November Update: Republicans Fuel Aghazarian’s Senate Campaign Against Wolk

Republican Party Gives Big Money to Aghazarian

The Sacramento Bee’s Capitol Alert reported yesterday that the California Republican Party poured roughly $345,000 into Assemblyman Greg Aghazarian’s state Senate campaign last week. Aghazarian is running for the seat of termed-out Sen. Mike Machado and is opposed by Assemblywoman Lois Wolk who represents Yolo and Solano Counties.

That means that the Republican party has already dumped over one million dollars into this race. However as the Capitol Alert points out, that may have more to do with the lack of competitive State Senate Races than anything else.

The same article reported the party donated $595,000 to former Assemblyman Tony Strickland. Strickland is running against former Assemblywoman Hannah-Beth Jackson down in the Santa Barbara-Ventura area in a campaign to succeed termed-out Sen. Tom McClintock (who is now running for Congress against Charlie Brown).

“The races are the only two of the 20 Senate seats up for election in November where competition is expected.”

The Capitol Alert goes on to argue this is an uphill battle for Republicans. The most recent voter registration statistics show that Democrats hold a 47 to 31.5 advantage. Four years ago, Gary Podesta, a former Stockton Mayor, challenged Machado. He spent nearly $10 million to unseat him.

However, that was almost a different district. In October of 2004, Democrats held a 10-point registration advantage over Republicans, now they hold a 15.5 point advantage.

“Allan Hoffenblum, the publisher of the California Target Book, which analyzes political races in the state, said the Aghazarian donation was to send a message to GOP donors.

“It is a statement by the GOP leadership that they are going to take that race seriously,” Hoffenblum said.

In the early money race, Aghazarian has a significant financial advantage, with more than quadruple the cash-on-hand of Wolk.

As of mid-May, Aghazarian had $530,000 in the bank, with $44,000 in debts. Since then, he has received another $105,000 from three local GOP county committees as well as the big recent check from the state party. That brings his rough total to $936,000.

Wolk had $176,000 in her treasury as of mid-May, with $20,000 in debts.

The Democratic Party, however, is expected to have plenty to spend to contest both seats in the fall. The California Democratic Party reported more than $7.9 million in the bank as of May, a $3.8 million advantage over the Republican Party, which reported $4.18 million.”

Hoffenblum went on to say that no Democrat in California will lose for lack of money.

SIEU May Back Redistricting Measure on November’s Ballot

Meanwhile, the lack of competitive races will further fuel a push for redistricting.

The big news on that front might be that SEIU, one of the largest unions in the state, may buck the Democratic Party and back Proposition 11, the redistricting measure on the November Ballot.

Anthony York at Capitol Weekly reports SEIU is considering backing Proposition 11, the redistricting measure on the November ballot:

“The fact that SEIU finds itself divided, and possibly at odds with Democratic Party leadership over redistricting is the latest illustration of an internal belief that the union, which represents nearly 2 million people nationwide, is powerful enough to take its own stand, regardless of what other political or labor leaders may think.”

“We’re large enough to take risks,” says [Courtni] Pugh. “We’re going to do what’s best for working people, and for our membership.”

York writes:

“If SEIU does wind up backing Proposition 11, it would be in the face of opposition from Democratic Party leadership in Washington and Sacramento, and from some other state labor groups…

But under the direction of President Andy Stern, SEIU has sought to assert itself as a national political force, orchestrating a divorce from the country’s largest labor organization, the AFL-CIO, and affirming its political independence.”

York also points out that during the last election cycle, the union won 11 of the 12 Democratic legislative primaries it participated in.

That includes here in the 8th Assembly District, where union-backed Mariko Yamada was able to pull off what was widely considered a monumental upset primarily due to an influx of independent expenditure money from unions and union support on the ground.

From a political perspective however, this potential move by SEIU makes little sense–threatening to alienate allies and weaken their overall political clout.

It would seem like electing Barack Obama should be the biggest focus from the union–and that is clearly the case.

“Pugh says SEIU members from California will be farmed out across the Western states, developing ground campaigns and focused on boosting Latino turnout nationwide to help boost Obama’s prospects.”

Nevertheless, if SEIU carries through on this threat on Proposition 11, it will carry with it some interesting ramifications. In our opinion, that would be a huge strategic blunder for a union that has been mired with internal turmoil and has shwon itself to be an effective organizer on the political front.

In mid-June, the Vanguard wrote more extensively on the redistricting issue. The core belief is that it likely will not have the positive impact that its backers believe.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. We don’t really have to guess, since he’s already endorsed Aghazarian. I’m at a loss as to why that is much of an issue. I imagine that the other non-partisan Supervisors, you know McGowan, Thomson, and Provenza will be endorsing Wolk. So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?

