2008 City Council Candidates

In order to regain a majority on the council, Progressives are going to need to hold onto Mayor Sue Greenwald’s seat while they take at least one other seat. At this point, both Councilmembers Stephen Souza and Don Saylor are up for reelection in 2008. It looks fairly certain that Saylor would run for reelection. He does not seem a viable candidate for Assembly at this point. And his other option would be to run for the Supervisor seat, which would be Helen Thomson’s seat which is not up until 2010.

Stephen Souza seems inclined to run for Supervisor IF and according to some who have spoken to him, only IF, Mariko Yamada runs for the Assembly.

If both Souza and Saylor run for re-election, the most likely candidate for the third seat would be Mike Levy, who ran a very strong third in last year’s council elections. If Souza ends up running for Supervisor, which at this point seems more likely than not, School Board Member Gina Daleidan would be an obvious choice. Daleidan is a close ally of Don Saylor.

The progressives however, are much more wide open. One possibility might be Jim Provenza, the President of the school board. He would be a formidable candidate if he chose to run. However, the smart money seems to be on him running for Supervisor.

So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run? Should Provenza run for Supervisor or City Council?

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. I would not characterize the candidates who will oppose the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson cabal as “progressive” but rather those who want a new style of governance that respects the intelligence of the Davis voter and is on the dais soley to represent the interests of the voters who elected them. Again, the eerie parallel to our national politics raises its head …smearing all who oppose them with the supposedly damning label “liberal”..this seems to be losing its political punch in national politics and hopefully we will see it die in Davis too. Jim Provenza is a great choice for Council.. a sure winner. I hope that Sue Greenwald chooses to run again.. Her public record resounds with hard work and a steadfast commitment to serve the interests of Davis. Her grit and backbone these last few years in the face of the abuse heaped on her by the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson,(Puntillo)
    gang of four has been truly something to applaud.

  2. I would not characterize the candidates who will oppose the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson cabal as “progressive” but rather those who want a new style of governance that respects the intelligence of the Davis voter and is on the dais soley to represent the interests of the voters who elected them. Again, the eerie parallel to our national politics raises its head …smearing all who oppose them with the supposedly damning label “liberal”..this seems to be losing its political punch in national politics and hopefully we will see it die in Davis too. Jim Provenza is a great choice for Council.. a sure winner. I hope that Sue Greenwald chooses to run again.. Her public record resounds with hard work and a steadfast commitment to serve the interests of Davis. Her grit and backbone these last few years in the face of the abuse heaped on her by the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson,(Puntillo)
    gang of four has been truly something to applaud.

  3. I would not characterize the candidates who will oppose the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson cabal as “progressive” but rather those who want a new style of governance that respects the intelligence of the Davis voter and is on the dais soley to represent the interests of the voters who elected them. Again, the eerie parallel to our national politics raises its head …smearing all who oppose them with the supposedly damning label “liberal”..this seems to be losing its political punch in national politics and hopefully we will see it die in Davis too. Jim Provenza is a great choice for Council.. a sure winner. I hope that Sue Greenwald chooses to run again.. Her public record resounds with hard work and a steadfast commitment to serve the interests of Davis. Her grit and backbone these last few years in the face of the abuse heaped on her by the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson,(Puntillo)
    gang of four has been truly something to applaud.

  4. I would not characterize the candidates who will oppose the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson cabal as “progressive” but rather those who want a new style of governance that respects the intelligence of the Davis voter and is on the dais soley to represent the interests of the voters who elected them. Again, the eerie parallel to our national politics raises its head …smearing all who oppose them with the supposedly damning label “liberal”..this seems to be losing its political punch in national politics and hopefully we will see it die in Davis too. Jim Provenza is a great choice for Council.. a sure winner. I hope that Sue Greenwald chooses to run again.. Her public record resounds with hard work and a steadfast commitment to serve the interests of Davis. Her grit and backbone these last few years in the face of the abuse heaped on her by the Saylor, Souza, Asmundson,(Puntillo)
    gang of four has been truly something to applaud.

