Update on the Vanguard’s Situation and an Urgent Plea

As you may know, the IRS is investigating our non-profit status, due to complaints by folks who want us in trouble. We have good news on that front, but more money to raise this week as the attorneys are not cheap.

We have every expectation of prevailing in our IRS battle—they’ve already conceded on most of our disputed articles.  It’s just a matter of time—and money.

We need to raise $6000 this week to pay the legal bills, but also some other bills that have been put on the backburner.

Here’s the good news:

The new website is about ready to launch—we are hoping at the end of June.

We have qualified for membership with the Independent Nonprofit News Network.

We have an awesome team that put together several very competitive grants that will yield dividends by October.

We have launched our annual event for August 24—and are looking for tickets and sponsors — https://davisvanguard.networkforgood.com/events/72957-2024-vanguard-justice-awards

But we have to get through this month and that means raising another $6000 this week.

The best way to do that is to PayPal us at: info@davisvanguard.org

Or click: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=VP8S7PZGL7KXG&ssrt=1717421994461

Alternatively you can bring a check by the office at 221 G St, Ste. 203 in Davis.

Thanks so much!!!



Breaking News City of Davis Everyday Injustice

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