Measure P Will Keep Our Libraries Open and Flourishing

It will probably surprise very few reading this article, that I have spent a good portion of my life in libraries–whether it was during my childhood when I went to the public library to hear stories and read on my own. Whether it was during graduate school when I would spend hours going through obscure microfilm looking for information. Or even now, I often have to go through the archives to find out information about what happened in this community in the past.

Unfortunately, in many communities libraries are going the way of the dinosaur. This is ashame because libraries are among the most adaptive deposits of information–as information and its storage has changed, so too has the library, with computers, dvds, cds, and other electronic information storage devices helping to replace card catalogues, microfilm, and simple paper. Today the library looks vastly different from the libraries I frequented as a young child or even as a high school student.

Unfortunately, libraries seem to be among the lowest priorities for fundings from local governments starved for adequate resources. Across the nation, hours and collections have been cut back upon. And while university libraries remain vital out of necessity, public libraries are often in deep trouble.

However, Davis is different as we so much like to think. Davis is one of the few communities that is willing to spend taxpayer money to continue library services. And thus in 1989, the city of Davis was able to rescue the Davis Branch Library by passing a $3.50 monthly parcel tax that enabled the library to expand its hours when other were cutting theirs back, upgrade their book collection as others were cutting theirs back, and improve the service to the children and other area residents.

Now 18 years later, Davis residents have a chance to renew their commitment to lifelong learning in their community. A new parcel tax, Measure P, has been placed on the ballot. This parcel tax will increase to $88 per year which is around $7 a month.

To do that requires a two-thirds vote of the Davis voters. In many communities, that is a difficult threshold to meet, but not in Davis. Davis is one of those rare communities where both library and school taxes pass with regularity.

A vote for the library tax will enable the library to continue to stay open 60 hours a week, with hours every single day, nighttime hours, weekend hours, and Sunday hours. Ensure up-to-date book collections and reference materials. Make repairs to the current facility. Expand the children’s book collection, story times, and homework assistance programs while at the same time increasing space available for community groups and other organizations. Expand the Children’s and Young Adults’ libraries, adding computers, books, early literacy services, and assigning extra staff to focus on after-school programs. Increase the number of computers available for public use. And begin to look at providing library services to South Davis.

In a town where political differences punctuate our daily lives and conflict is the norm, it is important to note that every single elected official from the city of Davis is supporting this measure from Assemblywoman Lois Wolk, to the two Davis County Supervisors Mariko Yamada and Helen Thomson, to Sheriff Ed Prieto, to the five city councilmembers and five school board members, and even the public defender. All of them are listed endorsements for this important measure.

The choice is simply, for a slight increase of around $3.50 per month, you can keep the Davis Branch of the library open and flourishing. To me that seems like a no-brainer.

For further information about the measure or to endorse or support Measure P, please log onto to their website.

The Vanguard will have more information including interviews and guest commentary in the coming weeks as we move closer to the November 6, 2007 election which will include also the School Parcel Tax and the School Board elections. The Vanguard is your source for election information.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Gosh, DPD, what a marvelous, articulate and passionate endorsement of Measure P! While I am for libraries I wasn’t aware of all of the exciting possibilities. As an old woman, I have always loved books long before all of these new things came along. At any rate, thanks Doug.

  2. Gosh, DPD, what a marvelous, articulate and passionate endorsement of Measure P! While I am for libraries I wasn’t aware of all of the exciting possibilities. As an old woman, I have always loved books long before all of these new things came along. At any rate, thanks Doug.

  3. Gosh, DPD, what a marvelous, articulate and passionate endorsement of Measure P! While I am for libraries I wasn’t aware of all of the exciting possibilities. As an old woman, I have always loved books long before all of these new things came along. At any rate, thanks Doug.

  4. Gosh, DPD, what a marvelous, articulate and passionate endorsement of Measure P! While I am for libraries I wasn’t aware of all of the exciting possibilities. As an old woman, I have always loved books long before all of these new things came along. At any rate, thanks Doug.