  5. I guess there is a sort of vagueness to the term. I’ve always tended to where it and the liberal label with pride.

    I think some of the ideals of progressives would be:

    1. less favorable policies toward development

    2. small more sustainable development that takes environmental concerns and character of the city into acount

    3. focus on smaller and more locally based business development

    4. working to improve and foster civil rights

    That is for starters.

  6. I guess there is a sort of vagueness to the term. I’ve always tended to where it and the liberal label with pride.

    I think some of the ideals of progressives would be:

    1. less favorable policies toward development

    2. small more sustainable development that takes environmental concerns and character of the city into acount

    3. focus on smaller and more locally based business development

    4. working to improve and foster civil rights

    That is for starters.

  7. I guess there is a sort of vagueness to the term. I’ve always tended to where it and the liberal label with pride.

    I think some of the ideals of progressives would be:

    1. less favorable policies toward development

    2. small more sustainable development that takes environmental concerns and character of the city into acount

    3. focus on smaller and more locally based business development

    4. working to improve and foster civil rights

    That is for starters.

  8. I guess there is a sort of vagueness to the term. I’ve always tended to where it and the liberal label with pride.

    I think some of the ideals of progressives would be:

    1. less favorable policies toward development

    2. small more sustainable development that takes environmental concerns and character of the city into acount

    3. focus on smaller and more locally based business development

    4. working to improve and foster civil rights

    That is for starters.

  9. I hope we get some newer faces for the 08 race. There’s a lot of civic minded “talent” serving on various school committees, non-profit boards, etc., in this town that we could all benefit from.

  10. I hope we get some newer faces for the 08 race. There’s a lot of civic minded “talent” serving on various school committees, non-profit boards, etc., in this town that we could all benefit from.

  11. I hope we get some newer faces for the 08 race. There’s a lot of civic minded “talent” serving on various school committees, non-profit boards, etc., in this town that we could all benefit from.

  12. I hope we get some newer faces for the 08 race. There’s a lot of civic minded “talent” serving on various school committees, non-profit boards, etc., in this town that we could all benefit from.

  13. “So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?”

    I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.

    Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.

  14. “So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?”

    I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.

    Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.

  15. “So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?”

    I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.

    Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.

  16. “So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?”

    I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.

    Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.

  17. Sorry Rich… The Populist Coalition, as I prefer to call it, will have only 3 candidates and will exhibit self-discipline and unity(as we did for Measure X and the last council election)..This, plus an all-out grassroots campaign will result in a city council with a “new direction” in 2008… also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

  18. Sorry Rich… The Populist Coalition, as I prefer to call it, will have only 3 candidates and will exhibit self-discipline and unity(as we did for Measure X and the last council election)..This, plus an all-out grassroots campaign will result in a city council with a “new direction” in 2008… also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

  19. Sorry Rich… The Populist Coalition, as I prefer to call it, will have only 3 candidates and will exhibit self-discipline and unity(as we did for Measure X and the last council election)..This, plus an all-out grassroots campaign will result in a city council with a “new direction” in 2008… also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

  20. Sorry Rich… The Populist Coalition, as I prefer to call it, will have only 3 candidates and will exhibit self-discipline and unity(as we did for Measure X and the last council election)..This, plus an all-out grassroots campaign will result in a city council with a “new direction” in 2008… also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

  21. i’m uneasy about the word progressive for a host of reasons (it strikes me as rather empty of political substance in most online discussion), but i would like to see don shor take a stab at running for council. he strikes me as a reasonable and measured person, and i am sure that he would represent local businesses fairly.

    i would also support donna lott, although she isn’t all that popular on this site.

    i’m not sure development needs to be the only pole star that our city politics ought to revolve around, but that’s another discussion.

