Sacramento Bee Covers the People’s Vanguard of Davis

This past Sunday, January 14, 2007, the Sacramento Bee had a feature article on this blog. I thought that reporter Erika Chavez did an excellent job on this. I thought it was a good article and also a balanced article in that, they had a number statements from people that this blog has criticized in the past. I absolutely welcome that, as I want this blog to be a way to facilitate open and honest discussion for the community.

By now the vast majority of my readers have read this article:

I did want to point out a couple of interesting comments in the article.

First of all, I said:

“The blog is not a tool to vindicate his wife, Greenwald said.”

This point needs clarification. The purpose of this blog was to present information to the public that in my opinion and I think the opinion of others was not getting told by the local newspaper and some local officials who have a vested interest in outcomes favorable to their politics and public policy positions. Certainly, some of that revolved around issues that arose from the Human Relations Commission (where my wife served for over four years as chair) including the need for police oversight and racial profiling. But, as anyone can see by reviewing the many articles written and posted on this blog most issues and subjects covered have had nothing to do with the HRC or specifically my wife. This blog was founded to help disseminate information to the community about issues which are misreported, underreported or not reported on at all by the Davis Enterprise. This blog has focused on issues such as the lackluster as well as the biased reporting or omission by the Davis Enterprise on government malfeasance and misfeasance at both the city and county level, the aborted attempt to disband the Senior Citizens Commission, the Target and SMUD vs. PG&E election, misconduct at the District Attorney’s Office, gay-bashing in the DJUSD schools etc. Those issues are what drove the creation of this blog and have built its readership over the past six months.

“Born and raised in San Luis Obispo”

As my mother pointed out, she was there when I was born and I was not born in San Luis Obispo. This is a slight correction, I probably was not that clear during the interview. I moved to San Luis Obispo with my family when I was 10 months old. I was born in Los Angeles county and lived in Santa Ana. I also briefly lived in St. Louis, Missouri.

While [Stephen] Souza supports blogs as a form of expression, “the problem is there doesn’t necessarily have to be factual content,” he said. “I appear to be the target of many close-to-defamatory statements. You don’t have to get personal; I think that takes away from the credibility of his position, so I have personally chosen not to participate in that discussion.”

The defamation charge is interesting–while I have been very critical of Souza’s policies, I’m not sure any of them rise to the level of defamation if he were a private citizen, let alone a public official.

If he takes it personally that I question his positions, statements, and actions, then I say welcome to politics. I also note that he responded to the MLK thread and I hope he will continue to do so.

Chavez also interviewed Debbie Davis who had mostly kind words for this blogger.

“Our news coverage is fair and accurate”

That sounds like a Fox News self-description to me. I will point out that the very day this article was published, the People’s Vanguard of Davis had an article that demonstrated that the Davis Enterprise coverage was neither fair nor accurate with regards to the police public records audit story and their failure to disclose some key information about the tipping off of interim Chief Steve Pierce to the study.

“Steven Pierce, the Davis Police Department’s interim police chief since June, said Greenwald is entitled to express his opinions, whether he agrees with him or not.

But he cautions readers who would take any media, be it television, newspapers or blogs, at face value.

“It’s certainly not without its own political slant,” said Pierce, who said he has read the blog on several occasions. “To assume that it’s neutral and without its own bias is naive and inaccurate.”

I have never claimed to be neutral or without bias, I think that’s pretty clear from the People’s Vanguard of Davis site description.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Open Government


  1. Congratulations to Doug Paul Davis and the People’s Vanguard of Davis.

    I read with interest the Sacramento Bee article this past Sunday which captured the value that the People’s Vanguard of Davis and other blogs are providing to our community and nation.

    When certain reporters, editors or columnists misinform, manipulate or omit facts and information from their stories either through incompetence, laziness or their bias they do a tremendous disservice to their readers and the community in general. Blogs such as the Vanguard of Davis are providing a wonderful antidote to the misleading news stories and misleading daily columns that are frequently published in the Davis Enterprise.

