth-degree assault, second-degree disorderly conduct, public alcohol intoxication, and third-degree assault on a police officer. Rosing uttered racial slurs to the African American student employee and proceeded to push her and verbally attacked her.
This behavior should not only not be tolerated but should be both punished and fixed. Rosing should not only be held responsible and prosecuted by the law but should also be given educational resources that teach her anger management techniques and the proper way to conduct herself.
The student aggressor’s behavior cannot wholly be blamed on her intoxicated state as the presence of recent racial attacks in the country should have been ample education to deter her actions. Because of situations like Rosing’s, it is simple to blame other factors instead of people’s ignorance which results in little to no consequences. Moreover, this shows the difference in treatment by the police officers and the extent of the law.
On Monday night, during a peaceful demonstration, the victim Spring spoke on her experience explaining that she was saddened to see that situations such as this one are still occurring today. However, she states that she will continue going forward with high spirits and that she only hopes Rosing can open her heart to the love and acceptance of others.
This is a very bittersweet message as the victim equally hopes for Rosing to open her heart to love while also expecting the law to bring justice.
In my opinion, this speech provides for a more united front on the issue as the situation was handled with a peaceful demonstration. I am pleased to see that the University of Kentucky has finally taken action in regard to Rosing staying at the university.
Much like every other University, the University of Kentucky has a strict student conduct form that does not allow discrimination against anyone based on the color of their skin, sexual orientation, religious belief, etc, and strictly follows the same federal laws regarding discrimination. Therefore, this resulted in the banning of Rosing.
Overall, the attack on Kylah Spring brings to light the racial problems we still face in the country and the lack of representation for people of color. The events that occurred at the University of Kentucky should be more known as it is something that can occur on any campus across the country because of diversity.
Bringing awareness to topics like this also provides an incentive to educate individuals and provide resources to other individuals who are suffering through discriminatory acts.