  5. Is P offering more than necessary,
    and thereby making it harder for voters to accept?
    A two-thirds majority is a very high hurdle to overcome.
    Keeping the present hours and staff levels is surely acceptable to all. Painting, replacing carpets and furniture would be relatively inexpensive and necessary.
    The Davis Public Library already provides a very high level of service to the community. Enabling this service to continue as is, with the present hours of operation, should be the highest priority.
    But the lion’s share of the tax will, as presently configured, go for construction of things not needed to continue the vital service the library provides to the community.
    Expanding the Blanchard Community Room is not necessary and will add significantly to the tax.
    Adding multi-function self-service checkout kiosks would be expensive and is not necessary. As a regular patron, I notice the current self-serve check-out stations are hardly ever used.
    The library’s computers were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and more than adequately meet demand.
    Expanding bookshelf space is a laudable goal, but not really necessary in the immediate future.
    Why not pursue the goal of improving the library in stages?
    Offer, in the future, a separate tax to fund more book purchases, magazine subscriptions and shelf space expansion–which, after all goes to the library’s essential mission. Then voters will be more inclined to accept a smaller tax.

    In conclusion, if Measure P were modified, after a hard, practical look was taken at what’s really necessary to sustain the current high standards of the Davis Public Library’s service to the community, it would stand a much better chance of passing.

  6. Is P offering more than necessary,
    and thereby making it harder for voters to accept?
    A two-thirds majority is a very high hurdle to overcome.
    Keeping the present hours and staff levels is surely acceptable to all. Painting, replacing carpets and furniture would be relatively inexpensive and necessary.
    The Davis Public Library already provides a very high level of service to the community. Enabling this service to continue as is, with the present hours of operation, should be the highest priority.
    But the lion’s share of the tax will, as presently configured, go for construction of things not needed to continue the vital service the library provides to the community.
    Expanding the Blanchard Community Room is not necessary and will add significantly to the tax.
    Adding multi-function self-service checkout kiosks would be expensive and is not necessary. As a regular patron, I notice the current self-serve check-out stations are hardly ever used.
    The library’s computers were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and more than adequately meet demand.
    Expanding bookshelf space is a laudable goal, but not really necessary in the immediate future.
    Why not pursue the goal of improving the library in stages?
    Offer, in the future, a separate tax to fund more book purchases, magazine subscriptions and shelf space expansion–which, after all goes to the library’s essential mission. Then voters will be more inclined to accept a smaller tax.

    In conclusion, if Measure P were modified, after a hard, practical look was taken at what’s really necessary to sustain the current high standards of the Davis Public Library’s service to the community, it would stand a much better chance of passing.

  7. Is P offering more than necessary,
    and thereby making it harder for voters to accept?
    A two-thirds majority is a very high hurdle to overcome.
    Keeping the present hours and staff levels is surely acceptable to all. Painting, replacing carpets and furniture would be relatively inexpensive and necessary.
    The Davis Public Library already provides a very high level of service to the community. Enabling this service to continue as is, with the present hours of operation, should be the highest priority.
    But the lion’s share of the tax will, as presently configured, go for construction of things not needed to continue the vital service the library provides to the community.
    Expanding the Blanchard Community Room is not necessary and will add significantly to the tax.
    Adding multi-function self-service checkout kiosks would be expensive and is not necessary. As a regular patron, I notice the current self-serve check-out stations are hardly ever used.
    The library’s computers were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and more than adequately meet demand.
    Expanding bookshelf space is a laudable goal, but not really necessary in the immediate future.
    Why not pursue the goal of improving the library in stages?
    Offer, in the future, a separate tax to fund more book purchases, magazine subscriptions and shelf space expansion–which, after all goes to the library’s essential mission. Then voters will be more inclined to accept a smaller tax.

    In conclusion, if Measure P were modified, after a hard, practical look was taken at what’s really necessary to sustain the current high standards of the Davis Public Library’s service to the community, it would stand a much better chance of passing.

