Parents, Students and Community Members Mobilize To Save Emerson Junior High

The Vanguard made a brief stop on a busy day to Stonegate Country Club, where a group of parents, community members, and children were preparing posters for a planned protest on Tuesday, at 4 PM at Central Park.

The hopes of these protesters is to keep Emerson Junior High School open amid a budget crisis with the school board tentatively planning to close it pending more formal decisions coming as early as this Thursday.

For more information on the protest, log onto the Save Emerson blog.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. I think what we need to do is start a recall petition for the school board. That’ll save future Valley Oaks, Emerson Jr. Highs, and send a clear message to would be school board members what’ll happen if they get involved with the likes of Tahir Ahad and Total School Solutions.

  2. I think what we need to do is start a recall petition for the school board. That’ll save future Valley Oaks, Emerson Jr. Highs, and send a clear message to would be school board members what’ll happen if they get involved with the likes of Tahir Ahad and Total School Solutions.

  3. I think what we need to do is start a recall petition for the school board. That’ll save future Valley Oaks, Emerson Jr. Highs, and send a clear message to would be school board members what’ll happen if they get involved with the likes of Tahir Ahad and Total School Solutions.

  4. I think what we need to do is start a recall petition for the school board. That’ll save future Valley Oaks, Emerson Jr. Highs, and send a clear message to would be school board members what’ll happen if they get involved with the likes of Tahir Ahad and Total School Solutions.

  5. Darkside’s recall idea is naïve. This school board uncovered and fixed the corruption and poor practices of the past; the teachers chose to increase their pay at the expense of having more teachers; and to save Valley Oak, Emerson, DaVinci takes money – – money from other programs/services/sites and/or cash from parents or the public.

  6. Darkside’s recall idea is naïve. This school board uncovered and fixed the corruption and poor practices of the past; the teachers chose to increase their pay at the expense of having more teachers; and to save Valley Oak, Emerson, DaVinci takes money – – money from other programs/services/sites and/or cash from parents or the public.

  7. Darkside’s recall idea is naïve. This school board uncovered and fixed the corruption and poor practices of the past; the teachers chose to increase their pay at the expense of having more teachers; and to save Valley Oak, Emerson, DaVinci takes money – – money from other programs/services/sites and/or cash from parents or the public.

  8. Darkside’s recall idea is naïve. This school board uncovered and fixed the corruption and poor practices of the past; the teachers chose to increase their pay at the expense of having more teachers; and to save Valley Oak, Emerson, DaVinci takes money – – money from other programs/services/sites and/or cash from parents or the public.

  9. At the very least, none of those board members were there when Tahir was. As soon as Allen, Taylor, and Daleiden were elected, Tahir moved on.

  10. At the very least, none of those board members were there when Tahir was. As soon as Allen, Taylor, and Daleiden were elected, Tahir moved on.

  11. At the very least, none of those board members were there when Tahir was. As soon as Allen, Taylor, and Daleiden were elected, Tahir moved on.

  12. At the very least, none of those board members were there when Tahir was. As soon as Allen, Taylor, and Daleiden were elected, Tahir moved on.

  13. Okay, let me rephrase. All 5 members have shown they will gut an entire school before they will cut administrative salaries. They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods. James Hammond, unless I’m wrong makes a hefty six figure salary.

    Allen, Taylor, unless I’m wrong also made the decision to pay a superintendent who didn’t work 240,000 while they close valley oak to save 300,000

    And despite knowing the school board in the past had squandered the $, they had the audacity to ask John Q public for more of it.

    Bottom line. They are making bad choices and they will continue to make them until they are removed.

  14. Okay, let me rephrase. All 5 members have shown they will gut an entire school before they will cut administrative salaries. They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods. James Hammond, unless I’m wrong makes a hefty six figure salary.

    Allen, Taylor, unless I’m wrong also made the decision to pay a superintendent who didn’t work 240,000 while they close valley oak to save 300,000

    And despite knowing the school board in the past had squandered the $, they had the audacity to ask John Q public for more of it.

    Bottom line. They are making bad choices and they will continue to make them until they are removed.

  15. Okay, let me rephrase. All 5 members have shown they will gut an entire school before they will cut administrative salaries. They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods. James Hammond, unless I’m wrong makes a hefty six figure salary.

    Allen, Taylor, unless I’m wrong also made the decision to pay a superintendent who didn’t work 240,000 while they close valley oak to save 300,000

    And despite knowing the school board in the past had squandered the $, they had the audacity to ask John Q public for more of it.

    Bottom line. They are making bad choices and they will continue to make them until they are removed.

  16. Okay, let me rephrase. All 5 members have shown they will gut an entire school before they will cut administrative salaries. They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods. James Hammond, unless I’m wrong makes a hefty six figure salary.

    Allen, Taylor, unless I’m wrong also made the decision to pay a superintendent who didn’t work 240,000 while they close valley oak to save 300,000

    And despite knowing the school board in the past had squandered the $, they had the audacity to ask John Q public for more of it.

    Bottom line. They are making bad choices and they will continue to make them until they are removed.

  17. A recall at this time would divert limited volunteer and staff/faculty hours and just deepen the crisis. What is needed is solutions to get us out of this period of trouble.

  18. A recall at this time would divert limited volunteer and staff/faculty hours and just deepen the crisis. What is needed is solutions to get us out of this period of trouble.

  19. A recall at this time would divert limited volunteer and staff/faculty hours and just deepen the crisis. What is needed is solutions to get us out of this period of trouble.