  22. i’m uneasy about the word progressive for a host of reasons (it strikes me as rather empty of political substance in most online discussion), but i would like to see don shor take a stab at running for council. he strikes me as a reasonable and measured person, and i am sure that he would represent local businesses fairly.

    i would also support donna lott, although she isn’t all that popular on this site.

    i’m not sure development needs to be the only pole star that our city politics ought to revolve around, but that’s another discussion.

  23. i’m uneasy about the word progressive for a host of reasons (it strikes me as rather empty of political substance in most online discussion), but i would like to see don shor take a stab at running for council. he strikes me as a reasonable and measured person, and i am sure that he would represent local businesses fairly.

    i would also support donna lott, although she isn’t all that popular on this site.

    i’m not sure development needs to be the only pole star that our city politics ought to revolve around, but that’s another discussion.

  24. i’m uneasy about the word progressive for a host of reasons (it strikes me as rather empty of political substance in most online discussion), but i would like to see don shor take a stab at running for council. he strikes me as a reasonable and measured person, and i am sure that he would represent local businesses fairly.

    i would also support donna lott, although she isn’t all that popular on this site.

    i’m not sure development needs to be the only pole star that our city politics ought to revolve around, but that’s another discussion.

  25. Rich –

    I realize your comment was “tongue in cheek;” however, I want to clarify something for the record that you have stated incorrectly time and time again.

    You stated, “Among them [Progressives] they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department…” I do not despise the Davis Police Department. I have not despised them in the past nor do I presently.

    We have a police force with some officers who do their best to protect our community. I have tremendous respect for them. However, you will never see this in the Davis Enterprise because it is much better and sells more papers to vilify a person. It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law. Again, I state, “some officers.”

    I concur with the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

    Former Chief of Police Jim Hyde and certain members of the Davis City Council chose to put their heads in the sand during moments of controversy and challenge. Instead of addressing a problem that has been in existence far too long in Davis they chose to vilify myself and the former HRC because that was much easier than taking responsibility and making changes to help our community as a whole.

    If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open. In the end they came for your friend Dunning’s neighborhood, but we were not there to help him because he cheered and encouraged them to remove us, the former HRC.

    Don’t worry, we’ll be back.

    Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald

  26. Rich –

    I realize your comment was “tongue in cheek;” however, I want to clarify something for the record that you have stated incorrectly time and time again.

    You stated, “Among them [Progressives] they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department…” I do not despise the Davis Police Department. I have not despised them in the past nor do I presently.

    We have a police force with some officers who do their best to protect our community. I have tremendous respect for them. However, you will never see this in the Davis Enterprise because it is much better and sells more papers to vilify a person. It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law. Again, I state, “some officers.”

    I concur with the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

    Former Chief of Police Jim Hyde and certain members of the Davis City Council chose to put their heads in the sand during moments of controversy and challenge. Instead of addressing a problem that has been in existence far too long in Davis they chose to vilify myself and the former HRC because that was much easier than taking responsibility and making changes to help our community as a whole.

    If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open. In the end they came for your friend Dunning’s neighborhood, but we were not there to help him because he cheered and encouraged them to remove us, the former HRC.

    Don’t worry, we’ll be back.

    Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald

  27. Rich –

    I realize your comment was “tongue in cheek;” however, I want to clarify something for the record that you have stated incorrectly time and time again.

    You stated, “Among them [Progressives] they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department…” I do not despise the Davis Police Department. I have not despised them in the past nor do I presently.

    We have a police force with some officers who do their best to protect our community. I have tremendous respect for them. However, you will never see this in the Davis Enterprise because it is much better and sells more papers to vilify a person. It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law. Again, I state, “some officers.”

    I concur with the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

    Former Chief of Police Jim Hyde and certain members of the Davis City Council chose to put their heads in the sand during moments of controversy and challenge. Instead of addressing a problem that has been in existence far too long in Davis they chose to vilify myself and the former HRC because that was much easier than taking responsibility and making changes to help our community as a whole.

    If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open. In the end they came for your friend Dunning’s neighborhood, but we were not there to help him because he cheered and encouraged them to remove us, the former HRC.