  8. Is P offering more than necessary,
    and thereby making it harder for voters to accept?
    A two-thirds majority is a very high hurdle to overcome.
    Keeping the present hours and staff levels is surely acceptable to all. Painting, replacing carpets and furniture would be relatively inexpensive and necessary.
    The Davis Public Library already provides a very high level of service to the community. Enabling this service to continue as is, with the present hours of operation, should be the highest priority.
    But the lion’s share of the tax will, as presently configured, go for construction of things not needed to continue the vital service the library provides to the community.
    Expanding the Blanchard Community Room is not necessary and will add significantly to the tax.
    Adding multi-function self-service checkout kiosks would be expensive and is not necessary. As a regular patron, I notice the current self-serve check-out stations are hardly ever used.
    The library’s computers were funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and more than adequately meet demand.
    Expanding bookshelf space is a laudable goal, but not really necessary in the immediate future.
    Why not pursue the goal of improving the library in stages?
    Offer, in the future, a separate tax to fund more book purchases, magazine subscriptions and shelf space expansion–which, after all goes to the library’s essential mission. Then voters will be more inclined to accept a smaller tax.

    In conclusion, if Measure P were modified, after a hard, practical look was taken at what’s really necessary to sustain the current high standards of the Davis Public Library’s service to the community, it would stand a much better chance of passing.

  9. If we don’t support this relatively small tax for such great services provided by our libraries then what does it say abut us as a community? Thank you DPD for this article.

  10. If we don’t support this relatively small tax for such great services provided by our libraries then what does it say abut us as a community? Thank you DPD for this article.

  11. If we don’t support this relatively small tax for such great services provided by our libraries then what does it say abut us as a community? Thank you DPD for this article.

  12. If we don’t support this relatively small tax for such great services provided by our libraries then what does it say abut us as a community? Thank you DPD for this article.

  13. “Relatively small tax?” Easy to say if you live in El Macero, I guess. The point is, as Anonymous 8/26/07 9:57 AM says, the proposed tax could be a lot smaller, and more acceptable to all Davis voters (not just the affluent ones), if Measure P didn’t have all the construction riders attached to it.

  14. “Relatively small tax?” Easy to say if you live in El Macero, I guess. The point is, as Anonymous 8/26/07 9:57 AM says, the proposed tax could be a lot smaller, and more acceptable to all Davis voters (not just the affluent ones), if Measure P didn’t have all the construction riders attached to it.

  15. “Relatively small tax?” Easy to say if you live in El Macero, I guess. The point is, as Anonymous 8/26/07 9:57 AM says, the proposed tax could be a lot smaller, and more acceptable to all Davis voters (not just the affluent ones), if Measure P didn’t have all the construction riders attached to it.

  16. “Relatively small tax?” Easy to say if you live in El Macero, I guess. The point is, as Anonymous 8/26/07 9:57 AM says, the proposed tax could be a lot smaller, and more acceptable to all Davis voters (not just the affluent ones), if Measure P didn’t have all the construction riders attached to it.

  17. I am definitely not affluent and I support measure P. I don’t live in El Macero; however I understand the importance of it and will vote “yes.” If it causes a hardship for some they can apply for a waiver.

  18. I am definitely not affluent and I support measure P. I don’t live in El Macero; however I understand the importance of it and will vote “yes.” If it causes a hardship for some they can apply for a waiver.

  19. I am definitely not affluent and I support measure P. I don’t live in El Macero; however I understand the importance of it and will vote “yes.” If it causes a hardship for some they can apply for a waiver.

  20. I am definitely not affluent and I support measure P. I don’t live in El Macero; however I understand the importance of it and will vote “yes.” If it causes a hardship for some they can apply for a waiver.

  21. “Apply for a waiver”? What that does that mean? A person could vote for the tax and then not have to pay for it?
    Why not simply make P more realistic and less expensive in terms of the goals it would seek to fund, and thus enable all Davisites who support the library to vote for it?

  22. “Apply for a waiver”? What that does that mean? A person could vote for the tax and then not have to pay for it?
    Why not simply make P more realistic and less expensive in terms of the goals it would seek to fund, and thus enable all Davisites who support the library to vote for it?

  23. “Apply for a waiver”? What that does that mean? A person could vote for the tax and then not have to pay for it?
    Why not simply make P more realistic and less expensive in terms of the goals it would seek to fund, and thus enable all Davisites who support the library to vote for it?