  20. A recall at this time would divert limited volunteer and staff/faculty hours and just deepen the crisis. What is needed is solutions to get us out of this period of trouble.

  21. They fired David Murphy because they would not have recouped the Montgomery money with him remaining. They paid him his salary due because legal costs would have come close to that amount anyway and this was quicker and a cleaner break.

    The $240,000 is a one-time payment, the cost to keep Valley Oak open was on-going.

    They did pay Hammond a hefty salary. I suppose we can debate about it. I would have asked all upper administrators to take a pay cut, but they opted instead to get rid of Ginni Davis–a great move in my opinion and a few others in the administrative office, so to suggest that the administrative salaries (i.e. by way of layoff) was not done in addition to teacher layoffs, is not accurate.

    This current school board is not responsible for the most part for past squandered money.

    I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.


  22. They fired David Murphy because they would not have recouped the Montgomery money with him remaining. They paid him his salary due because legal costs would have come close to that amount anyway and this was quicker and a cleaner break.

    The $240,000 is a one-time payment, the cost to keep Valley Oak open was on-going.

    They did pay Hammond a hefty salary. I suppose we can debate about it. I would have asked all upper administrators to take a pay cut, but they opted instead to get rid of Ginni Davis–a great move in my opinion and a few others in the administrative office, so to suggest that the administrative salaries (i.e. by way of layoff) was not done in addition to teacher layoffs, is not accurate.

    This current school board is not responsible for the most part for past squandered money.

    I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.


  23. They fired David Murphy because they would not have recouped the Montgomery money with him remaining. They paid him his salary due because legal costs would have come close to that amount anyway and this was quicker and a cleaner break.

    The $240,000 is a one-time payment, the cost to keep Valley Oak open was on-going.

    They did pay Hammond a hefty salary. I suppose we can debate about it. I would have asked all upper administrators to take a pay cut, but they opted instead to get rid of Ginni Davis–a great move in my opinion and a few others in the administrative office, so to suggest that the administrative salaries (i.e. by way of layoff) was not done in addition to teacher layoffs, is not accurate.

    This current school board is not responsible for the most part for past squandered money.

    I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.


  24. They fired David Murphy because they would not have recouped the Montgomery money with him remaining. They paid him his salary due because legal costs would have come close to that amount anyway and this was quicker and a cleaner break.

    The $240,000 is a one-time payment, the cost to keep Valley Oak open was on-going.

    They did pay Hammond a hefty salary. I suppose we can debate about it. I would have asked all upper administrators to take a pay cut, but they opted instead to get rid of Ginni Davis–a great move in my opinion and a few others in the administrative office, so to suggest that the administrative salaries (i.e. by way of layoff) was not done in addition to teacher layoffs, is not accurate.

    This current school board is not responsible for the most part for past squandered money.

    I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.


  25. A recall isn’t going to create $4 million out of thin air. Let’s concentrate on productive solutions, like fundraising via Davis Schools Foundation.

  26. A recall isn’t going to create $4 million out of thin air. Let’s concentrate on productive solutions, like fundraising via Davis Schools Foundation.

  27. A recall isn’t going to create $4 million out of thin air. Let’s concentrate on productive solutions, like fundraising via Davis Schools Foundation.

  28. A recall isn’t going to create $4 million out of thin air. Let’s concentrate on productive solutions, like fundraising via Davis Schools Foundation.

  29. “I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.”

    excuse me, but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.

    they killed valley oak, they will kill emerson, and then what? How many schools will they have to close? How can you make our children suffer more than to axe their school?

    Lovenburg actually had the audacity to suggest that DHS students should get the school board out of this mess by paying to park at their own school.

    excuse me but murphy was fired because he was up to his neck in corruption. For him to fight the school board’s decision would bring more heat on himself he didn’t need. The school board could have fired him and paid him nothing. The school board paid him off because they didn’t want the truth about what was going on to come out. In other words, “hush money.” Cut the crap.

    We are in this mess because of the school board, let’s not forget that.

  30. “I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.”

    excuse me, but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.

    they killed valley oak, they will kill emerson, and then what? How many schools will they have to close? How can you make our children suffer more than to axe their school?

    Lovenburg actually had the audacity to suggest that DHS students should get the school board out of this mess by paying to park at their own school.

    excuse me but murphy was fired because he was up to his neck in corruption. For him to fight the school board’s decision would bring more heat on himself he didn’t need. The school board could have fired him and paid him nothing. The school board paid him off because they didn’t want the truth about what was going on to come out. In other words, “hush money.” Cut the crap.

    We are in this mess because of the school board, let’s not forget that.

  31. “I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.”

    excuse me, but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.

    they killed valley oak, they will kill emerson, and then what? How many schools will they have to close? How can you make our children suffer more than to axe their school?

    Lovenburg actually had the audacity to suggest that DHS students should get the school board out of this mess by paying to park at their own school.

    excuse me but murphy was fired because he was up to his neck in corruption. For him to fight the school board’s decision would bring more heat on himself he didn’t need. The school board could have fired him and paid him nothing. The school board paid him off because they didn’t want the truth about what was going on to come out. In other words, “hush money.” Cut the crap.

    We are in this mess because of the school board, let’s not forget that.

  32. “I think it is a dangerous game that we play when we talk about retribution against the school district, because the board members are not the ones who pay, the children are.”

    excuse me, but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.

    they killed valley oak, they will kill emerson, and then what? How many schools will they have to close? How can you make our children suffer more than to axe their school?

