Measure I Protects Our Environment
by Andrew Fulks, Chad Roberts, Alan Pryor, and Bob Schneider
Davis residents value nature, our natural lands, and our farmlands. From the scenic geology and diverse biology of the Inner Coast Range, to the fertile farmlands around us, to the beautiful and productive wetlands to our east, we live in a unique place. Recognizing the value of these natural assets of our own and our children’s future, Davisites have always worked hard to protect these special places and to contribute to a sustainable and vibrant regional environment.
But all is not well! Davis relies on 20 wells for its water; 16 wells pump water from an intermediate depth aquifer while the remaining four are deep wells. The quality of drinking water we get from our intermediate depth wells is deteriorating. The intermediate wells themselves are aging and becoming less reliable. Mineral contaminants in the water drawn from these wells pass through our homes and the City’s wastewater treatment plant, and are showing up and accumulating in the wetlands east of Davis.