    In the past there was no way for the ordinary citizen to fight back with the exception of an occasional letter to the editor or guest op-ed. The Davis Enterprise with its ability to manipulate and overwhelm the public discussion through a barrage of inaccurate reports, editorials or columns frequently is able to turn public opinion towards and in support of their bias. This community is hungry for an alternative news source and a vehicle by which to express views not heard or given equal and fair treatment in the Enterprise.

    As a reader of the Vanguard I compliment the scope of stories and competency of the articles posted on your blog. Without your work this community would continue to be in the dark about so much of what is going on which is in the public’s interest to know about.

    The Vanguard’s research is extremely accurate and when shown to be in error (which is rare) you have been very willing to correct the record. Your opinions are upfront and always supported by facts that can be verified. That is greatly appreciated.

  2. Congratulations to Doug Paul Davis and the People’s Vanguard of Davis.

    I read with interest the Sacramento Bee article this past Sunday which captured the value that the People’s Vanguard of Davis and other blogs are providing to our community and nation.

    When certain reporters, editors or columnists misinform, manipulate or omit facts and information from their stories either through incompetence, laziness or their bias they do a tremendous disservice to their readers and the community in general. Blogs such as the Vanguard of Davis are providing a wonderful antidote to the misleading news stories and misleading daily columns that are frequently published in the Davis Enterprise.

    In the past there was no way for the ordinary citizen to fight back with the exception of an occasional letter to the editor or guest op-ed. The Davis Enterprise with its ability to manipulate and overwhelm the public discussion through a barrage of inaccurate reports, editorials or columns frequently is able to turn public opinion towards and in support of their bias. This community is hungry for an alternative news source and a vehicle by which to express views not heard or given equal and fair treatment in the Enterprise.

    As a reader of the Vanguard I compliment the scope of stories and competency of the articles posted on your blog. Without your work this community would continue to be in the dark about so much of what is going on which is in the public’s interest to know about.

    The Vanguard’s research is extremely accurate and when shown to be in error (which is rare) you have been very willing to correct the record. Your opinions are upfront and always supported by facts that can be verified. That is greatly appreciated.

  3. Congratulations to Doug Paul Davis and the People’s Vanguard of Davis.

    I read with interest the Sacramento Bee article this past Sunday which captured the value that the People’s Vanguard of Davis and other blogs are providing to our community and nation.

    When certain reporters, editors or columnists misinform, manipulate or omit facts and information from their stories either through incompetence, laziness or their bias they do a tremendous disservice to their readers and the community in general. Blogs such as the Vanguard of Davis are providing a wonderful antidote to the misleading news stories and misleading daily columns that are frequently published in the Davis Enterprise.

    In the past there was no way for the ordinary citizen to fight back with the exception of an occasional letter to the editor or guest op-ed. The Davis Enterprise with its ability to manipulate and overwhelm the public discussion through a barrage of inaccurate reports, editorials or columns frequently is able to turn public opinion towards and in support of their bias. This community is hungry for an alternative news source and a vehicle by which to express views not heard or given equal and fair treatment in the Enterprise.

    As a reader of the Vanguard I compliment the scope of stories and competency of the articles posted on your blog. Without your work this community would continue to be in the dark about so much of what is going on which is in the public’s interest to know about.

    The Vanguard’s research is extremely accurate and when shown to be in error (which is rare) you have been very willing to correct the record. Your opinions are upfront and always supported by facts that can be verified. That is greatly appreciated.

  4. Congratulations to Doug Paul Davis and the People’s Vanguard of Davis.

    I read with interest the Sacramento Bee article this past Sunday which captured the value that the People’s Vanguard of Davis and other blogs are providing to our community and nation.

    When certain reporters, editors or columnists misinform, manipulate or omit facts and information from their stories either through incompetence, laziness or their bias they do a tremendous disservice to their readers and the community in general. Blogs such as the Vanguard of Davis are providing a wonderful antidote to the misleading news stories and misleading daily columns that are frequently published in the Davis Enterprise.

    In the past there was no way for the ordinary citizen to fight back with the exception of an occasional letter to the editor or guest op-ed. The Davis Enterprise with its ability to manipulate and overwhelm the public discussion through a barrage of inaccurate reports, editorials or columns frequently is able to turn public opinion towards and in support of their bias. This community is hungry for an alternative news source and a vehicle by which to express views not heard or given equal and fair treatment in the Enterprise.