    Lovenburg actually had the audacity to suggest that DHS students should get the school board out of this mess by paying to park at their own school.

    excuse me but murphy was fired because he was up to his neck in corruption. For him to fight the school board’s decision would bring more heat on himself he didn’t need. The school board could have fired him and paid him nothing. The school board paid him off because they didn’t want the truth about what was going on to come out. In other words, “hush money.” Cut the crap.

    We are in this mess because of the school board, let’s not forget that.

  33. “but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.”

    Actually they are paying the price because of past school boards, not this one.

  34. “but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.”

    Actually they are paying the price because of past school boards, not this one.

  35. “but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.”

    Actually they are paying the price because of past school boards, not this one.

  36. “but our children are paying the price now because of the school board.”

    Actually they are paying the price because of past school boards, not this one.

  37. Why is paying to park at the high school such an “audacious” idea?

    Any idea that could generate revenue is worth looking at, given the current situation. Recalling board members certainly isn’t going to generate any.

  38. Why is paying to park at the high school such an “audacious” idea?

    Any idea that could generate revenue is worth looking at, given the current situation. Recalling board members certainly isn’t going to generate any.

  39. Why is paying to park at the high school such an “audacious” idea?

    Any idea that could generate revenue is worth looking at, given the current situation. Recalling board members certainly isn’t going to generate any.

  40. Why is paying to park at the high school such an “audacious” idea?

    Any idea that could generate revenue is worth looking at, given the current situation. Recalling board members certainly isn’t going to generate any.

  41. okay, let’s assume we don’t recall.

    So, Emerson closes, Valley Oak closes.

    that’ll be the end of the corruption, right?

    no more school closings. No more money being wasted.

    If you believe that, then I have some beach-front property in Massachussets I’d like to sell you.

    I guarantee that if you let them get away with this, it will never end, and our kids will pay the price for years to come with future school closings.

    But don’t take my word for it. Just sit back, and watch the fireworks.

  42. okay, let’s assume we don’t recall.

    So, Emerson closes, Valley Oak closes.

    that’ll be the end of the corruption, right?

    no more school closings. No more money being wasted.

    If you believe that, then I have some beach-front property in Massachussets I’d like to sell you.

    I guarantee that if you let them get away with this, it will never end, and our kids will pay the price for years to come with future school closings.

    But don’t take my word for it. Just sit back, and watch the fireworks.

  43. okay, let’s assume we don’t recall.

    So, Emerson closes, Valley Oak closes.

    that’ll be the end of the corruption, right?

    no more school closings. No more money being wasted.

    If you believe that, then I have some beach-front property in Massachussets I’d like to sell you.

    I guarantee that if you let them get away with this, it will never end, and our kids will pay the price for years to come with future school closings.

    But don’t take my word for it. Just sit back, and watch the fireworks.

  44. okay, let’s assume we don’t recall.

    So, Emerson closes, Valley Oak closes.

    that’ll be the end of the corruption, right?

    no more school closings. No more money being wasted.

    If you believe that, then I have some beach-front property in Massachussets I’d like to sell you.

    I guarantee that if you let them get away with this, it will never end, and our kids will pay the price for years to come with future school closings.

    But don’t take my word for it. Just sit back, and watch the fireworks.

  45. What makes you think a recall is going to solve the problem? The current board members weren’t responsible for hiring or overseeing Tahir, who is the main source of the mess we are in.

    The main problem you identify (Tahir) is gone. The district is currently in cleanup mode, fixing the mess left in his & Murphy’s wake.

    How is a recall going to change anything for the better? If Spector or Schelen (or anybody else) had been elected instead, they’d still be faced with having to clean up the leftover problems and financial shortfalls.

  46. What makes you think a recall is going to solve the problem? The current board members weren’t responsible for hiring or overseeing Tahir, who is the main source of the mess we are in.

    The main problem you identify (Tahir) is gone. The district is currently in cleanup mode, fixing the mess left in his & Murphy’s wake.

    How is a recall going to change anything for the better? If Spector or Schelen (or anybody else) had been elected instead, they’d still be faced with having to clean up the leftover problems and financial shortfalls.

  47. What makes you think a recall is going to solve the problem? The current board members weren’t responsible for hiring or overseeing Tahir, who is the main source of the mess we are in.

    The main problem you identify (Tahir) is gone. The district is currently in cleanup mode, fixing the mess left in his & Murphy’s wake.

    How is a recall going to change anything for the better? If Spector or Schelen (or anybody else) had been elected instead, they’d still be faced with having to clean up the leftover problems and financial shortfalls.

  48. What makes you think a recall is going to solve the problem? The current board members weren’t responsible for hiring or overseeing Tahir, who is the main source of the mess we are in.

    The main problem you identify (Tahir) is gone. The district is currently in cleanup mode, fixing the mess left in his & Murphy’s wake.

    How is a recall going to change anything for the better? If Spector or Schelen (or anybody else) had been elected instead, they’d still be faced with having to clean up the leftover problems and financial shortfalls.

  49. I’ve got a better idea than a recall or instituting more parcel taxes, etc. – none of which solve the current fiscal problems. Let Emerson close and have it go charter. As difficult as that is, it takes funding issues out of the hands of incompetents, and places the fate of the school in the hands of stakeholders (teachers and parents). Let DaVinci go charter too. The answer to the School Board’s decision to close any school is to make sure any school slated for closure is reprised as a charter school. If that occurs repeatedly and consistently, you watch the school district do everything it can to make sure no other schools are slated for closure.