    Don’t worry, we’ll be back.

    Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald

  28. Rich –

    I realize your comment was “tongue in cheek;” however, I want to clarify something for the record that you have stated incorrectly time and time again.

    You stated, “Among them [Progressives] they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department…” I do not despise the Davis Police Department. I have not despised them in the past nor do I presently.

    We have a police force with some officers who do their best to protect our community. I have tremendous respect for them. However, you will never see this in the Davis Enterprise because it is much better and sells more papers to vilify a person. It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law. Again, I state, “some officers.”

    I concur with the late Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said that “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.”

    Former Chief of Police Jim Hyde and certain members of the Davis City Council chose to put their heads in the sand during moments of controversy and challenge. Instead of addressing a problem that has been in existence far too long in Davis they chose to vilify myself and the former HRC because that was much easier than taking responsibility and making changes to help our community as a whole.

    If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open. In the end they came for your friend Dunning’s neighborhood, but we were not there to help him because he cheered and encouraged them to remove us, the former HRC.

    Don’t worry, we’ll be back.

    Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald

  29. Wu: Unfortunately Don informed us that he does not live in Davis. He would have been an excellent person, but I hope that he could help us find someone else who would be just as appealing to large portions of Davis.

  30. Wu: Unfortunately Don informed us that he does not live in Davis. He would have been an excellent person, but I hope that he could help us find someone else who would be just as appealing to large portions of Davis.

  31. Wu: Unfortunately Don informed us that he does not live in Davis. He would have been an excellent person, but I hope that he could help us find someone else who would be just as appealing to large portions of Davis.

  32. Wu: Unfortunately Don informed us that he does not live in Davis. He would have been an excellent person, but I hope that he could help us find someone else who would be just as appealing to large portions of Davis.

  33. Rich,
    Bill Kopper and Julie Partansky did run and served on the City Council, each for eight years of their life. I think that’s more than enough of a donation of their time. The others you mention are contributing to the community each in their own way.

    I ask that you look at your postings and see if you can alter the tone. I’m having trouble hearing the point that you are trying to make.

  34. Rich,
    Bill Kopper and Julie Partansky did run and served on the City Council, each for eight years of their life. I think that’s more than enough of a donation of their time. The others you mention are contributing to the community each in their own way.

    I ask that you look at your postings and see if you can alter the tone. I’m having trouble hearing the point that you are trying to make.

  35. Rich,
    Bill Kopper and Julie Partansky did run and served on the City Council, each for eight years of their life. I think that’s more than enough of a donation of their time. The others you mention are contributing to the community each in their own way.

    I ask that you look at your postings and see if you can alter the tone. I’m having trouble hearing the point that you are trying to make.

  36. Rich,
    Bill Kopper and Julie Partansky did run and served on the City Council, each for eight years of their life. I think that’s more than enough of a donation of their time. The others you mention are contributing to the community each in their own way.

    I ask that you look at your postings and see if you can alter the tone. I’m having trouble hearing the point that you are trying to make.

  37. “‘So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?'”

    “I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.”

    “Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.”

    Hi Rich,

    We have never been introduced, so allow me to first say, nice to meet you.

    I would like to correct your comments made in the Vanguard today when you mentioned my name in the context of answering a Doug Paul Davis’ query.

    First of all, it is hard for me to imagine you really believe that any of the “so-called progressives” which you name and include my name amongst would “despise” the Davis Police Department or “despise” the folks you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I have had over the years several interactions with our police department and I have always found the officers to be fair, helpful and polite. I have even written a letter to the chief now and then to commend an officer for a job well done. Additionally, I know many DPD officers, both current and former, who I respect and like. And I believe they respect and like me. I am personal friends with two of the individuals you name as folks I “despise” and I am on friendly terms with several of the others. Also, most of the food I eat is grown by conventional farming.

    I admit I am a fan of Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich and the Food Co-op although I do most of my food shopping at the wonderful Nugget Market in East Davis.

