Two Different Bail Hearing Results in Cases Involving Firearms

By Eric Rodriguez and Lorelei Olivas


WOODLAND, CA – Two cases involving firearms had different results – at least as far as the judge’s decision about bail increases – in Yolo County Superior Court here Wednesday.


Ramiro Solorio Juarez faced charges of assault after allegedly firing a semi-automatic firearm near the 4500 Alhambra apartment complex and threatening an individual Sept. 19. 


Juarez was remanded with a $150,000 bail – a hike from $60,000 – and Deputy Public Defender J. Granucci, was appointed to represent Juarez during arraignment. 


While the accused is not a flight threat, the prosecution charged that the “defendant in this case is posed a serious public safety risk to not only the victim in this case but residents of 4500 Alhambra apartment complex but also to himself.” 


Due to concerns of public safety, the court increased the original bail from $60,000 to $150,000 for Juarez, who is now in custody at the county jail.


Judge Dyer was going to continue the original scheduled $60,000 bail along with a GPS tracking on Juarez until the additional evidence was received. 


Juarez’s previous criminal record from Nevada consists of a DUI and obstructing a police officer. 


But, because of the new information Judge Dyer recalled his previous statement that he would release Juarez on the $60,000 bail and increased it to $150,000 along with GPS tracking and Juarez being remanded. 


The bail rehearing was set for Friday.  The preliminary hearing was set for Oct. 6.


Directly after Juarez’s hearing, there was a different result for Alexander Postlethwaite, who pleaded not guilty in front of Judge Dyer to weapon charges, and threats involving a dispute between Postlethwaite and a victim.


Postlethwaite is accused of drawing a firearm as well as threatening crime with the intent to terrorize with an enhancement of the use of a firearm. He is currently out of custody on $20,000 bail.


The District Attorney’s office argued that this is not the first harassment by the defendant towards the victim, and wanted to increase the bail amount, as was done in the Juarez case heard earlier on the court docket.


“There have been previous threats and vandalism. This is a serious allegation at this point…the suspect drove by the victim’s workplace and pointed a gun at him and threatened to kill him,” said Deputy District Attorney Carolyn Palumbo.


Postlethwaite’s attorney, Robert Gorman, argued that this case is less severe than the DA claimed.


“Once this case gets fleshed out, you’re going to find out that despite the severity of the way he’s currently charged. This (involves) two 20 year-olds in a dispute over a girl,” said Gorman.


The DA also read from a transcript of the defendant’s Snapchat videos that was sent to the victim’s friend.


“A male voice is laughing, stating ‘I’m f*****g dead bro. Why was you hiding then? I’ll f*****g kill both of you,’” said Palumbo, reading from the transcript.


Judge Tom Dyer denied the DA’s motion to increase bail, and instead ordered Postlethwaite to stay away from the victim. The defendant also must have a GPS installed and have his electronics searched for contact with the victim.


Postlethwaite’s preliminary hearing was set four weeks from now on Oct. 27.



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