  2. We don’t really have to guess, since he’s already endorsed Aghazarian. I’m at a loss as to why that is much of an issue. I imagine that the other non-partisan Supervisors, you know McGowan, Thomson, and Provenza will be endorsing Wolk. So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?

  3. We don’t really have to guess, since he’s already endorsed Aghazarian. I’m at a loss as to why that is much of an issue. I imagine that the other non-partisan Supervisors, you know McGowan, Thomson, and Provenza will be endorsing Wolk. So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?

  4. We don’t really have to guess, since he’s already endorsed Aghazarian. I’m at a loss as to why that is much of an issue. I imagine that the other non-partisan Supervisors, you know McGowan, Thomson, and Provenza will be endorsing Wolk. So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?

  5. Why is the word “Republican” a dirty word? I am a registered Republican, don’t care for either party, and consider myself an independent. The only reason I am not registered independent is to make sure my vote counts in the primary. I vote for whichever candidate I think is the best qualified, by that a Democrat or Republican. Villifying parties or party affilications is not helpful.

    I am also bothered by the notion that campaign money can, in essence, buy an election. How insulting to the voter.

  6. Why is the word “Republican” a dirty word? I am a registered Republican, don’t care for either party, and consider myself an independent. The only reason I am not registered independent is to make sure my vote counts in the primary. I vote for whichever candidate I think is the best qualified, by that a Democrat or Republican. Villifying parties or party affilications is not helpful.

    I am also bothered by the notion that campaign money can, in essence, buy an election. How insulting to the voter.

  7. Why is the word “Republican” a dirty word? I am a registered Republican, don’t care for either party, and consider myself an independent. The only reason I am not registered independent is to make sure my vote counts in the primary. I vote for whichever candidate I think is the best qualified, by that a Democrat or Republican. Villifying parties or party affilications is not helpful.

    I am also bothered by the notion that campaign money can, in essence, buy an election. How insulting to the voter.

  8. Why is the word “Republican” a dirty word? I am a registered Republican, don’t care for either party, and consider myself an independent. The only reason I am not registered independent is to make sure my vote counts in the primary. I vote for whichever candidate I think is the best qualified, by that a Democrat or Republican. Villifying parties or party affilications is not helpful.

    I am also bothered by the notion that campaign money can, in essence, buy an election. How insulting to the voter.

  9. It might be helpful to explain WHY SEIU is considering supporting the redistricting measure, and engaging that subject in depth, instead of analyzing their possible support in terms of political pragmatism.

    –Richard Estes

  10. It might be helpful to explain WHY SEIU is considering supporting the redistricting measure, and engaging that subject in depth, instead of analyzing their possible support in terms of political pragmatism.

    –Richard Estes

  11. It might be helpful to explain WHY SEIU is considering supporting the redistricting measure, and engaging that subject in depth, instead of analyzing their possible support in terms of political pragmatism.

    –Richard Estes

  12. It might be helpful to explain WHY SEIU is considering supporting the redistricting measure, and engaging that subject in depth, instead of analyzing their possible support in terms of political pragmatism.

    –Richard Estes

  13. “So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?”

    ….. probably because Rexroad, professional Republican political operative ,appears to lauded here on the Vanguard because of his “non-partisan” political posturing that is all rhetoric and no substance.

  14. “So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?”

    ….. probably because Rexroad, professional Republican political operative ,appears to lauded here on the Vanguard because of his “non-partisan” political posturing that is all rhetoric and no substance.

  15. “So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?”

    ….. probably because Rexroad, professional Republican political operative ,appears to lauded here on the Vanguard because of his “non-partisan” political posturing that is all rhetoric and no substance.

  16. “So why are you singling out Rexroad here for being partisan?”

    ….. probably because Rexroad, professional Republican political operative ,appears to lauded here on the Vanguard because of his “non-partisan” political posturing that is all rhetoric and no substance.

  17. I don’t think I have ever characterized him as non-partisan. I disagree with him on a number of issues both within the county and on a national basis. Most recently I disagreed with him on the issue of the needle exchange program. We had an interesting debate on KDRT last week about that and other things.

    On the other hand, I have agreed with him on some land use issues facing Yolo County and in particular his general belief that cities ought to control their land use decisions.

  18. I don’t think I have ever characterized him as non-partisan. I disagree with him on a number of issues both within the county and on a national basis. Most recently I disagreed with him on the issue of the needle exchange program. We had an interesting debate on KDRT last week about that and other things.