    As a reader of the Vanguard I compliment the scope of stories and competency of the articles posted on your blog. Without your work this community would continue to be in the dark about so much of what is going on which is in the public’s interest to know about.

    The Vanguard’s research is extremely accurate and when shown to be in error (which is rare) you have been very willing to correct the record. Your opinions are upfront and always supported by facts that can be verified. That is greatly appreciated.

  5. Now that Doug Davis has been exposed to be David Greenwald, the husband of the fired hrc chief, will he admit that he was the infamous “carole” too?

  6. Now that Doug Davis has been exposed to be David Greenwald, the husband of the fired hrc chief, will he admit that he was the infamous “carole” too?

  7. Now that Doug Davis has been exposed to be David Greenwald, the husband of the fired hrc chief, will he admit that he was the infamous “carole” too?

  8. Now that Doug Davis has been exposed to be David Greenwald, the husband of the fired hrc chief, will he admit that he was the infamous “carole” too?

  9. Here is a fact: it’s not “news” if the reporting has “…never claimed to be neutral…” That is called an opinion.

    If you want any credibilty from a critical readership you should modify your profile to state that “…My vision is to provide a source of my opinions for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

    and not “…My vision is to provide an alternative news source for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

  10. Here is a fact: it’s not “news” if the reporting has “…never claimed to be neutral…” That is called an opinion.

    If you want any credibilty from a critical readership you should modify your profile to state that “…My vision is to provide a source of my opinions for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

    and not “…My vision is to provide an alternative news source for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

  11. Here is a fact: it’s not “news” if the reporting has “…never claimed to be neutral…” That is called an opinion.

    If you want any credibilty from a critical readership you should modify your profile to state that “…My vision is to provide a source of my opinions for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

    and not “…My vision is to provide an alternative news source for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

  12. Here is a fact: it’s not “news” if the reporting has “…never claimed to be neutral…” That is called an opinion.

    If you want any credibilty from a critical readership you should modify your profile to state that “…My vision is to provide a source of my opinions for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

    and not “…My vision is to provide an alternative news source for the progressive left in Davis to receive information…”

  13. I consider what this blog to be in part reporting of news which I do. In those reports I provide the readers with information, I also provide them with my observations and my commentary. My style has evolved a bit as things have progressed and moved more toward reporting–actual interviews and stories of that sort. I still will interject my commentary into those stories at times.

    But the purpose of this blog is to provide “the rest of the story.” You’ll hear something in the news, perhaps I’ll have reactions to that, perhaps I will find additional pertinent information. Perhaps it will be a story not covered by the Davis Enterprise.

    Would people in this community know that Concolino was considered for Police Chief? Should they know?

    The nice thing about this blog is that we can debate the facts and debate the opinion. My readership at times agrees with me, other times they disagree with me. I definitely, but I think most of my regular readers will attest to the quality of the work.

    Thanks for reading.

  14. I consider what this blog to be in part reporting of news which I do. In those reports I provide the readers with information, I also provide them with my observations and my commentary. My style has evolved a bit as things have progressed and moved more toward reporting–actual interviews and stories of that sort. I still will interject my commentary into those stories at times.

    But the purpose of this blog is to provide “the rest of the story.” You’ll hear something in the news, perhaps I’ll have reactions to that, perhaps I will find additional pertinent information. Perhaps it will be a story not covered by the Davis Enterprise.

    Would people in this community know that Concolino was considered for Police Chief? Should they know?

    The nice thing about this blog is that we can debate the facts and debate the opinion. My readership at times agrees with me, other times they disagree with me. I definitely, but I think most of my regular readers will attest to the quality of the work.

    Thanks for reading.

  15. I consider what this blog to be in part reporting of news which I do. In those reports I provide the readers with information, I also provide them with my observations and my commentary. My style has evolved a bit as things have progressed and moved more toward reporting–actual interviews and stories of that sort. I still will interject my commentary into those stories at times.

    But the purpose of this blog is to provide “the rest of the story.” You’ll hear something in the news, perhaps I’ll have reactions to that, perhaps I will find additional pertinent information. Perhaps it will be a story not covered by the Davis Enterprise.

