The Dirty Energy Proposition: How Texas oil companies are trying to block clean energy progress in California

Union of Concerned Scientists

Nov 2 Vote “No on Proposition 23”

The Dirty Energy Proposition: How Texas oil companies are trying to block clean energy progress in California

You and friends are invited to a house party that Diane, Rodney, Mary, Malik and Marilu will be hosting on:

  • Thursday, September 23
  • 7 to 8:30pm
  • Davis Community Church – 412 C Street – Davis CA  95616

Texas oil companies are spending millions on their deceptive ballot campaign to pass Prop. 23, the dirty energy proposition, which would effectively repeal California’s landmark clean energy and climate solutions law, AB 32.

On September 23, we’ll premiere an exciting new mini-documentary, which will shed light on our state’s cutting-edge global warming and clean energy policies and the oil companies’ efforts to derail them. All over the state, concerned Californians like you will gather to view the documentary and team up with like-minded friends and allies to take action to defeat Prop 23.

The party agenda will include: viewing the mini-documentary, a conference call for a real-time update on the campaign and how you can make a difference, as well as time for planning “No on 23” outreach.

Find out more about Prop 23, the dirty energy proposition, here.

We hope you can make it!

Please click the link below to visit my party page and RSVP! Click here to visit my Event page




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