Aghazarian wants to make legislative races non-partisan?

Earlier this week, we discussed Assemblywoman Lois Wolk’s first campaign ad where she accused her opponent, Greg Aghazarian of misusing his per diem, a fund that is supposed to go to help those legislators who live outside of Sacramento, commute to and from their district. Aghazarian lives and commutes from Stockton to Sacramento, a forty-five minute drive.

Why this is important is that Assemblyman Aghazarian is running on the issue of “investigating the misuse of taxpayer funds.”

Meanwhile Aghazarian has been running his own campaign ad. In it, he suggests that we make legislative races non-partisan.

The current system is broken, the Assemblyman says in his ad:

“So let’s fix it, by making legislative races nonpartisan, just as we do for city councils, mayors and supervisors, where people vote their districts, not the party line. It’s time to rock the system.”

Sounds good right? But let’s look a little deeper here.

Back in 2004, Gary Podesto challenged long-time and now-termed-out Senator Mike Machado. At that time, it was a heavily challenged, expensive race, and Senator Machado was able to pull away late to win the race fairly comfortably. However, trends have changed since that time and the district is now much more heavily Democrat.

This year the Democrats have a 15% registration advantage over Republicans. Now some of those Democrats are more moderate Valley Democrats in the Stockton area. The same changes that allowed McNerney to unseat Richard Pombo in 2006 for the Congressional Seat.

In order for Aghazarian to win he has to do two basic things. First he needs to appeal to more moderate Democrats and Independents. This is clearly his goal in this campaign ad. He appeals to the reformist mindset of the electorate who are fed up with the budget stalemate at the capital.

The other thing you are probably going to see is that he is going to run against perceptions that Lois Wolk is a product of liberal Davis. The toad tunnel and other eccentricities will be brought out.

This is a bit more challenging because Lois Wolk is more of a developer Democrat and has been in Davis and Yolo County’s politics.

As we discussed earlier, both politicians are more on the moderate side of their parties, however, both are clearly in the mainstream of their parties as well. Neither has a voting record that is remotely moderate. Lois Wolk has an over 90% liberal voting, while Aghazarian votes with his party over 80% of the time.

Aghazarian in order to win must show that he is not a dyed-in-the-wool Republican and Lois Wolk must show he is business as usual. Hence she fired the first shot showing the per diem issue.

Given the amount of money that has been amassed by Aghazarian I am somewhat surprised we have not seen the barrage of ads coming from his campaign yet. Perhaps that is occurring in the Stockton media market. But I suspect not. We will see if this race develops into the dirty, contentious, toe-to-toe battle that some have expected.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Didn’t Aghazarian take Grover Norquist’s no new tax pledge? Didn’t he stand with the Republican’s on the budget that came in three months late? Why would anyone want to put another obstructionist Republican in the legislature?

    Vote Wolk

  2. Didn’t Aghazarian take Grover Norquist’s no new tax pledge? Didn’t he stand with the Republican’s on the budget that came in three months late? Why would anyone want to put another obstructionist Republican in the legislature?

    Vote Wolk

  3. Didn’t Aghazarian take Grover Norquist’s no new tax pledge? Didn’t he stand with the Republican’s on the budget that came in three months late? Why would anyone want to put another obstructionist Republican in the legislature?

    Vote Wolk

  4. Didn’t Aghazarian take Grover Norquist’s no new tax pledge? Didn’t he stand with the Republican’s on the budget that came in three months late? Why would anyone want to put another obstructionist Republican in the legislature?

    Vote Wolk

  5. To what length will Republican scum try to personally escape consequences resulting from what they and their party have done to my country? What we continue to see are gutless liars who can’t accept responsibility, with very few exceptions. If I were one of them I’d be looking for an address in Canada. Maybe Harper will protect them after they’re swept from power here.

  6. To what length will Republican scum try to personally escape consequences resulting from what they and their party have done to my country? What we continue to see are gutless liars who can’t accept responsibility, with very few exceptions. If I were one of them I’d be looking for an address in Canada. Maybe Harper will protect them after they’re swept from power here.

  7. To what length will Republican scum try to personally escape consequences resulting from what they and their party have done to my country? What we continue to see are gutless liars who can’t accept responsibility, with very few exceptions. If I were one of them I’d be looking for an address in Canada. Maybe Harper will protect them after they’re swept from power here.

  8. To what length will Republican scum try to personally escape consequences resulting from what they and their party have done to my country? What we continue to see are gutless liars who can’t accept responsibility, with very few exceptions. If I were one of them I’d be looking for an address in Canada. Maybe Harper will protect them after they’re swept from power here.