    Would people in this community know that Concolino was considered for Police Chief? Should they know?

    The nice thing about this blog is that we can debate the facts and debate the opinion. My readership at times agrees with me, other times they disagree with me. I definitely, but I think most of my regular readers will attest to the quality of the work.

    Thanks for reading.

  16. I consider what this blog to be in part reporting of news which I do. In those reports I provide the readers with information, I also provide them with my observations and my commentary. My style has evolved a bit as things have progressed and moved more toward reporting–actual interviews and stories of that sort. I still will interject my commentary into those stories at times.

    But the purpose of this blog is to provide “the rest of the story.” You’ll hear something in the news, perhaps I’ll have reactions to that, perhaps I will find additional pertinent information. Perhaps it will be a story not covered by the Davis Enterprise.

    Would people in this community know that Concolino was considered for Police Chief? Should they know?

    The nice thing about this blog is that we can debate the facts and debate the opinion. My readership at times agrees with me, other times they disagree with me. I definitely, but I think most of my regular readers will attest to the quality of the work.

    Thanks for reading.

  17. One of the more interesting developments in the last day has been that once Greenwald’s name became known to the general public–and let me tell you most of the people in the city already knew it was Greenwald long ago–that Greenwald has become the target of a few attacks both in the newspaper by Dunning, letters to the editor writers, and now on the blog.

    I don’t know Mr. Greenwald, I’ve never posted on this blog, but I’ve read it since late October, and he does an amazing amount of work to get stories up each day. I’ve learned quite a bit from him. I don’t always agree with him–in fact, I often do not agree with him.

    But I think some of you guys need to ease up and judgment the work on its merits. Disagree where you must and leave it at that. He has provided this community with a great service and some of us would rather see that service not jeopardized by what appears to me to be a bunch of mean-spirited and uninformed people.

  18. One of the more interesting developments in the last day has been that once Greenwald’s name became known to the general public–and let me tell you most of the people in the city already knew it was Greenwald long ago–that Greenwald has become the target of a few attacks both in the newspaper by Dunning, letters to the editor writers, and now on the blog.

    I don’t know Mr. Greenwald, I’ve never posted on this blog, but I’ve read it since late October, and he does an amazing amount of work to get stories up each day. I’ve learned quite a bit from him. I don’t always agree with him–in fact, I often do not agree with him.

    But I think some of you guys need to ease up and judgment the work on its merits. Disagree where you must and leave it at that. He has provided this community with a great service and some of us would rather see that service not jeopardized by what appears to me to be a bunch of mean-spirited and uninformed people.

  19. One of the more interesting developments in the last day has been that once Greenwald’s name became known to the general public–and let me tell you most of the people in the city already knew it was Greenwald long ago–that Greenwald has become the target of a few attacks both in the newspaper by Dunning, letters to the editor writers, and now on the blog.

    I don’t know Mr. Greenwald, I’ve never posted on this blog, but I’ve read it since late October, and he does an amazing amount of work to get stories up each day. I’ve learned quite a bit from him. I don’t always agree with him–in fact, I often do not agree with him.

    But I think some of you guys need to ease up and judgment the work on its merits. Disagree where you must and leave it at that. He has provided this community with a great service and some of us would rather see that service not jeopardized by what appears to me to be a bunch of mean-spirited and uninformed people.

  20. One of the more interesting developments in the last day has been that once Greenwald’s name became known to the general public–and let me tell you most of the people in the city already knew it was Greenwald long ago–that Greenwald has become the target of a few attacks both in the newspaper by Dunning, letters to the editor writers, and now on the blog.

    I don’t know Mr. Greenwald, I’ve never posted on this blog, but I’ve read it since late October, and he does an amazing amount of work to get stories up each day. I’ve learned quite a bit from him. I don’t always agree with him–in fact, I often do not agree with him.

    But I think some of you guys need to ease up and judgment the work on its merits. Disagree where you must and leave it at that. He has provided this community with a great service and some of us would rather see that service not jeopardized by what appears to me to be a bunch of mean-spirited and uninformed people.