    On the other hand, I have agreed with him on some land use issues facing Yolo County and in particular his general belief that cities ought to control their land use decisions.

  19. I don’t think I have ever characterized him as non-partisan. I disagree with him on a number of issues both within the county and on a national basis. Most recently I disagreed with him on the issue of the needle exchange program. We had an interesting debate on KDRT last week about that and other things.

    On the other hand, I have agreed with him on some land use issues facing Yolo County and in particular his general belief that cities ought to control their land use decisions.

  20. I don’t think I have ever characterized him as non-partisan. I disagree with him on a number of issues both within the county and on a national basis. Most recently I disagreed with him on the issue of the needle exchange program. We had an interesting debate on KDRT last week about that and other things.

    On the other hand, I have agreed with him on some land use issues facing Yolo County and in particular his general belief that cities ought to control their land use decisions.

  21. I have tremendous respect for Matt Rexroad too. I am a Democrat, but appreciate his straightforwardness. He doesn’t try to pander. He is just himself and I appreciate that.

  22. I have tremendous respect for Matt Rexroad too. I am a Democrat, but appreciate his straightforwardness. He doesn’t try to pander. He is just himself and I appreciate that.

  23. I have tremendous respect for Matt Rexroad too. I am a Democrat, but appreciate his straightforwardness. He doesn’t try to pander. He is just himself and I appreciate that.

  24. I have tremendous respect for Matt Rexroad too. I am a Democrat, but appreciate his straightforwardness. He doesn’t try to pander. He is just himself and I appreciate that.

  25. The seiu supports a candidate or an issue? Is a union gonna buy another election and make the little person pay for it?
    unions like the seiu STINK along with their worthless reps.

  26. The seiu supports a candidate or an issue? Is a union gonna buy another election and make the little person pay for it?
    unions like the seiu STINK along with their worthless reps.

  27. The seiu supports a candidate or an issue? Is a union gonna buy another election and make the little person pay for it?
    unions like the seiu STINK along with their worthless reps.

  28. The seiu supports a candidate or an issue? Is a union gonna buy another election and make the little person pay for it?
    unions like the seiu STINK along with their worthless reps.

  29. I don’t respect anyone who is straightforward, but WRONG. In that case, I guess you should also respect Richard Pombo, David Duke, and Charles Manson. They are very straightforward and direct in their beliefs, and are just themselves.

  30. I don’t respect anyone who is straightforward, but WRONG. In that case, I guess you should also respect Richard Pombo, David Duke, and Charles Manson. They are very straightforward and direct in their beliefs, and are just themselves.

  31. I don’t respect anyone who is straightforward, but WRONG. In that case, I guess you should also respect Richard Pombo, David Duke, and Charles Manson. They are very straightforward and direct in their beliefs, and are just themselves.

  32. I don’t respect anyone who is straightforward, but WRONG. In that case, I guess you should also respect Richard Pombo, David Duke, and Charles Manson. They are very straightforward and direct in their beliefs, and are just themselves.

  33. Rexroad isn’t running for State Senate but Aghazarian is so let’s keep the focus on the real issues.

    The Budget should be first and foremost on the list of issues. We need to look at the stark contrasts between Wolk and Aghazarian on their past and present positions and votes on the budget. The Governor the other day asked the citizens to call their legislators and ask them to get the budget done. It would really shake the Aghazarian campaign to its core if they started getting calls from independents and Republicans linking his budget votes to voter decisions in November. It just might help get a budget resolution too. For too long Republican intransigence on the budget and taxes has gone unchallenged from within the party and from independents. As one of only two competitive seats in the State Senate this year the budget is an important issue upon which the public needs to exert pressure.

  34. Rexroad isn’t running for State Senate but Aghazarian is so let’s keep the focus on the real issues.

    The Budget should be first and foremost on the list of issues. We need to look at the stark contrasts between Wolk and Aghazarian on their past and present positions and votes on the budget. The Governor the other day asked the citizens to call their legislators and ask them to get the budget done. It would really shake the Aghazarian campaign to its core if they started getting calls from independents and Republicans linking his budget votes to voter decisions in November. It just might help get a budget resolution too. For too long Republican intransigence on the budget and taxes has gone unchallenged from within the party and from independents. As one of only two competitive seats in the State Senate this year the budget is an important issue upon which the public needs to exert pressure.