  24. “Apply for a waiver”? What that does that mean? A person could vote for the tax and then not have to pay for it?
    Why not simply make P more realistic and less expensive in terms of the goals it would seek to fund, and thus enable all Davisites who support the library to vote for it?

  25. You obviously have not read the language. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    I am happy that resients in Davis value libraries.

  26. You obviously have not read the language. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    I am happy that resients in Davis value libraries.

  27. You obviously have not read the language. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    I am happy that resients in Davis value libraries.

  28. You obviously have not read the language. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    I am happy that resients in Davis value libraries.

  29. Why can’t people in the community just go to the university library? They’ll have everything people need, except maybe children’s books. I think it’s a great resource, and I can’t imagine why more libraries are needed.

  30. Why can’t people in the community just go to the university library? They’ll have everything people need, except maybe children’s books. I think it’s a great resource, and I can’t imagine why more libraries are needed.

  31. Why can’t people in the community just go to the university library? They’ll have everything people need, except maybe children’s books. I think it’s a great resource, and I can’t imagine why more libraries are needed.

  32. Why can’t people in the community just go to the university library? They’ll have everything people need, except maybe children’s books. I think it’s a great resource, and I can’t imagine why more libraries are needed.

  33. DPD, excellent post supporting Measure P, the Davis Library Services initiative. As you said, Davis is indeed a giving, enlightened community, especially where education is concerned. Measures P and Q are fine examples of how we have planned well for the provision of these services and stepped up when we have needed to keep pace.

    As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary. I wanted to add my voice to yours and Tansey’s with my own resounding “YES”.

    The new initiative will update a library branch which has served us well, but is woefully behind the times in terms of accessibility for patrons and employees, needs more space for materials and much-needed room for the Friends of the Library, who so loyally serve our community by providing critical resources for staffing and hours of operation. The main branch was built for a much smaller community than today’s Davis. In addition, we have been working on opening the door to South Davis for many years and this initiative finally provides for services for our end of town. Supervisors David Rosenberg and Mariko Yamada appointed me to the Yolo County Library Board to advocate for such an expansion and we “south of the freeway” residents truly have something to cheer about with this measure.

    South Davis has been slow to support such measures in the recent past. I hope that that performance will change this November. I will be working hard with my neighbors to assure that Measure P passes so that we can have a 21st Century Library and bring Library services to South Davis for the first time.

  34. DPD, excellent post supporting Measure P, the Davis Library Services initiative. As you said, Davis is indeed a giving, enlightened community, especially where education is concerned. Measures P and Q are fine examples of how we have planned well for the provision of these services and stepped up when we have needed to keep pace.

    As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary. I wanted to add my voice to yours and Tansey’s with my own resounding “YES”.

    The new initiative will update a library branch which has served us well, but is woefully behind the times in terms of accessibility for patrons and employees, needs more space for materials and much-needed room for the Friends of the Library, who so loyally serve our community by providing critical resources for staffing and hours of operation. The main branch was built for a much smaller community than today’s Davis. In addition, we have been working on opening the door to South Davis for many years and this initiative finally provides for services for our end of town. Supervisors David Rosenberg and Mariko Yamada appointed me to the Yolo County Library Board to advocate for such an expansion and we “south of the freeway” residents truly have something to cheer about with this measure.

    South Davis has been slow to support such measures in the recent past. I hope that that performance will change this November. I will be working hard with my neighbors to assure that Measure P passes so that we can have a 21st Century Library and bring Library services to South Davis for the first time.

  35. DPD, excellent post supporting Measure P, the Davis Library Services initiative. As you said, Davis is indeed a giving, enlightened community, especially where education is concerned. Measures P and Q are fine examples of how we have planned well for the provision of these services and stepped up when we have needed to keep pace.

    As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary. I wanted to add my voice to yours and Tansey’s with my own resounding “YES”.

    The new initiative will update a library branch which has served us well, but is woefully behind the times in terms of accessibility for patrons and employees, needs more space for materials and much-needed room for the Friends of the Library, who so loyally serve our community by providing critical resources for staffing and hours of operation. The main branch was built for a much smaller community than today’s Davis. In addition, we have been working on opening the door to South Davis for many years and this initiative finally provides for services for our end of town. Supervisors David Rosenberg and Mariko Yamada appointed me to the Yolo County Library Board to advocate for such an expansion and we “south of the freeway” residents truly have something to cheer about with this measure.