  21. I don’t know who the poster “Colby” is above, but it is not Colby Waterland, the letter writer to the Davis Enterprise (Davis blogger short on ethics, 1/17/2007) because that is me, and I did not post the above comment.

    This serves to illustrate my primary criticism of weblogs that describe themselves as genuine news sources: Anyone can anonymously and widely publish anything, without the oversight or criticism of an editorial board whose function is to enforce accuracy and accountability.

    That being said, weblogs offer advantages over conventional news sources, one of the most important being the nearly unlimited amount of space available. It is this constraint that forced me to omit certain things in my letter that I wish I could have included, mainly the following:

    Certainly every community can benefit from exposure to all political views, and Greenwald’s opinions are a valuable part of our democracy in action.

    Just be aware, as you read his writings or anyone else’s, that people often attempt to conceal the truth behind their own version of it.

    Furthermore, Greenwald’s (Davis’) post preceding this one still fails to confront the perversion of fact that I find most disturbing. As he mentions, “…I also provide them with my observations and my commentary…”

    Once your own commentary finds its way into a report, it fails to be news, and becomes an opinion.

    It has nothing to do with “..the quality of [your] work” which, as far as expressive writing is concerned, is present.

  22. I don’t know who the poster “Colby” is above, but it is not Colby Waterland, the letter writer to the Davis Enterprise (Davis blogger short on ethics, 1/17/2007) because that is me, and I did not post the above comment.

    This serves to illustrate my primary criticism of weblogs that describe themselves as genuine news sources: Anyone can anonymously and widely publish anything, without the oversight or criticism of an editorial board whose function is to enforce accuracy and accountability.

    That being said, weblogs offer advantages over conventional news sources, one of the most important being the nearly unlimited amount of space available. It is this constraint that forced me to omit certain things in my letter that I wish I could have included, mainly the following:

    Certainly every community can benefit from exposure to all political views, and Greenwald’s opinions are a valuable part of our democracy in action.

    Just be aware, as you read his writings or anyone else’s, that people often attempt to conceal the truth behind their own version of it.

    Furthermore, Greenwald’s (Davis’) post preceding this one still fails to confront the perversion of fact that I find most disturbing. As he mentions, “…I also provide them with my observations and my commentary…”

    Once your own commentary finds its way into a report, it fails to be news, and becomes an opinion.

    It has nothing to do with “..the quality of [your] work” which, as far as expressive writing is concerned, is present.

  23. I don’t know who the poster “Colby” is above, but it is not Colby Waterland, the letter writer to the Davis Enterprise (Davis blogger short on ethics, 1/17/2007) because that is me, and I did not post the above comment.

    This serves to illustrate my primary criticism of weblogs that describe themselves as genuine news sources: Anyone can anonymously and widely publish anything, without the oversight or criticism of an editorial board whose function is to enforce accuracy and accountability.

    That being said, weblogs offer advantages over conventional news sources, one of the most important being the nearly unlimited amount of space available. It is this constraint that forced me to omit certain things in my letter that I wish I could have included, mainly the following:

    Certainly every community can benefit from exposure to all political views, and Greenwald’s opinions are a valuable part of our democracy in action.

    Just be aware, as you read his writings or anyone else’s, that people often attempt to conceal the truth behind their own version of it.

    Furthermore, Greenwald’s (Davis’) post preceding this one still fails to confront the perversion of fact that I find most disturbing. As he mentions, “…I also provide them with my observations and my commentary…”

    Once your own commentary finds its way into a report, it fails to be news, and becomes an opinion.

    It has nothing to do with “..the quality of [your] work” which, as far as expressive writing is concerned, is present.

  24. I don’t know who the poster “Colby” is above, but it is not Colby Waterland, the letter writer to the Davis Enterprise (Davis blogger short on ethics, 1/17/2007) because that is me, and I did not post the above comment.

    This serves to illustrate my primary criticism of weblogs that describe themselves as genuine news sources: Anyone can anonymously and widely publish anything, without the oversight or criticism of an editorial board whose function is to enforce accuracy and accountability.