  35. Rexroad isn’t running for State Senate but Aghazarian is so let’s keep the focus on the real issues.

    The Budget should be first and foremost on the list of issues. We need to look at the stark contrasts between Wolk and Aghazarian on their past and present positions and votes on the budget. The Governor the other day asked the citizens to call their legislators and ask them to get the budget done. It would really shake the Aghazarian campaign to its core if they started getting calls from independents and Republicans linking his budget votes to voter decisions in November. It just might help get a budget resolution too. For too long Republican intransigence on the budget and taxes has gone unchallenged from within the party and from independents. As one of only two competitive seats in the State Senate this year the budget is an important issue upon which the public needs to exert pressure.

  36. Rexroad isn’t running for State Senate but Aghazarian is so let’s keep the focus on the real issues.

    The Budget should be first and foremost on the list of issues. We need to look at the stark contrasts between Wolk and Aghazarian on their past and present positions and votes on the budget. The Governor the other day asked the citizens to call their legislators and ask them to get the budget done. It would really shake the Aghazarian campaign to its core if they started getting calls from independents and Republicans linking his budget votes to voter decisions in November. It just might help get a budget resolution too. For too long Republican intransigence on the budget and taxes has gone unchallenged from within the party and from independents. As one of only two competitive seats in the State Senate this year the budget is an important issue upon which the public needs to exert pressure.

  37. Matt Rexroad is more honest than many Democrats and for that I appreciate him as an elected official. I wish we had more od that locally in the Democratic party.

    P.S. I am a Democrat

  38. Matt Rexroad is more honest than many Democrats and for that I appreciate him as an elected official. I wish we had more od that locally in the Democratic party.

    P.S. I am a Democrat

  39. Matt Rexroad is more honest than many Democrats and for that I appreciate him as an elected official. I wish we had more od that locally in the Democratic party.

    P.S. I am a Democrat

  40. Matt Rexroad is more honest than many Democrats and for that I appreciate him as an elected official. I wish we had more od that locally in the Democratic party.

    P.S. I am a Democrat

  41. Nooo….I’d have to say that YOU’RE Rexroad…not a democrat. No self-respecting Democrat would cuddle up with anyone who worked for the same guy that funded the Swift Boaters.
    So he may serve your purposes with a vote once in a while…fine. But don’t give away something as valuable as respect to anyone who has been involved with such sleazy campaign tactics as he and his company have.

  42. Nooo….I’d have to say that YOU’RE Rexroad…not a democrat. No self-respecting Democrat would cuddle up with anyone who worked for the same guy that funded the Swift Boaters.
    So he may serve your purposes with a vote once in a while…fine. But don’t give away something as valuable as respect to anyone who has been involved with such sleazy campaign tactics as he and his company have.

  43. Nooo….I’d have to say that YOU’RE Rexroad…not a democrat. No self-respecting Democrat would cuddle up with anyone who worked for the same guy that funded the Swift Boaters.
    So he may serve your purposes with a vote once in a while…fine. But don’t give away something as valuable as respect to anyone who has been involved with such sleazy campaign tactics as he and his company have.

  44. Nooo….I’d have to say that YOU’RE Rexroad…not a democrat. No self-respecting Democrat would cuddle up with anyone who worked for the same guy that funded the Swift Boaters.
    So he may serve your purposes with a vote once in a while…fine. But don’t give away something as valuable as respect to anyone who has been involved with such sleazy campaign tactics as he and his company have.

  45. This should be an Aghazarian vs. Wolk thread. But let me just say, for a lot of people, the most important issue that the county has faced was the issue growth by the county on Davis’ periphery. On that issue, the Democrats on the BOS were silent. A lot of us will not soon forget that.

    I don’t agree with Rexroad on a variety of issue, but I consider him a friend. He’s also been a lot of help to me regarding blogging and the running of this site. I’ve never had a reason to hold animosity towards him.

    That said, I find this report pretty interesting, it backs up what the perceptions were about the chances for the Republicans in this district.

    For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.

    To Republican in name only: I too vote for the candidate I think is best qualified. However, part of that evaluation is based on shared values and positions on the issues. If I am against the war in iraq, I am certainly not for the candidate that is in favor of keeping us there another 100 years. To me that is an essential part of qualifications.

  46. This should be an Aghazarian vs. Wolk thread. But let me just say, for a lot of people, the most important issue that the county has faced was the issue growth by the county on Davis’ periphery. On that issue, the Democrats on the BOS were silent. A lot of us will not soon forget that.

    I don’t agree with Rexroad on a variety of issue, but I consider him a friend. He’s also been a lot of help to me regarding blogging and the running of this site. I’ve never had a reason to hold animosity towards him.

    That said, I find this report pretty interesting, it backs up what the perceptions were about the chances for the Republicans in this district.

    For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.

    To Republican in name only: I too vote for the candidate I think is best qualified. However, part of that evaluation is based on shared values and positions on the issues. If I am against the war in iraq, I am certainly not for the candidate that is in favor of keeping us there another 100 years. To me that is an essential part of qualifications.

