
The People-First Economy, Day 4 – Bias, Wellness, Bliss

TODAY is the last day anyone can view the seminar FOR FREE. The speakers are mostly concerned with intentional inclusive economy that turns away from waste stream fossil fuel dependence. I am learning from these speakers as well and offer my perspective on what the speakers have to say. Here are the 3 speakers from Day 4.

The People-First Economy, Day 3 – Intersected, Fed, Conscious

I am providing a progressive economy menu for the reader to reflect on and choose from. The speakers are mostly concerned with intentional inclusive economy that turns away from waste stream fossil fuel dependence. I am learning from these speakers as well and offer my perspective on what the speakers have to say. Here are the 3 speakers from Day 3.

The People-First Economy, Day 2 – Reformed, Vested, Success

This is a mini review of Day 2 of the People-First Economy Online Summit – I am providing a progressive economy menu for the reader to reflect on and choose from. The speakers are mostly concerned with intentional inclusive economy that turns away from waste stream fossil fuel dependence. I am learning from these speakers as well and offering my perspective on what the speakers have to say. Here are the 3 speakers from Day 2.

The End of the Shutdown of the Federal Government

Garamendi2By John Garamendi

After 16 days of government paralysis, with our country hours away from economic freefall, the House and Senate have passed a bill that is almost identical to what we could have passed 16 days ago. Yes, we have reopened government and avoided default, but real damage has already been done to our economy, millions of Americans’ livelihoods, and investor confidence.

This was a pointless, destructive, and preventable crisis orchestrated by the 80-person tea party faction in the House and a handful of tea party Senators – a minority of their Conference. To make matters worse, the final outcome has been clear almost from the beginning.

Garamendi Pushes For Immigration Reform in Wake of New Study Showing Economic Benefits to Families and Businesses in California

farmworkersAccording to a study by Regional Economic Models, Inc., a set of reforms like that of the Senate Immigration Reform Bill that provides “a pathway to earned citizenship and expands a high-skilled and other temporary worker programs would together boost California’s economic output by $7.3 billion and create approximately 77,070 new jobs in 2014.”

“The study demonstrates that comprehensive immigration reform will create jobs, expand the economy, and strengthen the economic security of hardworking Americans,” said a release by Congressman John Garamendi who represents Davis and much of Yolo County in the House of Representatives.