    That being said, weblogs offer advantages over conventional news sources, one of the most important being the nearly unlimited amount of space available. It is this constraint that forced me to omit certain things in my letter that I wish I could have included, mainly the following:

    Certainly every community can benefit from exposure to all political views, and Greenwald’s opinions are a valuable part of our democracy in action.

    Just be aware, as you read his writings or anyone else’s, that people often attempt to conceal the truth behind their own version of it.

    Furthermore, Greenwald’s (Davis’) post preceding this one still fails to confront the perversion of fact that I find most disturbing. As he mentions, “…I also provide them with my observations and my commentary…”

    Once your own commentary finds its way into a report, it fails to be news, and becomes an opinion.

    It has nothing to do with “..the quality of [your] work” which, as far as expressive writing is concerned, is present.

  25. Mr. Waterland:

    Thank you for coming forth to bring this to my attention. At this point, I will treat the above post as a fradulent post, probably the same individual who fradulently posted about myself and this blog on the Daviswiki.

    Let me make a general statement–I have always believed in having an open discussion on this board, people can make statements posting as anonymous, they can register, and they can use their own name. I think that’s important, but it can be abused. There are a number of possible remedies for that that could be imposed, but what I am hoping for is that this is just a momentary blip as a number of people have suddenly become aware of this blog are posting their invectives and then leaving.

    I think you have a valid point. I cannot get rid of my biases. I try to be objective about whatever facts come up, I use multiple sources for things that I do not see, but inevitably my observations are colored by how I see the world. I try to be as open and honest about that as possible.

    I try to give the other side of the story on this blog.

    What differentiates me from the mainstream press is that people can comment openly on this blog. If I get a fact wrong, it can be corrected. Luke Watkins was upset with a story I wrote last week about his housing development and I met with he and David Thompson yesterday for three hours.

    People read this blog and they read about stories they’ll never hear about anywhere else. I don’t think anyone takes it as gospel but I think a lot of people find it very informative. I plan to continue that.

    Mr. Waterland, I thought your letter yesterday was exceptionally well-thought out and well-written. Now I hope you will continue to participate in this blog and challenge me when you believe I have skirted the truth or distorted the facts you them.

  26. Mr. Waterland:

    Thank you for coming forth to bring this to my attention. At this point, I will treat the above post as a fradulent post, probably the same individual who fradulently posted about myself and this blog on the Daviswiki.

    Let me make a general statement–I have always believed in having an open discussion on this board, people can make statements posting as anonymous, they can register, and they can use their own name. I think that’s important, but it can be abused. There are a number of possible remedies for that that could be imposed, but what I am hoping for is that this is just a momentary blip as a number of people have suddenly become aware of this blog are posting their invectives and then leaving.

    I think you have a valid point. I cannot get rid of my biases. I try to be objective about whatever facts come up, I use multiple sources for things that I do not see, but inevitably my observations are colored by how I see the world. I try to be as open and honest about that as possible.

    I try to give the other side of the story on this blog.

    What differentiates me from the mainstream press is that people can comment openly on this blog. If I get a fact wrong, it can be corrected. Luke Watkins was upset with a story I wrote last week about his housing development and I met with he and David Thompson yesterday for three hours.

    People read this blog and they read about stories they’ll never hear about anywhere else. I don’t think anyone takes it as gospel but I think a lot of people find it very informative. I plan to continue that.

    Mr. Waterland, I thought your letter yesterday was exceptionally well-thought out and well-written. Now I hope you will continue to participate in this blog and challenge me when you believe I have skirted the truth or distorted the facts you them.

  27. Mr. Waterland:

    Thank you for coming forth to bring this to my attention. At this point, I will treat the above post as a fradulent post, probably the same individual who fradulently posted about myself and this blog on the Daviswiki.

    Let me make a general statement–I have always believed in having an open discussion on this board, people can make statements posting as anonymous, they can register, and they can use their own name. I think that’s important, but it can be abused. There are a number of possible remedies for that that could be imposed, but what I am hoping for is that this is just a momentary blip as a number of people have suddenly become aware of this blog are posting their invectives and then leaving.

    I think you have a valid point. I cannot get rid of my biases. I try to be objective about whatever facts come up, I use multiple sources for things that I do not see, but inevitably my observations are colored by how I see the world. I try to be as open and honest about that as possible.

