Sacramento Police Mistake 8-Year-Old Kid as Suspect, Draw Guns on Stopped Car with Pregnant Mom

By The Vanguard Staff

SACRAMENTO, CA – Sacramento police officers admit they made a “mistake” when they pulled over a very pregnant mother driving her eight-year-old son to football practice last week, believing her son was a suspect they’ve been watching for years.

According to a KCRA TV report, officers pointed their guns at her car, and now her son is “terrified” to go on the highway. She told KCRA she wants an apology.

The Sacramento Police Department admitted its officers made a mistake during Tuesday’s 5 p.m. traffic stop, believing at the time that the woman’s child fit the description of a juvenile wanted on two felony warrants. 

Shanice Stewart told KCRA she saw “flashing police lights…pulled over to the left to let officers pass…looked in the rearview mirror and that’s when I noticed the police officers had their guns out.”

Stewart added, “They had them aimed towards the car, so I listened to their instructions to toss my keys out the window, open my door with my left hand and get out slowly with my hands in the air. I just followed instructions.”

Stewart, who, according to KCRA, is nine months pregnant, told her son to stay in the car. “She said as she was walking toward the officers, she realized her son had gotten out of the vehicle and could hear him screaming, pleading with officers not to take her away,” reported KCRA.

KCRA added that Stewart said police told her that her son fit the description—hair texture and a white shirt—of a person they had been watching for two years.

“Really? My 8-year-old baby fits the description of the suspect you’re looking for?” Stewart said. “It just didn’t make sense to me.”

Although police admitted the mistake, Stewart said in a news interview she “still wants a formal apology from the department,” explaining that it will take time for her son to recover from what happened. Even with a formal apology, however, Stewart thinks “the damage is already done.”

“What kid wants to live in fear of a police officer possibly stopping him in the future and doing something to him?” she said. “Is this how they deal with young children, young men, young, you know, minorities.” 

The police department declined an interview with KCRA 3 on Thursday, but it told KCRA 3 “it is reviewing body-worn camera footage from its officers.” And, in a statement late Thursday, police said they were “looking for someone with two warrants, one of them being gun possession. Below is the statement in part.

“As officers were conducting the stop and the windows were rolled down, they realized the juvenile in the vehicle was not the wanted suspect, and at that point the high-risk stop was ended. We must acknowledge that in this instance, a mistake was made,” said SPD.

“I’m still worried,” Stewart said to KCRA, “I’m still scared.” 



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1 comment

  1. This is another instance of bumbling and stumbling incompetent cops that can’t distinguish an 8 year old child from a criminal suspect. No wonder many people including myself have low opinions of law enforcement these days.

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