  9. Why on earth are you spewing out such inane garbage in support of Lois Wolk? Merely, because she is a democrat?

    Well, I’ve voted democrat for longer than you’ve been alive and I consider Lois Wolk one of the most harmful people to ever serve on our City council.

    She voted time-after-time for developers’ interests, saddled us with huge water and sewer rate increases, and set into motion a plan to expand our water and waste-treatment facilities to accomodate a population of 125,000 people!

    Lois Wolk is not a community hero. In fact, her performance on the City council was villified by everyone who even came close to being “progressive.”

    Maybe you need a history lesson. Instead of praising Lois Wolk merely because she is a democrat, maybe you should follow the crumbs back to her years on the City council, when she was despised by all “progressives.”

    If you think Ruth is tough, take a look at how disdainful Lois was of citizen input. I’ll probably vote for Lois, because I’m a democrat, but will have to hold my nose when doing so.

    You lost ALL credibility by praising Lois (merely because she is a democrat)without analyzing her terribly damaging performance on the City council.

    Maybe you should do some research (Yes, R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H)and review tapes of City council meetings when Lois was mayor before you glorify her.

    I know nothing of her opponent, but can’t believe he could possibly do more damage to our community than Lois did.

    Hope you enjoy the elbow-rubbing with such a big-time politician. Must be much easier than the hard work of research, history and true journalism.

    By the way, how many City council meetings did you attend, watch or tape when Lois was our Mayor? And how many times did you see her treat public commentors like dirt? Did you even live here when she was Mayor?

    You can argue for democrats to be elected (and I agree), but Lois Wolk was not good for Davis; she was BAD.

  10. Why on earth are you spewing out such inane garbage in support of Lois Wolk? Merely, because she is a democrat?

    Well, I’ve voted democrat for longer than you’ve been alive and I consider Lois Wolk one of the most harmful people to ever serve on our City council.

    She voted time-after-time for developers’ interests, saddled us with huge water and sewer rate increases, and set into motion a plan to expand our water and waste-treatment facilities to accomodate a population of 125,000 people!

    Lois Wolk is not a community hero. In fact, her performance on the City council was villified by everyone who even came close to being “progressive.”

    Maybe you need a history lesson. Instead of praising Lois Wolk merely because she is a democrat, maybe you should follow the crumbs back to her years on the City council, when she was despised by all “progressives.”

    If you think Ruth is tough, take a look at how disdainful Lois was of citizen input. I’ll probably vote for Lois, because I’m a democrat, but will have to hold my nose when doing so.

    You lost ALL credibility by praising Lois (merely because she is a democrat)without analyzing her terribly damaging performance on the City council.

    Maybe you should do some research (Yes, R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H)and review tapes of City council meetings when Lois was mayor before you glorify her.

    I know nothing of her opponent, but can’t believe he could possibly do more damage to our community than Lois did.

    Hope you enjoy the elbow-rubbing with such a big-time politician. Must be much easier than the hard work of research, history and true journalism.

    By the way, how many City council meetings did you attend, watch or tape when Lois was our Mayor? And how many times did you see her treat public commentors like dirt? Did you even live here when she was Mayor?

    You can argue for democrats to be elected (and I agree), but Lois Wolk was not good for Davis; she was BAD.

  11. Why on earth are you spewing out such inane garbage in support of Lois Wolk? Merely, because she is a democrat?

    Well, I’ve voted democrat for longer than you’ve been alive and I consider Lois Wolk one of the most harmful people to ever serve on our City council.

    She voted time-after-time for developers’ interests, saddled us with huge water and sewer rate increases, and set into motion a plan to expand our water and waste-treatment facilities to accomodate a population of 125,000 people!

    Lois Wolk is not a community hero. In fact, her performance on the City council was villified by everyone who even came close to being “progressive.”

    Maybe you need a history lesson. Instead of praising Lois Wolk merely because she is a democrat, maybe you should follow the crumbs back to her years on the City council, when she was despised by all “progressives.”

    If you think Ruth is tough, take a look at how disdainful Lois was of citizen input. I’ll probably vote for Lois, because I’m a democrat, but will have to hold my nose when doing so.

    You lost ALL credibility by praising Lois (merely because she is a democrat)without analyzing her terribly damaging performance on the City council.

    Maybe you should do some research (Yes, R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H)and review tapes of City council meetings when Lois was mayor before you glorify her.

    I know nothing of her opponent, but can’t believe he could possibly do more damage to our community than Lois did.

    Hope you enjoy the elbow-rubbing with such a big-time politician. Must be much easier than the hard work of research, history and true journalism.