    I try to give the other side of the story on this blog.

    What differentiates me from the mainstream press is that people can comment openly on this blog. If I get a fact wrong, it can be corrected. Luke Watkins was upset with a story I wrote last week about his housing development and I met with he and David Thompson yesterday for three hours.

    People read this blog and they read about stories they’ll never hear about anywhere else. I don’t think anyone takes it as gospel but I think a lot of people find it very informative. I plan to continue that.

    Mr. Waterland, I thought your letter yesterday was exceptionally well-thought out and well-written. Now I hope you will continue to participate in this blog and challenge me when you believe I have skirted the truth or distorted the facts you them.

  28. Mr. Waterland:

    Thank you for coming forth to bring this to my attention. At this point, I will treat the above post as a fradulent post, probably the same individual who fradulently posted about myself and this blog on the Daviswiki.

    Let me make a general statement–I have always believed in having an open discussion on this board, people can make statements posting as anonymous, they can register, and they can use their own name. I think that’s important, but it can be abused. There are a number of possible remedies for that that could be imposed, but what I am hoping for is that this is just a momentary blip as a number of people have suddenly become aware of this blog are posting their invectives and then leaving.

    I think you have a valid point. I cannot get rid of my biases. I try to be objective about whatever facts come up, I use multiple sources for things that I do not see, but inevitably my observations are colored by how I see the world. I try to be as open and honest about that as possible.

    I try to give the other side of the story on this blog.

    What differentiates me from the mainstream press is that people can comment openly on this blog. If I get a fact wrong, it can be corrected. Luke Watkins was upset with a story I wrote last week about his housing development and I met with he and David Thompson yesterday for three hours.

    People read this blog and they read about stories they’ll never hear about anywhere else. I don’t think anyone takes it as gospel but I think a lot of people find it very informative. I plan to continue that.

    Mr. Waterland, I thought your letter yesterday was exceptionally well-thought out and well-written. Now I hope you will continue to participate in this blog and challenge me when you believe I have skirted the truth or distorted the facts you them.

  29. I have been following this blog from the start. I have enjoyed it immensely. On some things I have agreed with Doug and other issues I have disagreed. I post annonymously from time to time as Davis politics can be quite vicious. Sometimes the idea is dismissed, because the person who brings it up has been dismissed. Doug Paul Davis’ identity has been out there for a while. Let’s hope that the people that have been willing to respond to the blog will continue to do so in the same manner as before, now that Doug has been officially outed.

  30. I have been following this blog from the start. I have enjoyed it immensely. On some things I have agreed with Doug and other issues I have disagreed. I post annonymously from time to time as Davis politics can be quite vicious. Sometimes the idea is dismissed, because the person who brings it up has been dismissed. Doug Paul Davis’ identity has been out there for a while. Let’s hope that the people that have been willing to respond to the blog will continue to do so in the same manner as before, now that Doug has been officially outed.

  31. I have been following this blog from the start. I have enjoyed it immensely. On some things I have agreed with Doug and other issues I have disagreed. I post annonymously from time to time as Davis politics can be quite vicious. Sometimes the idea is dismissed, because the person who brings it up has been dismissed. Doug Paul Davis’ identity has been out there for a while. Let’s hope that the people that have been willing to respond to the blog will continue to do so in the same manner as before, now that Doug has been officially outed.

  32. I have been following this blog from the start. I have enjoyed it immensely. On some things I have agreed with Doug and other issues I have disagreed. I post annonymously from time to time as Davis politics can be quite vicious. Sometimes the idea is dismissed, because the person who brings it up has been dismissed. Doug Paul Davis’ identity has been out there for a while. Let’s hope that the people that have been willing to respond to the blog will continue to do so in the same manner as before, now that Doug has been officially outed.

  33. One thing I think I need to clarify–I have not been “outed.” Erika Chavez approached me in December for an interview. She had seen the blog and liked it and thought it made for a good story. I agreed to the interview. I knew full well that consenting to have the interview published in the paper meant that I would be out, so to speak. However, I knew that most of the city government was well aware that Doug Paul Davis was David Greenwald and that it only made sense to go forth with interview. I knew that some of the people who disliked my wife would use this opportunity to take shots at myself and my wife. I would prefer not to be the issue and to discuss the things that are actually issues.

