By Alex Morgan and Michael Wheeler
SACRAMENTO, CA – Sacramento Superior Court Departments 60, 61, and 63 worked on setting preliminary hearings for defendants Monday, and, as usual, most court cases were dismissed quickly with the scheduling of a next hearing. However, there were a few cases that stood out as their next dates were being decided.
In Dept. 63, there was a preliminary hearing being set between multiple parties. The co-defendants were all involved in a similar case that required their hearings to be scheduled on the same day.
Towards the end of this session in Dept. 63, Judge Patrick Marlette discussed how difficult it was to have court over Zoom and make sure that individuals are present and taking the matter seriously.
“We are not doing that guy any favors by treating it like it’s not important,” he remarked, regarding a defendant who appeared in court from bed.
Judge Marlette took the blame for why individuals may not take his court so seriously, blaming it on his character, noting that he can be jovial, and maybe make makes the court seem like it’s less serious.
“Maybe I should just get my robe cleaned, maybe that’s what it is,” Judge Marlette joked, implying that maybe he needs to “brush up” to make this court feel serious to others.
Dept. 60 with Judge Scott L. Tedmon, had a case involving defendant Calvin Davis, who was charged with a misdemeanor battery against a person with whom he had a previous dating relationship, and destroying or removing a wireless communication device from the victim.
Davis asked to be reinstated in a work project that he was previously involved in, so that he could post bail, set at $10,000. Davis stated that he had just begun working at UC Davis and would like to keep his job.
Judge Tedmon denied this request, stating, “Part of his probationary term is that he obey all laws… sheriff’s work project is a privilege, not a right.”
The court recognized previous charges and criminal records in Davis’ history, beginning with a prior criminal record including juvenile hall and dispositions as a minor. As an adult, his record shows vandalism convictions in 2008, and misdemeanors, DUI and driving on a suspended license, from 2008, 2014, 2017, and 2018.
The recent charges Davis faced were charges of battery and the destruction of wireless communication. There was, allegedly, a verbal argument that escalated into a physical altercation, where he is accused of pushing the victim to the floor and destroyed her phone as she tried to call 911. There is also another charge of battery to the victim who was left with bruising on her arms and body.
The victim also placed a referral to Child Protective Services. While the child was not present during the altercation in question, the court left open whether the child was there or not during other interactions between the victim and defendant.
Davis is set to return to court on March 8 at 8:30 a.m.
In Dept. 61, defendant Christina Ramirez pleaded no contest to aggravated trespassing and misdemeanor vandalism after allegedly committing unauthorized entry into an occupied dwelling.
Judge Geoffrey Goodman sentenced Ramirez to 180 days, time served, restitution, and fees at the request of the defense. Judge Goodman also served her with a no-contact order to stay 100 yards away from the premises.
Difficulty arose as the court informed Ramirez of the details of her probation commencement. Asking whether she could check in with the probation department in person, the court encouraged her to do so by phone.
Ramirez replied, “I don’t have a phone, so that’s been my problem, and no one’s going to just let me use their phone. I’m homeless, that’s a big problem.”
Instructed by the court to find a solution, she stated, “Ok, I’ll figure something out.”
Alex Morgan is a 3rd year Political Science Major at Westmont College. She is originally from Santa Barbara, California.
Michael Wheeler is a junior at UC Davis, where he studies History and Economics.
He is from Walnut Creek, California.
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