    South Davis has been slow to support such measures in the recent past. I hope that that performance will change this November. I will be working hard with my neighbors to assure that Measure P passes so that we can have a 21st Century Library and bring Library services to South Davis for the first time.

  36. DPD, excellent post supporting Measure P, the Davis Library Services initiative. As you said, Davis is indeed a giving, enlightened community, especially where education is concerned. Measures P and Q are fine examples of how we have planned well for the provision of these services and stepped up when we have needed to keep pace.

    As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary. I wanted to add my voice to yours and Tansey’s with my own resounding “YES”.

    The new initiative will update a library branch which has served us well, but is woefully behind the times in terms of accessibility for patrons and employees, needs more space for materials and much-needed room for the Friends of the Library, who so loyally serve our community by providing critical resources for staffing and hours of operation. The main branch was built for a much smaller community than today’s Davis. In addition, we have been working on opening the door to South Davis for many years and this initiative finally provides for services for our end of town. Supervisors David Rosenberg and Mariko Yamada appointed me to the Yolo County Library Board to advocate for such an expansion and we “south of the freeway” residents truly have something to cheer about with this measure.

    South Davis has been slow to support such measures in the recent past. I hope that that performance will change this November. I will be working hard with my neighbors to assure that Measure P passes so that we can have a 21st Century Library and bring Library services to South Davis for the first time.

  37. I am a weekly (or more) library user and I use the self-service kiosks. Actually, when I’m there I often find they are in use.

    Shields is a great library for adults, but it’s hard to get to if you’re not on your bike (which you may not want to be if you’re carrying a big load of books).

  38. I am a weekly (or more) library user and I use the self-service kiosks. Actually, when I’m there I often find they are in use.

    Shields is a great library for adults, but it’s hard to get to if you’re not on your bike (which you may not want to be if you’re carrying a big load of books).

  39. I am a weekly (or more) library user and I use the self-service kiosks. Actually, when I’m there I often find they are in use.

    Shields is a great library for adults, but it’s hard to get to if you’re not on your bike (which you may not want to be if you’re carrying a big load of books).

  40. I am a weekly (or more) library user and I use the self-service kiosks. Actually, when I’m there I often find they are in use.

    Shields is a great library for adults, but it’s hard to get to if you’re not on your bike (which you may not want to be if you’re carrying a big load of books).

  41. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    98.2% of Davis homeowners (according to cenus data) will not qualify for this waiver. The waiver level is too low. Also, the hardship will be passed on to renters of houses and renters of apartments.

  42. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    98.2% of Davis homeowners (according to cenus data) will not qualify for this waiver. The waiver level is too low. Also, the hardship will be passed on to renters of houses and renters of apartments.

  43. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    98.2% of Davis homeowners (according to cenus data) will not qualify for this waiver. The waiver level is too low. Also, the hardship will be passed on to renters of houses and renters of apartments.

  44. When a measure is passed that causes a hardship on people on fixed incomes they may apply for a waiver.

    98.2% of Davis homeowners (according to cenus data) will not qualify for this waiver. The waiver level is too low. Also, the hardship will be passed on to renters of houses and renters of apartments.

  45. John Ferrara said:
    “As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary.”

    If Measure P could simply be rewritten to ask for the essentials–
    keeping the library open according to its present hours of operation
    while making sure the dedicated and knowledgeable staff are retained–
    and if the proposed construction could perhaps be phased in according to future taxes, then 67% (a daunting percentage) of the Davis voters required to approve it might be more inclined to vote “Yes.”
    I can see opponents zeroing in on the not-survival-oriented proposed contruction and computerization aspects of Measure P, as now written, declaring “Frills!” as their rallying cry, and thereby justifying a No vote.
    The preservation of the Davis Public Library, a vital community resource, is absolutely necessary.