  50. I’ve got a better idea than a recall or instituting more parcel taxes, etc. – none of which solve the current fiscal problems. Let Emerson close and have it go charter. As difficult as that is, it takes funding issues out of the hands of incompetents, and places the fate of the school in the hands of stakeholders (teachers and parents). Let DaVinci go charter too. The answer to the School Board’s decision to close any school is to make sure any school slated for closure is reprised as a charter school. If that occurs repeatedly and consistently, you watch the school district do everything it can to make sure no other schools are slated for closure.

  51. I’ve got a better idea than a recall or instituting more parcel taxes, etc. – none of which solve the current fiscal problems. Let Emerson close and have it go charter. As difficult as that is, it takes funding issues out of the hands of incompetents, and places the fate of the school in the hands of stakeholders (teachers and parents). Let DaVinci go charter too. The answer to the School Board’s decision to close any school is to make sure any school slated for closure is reprised as a charter school. If that occurs repeatedly and consistently, you watch the school district do everything it can to make sure no other schools are slated for closure.

  52. I’ve got a better idea than a recall or instituting more parcel taxes, etc. – none of which solve the current fiscal problems. Let Emerson close and have it go charter. As difficult as that is, it takes funding issues out of the hands of incompetents, and places the fate of the school in the hands of stakeholders (teachers and parents). Let DaVinci go charter too. The answer to the School Board’s decision to close any school is to make sure any school slated for closure is reprised as a charter school. If that occurs repeatedly and consistently, you watch the school district do everything it can to make sure no other schools are slated for closure.

  53. ” Anonymous said…
    But that doesn’t solve any fiscal problems. In addition, it is far from clear that the current council are the incompetents.”

    “Going charter” does solve fiscal problems – it saves Emerson and DaVinci from being eliminated – bad decisions being made by the current School Board. We have to give a clear message to the school district/board that closing schools in order to facilitate opening new ones will not be a budget practice Davis citizens will tolerate.

    Furthermore, from a common sense point of view, it is illogical to close a junior high that services an entire section of town with basic core curricula, while keeping open Karamatsu and Margerite Montgomery – two schools that never should have been built in the first place. Why should Emerson be punished for the failings of other schools?

    Think about it. Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?

    The School Boards are making very poor planning decisions, that are developer driven. They are not deciding what is best based on existing student needs. It is long past time to stop the fiscal bleeding, go charter, and wrest financial planning from incompetents – placing it in the hands of stakeholders, who are the parents and teachers of students who attend the school slated for closure.

  54. ” Anonymous said…
    But that doesn’t solve any fiscal problems. In addition, it is far from clear that the current council are the incompetents.”

    “Going charter” does solve fiscal problems – it saves Emerson and DaVinci from being eliminated – bad decisions being made by the current School Board. We have to give a clear message to the school district/board that closing schools in order to facilitate opening new ones will not be a budget practice Davis citizens will tolerate.

    Furthermore, from a common sense point of view, it is illogical to close a junior high that services an entire section of town with basic core curricula, while keeping open Karamatsu and Margerite Montgomery – two schools that never should have been built in the first place. Why should Emerson be punished for the failings of other schools?

    Think about it. Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?

    The School Boards are making very poor planning decisions, that are developer driven. They are not deciding what is best based on existing student needs. It is long past time to stop the fiscal bleeding, go charter, and wrest financial planning from incompetents – placing it in the hands of stakeholders, who are the parents and teachers of students who attend the school slated for closure.

  55. ” Anonymous said…
    But that doesn’t solve any fiscal problems. In addition, it is far from clear that the current council are the incompetents.”

    “Going charter” does solve fiscal problems – it saves Emerson and DaVinci from being eliminated – bad decisions being made by the current School Board. We have to give a clear message to the school district/board that closing schools in order to facilitate opening new ones will not be a budget practice Davis citizens will tolerate.

    Furthermore, from a common sense point of view, it is illogical to close a junior high that services an entire section of town with basic core curricula, while keeping open Karamatsu and Margerite Montgomery – two schools that never should have been built in the first place. Why should Emerson be punished for the failings of other schools?

    Think about it. Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?

    The School Boards are making very poor planning decisions, that are developer driven. They are not deciding what is best based on existing student needs. It is long past time to stop the fiscal bleeding, go charter, and wrest financial planning from incompetents – placing it in the hands of stakeholders, who are the parents and teachers of students who attend the school slated for closure.

  56. ” Anonymous said…
    But that doesn’t solve any fiscal problems. In addition, it is far from clear that the current council are the incompetents.”

    “Going charter” does solve fiscal problems – it saves Emerson and DaVinci from being eliminated – bad decisions being made by the current School Board. We have to give a clear message to the school district/board that closing schools in order to facilitate opening new ones will not be a budget practice Davis citizens will tolerate.

    Furthermore, from a common sense point of view, it is illogical to close a junior high that services an entire section of town with basic core curricula, while keeping open Karamatsu and Margerite Montgomery – two schools that never should have been built in the first place. Why should Emerson be punished for the failings of other schools?

    Think about it. Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?

    The School Boards are making very poor planning decisions, that are developer driven. They are not deciding what is best based on existing student needs. It is long past time to stop the fiscal bleeding, go charter, and wrest financial planning from incompetents – placing it in the hands of stakeholders, who are the parents and teachers of students who attend the school slated for closure.

