2006 Murder Trial Continues This Week

murderDefendant Was Involved In The Murder Of Victim Alfonso Parado In 2006

by Timothy Chin

Today’s trial involved sworn testimonies of several witnesses: Mrs. Parado (widow of deceased), Ms. Parado (sister of deceased), and Mr. E. Alvarez (owner of the nightclub where the incident took place). The defendant, Juan Gonzales, is charged with the murder of Alfonso Parado. The incident took place on June 18, 2006, in a nightclub in West Sacramento owned by Mr. Alvarez. The victim was shot to death and the body was found near the steps of the nightclub at approximately 9:30 a.m. that day.

The first witness was questioned about her relationship with the victim and his history with previous relationships. She was asked if she had any knowledge of his love interests. The district attorney’s prosecution team asked her if she knew about Alfonso’s alternative cell phone. Mrs. Parado claimed that he always used the same phone for general purposes. However, she then testified that shortly after his death she told police officers who interviewed her that he had gotten rid of his cell phone previously. She also testified that an unnamed woman had once called Alfonso’s cell phone and demanded that he stop calling her. DA attorney requested information on how many siblings the victim had and she told them he had four sisters and one brother.

The defendant’s attorney asked the witness questions concerning her knowledge of the nightclub office where the money was kept. She claimed that she has never personally been in the office because her husband never allowed it. Mrs. Parado said she would only stand behind the door while her husband conducted business or entered the room to retrieve money. Sometimes he would pick up change from the dance floor area and take it to the office. During the nightclub’s closing hours she would wait outside next to the bouncers for her husband to finish his business and then they would leave together.

Mrs. Parado was not at the club during the time of the incident. She claimed that she only went to the club when she was with her husband and with his utmost permission. Alfonso did not request her presence there at the time. He always wore a golden chain necklace given to him by Mrs. Parado and never took it off.

The second witness testimony was given by Alfonso’s sister. She was shown the most recent photo of Alfonso the year of his death as well as the coroner’s photo of his body following his death. Ms. Parado cried and the defense attorney called an objection due to the photo’s irrelevance in making the witness cry.

The last witness of the morning trial was Mr. E. Alvarez, owner of the nightclub where the incident happened. He owned the business since 1990 but sold it approximately 3 months ago. Mr. Alvarez testified that Alfonso was a bartender at the club and usually worked night shifts from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays. His job required him to attend to customers at the bar, clean the club after hours, and watch over the money obtained at the register.

Several photos were shown to Alvarez to confirm his knowledge of the club’s surroundings. This West Sacramento club had only one main entrance and an employee entrance on the right of the building. It is confirmed through Alvarez’s testimony that Alfonso had the keys to the employee door and that he often closed the bar and collected money after his shift. He confirmed that the he and the bartenders were usually in charge of the money and that they kept most of the profits earned throughout the day.

Alvarez confirmed that there are several security measures protecting the nightclub throughout the day. There is an alarm system, metal screens protecting the front door, and an active 24-hour surveillance tape that records when the club is closed.

Trial Continues In Shooting Death Of Man Who Died At A Local Bar

by Antoinnette Borbon

The trial continued today for the man accused of shooting to death a Hispanic male, Alfonso Parado, at a local nightclub in West Sacramento. Ortega’s West Night Club was a place for many Hispanics in the community to go drink and dance. But on the morning of June 18, 2006, a witness said he heard a gunshot and saw what looked like a man dragging another man toward the door of the nightclub.

A witness testified to hearing the shot and then watching a man wearing no shirt drag another man toward one of the entrances of the nightclub. He stated he was only feet away as he saw this happen but could not identify the man, only that he had no shirt on and no hair.

Juan Gonzales, who was arrested and charged with the murder of Alfonso Parado, sat as he listened to the victim’s family talk about their brother, Alfonso, and his position at the nightclub. Parado and his wife would clean the bar on different days, along with Alfonso bartending as well.

Deputy District Attorneys Mike Cabral and Diane Ortiz are prosecuting the case. Among the witnesses listed are several police officers who were summoned to the scene shortly after the 911 call was made early on the morning of June 18.

We listened to expert testimony from CSI crime tech, Lip, who has worked for the West Sacramento Police Department for 29 years. He went into detail about how he collected evidence that day and what he found. He said he found a man lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to the chest area. He said he took pictures of the surroundings and collected blood samples from the office door, a VCR switch and a manila envelope, and said he found a heart pendant outside the nightclub that was identified to be that of the deceased.

Lip, who was difficult to hear at times, stated he has conducted several thousand crime scene investigations in his 29 years.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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