    By the way, how many City council meetings did you attend, watch or tape when Lois was our Mayor? And how many times did you see her treat public commentors like dirt? Did you even live here when she was Mayor?

    You can argue for democrats to be elected (and I agree), but Lois Wolk was not good for Davis; she was BAD.

  12. Why on earth are you spewing out such inane garbage in support of Lois Wolk? Merely, because she is a democrat?

    Well, I’ve voted democrat for longer than you’ve been alive and I consider Lois Wolk one of the most harmful people to ever serve on our City council.

    She voted time-after-time for developers’ interests, saddled us with huge water and sewer rate increases, and set into motion a plan to expand our water and waste-treatment facilities to accomodate a population of 125,000 people!

    Lois Wolk is not a community hero. In fact, her performance on the City council was villified by everyone who even came close to being “progressive.”

    Maybe you need a history lesson. Instead of praising Lois Wolk merely because she is a democrat, maybe you should follow the crumbs back to her years on the City council, when she was despised by all “progressives.”

    If you think Ruth is tough, take a look at how disdainful Lois was of citizen input. I’ll probably vote for Lois, because I’m a democrat, but will have to hold my nose when doing so.

    You lost ALL credibility by praising Lois (merely because she is a democrat)without analyzing her terribly damaging performance on the City council.

    Maybe you should do some research (Yes, R-E-S-E-A-R-C-H)and review tapes of City council meetings when Lois was mayor before you glorify her.

    I know nothing of her opponent, but can’t believe he could possibly do more damage to our community than Lois did.

    Hope you enjoy the elbow-rubbing with such a big-time politician. Must be much easier than the hard work of research, history and true journalism.

    By the way, how many City council meetings did you attend, watch or tape when Lois was our Mayor? And how many times did you see her treat public commentors like dirt? Did you even live here when she was Mayor?

    You can argue for democrats to be elected (and I agree), but Lois Wolk was not good for Davis; she was BAD.

  13. If you still harbor ill will toward Lois for her tenure at the City, you are pretty shallow. Her actions as a Supervisor and Assemblywoman showed wisdom and maturity, and her environmental record is beyond reproach. Politicians mature, and she has matured into a wonderful champion of the environment. But if you want to still be mad at her for when she didn’t dance with you during high school, or cut you off in traffic 20 years ago, go ahead…

  14. If you still harbor ill will toward Lois for her tenure at the City, you are pretty shallow. Her actions as a Supervisor and Assemblywoman showed wisdom and maturity, and her environmental record is beyond reproach. Politicians mature, and she has matured into a wonderful champion of the environment. But if you want to still be mad at her for when she didn’t dance with you during high school, or cut you off in traffic 20 years ago, go ahead…

  15. If you still harbor ill will toward Lois for her tenure at the City, you are pretty shallow. Her actions as a Supervisor and Assemblywoman showed wisdom and maturity, and her environmental record is beyond reproach. Politicians mature, and she has matured into a wonderful champion of the environment. But if you want to still be mad at her for when she didn’t dance with you during high school, or cut you off in traffic 20 years ago, go ahead…

  16. If you still harbor ill will toward Lois for her tenure at the City, you are pretty shallow. Her actions as a Supervisor and Assemblywoman showed wisdom and maturity, and her environmental record is beyond reproach. Politicians mature, and she has matured into a wonderful champion of the environment. But if you want to still be mad at her for when she didn’t dance with you during high school, or cut you off in traffic 20 years ago, go ahead…

  17. This idea that Aghazarian wants to make legislative races non-partisan is one of the most cynical political stunts I have ever seen. It’s a joke and nobody is buying it.

    What he really wants, or wishes for in this election, is to hide the fact he is a Republican from the voters and still be a Republican. His ads are paid for by $650,000 of Republican Party contributions. If he truly wanted to run without party affiliation he could have done so by running as an Independent “Decline to State.” All it takes is gathering enough signatures. Two other Senators (Kopp and Killea) did it. He could have. But he is a rock solid Republican and he knows the brand is tarnished. He wants the money, without the brand. He’s a fraud trying to hide who he really is. It won’t work.

  18. This idea that Aghazarian wants to make legislative races non-partisan is one of the most cynical political stunts I have ever seen. It’s a joke and nobody is buying it.

    What he really wants, or wishes for in this election, is to hide the fact he is a Republican from the voters and still be a Republican. His ads are paid for by $650,000 of Republican Party contributions. If he truly wanted to run without party affiliation he could have done so by running as an Independent “Decline to State.” All it takes is gathering enough signatures. Two other Senators (Kopp and Killea) did it. He could have. But he is a rock solid Republican and he knows the brand is tarnished. He wants the money, without the brand. He’s a fraud trying to hide who he really is. It won’t work.