  57. Having to close Emerson for at least a year while the building was torn down and the school rebuilt is an idea that has been floating around for at least 7 years (since my child was in 7th grade there.)

    When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.

    My child attended Emerson but lived downtown. He rode his bike three miles to Emerson. There was no bus service arranged for by the District. That’s just the way it was.

    My children attended overcrowded elementary schools, junior high schools, and High school due to the voters of Davis voting down the first bond that was floated. We passed one a year or two later, but it was too late to have any impact on my children’s education environment. It was just the way it happened.

    Now it is time to gather together and make some concessions in order to get through this particular situation. I don’t have kids in the District anymore. If people don’t stop belly-aching, people like me are going to lose interest in helping to solve it.

  58. Having to close Emerson for at least a year while the building was torn down and the school rebuilt is an idea that has been floating around for at least 7 years (since my child was in 7th grade there.)

    When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.

    My child attended Emerson but lived downtown. He rode his bike three miles to Emerson. There was no bus service arranged for by the District. That’s just the way it was.

    My children attended overcrowded elementary schools, junior high schools, and High school due to the voters of Davis voting down the first bond that was floated. We passed one a year or two later, but it was too late to have any impact on my children’s education environment. It was just the way it happened.

    Now it is time to gather together and make some concessions in order to get through this particular situation. I don’t have kids in the District anymore. If people don’t stop belly-aching, people like me are going to lose interest in helping to solve it.

  59. Having to close Emerson for at least a year while the building was torn down and the school rebuilt is an idea that has been floating around for at least 7 years (since my child was in 7th grade there.)

    When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.

    My child attended Emerson but lived downtown. He rode his bike three miles to Emerson. There was no bus service arranged for by the District. That’s just the way it was.

    My children attended overcrowded elementary schools, junior high schools, and High school due to the voters of Davis voting down the first bond that was floated. We passed one a year or two later, but it was too late to have any impact on my children’s education environment. It was just the way it happened.

    Now it is time to gather together and make some concessions in order to get through this particular situation. I don’t have kids in the District anymore. If people don’t stop belly-aching, people like me are going to lose interest in helping to solve it.

  60. Having to close Emerson for at least a year while the building was torn down and the school rebuilt is an idea that has been floating around for at least 7 years (since my child was in 7th grade there.)

    When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.

    My child attended Emerson but lived downtown. He rode his bike three miles to Emerson. There was no bus service arranged for by the District. That’s just the way it was.

    My children attended overcrowded elementary schools, junior high schools, and High school due to the voters of Davis voting down the first bond that was floated. We passed one a year or two later, but it was too late to have any impact on my children’s education environment. It was just the way it happened.

    Now it is time to gather together and make some concessions in order to get through this particular situation. I don’t have kids in the District anymore. If people don’t stop belly-aching, people like me are going to lose interest in helping to solve it.

  61. “Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?”

    The citizens of Davis voted to build Harper.

    If Emerson were overhauled first, where would all the students go to school during the time of the overhaul?

    If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.

  62. “Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?”

    The citizens of Davis voted to build Harper.

    If Emerson were overhauled first, where would all the students go to school during the time of the overhaul?

    If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.

  63. “Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?”

    The citizens of Davis voted to build Harper.

    If Emerson were overhauled first, where would all the students go to school during the time of the overhaul?

    If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.

  64. “Emerson is allegedly being closed because it is “old”, “not up to code” and needs overhaul. Yet 1) Emerson was deemed adequate enough for students to attend this past year; 2)why wasn’t Emerson overhauled BEFORE the school district/board elected to build a new junior high – Harper?”

    The citizens of Davis voted to build Harper.

    If Emerson were overhauled first, where would all the students go to school during the time of the overhaul?

    If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.

  65. From the Darkside said “They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods.”

    Just a comment that DaVinci is a public school that is not ‘elite’ in selecting their students based on grades, but instead asks each applicant to write an essay outlining how Da Vinci would be beneficial to the student, and what the student is willing to offer to the school. Compare the learning style more to a college business program, with individual and group learning and communicaiton, along with tests and papers. This style suits some students better than the traditional lecture style.

    The DaVinci Parent booster club contributes about $35,000 per year to buy and maintain the laptops, in addition to supporting facility, student, and teacher funding. These students use few district-provide textbooks and have much higher average daily attendence (fewer absences) than at the high school (at $40/student/day). DaVinci is not expensive, nor fancy, but it does serve the wide range of kids who go there very well. I would guess that the cost of providing for the students in this small community is less per student than at the high school.

  66. From the Darkside said “They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods.”

    Just a comment that DaVinci is a public school that is not ‘elite’ in selecting their students based on grades, but instead asks each applicant to write an essay outlining how Da Vinci would be beneficial to the student, and what the student is willing to offer to the school. Compare the learning style more to a college business program, with individual and group learning and communicaiton, along with tests and papers. This style suits some students better than the traditional lecture style.

    The DaVinci Parent booster club contributes about $35,000 per year to buy and maintain the laptops, in addition to supporting facility, student, and teacher funding. These students use few district-provide textbooks and have much higher average daily attendence (fewer absences) than at the high school (at $40/student/day). DaVinci is not expensive, nor fancy, but it does serve the wide range of kids who go there very well. I would guess that the cost of providing for the students in this small community is less per student than at the high school.

