Election Digest: Krovoza Gets Davis Police Officer Endorsement

Joe-KrovozaDavis Police Officers’ Association Endorses Joe Krovoza for State Assembly

On January 21, 2014, the DPOA officially announced their endorsement for Joe Krovoza. Joe Krovoza is a Democratic candidate running to represent the 4th Assembly District, which is comprised of Lake and Napa Counties, most of Yolo County, and part of Colusa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties.

President Sean Bellamy said, “Since Joe was elected Mayor he has been focused on consistent long-term solutions for our city. These decisions have been tough, but Joe has always been fair and we look forward to working with him in the future.”

“I am honored to have the support of the Davis Police Officers’ Association. During my time as Mayor, we have fought to ensure that our city did not continue on a path toward financial ruin,” said Krovoza.  “These decisions have put Davis on a path to fiscal stability without sacrificing resources that keep our community safe.”

Joe Krovoza has been Mayor of Davis since 2011. During his term, he has created jobs and protected the region’s environmental assets. In addition, he works at UC Davis, where he has helped build nationally prominent clean transportation and energy efficiency research centers.

For more information about his campaign you can visit: www.joekrovoza.org

California Cannabis Industry Association Endorses Matt Pope for AD 4Pope-Matt

The California Cannabis Industry Association supports Napa County Planning Commissioner Matt Pope for the 4th Assembly District. The association addresses issues relating to driving under the influence, unlawful diversion to minors, and substance abuse. The goal of the association is to promote safe, legal, and regulated products to agriculture goods.

Matt Pope is a Navy Veteran and a former law enforcement officer. Also, he is a district representative for Senator Noreen Evans and former president of the Napa County Democrats. Matt Pope has a plethora of experience regulating agriculture industries and has a background as a reserve police officer. His past positions will provide him useful knowledge, when implementing future policies.

Pope recognizes that the association aims to stop environmental damage and criminal actions derived from illegal growing activities. If the product is legalized, then 52% of Californians will be satisfied because more than half of California residents accept responsible, legal, taxed, and regulated cannabis production.

In addition to the California Cannabis Industry Association’s endorsement, Assemblywoman Mariko Yamada, state Senator Noreen Evans, and former Assembly Majority Floor Leader Michael Allen have also supported Pope’s campaign to represent the 4th Assembly District.

For more information about his campaign you can visit: www.pope2014.com

Davis-RobbRobb Davis for Davis City Council

If you would like to volunteer to distribute literature or table for Robb Davis’ campaign, you can join the campaign on Sunday, January 26th at 1:00 pm at the Dos Pinos Housing Cooperative for a volunteer get together. This will be a chance to meet others who also support Robb’s candidacy and to get specific information on the “how to” of literature distribution and tabling. The get together will be located at the Dos Pinos Community Room. Please contact Robb for more details and directions at: davisfordavis@gmail.com or (717) 598-2019.

If you would like to host a gathering (coffee, meet and greet) in your home or neighborhood please go to: http://vols.pt/t8LoGw to select a date and time. Robb is available Saturdays and Sundays throughout the day, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

Also, if you would like to help table at the Farmer’s Market please visit: http://www.volunteerspot.com/login/entry/144945192088 to fill out an online form.  You can sign up for an hour time slot or several hours.

–Compiled by Lily Shen, Election Coordinator


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. While the DPOA endorsement is certainly better than a sharp stick in the eye, I’m not sure it moves Joe any closer to the Assembly. Dan Wolk’s strength comes from the heavy regional support he’s received via Lois’ connections, so Dan can afford to lose a few local votes and not worry a bit.

    Regarding Matt Pope’s pickup of the cannabis endorsement: with friends like these…?

    1. Without any inside information on this, I have to think that endorsement was a thank you from the DPOA to Krovoza for standing up to the firefighters.

      1. Or maybe it was his support for allowing the cops to coerce kids into consenting to a breathalyzer for suspicion of walking while intoxicated something a majority of the council tabled.

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