Letter: Groups Oppose HR 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act

Photo by Janne Leimola on Unsplash

We write to express our deep concerns with H.R. 9495, the Stop Terror-Financing and Tax Penalties on American Hostages Act. Specifically, this bill includes the text of H.R. 6408, legislation we strongly oppose as it raises significant constitutional concerns. Because H.R. 6408 vests vast unilateral discretion in the Secretary of Treasury, it creates a high risk of politicized and discriminatory enforcement. The executive branch already has extensive authority to prohibit transactions with individuals and entities it deems connected to terrorism and nonprofit organizations are already prohibited from providing material support to terrorist organizations. In fact, it would be a federal crime for them to do so.

Moreover, we do not oppose the provisions in H.R. 9495 that relate to preventing the IRS from imposing fines and penalties on hostages while they are held abroad. Indeed, these provisions have already passed the Senate on their own, and if the House of Representatives were to pass a version of this bill that did not include the text of H.R. 6408, it could be sent immediately to the President for his signature.

Without any evidence as to the need for this legislation, H.R. 6408 authorizes broad and easily abused new powers for the executive branch. It grants the Secretary of the Treasury virtually unfettered discretion to designate a U.S. nonprofit as a “terrorist supporting organization” and to strip it of its tax-exempt status if the Secretary finds that the nonprofit has provided material support to a terrorist group, even if the “support” is not intentional or connected to actual violence.

While the sponsors of this legislation have stated that it is needed to avoid what they refer to as “time-consuming bureaucratic process” under current law, what the bill sponsors are actually seeking to avoid is fundamental due process. If this bill were to become law, the Secretary of Treasury could strip a US nonprofit of its tax-exempt status without providing the nonprofit a meaningful opportunity to defend itself before a neutral decisionmaker. The legislation further does not require disclosure of all the reasons for such a decision or the evidence relied upon to support it. Nor would the government be required to provide any evidence in its possession that might undermine its decision, leaving an accused nonprofit entirely in the dark about what conduct the government believes qualifies as material support.

The potential for abuse under H.R. 6408 is immense as the executive branch would be handed a tool it could use to curb free speech, censor nonprofit media outlets, target political opponents, and punish disfavored groups across the political spectrum. Moreover, the addition of this authority to the tax code would allow the IRS to explicitly target and harass domestic nonprofits using its investigative authority. It is also not hard to imagine a future administration using this power in far broader circumstances that have nothing to do with the hostilities in Gaza.  And as more recent congressional oversight efforts make clear, these efforts are part of concerted attack on civil society that is targeted at more than just groups involved in the campus protests regarding Gaza.

The executive branch could use this authority to target its political opponents and use the fear of crippling legal fees, the stigma of the designation, and donors fleeing controversy to stifle dissent and chill speech and advocacy. And while the broadest applications of this authority may not ultimately hold up in court, the potential reputational and financial cost of fending off an investigation and litigating a wrongful designation could functionally mean the end of a targeted nonprofit before it ever has its day in court.

The lack of guardrails creates the potential for future administrations to weaponize these powers against groups on both ends of the ideological spectrum. Even if they may never be designated as “terrorist-supporting,” let alone charged with a crime, nonprofits will curtail their activities as a precaution in order to avoid stigmatizing and financially devastating punishments. That is why we strongly urge you to oppose the inclusion of H.R. 6408 in H.R. 9495.


#WelcomeWithDignity 18 Million Rising

Advocacy for Principled Action in Government Alliance for Peacebuilding

American Atheists

American Civil Liberties Union American Federation of Teachers

American Friends Service Committee Amnesty International USA

Anethum Global

Arab American Institute (AAI)

Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC Asian Law Caucus

Aunties Coalition Ayuda

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action Borderlands Resource Initiative

Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law Center for American Progress

Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC) Center for Common Ground

Center for Constitutional Rights Center for International Policy Center for Media and Democracy Center for Popular Democracy Center for Victims of Torture

Charity and Security Network Chinese for Affirmative Action

Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) Civil Liberties Defense Center

Coalition for Civil Freedoms

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) COLAGE

Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition Council on American-Islamic Relations DAWN

DC Volunteer Lawyers Project Defending Rights & Dissent Demand Progress

Democratic Messaging Project EarthRights International


Emgage Action Ensaaf

Equality Federation

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Food Shift

Free Press Action

Freedom of the Press Foundation

Friends Committee on National Legislation Friends of Human Rights


Hindus for Human Rights Human Rights First

Human Rights Watch ICNA Dallas

Immigration Hub Indivisible

International Civil Society Action Network (ICAN) International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network

International Refugee Assistance Project (IRAP) Islamic Association of The Colony

Islamic Center of Quad Cities Just Foreign Policy

League of Conservation Voters McKinney Islamic Association Medical Center Islamic Society

Middle East Democracy Center (MEDC) MLFA


MPower Change Action Fund Multicultural Center

Muslim Advocates

Muslim Counterpublics Lab Muslim Justice League

Muslims for Just Futures NAACP

National Disabled Legal Professionals Association National Education Association

National Immigration Law Center

National Iranian American Council Action

National Lawyers Guild-Mesoamérica subcommittee National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund

National Women’s Law Center

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice New Georgia Project Action Fund

New Israel Fund

North American Indian Muslim Association NTIC

Oil Change International

Organization for Identity & Cultural Development (OICD.net)

Othman Bin Affan Mosque Oxfam America

Palestine Legal PASNY

Peace Action

Peace Appeal Foundation Peace Catalyst International Peace Direct


Positive Women’s Network-USA

Presbyterian Church (USA), Office of Public Witness Project On Government Oversight

Project South

Protect Democracy Public Citizen

Refreshed Refined Reformed R3 Inc

Reproductive Freedom for All (former NARAL Pro-Choice America) Restore the Fourth

September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

Southern Poverty Law Center Stop AAPI Hate

The Interfaith Center of New York The Seed Program by Kai, Inc.

The Sikh Coalition

The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society The Workers Circle

The X-Lab Tides Center

Tides Foundation

Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC)

US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action (USCPR Action) Win Without War

Women for Weapons Trade Transparency



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