  67. From the Darkside said “They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods.”

    Just a comment that DaVinci is a public school that is not ‘elite’ in selecting their students based on grades, but instead asks each applicant to write an essay outlining how Da Vinci would be beneficial to the student, and what the student is willing to offer to the school. Compare the learning style more to a college business program, with individual and group learning and communicaiton, along with tests and papers. This style suits some students better than the traditional lecture style.

    The DaVinci Parent booster club contributes about $35,000 per year to buy and maintain the laptops, in addition to supporting facility, student, and teacher funding. These students use few district-provide textbooks and have much higher average daily attendence (fewer absences) than at the high school (at $40/student/day). DaVinci is not expensive, nor fancy, but it does serve the wide range of kids who go there very well. I would guess that the cost of providing for the students in this small community is less per student than at the high school.

  68. From the Darkside said “They put some expensive school with fancy laptops serving a small number of students before the entire west/central davis neighborhoods.”

    Just a comment that DaVinci is a public school that is not ‘elite’ in selecting their students based on grades, but instead asks each applicant to write an essay outlining how Da Vinci would be beneficial to the student, and what the student is willing to offer to the school. Compare the learning style more to a college business program, with individual and group learning and communicaiton, along with tests and papers. This style suits some students better than the traditional lecture style.

    The DaVinci Parent booster club contributes about $35,000 per year to buy and maintain the laptops, in addition to supporting facility, student, and teacher funding. These students use few district-provide textbooks and have much higher average daily attendence (fewer absences) than at the high school (at $40/student/day). DaVinci is not expensive, nor fancy, but it does serve the wide range of kids who go there very well. I would guess that the cost of providing for the students in this small community is less per student than at the high school.

  69. Better Memory said
    “If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.”

    I have had one child through Emerson, one is there, and another is going there in a few years, if it still exists. It is an older school, but is still very functional and pleasant. I am grateful that my children can go there, rather than have my 7th grader walk 4+ miles to Holmes (one way) at 7 am to get to class by 8 am, with 900+ kids jammed into cheaply made side-by-side portables. THAT is better???

    We need to work together to slow this down and work on a plan to not close another school, since that would probably end up being a permanent ‘choice.’ A few hundred dollars now from each taxpayer or student family may save our home values from another $50,000 drop due to poorer schools or more distant ones from our homes. We need to get through this crisis intact, then plan better for the future. Combing the admin staffs at Patwin and Emerson may be the solution in the short term.

  70. Better Memory said
    “If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.”

    I have had one child through Emerson, one is there, and another is going there in a few years, if it still exists. It is an older school, but is still very functional and pleasant. I am grateful that my children can go there, rather than have my 7th grader walk 4+ miles to Holmes (one way) at 7 am to get to class by 8 am, with 900+ kids jammed into cheaply made side-by-side portables. THAT is better???

    We need to work together to slow this down and work on a plan to not close another school, since that would probably end up being a permanent ‘choice.’ A few hundred dollars now from each taxpayer or student family may save our home values from another $50,000 drop due to poorer schools or more distant ones from our homes. We need to get through this crisis intact, then plan better for the future. Combing the admin staffs at Patwin and Emerson may be the solution in the short term.

  71. Better Memory said
    “If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.”

    I have had one child through Emerson, one is there, and another is going there in a few years, if it still exists. It is an older school, but is still very functional and pleasant. I am grateful that my children can go there, rather than have my 7th grader walk 4+ miles to Holmes (one way) at 7 am to get to class by 8 am, with 900+ kids jammed into cheaply made side-by-side portables. THAT is better???

    We need to work together to slow this down and work on a plan to not close another school, since that would probably end up being a permanent ‘choice.’ A few hundred dollars now from each taxpayer or student family may save our home values from another $50,000 drop due to poorer schools or more distant ones from our homes. We need to get through this crisis intact, then plan better for the future. Combing the admin staffs at Patwin and Emerson may be the solution in the short term.

  72. Better Memory said
    “If you had a child attending Emerson, you would know how decrepit the building is and welcome the replacement.”

    I have had one child through Emerson, one is there, and another is going there in a few years, if it still exists. It is an older school, but is still very functional and pleasant. I am grateful that my children can go there, rather than have my 7th grader walk 4+ miles to Holmes (one way) at 7 am to get to class by 8 am, with 900+ kids jammed into cheaply made side-by-side portables. THAT is better???

    We need to work together to slow this down and work on a plan to not close another school, since that would probably end up being a permanent ‘choice.’ A few hundred dollars now from each taxpayer or student family may save our home values from another $50,000 drop due to poorer schools or more distant ones from our homes. We need to get through this crisis intact, then plan better for the future. Combing the admin staffs at Patwin and Emerson may be the solution in the short term.

  73. Then you haven’t heard about the fire sprinkler system that didn’t have water plumbed to it, the electrical system that continually has to be patched and cannot support any further upgrades, the school design that makes it difficult to supervise large areas of the school grounds and more. Believe me, the building needs to be replaced.

    Why would your 7th grader “walk 4+ miles” to school? Don’t over-exagerate your situation. Your 7th grader would get to school the same way kids on F Street have been getting to Emerson all these years – riding their bikes. Or take the bus or have someone drive them. Already, kids in your neighborhood are going to Davis High for 7:45 am classes and then making the dash out to Emerson for 2nd period. I think it takes them 15 minutes or so to make that ride. Holmes is around 5 minutes further. Also, I think that there would be a plan to have Unitrans service West Davis to Holmes. So your argument fails.