    Someone in the Bee said that we should love Davis or leave it. Just like they used to say about America during the times of another quagmire war. Well I love my city and I love my country. People love their children. Love does not mean acceptance as it is. Love means trying to help make your child a better person, your city a better city, and your nation a better nation. I will not sit by and watch people treated with a lack of respect and dignity because of the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or whatever the reason. Nor will I sit by as we look away from misdeeds and lies from city government.

    If you disagree with me, engage me on the issues. That’s what it means to be a free and open society and that is what I want to see here. That’s what the blog is here for–a place where people can come together and argue local politics.

  34. One thing I think I need to clarify–I have not been “outed.” Erika Chavez approached me in December for an interview. She had seen the blog and liked it and thought it made for a good story. I agreed to the interview. I knew full well that consenting to have the interview published in the paper meant that I would be out, so to speak. However, I knew that most of the city government was well aware that Doug Paul Davis was David Greenwald and that it only made sense to go forth with interview. I knew that some of the people who disliked my wife would use this opportunity to take shots at myself and my wife. I would prefer not to be the issue and to discuss the things that are actually issues.

    Someone in the Bee said that we should love Davis or leave it. Just like they used to say about America during the times of another quagmire war. Well I love my city and I love my country. People love their children. Love does not mean acceptance as it is. Love means trying to help make your child a better person, your city a better city, and your nation a better nation. I will not sit by and watch people treated with a lack of respect and dignity because of the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or whatever the reason. Nor will I sit by as we look away from misdeeds and lies from city government.

    If you disagree with me, engage me on the issues. That’s what it means to be a free and open society and that is what I want to see here. That’s what the blog is here for–a place where people can come together and argue local politics.

  35. One thing I think I need to clarify–I have not been “outed.” Erika Chavez approached me in December for an interview. She had seen the blog and liked it and thought it made for a good story. I agreed to the interview. I knew full well that consenting to have the interview published in the paper meant that I would be out, so to speak. However, I knew that most of the city government was well aware that Doug Paul Davis was David Greenwald and that it only made sense to go forth with interview. I knew that some of the people who disliked my wife would use this opportunity to take shots at myself and my wife. I would prefer not to be the issue and to discuss the things that are actually issues.

    Someone in the Bee said that we should love Davis or leave it. Just like they used to say about America during the times of another quagmire war. Well I love my city and I love my country. People love their children. Love does not mean acceptance as it is. Love means trying to help make your child a better person, your city a better city, and your nation a better nation. I will not sit by and watch people treated with a lack of respect and dignity because of the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or whatever the reason. Nor will I sit by as we look away from misdeeds and lies from city government.

    If you disagree with me, engage me on the issues. That’s what it means to be a free and open society and that is what I want to see here. That’s what the blog is here for–a place where people can come together and argue local politics.

  36. One thing I think I need to clarify–I have not been “outed.” Erika Chavez approached me in December for an interview. She had seen the blog and liked it and thought it made for a good story. I agreed to the interview. I knew full well that consenting to have the interview published in the paper meant that I would be out, so to speak. However, I knew that most of the city government was well aware that Doug Paul Davis was David Greenwald and that it only made sense to go forth with interview. I knew that some of the people who disliked my wife would use this opportunity to take shots at myself and my wife. I would prefer not to be the issue and to discuss the things that are actually issues.

    Someone in the Bee said that we should love Davis or leave it. Just like they used to say about America during the times of another quagmire war. Well I love my city and I love my country. People love their children. Love does not mean acceptance as it is. Love means trying to help make your child a better person, your city a better city, and your nation a better nation. I will not sit by and watch people treated with a lack of respect and dignity because of the color of their skin, their socioeconomic status, or whatever the reason. Nor will I sit by as we look away from misdeeds and lies from city government.

    If you disagree with me, engage me on the issues. That’s what it means to be a free and open society and that is what I want to see here. That’s what the blog is here for–a place where people can come together and argue local politics.

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