Don’t Raise Water Rates in Davis

As a local small business in Davis, CA we wholeheartedly oppose the 2010 proposed water and sewer rate hike. Local businesses and residents are still struggling in this tough economy and with higher water rate everyone will feel the burden on our already tight budgets. Davis just raised rates less than two years ago and they plan to raise rates as much as 23% by 2014. How can Davis meet it’s self proclaimed goals of “livability” and “preservation of character” while raising the cost of living and doing business?

This rate hike affects EVERYONE in Davis! Business will have to raise prices, landlords will have to raise rents and homeowners will have to pay more out of pocket! Just say “NO” to the City of Davis! Protect your quality of life!





  1. I hate to break it to you, but you should probably be grateful that the price of water is as low as it is right now. It is especially costly to plan, design, or construct new water supply projects, and to maintain the quality and reliability of the (ground) water supplies we currently have. Whatever your opinion about the quality of Davis water, consider it a fact that the cost of water in Davis and everywhere in California will be going up faster than the rate of inflation for the rest of our lifetime, and I’m 36. The fact is that water is scarce, overpromised, in high demand, and the water quality requirements are getting ever stricter.

    To save money on water, I’d strongly suggest switching to a xeriscape yard. Outdoor irrigation typically consumes about 50-70% of annual water usage for a typical single family residence.

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