    There would not be 900 kids at Holmes. Again, you exagerate. With 9th graders going to the High School, Holmes would have only 7th & 8th graders. I don’t believe that there are over 1800 7th & 8th graders in Davis. Even if there were, both Emerson & Holmes held 1100+ before Harper was built and you bought your house thinking that was just fine.

    Since most of Davis is miles from any of the Junior Highs, the property value argument also fails.

    I too am personally am unwilling to pay anymore taxes or donate money toward any plan that doesn’t show that the school district is operating in the most efficient manner possible. I just don’t care anymore about meeting everyone’s perceived entitlements.

  74. Then you haven’t heard about the fire sprinkler system that didn’t have water plumbed to it, the electrical system that continually has to be patched and cannot support any further upgrades, the school design that makes it difficult to supervise large areas of the school grounds and more. Believe me, the building needs to be replaced.

    Why would your 7th grader “walk 4+ miles” to school? Don’t over-exagerate your situation. Your 7th grader would get to school the same way kids on F Street have been getting to Emerson all these years – riding their bikes. Or take the bus or have someone drive them. Already, kids in your neighborhood are going to Davis High for 7:45 am classes and then making the dash out to Emerson for 2nd period. I think it takes them 15 minutes or so to make that ride. Holmes is around 5 minutes further. Also, I think that there would be a plan to have Unitrans service West Davis to Holmes. So your argument fails.

    There would not be 900 kids at Holmes. Again, you exagerate. With 9th graders going to the High School, Holmes would have only 7th & 8th graders. I don’t believe that there are over 1800 7th & 8th graders in Davis. Even if there were, both Emerson & Holmes held 1100+ before Harper was built and you bought your house thinking that was just fine.

    Since most of Davis is miles from any of the Junior Highs, the property value argument also fails.

    I too am personally am unwilling to pay anymore taxes or donate money toward any plan that doesn’t show that the school district is operating in the most efficient manner possible. I just don’t care anymore about meeting everyone’s perceived entitlements.

  75. Then you haven’t heard about the fire sprinkler system that didn’t have water plumbed to it, the electrical system that continually has to be patched and cannot support any further upgrades, the school design that makes it difficult to supervise large areas of the school grounds and more. Believe me, the building needs to be replaced.

    Why would your 7th grader “walk 4+ miles” to school? Don’t over-exagerate your situation. Your 7th grader would get to school the same way kids on F Street have been getting to Emerson all these years – riding their bikes. Or take the bus or have someone drive them. Already, kids in your neighborhood are going to Davis High for 7:45 am classes and then making the dash out to Emerson for 2nd period. I think it takes them 15 minutes or so to make that ride. Holmes is around 5 minutes further. Also, I think that there would be a plan to have Unitrans service West Davis to Holmes. So your argument fails.

    There would not be 900 kids at Holmes. Again, you exagerate. With 9th graders going to the High School, Holmes would have only 7th & 8th graders. I don’t believe that there are over 1800 7th & 8th graders in Davis. Even if there were, both Emerson & Holmes held 1100+ before Harper was built and you bought your house thinking that was just fine.

    Since most of Davis is miles from any of the Junior Highs, the property value argument also fails.

    I too am personally am unwilling to pay anymore taxes or donate money toward any plan that doesn’t show that the school district is operating in the most efficient manner possible. I just don’t care anymore about meeting everyone’s perceived entitlements.

  76. Then you haven’t heard about the fire sprinkler system that didn’t have water plumbed to it, the electrical system that continually has to be patched and cannot support any further upgrades, the school design that makes it difficult to supervise large areas of the school grounds and more. Believe me, the building needs to be replaced.

    Why would your 7th grader “walk 4+ miles” to school? Don’t over-exagerate your situation. Your 7th grader would get to school the same way kids on F Street have been getting to Emerson all these years – riding their bikes. Or take the bus or have someone drive them. Already, kids in your neighborhood are going to Davis High for 7:45 am classes and then making the dash out to Emerson for 2nd period. I think it takes them 15 minutes or so to make that ride. Holmes is around 5 minutes further. Also, I think that there would be a plan to have Unitrans service West Davis to Holmes. So your argument fails.

    There would not be 900 kids at Holmes. Again, you exagerate. With 9th graders going to the High School, Holmes would have only 7th & 8th graders. I don’t believe that there are over 1800 7th & 8th graders in Davis. Even if there were, both Emerson & Holmes held 1100+ before Harper was built and you bought your house thinking that was just fine.

    Since most of Davis is miles from any of the Junior Highs, the property value argument also fails.

    I too am personally am unwilling to pay anymore taxes or donate money toward any plan that doesn’t show that the school district is operating in the most efficient manner possible. I just don’t care anymore about meeting everyone’s perceived entitlements.

  77. I think it is clear that spending time blaming someone isn’t helpful. WE cannot escape that Davis residents are responsible for this mess, through many different choices we have made. If you care about schools and education, you should consider that with every vote you make, whether it be school boards, housing developments, parcel taxes, etc. If the public schools don’t fix themselves soon, the problems will get worse b/c parents with financial resources will send their kids to private schools, thereby escalating and exacerbating the problem.

  78. I think it is clear that spending time blaming someone isn’t helpful. WE cannot escape that Davis residents are responsible for this mess, through many different choices we have made. If you care about schools and education, you should consider that with every vote you make, whether it be school boards, housing developments, parcel taxes, etc. If the public schools don’t fix themselves soon, the problems will get worse b/c parents with financial resources will send their kids to private schools, thereby escalating and exacerbating the problem.

