By Alan Hirsch
- The Return of the urban firestorm
What happened in Colorado was something much scarier than a wildfire.
By David Wallace-Wells LIFE AFTER WARMING
- 244 People died of heat-related causes in Phoenix: Lose your AC, lose your life? And what about homeless?
- Heat threatens children: a fall on blacktop playground on can mean severe burns. Forget about walking your dog.
Pavement surfaces 140-160o when air temperature over hundred
- Farming deadly to workers as heat index reaches 120 plus in corn fields.
“….120 degree heat index in Iowa? Yes, because corn sweats in the heat, just like humans do. A single acre of corn can pull 4,000 gallons of water each day out of the ground and release it into the air, making Iowa feel like Bangkok.” https://t.co/ep1mcWFBLj
- Air quality August 2023: Continent spanning smoke from wildfires again.
Do you remember that wildfires shut down Univ. of California and all outside activity in Northern California in 2018?
- Three years of rain in two days in Greece.
- Threat to supply chains.
World’s top ports unusable by 2050 due to Sea Level Rise; Antarctic warming twice the rate of climate models
- Transportation impact of sea level rise in the Bay Area include SFO airport, BART, Cap Corridor rail service and many freeways will be flooded.
10.Unpredicted rise in sea temperature in Atlantic.
Climate Crisis Denialism:
Chaos erupts during GOP debate when candidates are asked if they believe in climate change.
There is no scientific dispute on the question, but almost none of the Republican presidential candidates gave a straight answer.
NYTimes By Neil Vigdor Published Aug. 23, 2023