  19. This idea that Aghazarian wants to make legislative races non-partisan is one of the most cynical political stunts I have ever seen. It’s a joke and nobody is buying it.

    What he really wants, or wishes for in this election, is to hide the fact he is a Republican from the voters and still be a Republican. His ads are paid for by $650,000 of Republican Party contributions. If he truly wanted to run without party affiliation he could have done so by running as an Independent “Decline to State.” All it takes is gathering enough signatures. Two other Senators (Kopp and Killea) did it. He could have. But he is a rock solid Republican and he knows the brand is tarnished. He wants the money, without the brand. He’s a fraud trying to hide who he really is. It won’t work.

  20. This idea that Aghazarian wants to make legislative races non-partisan is one of the most cynical political stunts I have ever seen. It’s a joke and nobody is buying it.

    What he really wants, or wishes for in this election, is to hide the fact he is a Republican from the voters and still be a Republican. His ads are paid for by $650,000 of Republican Party contributions. If he truly wanted to run without party affiliation he could have done so by running as an Independent “Decline to State.” All it takes is gathering enough signatures. Two other Senators (Kopp and Killea) did it. He could have. But he is a rock solid Republican and he knows the brand is tarnished. He wants the money, without the brand. He’s a fraud trying to hide who he really is. It won’t work.

  21. I’m a Democrat, but I will NOT vote for Lois. I’m tired of her type of politics. In any other city she would be a Republican. A pro choice Republican.

    DPD – I did not read your article to be pro Lois.

  22. I’m a Democrat, but I will NOT vote for Lois. I’m tired of her type of politics. In any other city she would be a Republican. A pro choice Republican.

    DPD – I did not read your article to be pro Lois.

  23. I’m a Democrat, but I will NOT vote for Lois. I’m tired of her type of politics. In any other city she would be a Republican. A pro choice Republican.

    DPD – I did not read your article to be pro Lois.

  24. I’m a Democrat, but I will NOT vote for Lois. I’m tired of her type of politics. In any other city she would be a Republican. A pro choice Republican.

    DPD – I did not read your article to be pro Lois.

  25. Since when are all Republicans evil, which seems to be the tenor of the conversation? I am not familiar w Mr. A, but Mrs. L definitely has some baggage that isn’t good. I honestly don’t know which one I will vote for. But I don’t vote party, I vote candidate – which one I feel is the most qualified.

    Went past a table set out with the following sign – “Democrats register to vote here.” I asked the lady if Republicans could register to vote at her table. Her answer was “We cannot legally keep Republicans from registering to vote.” That is an awful attitude. Then I found out the Republicans do the same thing. A pox on both houses!

  26. Since when are all Republicans evil, which seems to be the tenor of the conversation? I am not familiar w Mr. A, but Mrs. L definitely has some baggage that isn’t good. I honestly don’t know which one I will vote for. But I don’t vote party, I vote candidate – which one I feel is the most qualified.

    Went past a table set out with the following sign – “Democrats register to vote here.” I asked the lady if Republicans could register to vote at her table. Her answer was “We cannot legally keep Republicans from registering to vote.” That is an awful attitude. Then I found out the Republicans do the same thing. A pox on both houses!

  27. Since when are all Republicans evil, which seems to be the tenor of the conversation? I am not familiar w Mr. A, but Mrs. L definitely has some baggage that isn’t good. I honestly don’t know which one I will vote for. But I don’t vote party, I vote candidate – which one I feel is the most qualified.

    Went past a table set out with the following sign – “Democrats register to vote here.” I asked the lady if Republicans could register to vote at her table. Her answer was “We cannot legally keep Republicans from registering to vote.” That is an awful attitude. Then I found out the Republicans do the same thing. A pox on both houses!

  28. Since when are all Republicans evil, which seems to be the tenor of the conversation? I am not familiar w Mr. A, but Mrs. L definitely has some baggage that isn’t good. I honestly don’t know which one I will vote for. But I don’t vote party, I vote candidate – which one I feel is the most qualified.

    Went past a table set out with the following sign – “Democrats register to vote here.” I asked the lady if Republicans could register to vote at her table. Her answer was “We cannot legally keep Republicans from registering to vote.” That is an awful attitude. Then I found out the Republicans do the same thing. A pox on both houses!