  79. I think it is clear that spending time blaming someone isn’t helpful. WE cannot escape that Davis residents are responsible for this mess, through many different choices we have made. If you care about schools and education, you should consider that with every vote you make, whether it be school boards, housing developments, parcel taxes, etc. If the public schools don’t fix themselves soon, the problems will get worse b/c parents with financial resources will send their kids to private schools, thereby escalating and exacerbating the problem.

  80. I think it is clear that spending time blaming someone isn’t helpful. WE cannot escape that Davis residents are responsible for this mess, through many different choices we have made. If you care about schools and education, you should consider that with every vote you make, whether it be school boards, housing developments, parcel taxes, etc. If the public schools don’t fix themselves soon, the problems will get worse b/c parents with financial resources will send their kids to private schools, thereby escalating and exacerbating the problem.

  81. “When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.”

    This happened when I was in the 7th & 8th grades. I lived in West Davis and had to bike across town to Holmes for two years. It was really not a big deal. I think there was a bus available for rainy days. But for a healthy 12-14 year old, that is an easy bike ride and a nice way to get the day started.

    My column in Wedsnesday’s Enterprise will regard the school budget mess and how I think we should deal with it. I won’t touch on the junior high question, but I have some thoughts.

    If the idea is to close Emerson for a year in order to repair it, I don’t think that’s a bad idea. (I have no idea where the money would come from.) However, if the idea is to shutter Emerson and then permanently crowd 2,000 junior high school students into the two remaining junior highs (or make Davis High even larger with Freshmen), that’s a mistake.

    At a crucial time in life, it’s harmful for a lot of kids who are not sure of themselves and who don’t know where they fit in to be put in a giant school, where they will just be numbers and no one will know their names.

    If we could control the admin costs, what we should be working for (in the future after the current crisis passes) is smaller school environments (like with Da Vinci), where every child is dealt with as an individual and his unique gift is allowed to blossom. At no time is this more important than in junior high school.

  82. “When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.”

    This happened when I was in the 7th & 8th grades. I lived in West Davis and had to bike across town to Holmes for two years. It was really not a big deal. I think there was a bus available for rainy days. But for a healthy 12-14 year old, that is an easy bike ride and a nice way to get the day started.

    My column in Wedsnesday’s Enterprise will regard the school budget mess and how I think we should deal with it. I won’t touch on the junior high question, but I have some thoughts.

    If the idea is to close Emerson for a year in order to repair it, I don’t think that’s a bad idea. (I have no idea where the money would come from.) However, if the idea is to shutter Emerson and then permanently crowd 2,000 junior high school students into the two remaining junior highs (or make Davis High even larger with Freshmen), that’s a mistake.

    At a crucial time in life, it’s harmful for a lot of kids who are not sure of themselves and who don’t know where they fit in to be put in a giant school, where they will just be numbers and no one will know their names.

    If we could control the admin costs, what we should be working for (in the future after the current crisis passes) is smaller school environments (like with Da Vinci), where every child is dealt with as an individual and his unique gift is allowed to blossom. At no time is this more important than in junior high school.

  83. “When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.”

    This happened when I was in the 7th & 8th grades. I lived in West Davis and had to bike across town to Holmes for two years. It was really not a big deal. I think there was a bus available for rainy days. But for a healthy 12-14 year old, that is an easy bike ride and a nice way to get the day started.

    My column in Wedsnesday’s Enterprise will regard the school budget mess and how I think we should deal with it. I won’t touch on the junior high question, but I have some thoughts.

    If the idea is to close Emerson for a year in order to repair it, I don’t think that’s a bad idea. (I have no idea where the money would come from.) However, if the idea is to shutter Emerson and then permanently crowd 2,000 junior high school students into the two remaining junior highs (or make Davis High even larger with Freshmen), that’s a mistake.

    At a crucial time in life, it’s harmful for a lot of kids who are not sure of themselves and who don’t know where they fit in to be put in a giant school, where they will just be numbers and no one will know their names.

    If we could control the admin costs, what we should be working for (in the future after the current crisis passes) is smaller school environments (like with Da Vinci), where every child is dealt with as an individual and his unique gift is allowed to blossom. At no time is this more important than in junior high school.

  84. “When West Davis Emerson was built years ago, the downtown Emerson closed down and the 9th graders went to the High School and all 7th & 8th graders attended Holmes. It was uncomfortable and inconvenient, but that was just what had to be done.”

    This happened when I was in the 7th & 8th grades. I lived in West Davis and had to bike across town to Holmes for two years. It was really not a big deal. I think there was a bus available for rainy days. But for a healthy 12-14 year old, that is an easy bike ride and a nice way to get the day started.

    My column in Wedsnesday’s Enterprise will regard the school budget mess and how I think we should deal with it. I won’t touch on the junior high question, but I have some thoughts.

    If the idea is to close Emerson for a year in order to repair it, I don’t think that’s a bad idea. (I have no idea where the money would come from.) However, if the idea is to shutter Emerson and then permanently crowd 2,000 junior high school students into the two remaining junior highs (or make Davis High even larger with Freshmen), that’s a mistake.

    At a crucial time in life, it’s harmful for a lot of kids who are not sure of themselves and who don’t know where they fit in to be put in a giant school, where they will just be numbers and no one will know their names.

    If we could control the admin costs, what we should be working for (in the future after the current crisis passes) is smaller school environments (like with Da Vinci), where every child is dealt with as an individual and his unique gift is allowed to blossom. At no time is this more important than in junior high school.

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