    I also admit to reading your Enterprise column and your comments on this blog.

    Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.

    Bill Ritter

  38. “‘So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?'”

    “I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.”

    “Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.”

    Hi Rich,

    We have never been introduced, so allow me to first say, nice to meet you.

    I would like to correct your comments made in the Vanguard today when you mentioned my name in the context of answering a Doug Paul Davis’ query.

    First of all, it is hard for me to imagine you really believe that any of the “so-called progressives” which you name and include my name amongst would “despise” the Davis Police Department or “despise” the folks you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I have had over the years several interactions with our police department and I have always found the officers to be fair, helpful and polite. I have even written a letter to the chief now and then to commend an officer for a job well done. Additionally, I know many DPD officers, both current and former, who I respect and like. And I believe they respect and like me. I am personal friends with two of the individuals you name as folks I “despise” and I am on friendly terms with several of the others. Also, most of the food I eat is grown by conventional farming.

    I admit I am a fan of Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich and the Food Co-op although I do most of my food shopping at the wonderful Nugget Market in East Davis.

    I also admit to reading your Enterprise column and your comments on this blog.

    Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.

    Bill Ritter

  39. “‘So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?'”

    “I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.”

    “Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.”

    Hi Rich,

    We have never been introduced, so allow me to first say, nice to meet you.

    I would like to correct your comments made in the Vanguard today when you mentioned my name in the context of answering a Doug Paul Davis’ query.

    First of all, it is hard for me to imagine you really believe that any of the “so-called progressives” which you name and include my name amongst would “despise” the Davis Police Department or “despise” the folks you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I have had over the years several interactions with our police department and I have always found the officers to be fair, helpful and polite. I have even written a letter to the chief now and then to commend an officer for a job well done. Additionally, I know many DPD officers, both current and former, who I respect and like. And I believe they respect and like me. I am personal friends with two of the individuals you name as folks I “despise” and I am on friendly terms with several of the others. Also, most of the food I eat is grown by conventional farming.

    I admit I am a fan of Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich and the Food Co-op although I do most of my food shopping at the wonderful Nugget Market in East Davis.

    I also admit to reading your Enterprise column and your comments on this blog.

    Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.

    Bill Ritter

  40. “‘So my question to this blog would be: who should the Progressives get to run?'”

    “I would like to see at least 11 so-called progressives run: Rob Roy; Bill Ritter; Bill Kopper; Julie Partansky; Hamza El-Nakhal; Sue Greenwald; Cecilia E. Greenwald; David Greenwald; Hank Greenwald; Hank Greenberg; and Allen Greenspan.”

    “Among them, they could battle it out to see who among them most despises the Davis Police Department, Mike Corbett, Ruth Asmundson, Bob Dunning, Jeff Reisig, Steve Sousa, Debbie Davis, Don Saylor and conventional farming; and who most loves Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich, and the Food Co-op.”

    Hi Rich,

    We have never been introduced, so allow me to first say, nice to meet you.

    I would like to correct your comments made in the Vanguard today when you mentioned my name in the context of answering a Doug Paul Davis’ query.

    First of all, it is hard for me to imagine you really believe that any of the “so-called progressives” which you name and include my name amongst would “despise” the Davis Police Department or “despise” the folks you mentioned. As a matter of fact, I have had over the years several interactions with our police department and I have always found the officers to be fair, helpful and polite. I have even written a letter to the chief now and then to commend an officer for a job well done. Additionally, I know many DPD officers, both current and former, who I respect and like. And I believe they respect and like me. I am personal friends with two of the individuals you name as folks I “despise” and I am on friendly terms with several of the others. Also, most of the food I eat is grown by conventional farming.

    I admit I am a fan of Lamar Heystek, Martin Barnes, Dennis Kucinich and the Food Co-op although I do most of my food shopping at the wonderful Nugget Market in East Davis.

    I also admit to reading your Enterprise column and your comments on this blog.

    Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.