  29. Forget the Democrat/Republican argument. Just look at the results. Governor (R) signed two more Wolk (D) bills today to protect seniors. Here is the lead from the Governor’s press release:

    09/28/2008 GAAS:676:08 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    Gov. Schwarzenegger Strengthens Protections for Older Californians

    To combat elder abuse, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a package of bills that will ensure care facilities for the elderly are prepared during disasters and power outages, provide law enforcement with more tools to ensure criminals who victimize the elderly are prosecuted and further protect against different forms of financial abuse.

    “Protecting our growing population of older Californians and helping them feel safe and secure is a priority of mine. I am committed to fighting against elder abuse and these bills will continue to crack down on negligence and criminal acts that too often affect older Californians in our state,” Governor Schwarzenegger said.

    In an effort to have more suspected cases of elder abuse reported, the Governor signed AB 2100 by Assemblymember Lois Wolk (D-Davis), which requires ombudspersons at long-term care facilities to report cases of alleged or suspected physical abuse, including sexual abuse, and financial abuse to the local district attorney’s office.

    The Governor also signed AB 749 by Assemblymember Wolk to make sure elderly residents living in residential care facilities are not left vulnerable during and immediately following a natural disaster or other emergency. The bill requires residential care facilities for the elderly to have a comprehensive emergency plan by March 1, 2009 that ensures the facility can remain self-reliant for at least 72 hours. The facility must also make the plan available to residents and local emergency responders.

  30. Forget the Democrat/Republican argument. Just look at the results. Governor (R) signed two more Wolk (D) bills today to protect seniors. Here is the lead from the Governor’s press release:

    09/28/2008 GAAS:676:08 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    Gov. Schwarzenegger Strengthens Protections for Older Californians

    To combat elder abuse, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a package of bills that will ensure care facilities for the elderly are prepared during disasters and power outages, provide law enforcement with more tools to ensure criminals who victimize the elderly are prosecuted and further protect against different forms of financial abuse.

    “Protecting our growing population of older Californians and helping them feel safe and secure is a priority of mine. I am committed to fighting against elder abuse and these bills will continue to crack down on negligence and criminal acts that too often affect older Californians in our state,” Governor Schwarzenegger said.

    In an effort to have more suspected cases of elder abuse reported, the Governor signed AB 2100 by Assemblymember Lois Wolk (D-Davis), which requires ombudspersons at long-term care facilities to report cases of alleged or suspected physical abuse, including sexual abuse, and financial abuse to the local district attorney’s office.

    The Governor also signed AB 749 by Assemblymember Wolk to make sure elderly residents living in residential care facilities are not left vulnerable during and immediately following a natural disaster or other emergency. The bill requires residential care facilities for the elderly to have a comprehensive emergency plan by March 1, 2009 that ensures the facility can remain self-reliant for at least 72 hours. The facility must also make the plan available to residents and local emergency responders.

  31. Forget the Democrat/Republican argument. Just look at the results. Governor (R) signed two more Wolk (D) bills today to protect seniors. Here is the lead from the Governor’s press release:

    09/28/2008 GAAS:676:08 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    Gov. Schwarzenegger Strengthens Protections for Older Californians

    To combat elder abuse, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a package of bills that will ensure care facilities for the elderly are prepared during disasters and power outages, provide law enforcement with more tools to ensure criminals who victimize the elderly are prosecuted and further protect against different forms of financial abuse.

    “Protecting our growing population of older Californians and helping them feel safe and secure is a priority of mine. I am committed to fighting against elder abuse and these bills will continue to crack down on negligence and criminal acts that too often affect older Californians in our state,” Governor Schwarzenegger said.

    In an effort to have more suspected cases of elder abuse reported, the Governor signed AB 2100 by Assemblymember Lois Wolk (D-Davis), which requires ombudspersons at long-term care facilities to report cases of alleged or suspected physical abuse, including sexual abuse, and financial abuse to the local district attorney’s office.

    The Governor also signed AB 749 by Assemblymember Wolk to make sure elderly residents living in residential care facilities are not left vulnerable during and immediately following a natural disaster or other emergency. The bill requires residential care facilities for the elderly to have a comprehensive emergency plan by March 1, 2009 that ensures the facility can remain self-reliant for at least 72 hours. The facility must also make the plan available to residents and local emergency responders.

  32. Forget the Democrat/Republican argument. Just look at the results. Governor (R) signed two more Wolk (D) bills today to protect seniors. Here is the lead from the Governor’s press release:

    09/28/2008 GAAS:676:08 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

    Gov. Schwarzenegger Strengthens Protections for Older Californians

    To combat elder abuse, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed a package of bills that will ensure care facilities for the elderly are prepared during disasters and power outages, provide law enforcement with more tools to ensure criminals who victimize the elderly are prosecuted and further protect against different forms of financial abuse.

