Beeman Gets Five Years Probation in Embezzlement Case

Judge Gaard also ordered Beeman to pay $9,153.50 in restitution.
Judge Gaard also ordered Beeman to pay $9,153.50 in restitution.
Ms. Parvin would confront her drunken ex-husband, a confrontation ensued, Ms. Parvin called the police and a few days later she was stunned to be arrested on felony assault charges.
Don Cabana, in the documentary, said that it is not uncommon for death row inmates to maintain their innocence. However, he said by the time they get into the execution chamber and you know the execution is going to take place, “usually something happens and they may not come right out and say I did it.” Instead they would say things like “Warden, would you tell the victim’s family I’m sorry,” he continued, “something that says ‘I did this.’ “
Wrote Mr. Lungren, “Rather than confront facts, The Bee deals in fantasy. While admitting that the court’s decision could reduce the prison population by 33,000 inmates, The Bee attempts to minimize the impact – all will be well: Just raise taxes again, build more prisons (“unlikely”), or ‘sensibly’ stop sending as many convicts to prison.”
In a lot of ways, money spent on prisons – especially in their current form with the length of sentences and recidivism rate – is a sunken cost. Every dollar we spend on education is an investment.
Supposedly the defendant, a complete stranger to the victim, “sucker-punched” him in the face with his fist. After an initial trial saw a 6-6 hung jury, the second trial saw Mr. Martinez convicted and sentenced to 31 years to life.
The case was filed almost two and a half years ago in January 2009. Because the DA was taking so long to dispense with the matter, Mr. Brown filed the paperwork himself for the Penal Code 1381 demand for a trial. It was completed by Mike Cabral of the DA’s office and the defendant was delivered back to Yolo County.
Some will argue that everyone who is here illegally ought to be deported, but considering the resources it takes to verify immigration status and transfer from custody to deportation proceedings, that is simply not practical.
The incident began on November 4, 2009 when officers made an 11 pm traffic stop. The car was pulled over for turning on the left turn blinker while stopped at a red light, when the law requires one to do so 100 feet or more before the intersection.
“The violations have persisted for years,” Justice Anthony Kennedy wrote for the majority. “They remain uncorrected.”
When Yolo County Judge Kathleen White allowed the permanent gang injunction to go forward in West Sacramento, one of the key provisions was that now people could be enjoined just by serving them and validating them as gang members. As much as the West Sacramento Police Department had provisions in place to oversee such a process, and as much as they claimed they had no current plans to do so, the possibility that people could be deprived of liberty without the due process of law was in place.
She indicated that they needed more analysis and thus more time to pursue the case. So rather than put the matter on hold as Judge Gaard suggested, she dropped the charges.
The problem is pervasive as well. They write of a 1993 murder of a woman by her sister’s boyfriend. As they note, “Unfortunately, this tragedy might have been prevented — but for the wrongful conviction of an innocent man for a previous crime.”
The office of District Attorney Steve Cooley has failed to disclose public documents on the costs of prosecuting capital cases, according to a lawsuit filed today by The American Civil Liberties Union of California (ACLU of California) on behalf of the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice (CHHIRJ) at Harvard Law School. The lawsuit is for public records on expenses related to homicide cases, and discretionary spending generally, by the D.A. of California’s most populous – and murderous – county.
According to FBI statistics, there were about seven hundred murders and non-negligent homicides in Los Angeles County in 2009, accounting for approximately 35% of the homicides in California and nearly 5% of the homicides in the entire United States. The Los Angeles County D.A.’s office (LADA) handles the vast majority of prosecutions arising out of murders in Los Angeles County. But in response to a broad request for records showing how much the office spent on these cases, the D.A.’s office claimed that it had no such records.
The charges include penetration with a foreign object, assault with intent to commit penetration with a foreign object and false imprisonment in addition to a misdemeanor sexual battery charge.
County Sheriffs, the plaintiff argued, who handle the bulk of these situations, must issue permits to anyone who completes a training course and has no mental health problems or criminal background.
On May 11, the Vanguard published the first of a two part series on Brady Violations entitled, “Brady Violations: Failure To Turn Over Exculpatory Evidence.”
On March 29th, 2011, the US Supreme Court ruled 5-4 in Connick v. Thompson that a district attorney’s office was not liable for its prosecutor’s failure to turn over evidence that proved the innocence of a Louisiana man, John Thompson.
He cited four different provisions under the law that guided the sentencing structure. One of the key issues was the extent to which he could concurrently sentence for separate crimes that were committed basically simultaneously.
Defense Attorney, Dean Johansson from the Public Defender’s office had believed that the previous order was to turn over the phone so that an expert could examine it in his lab. Mr. Johansson may himself file a writ arguing that the defense is entitled to the evidence as a matter of law.
I have seen him handle some cases well and others less well. It is important to understand that Judge Mock was a prosecutor prior to becoming a judge, and it is also important to understand that he is married to Ann Hurd who was at one point the supervising District Attorney and now, though technically retired, is still in the leadership.