by David M. Greenwald
Executive Editor
Another day, another bomb threat facing Davis schools: “We also placed bombs in fairfield Da vinci, Davis senior, King high schools and yolo county library (sic).”
The email once again was loaded with obscenities and threats.
This is at least the sixth known bomb threat, and third since last Wednesday.
On Monday, Chief Darren Pytel issued a pointed statement where he alluded to potential for criminal charges.
Pytel wrote that “criminal cases have been forwarded to the Yolo County District Attorney’s Office to review for criminal charging regarding some of the local social media postings affecting the community that may constitute criminal doxing (threats or harassing communication via communications including social media).”
Police Chief Responds to Bomb Threats, Warns of Criminal Prosecution
The Davis Vanguard was bcc’d on another bomb threat this morning, Monday, September 25, 2023. We immediately contacted 911 and forwarded the email to the police department.
The subject line of the email read, “Subject: We placed bombs all over Davis”
The body of the email, read:
“You are groomers, child abusers, child predators and pedophiles. You will die. We placed a bomb at DJUSD offices at 526 B St, Davis, CA 95616, Martin Luther King High School, North Davis Elementary School, Birch Lane Elementary School and Mary L. Stephens Davis Library. Fuck you faggots we’ll see you in hell.”
Monday Update from DJUSD: “We have received bomb threats sent via email threatening Birch Lane, North Davis, King, DSIS, the District Office and the Yolo County Library Davis Branch. The Davis Police Department is coordinating with District staff to search all of these sites and have already cleared DSIS, King and the District Office. Students and staff should not report to North Davis and Birch Lane until they have been cleared. School will start one hour after the site is cleared.”
And these people consider themselves the “good guys.”
How much sense does it make to claim you are for children and are protecting children while threatening to bomb entire schools full of them?
The Moms for Liberty (and especially the main one) have a lot to answer for the vile and dangerous BS they have invited into our community.
And I don’t want to hear any disingenuous BS about how we don’t know what has caused this. We effing *know* what has caused this. None of this happened until that one woman spoke up and blasted her crap all over extremist right wing sites and invited the right wing violent extremists in (and the Moms for Liberty are aligned with violent extremists like the Proud Boys and the 3%ers. They can’t deny it; it has been well-documented).
Will they be happy and think they have achieved their vaunted, righteous goals when someone is hurt or killed, like the woman in SoCal gunned down for flying a Pride flag in her own place of business? Because their agitation will likely eventually prompt precisely such an event if they keep this up.
“How much sense does it make to claim you are for children and are protecting children while threatening to bomb entire schools full of them?”
That struck me with the first emailed threat I received. It’s like what is going on.
Keep them in a perpetual state of terror with their developing brains bathed in stress hormones. Good going, “Moms for Liberty,” for enabling this.
Way to interrupt their educations.
The Moms for Liberty is thoroughly despicable and outright dangerous. This is the same playbook they have used throughout the United States to terrorize the populace to bow to their undemocratic bigoted and racist demands. No wonder real patriots have designated them to be a hate group.
As of 9/25 at 11:00 a.m. that other site is still inoperative. I am thrilled at this state of affairs.
LibsoftikTok posted about Davis Joint Unified School District on 9/19 and 9/22.
The 9/19 post has over 1 million views, retweeted thousands of times and over 1500 comments.
DJUSD has now received multiple bomb threats targeting schools, the local library, and individual school district employees.
Erin Reed is an independent writer who tracks these activities.
Anyone who forwards info to this site knows what they are doing.
Republican Elon Musk has the ultimate authority to shut down the Libs of TikTok Twitter account. The fact that Musk has decided to permit this vile Republican to terrorize anyone that doesn’t agree with their bigoted and racist views tells everyone who Musk really is. He has made his lot with the terrorists.
Undoubtedly the exclusive work of bigoted and racist Republicans as is every single bomb threat in Davis in recent weeks.