    “Protecting our growing population of older Californians and helping them feel safe and secure is a priority of mine. I am committed to fighting against elder abuse and these bills will continue to crack down on negligence and criminal acts that too often affect older Californians in our state,” Governor Schwarzenegger said.

    In an effort to have more suspected cases of elder abuse reported, the Governor signed AB 2100 by Assemblymember Lois Wolk (D-Davis), which requires ombudspersons at long-term care facilities to report cases of alleged or suspected physical abuse, including sexual abuse, and financial abuse to the local district attorney’s office.

    The Governor also signed AB 749 by Assemblymember Wolk to make sure elderly residents living in residential care facilities are not left vulnerable during and immediately following a natural disaster or other emergency. The bill requires residential care facilities for the elderly to have a comprehensive emergency plan by March 1, 2009 that ensures the facility can remain self-reliant for at least 72 hours. The facility must also make the plan available to residents and local emergency responders.

  33. These bills of Lois’ are a big deal and I am really glad she wrote them.

    Last winter when we had the big power outage I went to check on my mother who has Alzheimers and lives in an assisted living faciliy in Woodland. Mom was sitting in the dark. The care givers all had flashlights but the residents did not have anything for seeing in the dark. I ran out and got her a flashlight in case she had to get up in the night to use the bathroom. One of the other residents son, who is a farmer, brought in a little generator and some lights. The facility was completely unprepared for the emergency. When Lois introduced the bill I was grateful that she somehow figured out the need for this important legislation.

    If you want to attack Lois for something she did years ago yo are missing the boat. In politics you don’t get everything you want. You need to judge is one candidate going to serve my interests more then another. If you make this calculation you would clearly support Lois Wolk for State Senate as I do.

  34. These bills of Lois’ are a big deal and I am really glad she wrote them.

    Last winter when we had the big power outage I went to check on my mother who has Alzheimers and lives in an assisted living faciliy in Woodland. Mom was sitting in the dark. The care givers all had flashlights but the residents did not have anything for seeing in the dark. I ran out and got her a flashlight in case she had to get up in the night to use the bathroom. One of the other residents son, who is a farmer, brought in a little generator and some lights. The facility was completely unprepared for the emergency. When Lois introduced the bill I was grateful that she somehow figured out the need for this important legislation.

    If you want to attack Lois for something she did years ago yo are missing the boat. In politics you don’t get everything you want. You need to judge is one candidate going to serve my interests more then another. If you make this calculation you would clearly support Lois Wolk for State Senate as I do.

  35. These bills of Lois’ are a big deal and I am really glad she wrote them.

    Last winter when we had the big power outage I went to check on my mother who has Alzheimers and lives in an assisted living faciliy in Woodland. Mom was sitting in the dark. The care givers all had flashlights but the residents did not have anything for seeing in the dark. I ran out and got her a flashlight in case she had to get up in the night to use the bathroom. One of the other residents son, who is a farmer, brought in a little generator and some lights. The facility was completely unprepared for the emergency. When Lois introduced the bill I was grateful that she somehow figured out the need for this important legislation.

    If you want to attack Lois for something she did years ago yo are missing the boat. In politics you don’t get everything you want. You need to judge is one candidate going to serve my interests more then another. If you make this calculation you would clearly support Lois Wolk for State Senate as I do.

  36. These bills of Lois’ are a big deal and I am really glad she wrote them.

    Last winter when we had the big power outage I went to check on my mother who has Alzheimers and lives in an assisted living faciliy in Woodland. Mom was sitting in the dark. The care givers all had flashlights but the residents did not have anything for seeing in the dark. I ran out and got her a flashlight in case she had to get up in the night to use the bathroom. One of the other residents son, who is a farmer, brought in a little generator and some lights. The facility was completely unprepared for the emergency. When Lois introduced the bill I was grateful that she somehow figured out the need for this important legislation.

    If you want to attack Lois for something she did years ago yo are missing the boat. In politics you don’t get everything you want. You need to judge is one candidate going to serve my interests more then another. If you make this calculation you would clearly support Lois Wolk for State Senate as I do.

  37. I saw a Wolk commercial this morning where she is showing her supposed bi-partisan nature, (Republican side) by walking alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and waving at the cameras.

    Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.

    You can work with both sides but trying to pander to the other side doesn’t win votes from within your own party.

    It was disappointing. I will not be voting for Wolk.

    I’m not happy with Aghazarian, but Wolk is no better.

  38. I saw a Wolk commercial this morning where she is showing her supposed bi-partisan nature, (Republican side) by walking alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and waving at the cameras.

    Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.

    You can work with both sides but trying to pander to the other side doesn’t win votes from within your own party.

    It was disappointing. I will not be voting for Wolk.

    I’m not happy with Aghazarian, but Wolk is no better.

  39. I saw a Wolk commercial this morning where she is showing her supposed bi-partisan nature, (Republican side) by walking alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and waving at the cameras.

    Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.

    You can work with both sides but trying to pander to the other side doesn’t win votes from within your own party.

    It was disappointing. I will not be voting for Wolk.

    I’m not happy with Aghazarian, but Wolk is no better.

  40. I saw a Wolk commercial this morning where she is showing her supposed bi-partisan nature, (Republican side) by walking alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger and waving at the cameras.

    Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.

    You can work with both sides but trying to pander to the other side doesn’t win votes from within your own party.

    It was disappointing. I will not be voting for Wolk.

    I’m not happy with Aghazarian, but Wolk is no better.

  41. “Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.”

    How shallow do you have to be to get upset because your Democratic legislator was shown in a campaign commercial walking with a popular liberal Republican governor who happens to also be a popular movie star? This really upsets you? Get a life.

  42. “Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.”

    How shallow do you have to be to get upset because your Democratic legislator was shown in a campaign commercial walking with a popular liberal Republican governor who happens to also be a popular movie star? This really upsets you? Get a life.

  43. “Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.”

    How shallow do you have to be to get upset because your Democratic legislator was shown in a campaign commercial walking with a popular liberal Republican governor who happens to also be a popular movie star? This really upsets you? Get a life.

  44. “Are you a Democrat or a Republican Lois? Stop pandering.”

    How shallow do you have to be to get upset because your Democratic legislator was shown in a campaign commercial walking with a popular liberal Republican governor who happens to also be a popular movie star? This really upsets you? Get a life.

  45. Person who allegedly is “Democrat in AD 8” is probably just another Aghazarian troll. Argument makes no sense.

    Wolk gets Governor to sign her bills. Good for her! And especially good for us and anyone who cares about Cache Creek Wild and Scenic, elder abuse protections, land use in the flood zones, to name just a few.

    That’s REAL bipartisanship, the good kind, not the phony b.s. about hiding your political identity that Aghazarian is promoting for his own benefit and nobody else.

  46. Person who allegedly is “Democrat in AD 8” is probably just another Aghazarian troll. Argument makes no sense.

    Wolk gets Governor to sign her bills. Good for her! And especially good for us and anyone who cares about Cache Creek Wild and Scenic, elder abuse protections, land use in the flood zones, to name just a few.

    That’s REAL bipartisanship, the good kind, not the phony b.s. about hiding your political identity that Aghazarian is promoting for his own benefit and nobody else.

  47. Person who allegedly is “Democrat in AD 8” is probably just another Aghazarian troll. Argument makes no sense.

    Wolk gets Governor to sign her bills. Good for her! And especially good for us and anyone who cares about Cache Creek Wild and Scenic, elder abuse protections, land use in the flood zones, to name just a few.

    That’s REAL bipartisanship, the good kind, not the phony b.s. about hiding your political identity that Aghazarian is promoting for his own benefit and nobody else.

  48. Person who allegedly is “Democrat in AD 8” is probably just another Aghazarian troll. Argument makes no sense.

    Wolk gets Governor to sign her bills. Good for her! And especially good for us and anyone who cares about Cache Creek Wild and Scenic, elder abuse protections, land use in the flood zones, to name just a few.

    That’s REAL bipartisanship, the good kind, not the phony b.s. about hiding your political identity that Aghazarian is promoting for his own benefit and nobody else.

  49. I know I won’t vote for Wolk. Her only campaign commercial is an instant attack ad. Nothing on record, nothing on the issues, nothing but misleading garbage about per diem that all but 3 people take? Add to that the ever increasing degradation of personal rights that she supported against overwhelming public opposition like AB1634. No thanks. Enough of her and her kind. Don’t be so party blind. We Democrats have made the mess. We control the house and senate. We need to look to ourselves for a change instead of casting blame where it doesn’t belong.

  50. I know I won’t vote for Wolk. Her only campaign commercial is an instant attack ad. Nothing on record, nothing on the issues, nothing but misleading garbage about per diem that all but 3 people take? Add to that the ever increasing degradation of personal rights that she supported against overwhelming public opposition like AB1634. No thanks. Enough of her and her kind. Don’t be so party blind. We Democrats have made the mess. We control the house and senate. We need to look to ourselves for a change instead of casting blame where it doesn’t belong.