    Bill Ritter

  41. …also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

    I thought about including myself, but I decided I was too unimportant in the big picture to count among that group of luminaries. But if you hold me that high, I am grateful.

    Also, by including Hank Greenwald (former Giants play by play announcer), Hank Greenberg (Hall of Fame baseball player), and Allen Greenspan, I thought it was somewhat clear that I was only kidding.

    Nonetheless, I should not have intimated that everyone in that group has such hostile feelings toward the Davis police. I’m pretty sure Hank Greenwald does not.

    “It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law.”

    From all the evidence I have seen, the DPD has fairly enforced the law. I’m sure individual cops have made some mistakes. All human beings make some mistakes. But nothing I’ve seen suggests an intentional pattern of misbehavior by any Davis cops against any groups or otherwise. Certainly that badly written HRC report did not show a pattern of misconduct.

    “If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open.”

    There is nothing stopping you or your quondom colleagues on the HRC from advocating to keep Valley Oak open, now. (I would welcome it, as I have publicly advocated for VO to not be shuttered.) However, it would have been out of line for the HRC as a city of Davis commission to weigh in on that subject. And your not seeing that such a demonstration would be beyond the scope of your duties, in my opinion, is part of the reason your HRC failed the citizenry so badly.

    I still don’t understand why you and your former colleagues don’t follow the advice that I suggested long ago in my column and before the council in public comments: establish a private group, a private HRC, where you choose the members, you set the agenda, you decide what to investigate, in order to promote your vision. You could issue reports and press releases and so on, speak as a collective to the city council, etc., without having people who disagree threatening to shut down your activities.

  42. …also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

    I thought about including myself, but I decided I was too unimportant in the big picture to count among that group of luminaries. But if you hold me that high, I am grateful.

    Also, by including Hank Greenwald (former Giants play by play announcer), Hank Greenberg (Hall of Fame baseball player), and Allen Greenspan, I thought it was somewhat clear that I was only kidding.

    Nonetheless, I should not have intimated that everyone in that group has such hostile feelings toward the Davis police. I’m pretty sure Hank Greenwald does not.

    “It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law.”

    From all the evidence I have seen, the DPD has fairly enforced the law. I’m sure individual cops have made some mistakes. All human beings make some mistakes. But nothing I’ve seen suggests an intentional pattern of misbehavior by any Davis cops against any groups or otherwise. Certainly that badly written HRC report did not show a pattern of misconduct.

    “If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open.”

    There is nothing stopping you or your quondom colleagues on the HRC from advocating to keep Valley Oak open, now. (I would welcome it, as I have publicly advocated for VO to not be shuttered.) However, it would have been out of line for the HRC as a city of Davis commission to weigh in on that subject. And your not seeing that such a demonstration would be beyond the scope of your duties, in my opinion, is part of the reason your HRC failed the citizenry so badly.

    I still don’t understand why you and your former colleagues don’t follow the advice that I suggested long ago in my column and before the council in public comments: establish a private group, a private HRC, where you choose the members, you set the agenda, you decide what to investigate, in order to promote your vision. You could issue reports and press releases and so on, speak as a collective to the city council, etc., without having people who disagree threatening to shut down your activities.

  43. …also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

    I thought about including myself, but I decided I was too unimportant in the big picture to count among that group of luminaries. But if you hold me that high, I am grateful.

    Also, by including Hank Greenwald (former Giants play by play announcer), Hank Greenberg (Hall of Fame baseball player), and Allen Greenspan, I thought it was somewhat clear that I was only kidding.

    Nonetheless, I should not have intimated that everyone in that group has such hostile feelings toward the Davis police. I’m pretty sure Hank Greenwald does not.

    “It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law.”

    From all the evidence I have seen, the DPD has fairly enforced the law. I’m sure individual cops have made some mistakes. All human beings make some mistakes. But nothing I’ve seen suggests an intentional pattern of misbehavior by any Davis cops against any groups or otherwise. Certainly that badly written HRC report did not show a pattern of misconduct.