  47. This should be an Aghazarian vs. Wolk thread. But let me just say, for a lot of people, the most important issue that the county has faced was the issue growth by the county on Davis’ periphery. On that issue, the Democrats on the BOS were silent. A lot of us will not soon forget that.

    I don’t agree with Rexroad on a variety of issue, but I consider him a friend. He’s also been a lot of help to me regarding blogging and the running of this site. I’ve never had a reason to hold animosity towards him.

    That said, I find this report pretty interesting, it backs up what the perceptions were about the chances for the Republicans in this district.

    For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.

    To Republican in name only: I too vote for the candidate I think is best qualified. However, part of that evaluation is based on shared values and positions on the issues. If I am against the war in iraq, I am certainly not for the candidate that is in favor of keeping us there another 100 years. To me that is an essential part of qualifications.

  48. This should be an Aghazarian vs. Wolk thread. But let me just say, for a lot of people, the most important issue that the county has faced was the issue growth by the county on Davis’ periphery. On that issue, the Democrats on the BOS were silent. A lot of us will not soon forget that.

    I don’t agree with Rexroad on a variety of issue, but I consider him a friend. He’s also been a lot of help to me regarding blogging and the running of this site. I’ve never had a reason to hold animosity towards him.

    That said, I find this report pretty interesting, it backs up what the perceptions were about the chances for the Republicans in this district.

    For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.

    To Republican in name only: I too vote for the candidate I think is best qualified. However, part of that evaluation is based on shared values and positions on the issues. If I am against the war in iraq, I am certainly not for the candidate that is in favor of keeping us there another 100 years. To me that is an essential part of qualifications.

  49. For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.”

    The only arguments I have heard against Proposition 11 are partisan and tactical. This is a simple good governance issue.

    Here are some supporters:
    Common Cause
    The League of Women Voters
    former Gov. Gray Davis
    Gov. Schwarzenegger
    California Forward (Leon Panetta, Bruce McPherson, Cruz Reynoso, and others)

    Who are the opponents?

  50. For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.”

    The only arguments I have heard against Proposition 11 are partisan and tactical. This is a simple good governance issue.

    Here are some supporters:
    Common Cause
    The League of Women Voters
    former Gov. Gray Davis
    Gov. Schwarzenegger
    California Forward (Leon Panetta, Bruce McPherson, Cruz Reynoso, and others)

    Who are the opponents?

  51. For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.”

    The only arguments I have heard against Proposition 11 are partisan and tactical. This is a simple good governance issue.

    Here are some supporters:
    Common Cause
    The League of Women Voters
    former Gov. Gray Davis
    Gov. Schwarzenegger
    California Forward (Leon Panetta, Bruce McPherson, Cruz Reynoso, and others)

    Who are the opponents?

  52. For those of you wondering how to vote on redistricting, realize that current redistricting laws has forced the Republicans to pour millions into a district that they probably will not win.”

    The only arguments I have heard against Proposition 11 are partisan and tactical. This is a simple good governance issue.

    Here are some supporters:
    Common Cause
    The League of Women Voters
    former Gov. Gray Davis
    Gov. Schwarzenegger
    California Forward (Leon Panetta, Bruce McPherson, Cruz Reynoso, and others)

    Who are the opponents?

  53. The most important issue in the county is growth on the periphery of Davis?

    How about the foreclosure rate, the cuts at mental health, cop killers and the courts, the Grand Jury and the fire department, water, school funding and layoffs of teachers and staff, school closures,strikes at UC, the state budget mess,the state senate race, health care, war, energy prices and inflation.

  54. The most important issue in the county is growth on the periphery of Davis?

    How about the foreclosure rate, the cuts at mental health, cop killers and the courts, the Grand Jury and the fire department, water, school funding and layoffs of teachers and staff, school closures,strikes at UC, the state budget mess,the state senate race, health care, war, energy prices and inflation.

  55. The most important issue in the county is growth on the periphery of Davis?

    How about the foreclosure rate, the cuts at mental health, cop killers and the courts, the Grand Jury and the fire department, water, school funding and layoffs of teachers and staff, school closures,strikes at UC, the state budget mess,the state senate race, health care, war, energy prices and inflation.

  56. The most important issue in the county is growth on the periphery of Davis?

    How about the foreclosure rate, the cuts at mental health, cop killers and the courts, the Grand Jury and the fire department, water, school funding and layoffs of teachers and staff, school closures,strikes at UC, the state budget mess,the state senate race, health care, war, energy prices and inflation.

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