Barbara Boxer Event June 18 in Davis

We are supporting Barbara Boxer’s re-election to the Senate. That is why we are co-sponsoring a reception for her June 18 here in Davis (the invitation is at the bottom of this page). If you need more information about her or simply want to be reminded of what a superb representative we as Californians have in the Senate, read on. If you just want to be a part of sending one of the finest elected officials in the nation right back where she can fight for us, go to this link!

For 18 years Barbara Boxer has been among the most progressive Democrats in the U.S. Senate. A tenacious fighter on many issues, she has been a strong leader on climate change, clean energy, environmental protection, health care, education, reproductive rights, and financial reform.  We really appreciate Senator Boxer’s support and protection for wild places.  She is one of the few members of Congress to consistently achieve a perfect score of 100 on Americans for Democratic Action’s annual ratings of Congress.
Among her many accomplishments, Senator Boxer was an original sponsor of the Title X Family Planning Services Act of 2005, led the successful battle to block oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge during the Bush Administration, introduced the Northern California Coastal Wild Heritage Wilderness Act in 2006 which succeeded in protecting 275,830 acres of federal land as wilderness, and was lead author of the original Violence Against Women Act while in the House.

Senator Boxer’s many endorsements during the 2010 campaign include the League of Conservation Voters, the Sierra Club, the National Womens’ Political Caucus, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, the California Federation of Teachers, the California Teachers Association, California Professional Firefighters, the California Nurses Association, and the United Farmworkers of America.

Boxer is potentially facing the toughest race of her life against either Carly Fiorina or Chuck DeVore. Fiorina in particular is already running attack ads against “Barbara Boxer’s big-government policies,” and favors a reduced government role in protecting the environment, workers, women, and public health. Fiorina is endorsed by Sarah Palin, Condolezza Rice, John McCain, and extreme right senators James M. Inhofe, Jon Kyle, and Rick Santorum. Electing her would be an enormous step backwards for our state and nation.

The election of 2010 will help determine whether Democrats are able to maintain a workable majority in the Senate, and whether President Barack Obama is able to make progress on topics such as climate change, clean energy, economic recovery, and immigration reform.  Barbara Boxer’s continued leadership is crucial to the causes we care most deeply about. Please help now!

Please Join Us

For a Reception
to Support
The Re-election of
U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer

Friday, June 18th
5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
*program begins promptly at 5:30 p.m.

At the home of Liz Merry and Bob Schneider
2402 Westernesse Road
Davis, CA

$250 individual
$1,000 Co-Host
$2,400 Event Chair
$4,800 Maximum Per Person

To RSVP please contact Alice Engstrom at 415-413-0240 or email

Paid for by Friends of Barbara Boxer FEC #C00279315.





  1. What is the performance assessment progressives apply to their politicians? So George Bush can be held accountable for just about every problem with the country after eight years in office, but Boxer is still an untouchable liberal darling after eighteen.

    We should hold our politicians responsible for outcomes, not just their alignment with ideological rhetorical debate. Based on an assessment of outcomes, Barbara Boxer has been a giant disappointment. The country and the state are in financial shambles, and she is one of the key politicians elected to make sure this would not happen. Certainly Boxer has provided progressive a lot of transactional candy, but based on outcomes, there is no grade other than “fail” we can honestly give her.

    Despite the “hairgate” type of media crap that the left tries to get to stick on the wall, Carly Fiorina is exactly the type of Senator we should support now. She is a center-right candidate, not a mean and nasty conservative (I take the liberty to use the left’s template for folks firmly on the right). More importantly, she is the first woman CEO of a fortune 20 company , and has the business credentials to provide the ying to Boxers tax and spend yang.

    If Boxer manages to pull out a re-election, I think that will be an apt metaphor for California becoming the next Greek tragedy.

  2. Miss Boxer’s not great (though her record on environmental issues is fairly impressive), but seems quite superior in comparison to Hewlett-Packard puta Carly Fiorina.

    Note the lack of Davis democrats or “progressives” rallying for Miss Boxer, however. Porque?? Maybe because you scratch the surface of a Davis suburban democrat, and you get something like a central valley moderate republican–as with this Davis fraudocrat, “Byronius”, big-guy at Democratic Underground and supposed liberal, yet not involved at all in Davis local politics. Then, he probably doesn’t want local leftists to know he supported Schwarzenegger in the Recall farce (and has a soft spot for Mitt Romney).

  3. Perezoso: I am not familiar with “Byronius”, but I read some his posts. He says he is a small business owner. Given that, unless he was parent-gifted the capital to start his business, he would be hard pressed to adopt the template of a Davis progressive. He doesn’t fit the model of someone living off the soft money of government… or someone convinced that every American should make $60k a year regardless of their individual motivation to pursue prosperity.

    I agree with you that the average Davis progressive does not lean as far left as the average San Francisco lefty; however, Davis’s political leanings are far left of almost every other central valley community up and down the state.

    Back to the Boxer versus Fiorina debate. In my opinion, Boxer’s record protecting the environment is one of the key reasons she should be thrown out on her rear… given the state of the state’s economy, it is apparent that she has done so at the expense of jobs and economic development. Fiorina’s campaign should addopt the slogan: “Vote for Boxer – Save Another Tree and Lose Another Teacher!”.

  4. [Byronius] says he is a small business owner. Given that, unless he was parent-gifted the capital to start his business, he would be hard pressed to adopt the template of a Davis progressive. He doesn’t fit the model of someone living off the soft money of government..

    Byronius was indeed “parent-gifted” the capital for his mail order scam, or just rips it off as needed (he runs HW Industries in Sac-town, which specializes in…Chiropractor supplies! and like balloons too). He’s probably rooting for Fiorina anyway (tho’ will lie about it on some hip “liberal” site, and say he’s for Boxer). So he’s irrelevant except as a model of Davis narcissism (or possible danger to the community).

    Fiorina sounds about like a Schwarzenegger, economically speaking (tho’ without the musscles and steroids… speaking of ‘roids, another Byronius indulgence (allegedly! as they say)). And what has Ahhnold-nomics produced? Record deficit in CA, unemployment, slashing of many state programs, higher fees, tuition, perqs to the wealthy enclaves of Cal. Vote for Fiorina and e-Meg– Calif. needs more Schwarzitowns.

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