On February 28, the voters will have a chance to meet Dean Johansson.
The Vanguard is sponsoring a meet the candidates event. Both Jeff Reisig and Dean Johansson were invited. (Mr. Johansson confirmed, Mr. Reisig did not respond).
Dean Johansson will speak for about 15 to 20 minutes and take questions from the audience.
The free event will be held at Bryte Cafe in West Sacramento located at 637 Todhunter Ave.
Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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No surprise there, I think the Vanguard should’ve expected that.
Meet One DA Candidate-Wednesday.
I don’t know about your dog, Keith, (I hope you have someone who gives unconditional love) but when mine is hiding, he’s usually done something he hopes I won’t notice…………..
I hope you didn’t copyright that line, John, so I can use it myself, as appropriate… spot on truth for 4 of the five dogs I’ve owned… the fifth was so neurotic that it would hide even if it had not committed a transgression…
John, dogs are usually smart enough to stay away from a den of wolves.
My dog never hides. But then, as a fully compliant, mature Corgi, she never has anything to hide. Innocence is a wonderful promoter of full disclosure.
Would you walk your Corgi into a den of wolves?
I am unaware of any “den of wolves” in Davis. I am aware of those who believe in a free exchange of ideas rather than reliance on name recognition.
“den of wolves”
Hyperbolic, verging on paranoid, old fella. Reisig is hoping to win with press releases and lawn signs. Johansson needs to goad him into a good old fashion fight. (I love politics!)