    “If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open.”

    There is nothing stopping you or your quondom colleagues on the HRC from advocating to keep Valley Oak open, now. (I would welcome it, as I have publicly advocated for VO to not be shuttered.) However, it would have been out of line for the HRC as a city of Davis commission to weigh in on that subject. And your not seeing that such a demonstration would be beyond the scope of your duties, in my opinion, is part of the reason your HRC failed the citizenry so badly.

    I still don’t understand why you and your former colleagues don’t follow the advice that I suggested long ago in my column and before the council in public comments: establish a private group, a private HRC, where you choose the members, you set the agenda, you decide what to investigate, in order to promote your vision. You could issue reports and press releases and so on, speak as a collective to the city council, etc., without having people who disagree threatening to shut down your activities.

  44. …also,you failed to include Rich Rifkin on your “despise list”.

    I thought about including myself, but I decided I was too unimportant in the big picture to count among that group of luminaries. But if you hold me that high, I am grateful.

    Also, by including Hank Greenwald (former Giants play by play announcer), Hank Greenberg (Hall of Fame baseball player), and Allen Greenspan, I thought it was somewhat clear that I was only kidding.

    Nonetheless, I should not have intimated that everyone in that group has such hostile feelings toward the Davis police. I’m pretty sure Hank Greenwald does not.

    “It’s quite sad to say there are those who have left the DPD because they did not like the environment within the DPD amongst some officers who used selective enforcement of the law.”

    From all the evidence I have seen, the DPD has fairly enforced the law. I’m sure individual cops have made some mistakes. All human beings make some mistakes. But nothing I’ve seen suggests an intentional pattern of misbehavior by any Davis cops against any groups or otherwise. Certainly that badly written HRC report did not show a pattern of misconduct.

    “If the former HRC were still in place we would have been advocating to keep Valley Oak open.”

    There is nothing stopping you or your quondom colleagues on the HRC from advocating to keep Valley Oak open, now. (I would welcome it, as I have publicly advocated for VO to not be shuttered.) However, it would have been out of line for the HRC as a city of Davis commission to weigh in on that subject. And your not seeing that such a demonstration would be beyond the scope of your duties, in my opinion, is part of the reason your HRC failed the citizenry so badly.

    I still don’t understand why you and your former colleagues don’t follow the advice that I suggested long ago in my column and before the council in public comments: establish a private group, a private HRC, where you choose the members, you set the agenda, you decide what to investigate, in order to promote your vision. You could issue reports and press releases and so on, speak as a collective to the city council, etc., without having people who disagree threatening to shut down your activities.

  45. “Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.”


    I’m sorry. I should not have included you in that farsical list. I meant to say Tex Ritter.

  46. “Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.”


    I’m sorry. I should not have included you in that farsical list. I meant to say Tex Ritter.

  47. “Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.”


    I’m sorry. I should not have included you in that farsical list. I meant to say Tex Ritter.

  48. “Maybe someday we can meet face to face, as I have never personally met you, but you seem to think you know so much about me.”


    I’m sorry. I should not have included you in that farsical list. I meant to say Tex Ritter.

  49. Rich,

    No worries. With all the local and national celebrities you were listing, I guess I should have known you might be referring to the famous Ritters from Tennessee where Tex Ritter comes from and not really me.

    Take care,
    Bill Ritter

  50. Rich,

    No worries. With all the local and national celebrities you were listing, I guess I should have known you might be referring to the famous Ritters from Tennessee where Tex Ritter comes from and not really me.

    Take care,
    Bill Ritter

  51. Rich,

    No worries. With all the local and national celebrities you were listing, I guess I should have known you might be referring to the famous Ritters from Tennessee where Tex Ritter comes from and not really me.

    Take care,
    Bill Ritter

  52. Rich,

    No worries. With all the local and national celebrities you were listing, I guess I should have known you might be referring to the famous Ritters from Tennessee where Tex Ritter comes from and not really me.

    Take care,
    Bill Ritter

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