Student Opinion: Congratulations to Britney Spears

Britney Spears stand in a long white stain coat in an iron wrought doorway in the entrance to a house

Britney Spears stand in a long white stain coat in an iron wrought doorway in the entrance to a house


By: Ariana Ceballos 


LOS ANGELES, CA – Last November, the media and the world witnessed the end of Britney Spears’ 13-year-long conservatorship. The conservatorship led by her father Jamie Spears exploited Britney by preventing her from having control over many aspects of her life, including her reproductive rights. Britney Spears mentioned this regulation in a court hearing, stating: “I wanted to take the IUD out so I could start trying to have another baby, but this so-called team won’t let me go to the doctor…they don’t want me to have any more children.” With much public support and a court ruling determining that Britney was no longer required to be under a conservatorship, the singer was finally able to gain control over her life. 


Recently Britney has taken to Instagram to detail her experiences in her newfound freedom, sharing with her followers that she and her partner Sam Asghari are expecting a baby. This news is remarkable for Britney as she’s finally living the life that she should have had access to a long time ago. Britney’s bravery throughout her conservatorship and resilience against the media is something that should not be dismissed. After having her voice and rights restricted, Britney should be recognized and commended for her honesty and courage. 


Britney Spears has two other children with her previous husband Kevin Federline. In the same Instagram post announcing her pregnancy, Britney shared that she struggled with perinatal depression, described by the National Institute of Mental Health as a depression that occurs during or after pregnancy. Britney stated in her caption: “when I was pregnant I had perinatal depression…I have to say it is absolutely horrible…women didn’t talk about it then,” mentioning the heavy stigma that plagues this health issue. 


People tend to hold pregnant women’s hormones accountable for their mood swings, but it’s important to note that a woman’s mental health can change. Britney alluded to the fact that many women are not encouraged to seek help or share their feelings during pregnancy, saying that “some people considered it dangerous if a woman complained like that with a baby inside her.” This implication is sad, Britney was in a position where she financially was able to afford mental health professionals, but there was a shame that surrounded her perinatal depression. Her social status at the time would have also brought heavy criticism if she was honest about her experiences. 


Britney has always been targeted by the paparazzi as they infamously captured her breakdown back in 2007. During this time, Britney’s divorce and motherhood became scandals that the media heavily exploited. Problems that were meant to be private became public conversation topics, leading to heavy criticism against Britney. It was obvious she needed help, and yet people saw this as entertaining and humorous. 


Today many people look back and point out how the media played a role in promoting and stigmatizing mental health issues. The public witnessed a woman go through stressful events that would lead to her silencing and it wasn’t until now that Britney could speak about her experiences. She no longer needs to follow the rules of her conservators managing her voice and “image,” and it’s great that she’s living her new life in her own voice and actions. 


Britney Spears is now managing the most important aspect of her life. This pregnancy announcement is great news to hear, especially after her heartbreaking hearings in the courts last year. It is through her words and manners that Britney will let her fans join her on this pregnancy journey. 


Britney has overcome many struggles in her life that have only recently come to light and been understood by the public. Her journey to stardom has made her an icon; though, it is through her courage and newly-found voice that she speaks as a strong woman. This is a new, exciting experience for a free Britney, and as a fan and human, I wish her nothing but luck and love. 



  • Jordan

    Jordan Varney received a masters from UC Davis in Psychology and a B.S. in Computer Science from Harvey Mudd. Varney is editor in chief of the Vanguard at UC Davis.

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  1. and as a fan and human,

    I am one of those things, at least.

    Her social status at the time would have also brought heavy criticism if she was honest about her experiences.

    Say what, now?

    It is through her words and manners that Britney will let her fans join her on this pregnancy journey. 

    Oh, joy.  Will the Vanguard be covering that?  I realize this is a very “unique” human journey.

    Unless she slaps someone on stage, I’m probably not going to be paying much attention.

    Bah, humbug.

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