  51. I know I won’t vote for Wolk. Her only campaign commercial is an instant attack ad. Nothing on record, nothing on the issues, nothing but misleading garbage about per diem that all but 3 people take? Add to that the ever increasing degradation of personal rights that she supported against overwhelming public opposition like AB1634. No thanks. Enough of her and her kind. Don’t be so party blind. We Democrats have made the mess. We control the house and senate. We need to look to ourselves for a change instead of casting blame where it doesn’t belong.

  52. I know I won’t vote for Wolk. Her only campaign commercial is an instant attack ad. Nothing on record, nothing on the issues, nothing but misleading garbage about per diem that all but 3 people take? Add to that the ever increasing degradation of personal rights that she supported against overwhelming public opposition like AB1634. No thanks. Enough of her and her kind. Don’t be so party blind. We Democrats have made the mess. We control the house and senate. We need to look to ourselves for a change instead of casting blame where it doesn’t belong.

  53. Huh? OK Mr. Republican Dog Breeder Dude. AB 1634 is your litmus test? Wow. So, Wolk voted with the Humane Society on a bill you didn’t like. Too bad. Go back to your kennel and clean up your own mess and vote for the Republican rightwinger, a guy who doesn’t think women should have control of their own body. You want to protect the rights of dogs to reproduce willy nilly, at tremendous public cost, but not allow humans to keep the government out of their own reproductive lives.

    The loons have now discovered the Peoples Vanguard! DPD, you have arrived on the blogosphere!

  54. Huh? OK Mr. Republican Dog Breeder Dude. AB 1634 is your litmus test? Wow. So, Wolk voted with the Humane Society on a bill you didn’t like. Too bad. Go back to your kennel and clean up your own mess and vote for the Republican rightwinger, a guy who doesn’t think women should have control of their own body. You want to protect the rights of dogs to reproduce willy nilly, at tremendous public cost, but not allow humans to keep the government out of their own reproductive lives.

    The loons have now discovered the Peoples Vanguard! DPD, you have arrived on the blogosphere!

  55. Huh? OK Mr. Republican Dog Breeder Dude. AB 1634 is your litmus test? Wow. So, Wolk voted with the Humane Society on a bill you didn’t like. Too bad. Go back to your kennel and clean up your own mess and vote for the Republican rightwinger, a guy who doesn’t think women should have control of their own body. You want to protect the rights of dogs to reproduce willy nilly, at tremendous public cost, but not allow humans to keep the government out of their own reproductive lives.

    The loons have now discovered the Peoples Vanguard! DPD, you have arrived on the blogosphere!

  56. Huh? OK Mr. Republican Dog Breeder Dude. AB 1634 is your litmus test? Wow. So, Wolk voted with the Humane Society on a bill you didn’t like. Too bad. Go back to your kennel and clean up your own mess and vote for the Republican rightwinger, a guy who doesn’t think women should have control of their own body. You want to protect the rights of dogs to reproduce willy nilly, at tremendous public cost, but not allow humans to keep the government out of their own reproductive lives.

    The loons have now discovered the Peoples Vanguard! DPD, you have arrived on the blogosphere!

  57. Hey davey bob,
    Take a look at the second post on the this page. You are breaking your rules by letting someone refer to a Republican as,”Scum”.
    Also plese read the post Sept. 26, regarding the Lewis/Cannery proposals. Someone brought up C.A.R.O.L.E. It was a surprise to me. For those of you who don’t know what CAROLE is plese go to that post and read it, you will find it interesting.

  58. Hey davey bob,
    Take a look at the second post on the this page. You are breaking your rules by letting someone refer to a Republican as,”Scum”.
    Also plese read the post Sept. 26, regarding the Lewis/Cannery proposals. Someone brought up C.A.R.O.L.E. It was a surprise to me. For those of you who don’t know what CAROLE is plese go to that post and read it, you will find it interesting.

  59. Hey davey bob,
    Take a look at the second post on the this page. You are breaking your rules by letting someone refer to a Republican as,”Scum”.
    Also plese read the post Sept. 26, regarding the Lewis/Cannery proposals. Someone brought up C.A.R.O.L.E. It was a surprise to me. For those of you who don’t know what CAROLE is plese go to that post and read it, you will find it interesting.

  60. Hey davey bob,
    Take a look at the second post on the this page. You are breaking your rules by letting someone refer to a Republican as,”Scum”.
    Also plese read the post Sept. 26, regarding the Lewis/Cannery proposals. Someone brought up C.A.R.O.L.E. It was a surprise to me. For those of you who don’t know what CAROLE is plese go to that post and read it, you will find it interesting.

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