  46. John Ferrara said:
    “As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary.”

    If Measure P could simply be rewritten to ask for the essentials–
    keeping the library open according to its present hours of operation
    while making sure the dedicated and knowledgeable staff are retained–
    and if the proposed construction could perhaps be phased in according to future taxes, then 67% (a daunting percentage) of the Davis voters required to approve it might be more inclined to vote “Yes.”
    I can see opponents zeroing in on the not-survival-oriented proposed contruction and computerization aspects of Measure P, as now written, declaring “Frills!” as their rallying cry, and thereby justifying a No vote.
    The preservation of the Davis Public Library, a vital community resource, is absolutely necessary.

  47. John Ferrara said:
    “As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary.”

    If Measure P could simply be rewritten to ask for the essentials–
    keeping the library open according to its present hours of operation
    while making sure the dedicated and knowledgeable staff are retained–
    and if the proposed construction could perhaps be phased in according to future taxes, then 67% (a daunting percentage) of the Davis voters required to approve it might be more inclined to vote “Yes.”
    I can see opponents zeroing in on the not-survival-oriented proposed contruction and computerization aspects of Measure P, as now written, declaring “Frills!” as their rallying cry, and thereby justifying a No vote.
    The preservation of the Davis Public Library, a vital community resource, is absolutely necessary.

  48. John Ferrara said:
    “As we saw from an earlier post, however, there are some in our community that have legitimate questions about whether P and Q are absolutely necessary.”

    If Measure P could simply be rewritten to ask for the essentials–
    keeping the library open according to its present hours of operation
    while making sure the dedicated and knowledgeable staff are retained–
    and if the proposed construction could perhaps be phased in according to future taxes, then 67% (a daunting percentage) of the Davis voters required to approve it might be more inclined to vote “Yes.”
    I can see opponents zeroing in on the not-survival-oriented proposed contruction and computerization aspects of Measure P, as now written, declaring “Frills!” as their rallying cry, and thereby justifying a No vote.
    The preservation of the Davis Public Library, a vital community resource, is absolutely necessary.

  49. i grew up spending hours reading books in the children’s section of that library. i read books so quickly, that it would have been a terrible waste to have my parents buy every one for me, one after the other. i don’t know how many of those manila folder-colored library cards i wore out or lost over the years, but i had that opportunity in part because the people of davis back then had the civic dedication to provide that opportunity for me.

    now that i’m an adult, it is incumbant upon me to make sure that that opportunity exists for the kids of davis today, and that it is expanded, if we can manage to do that. as a liberal, i believe very strongly in the importance of the common good, and public institutions such as libraries. yes on P is a no-brainer.

  50. i grew up spending hours reading books in the children’s section of that library. i read books so quickly, that it would have been a terrible waste to have my parents buy every one for me, one after the other. i don’t know how many of those manila folder-colored library cards i wore out or lost over the years, but i had that opportunity in part because the people of davis back then had the civic dedication to provide that opportunity for me.

    now that i’m an adult, it is incumbant upon me to make sure that that opportunity exists for the kids of davis today, and that it is expanded, if we can manage to do that. as a liberal, i believe very strongly in the importance of the common good, and public institutions such as libraries. yes on P is a no-brainer.

  51. i grew up spending hours reading books in the children’s section of that library. i read books so quickly, that it would have been a terrible waste to have my parents buy every one for me, one after the other. i don’t know how many of those manila folder-colored library cards i wore out or lost over the years, but i had that opportunity in part because the people of davis back then had the civic dedication to provide that opportunity for me.

    now that i’m an adult, it is incumbant upon me to make sure that that opportunity exists for the kids of davis today, and that it is expanded, if we can manage to do that. as a liberal, i believe very strongly in the importance of the common good, and public institutions such as libraries. yes on P is a no-brainer.

  52. i grew up spending hours reading books in the children’s section of that library. i read books so quickly, that it would have been a terrible waste to have my parents buy every one for me, one after the other. i don’t know how many of those manila folder-colored library cards i wore out or lost over the years, but i had that opportunity in part because the people of davis back then had the civic dedication to provide that opportunity for me.

    now that i’m an adult, it is incumbant upon me to make sure that that opportunity exists for the kids of davis today, and that it is expanded, if we can manage to do that. as a liberal, i believe very strongly in the importance of the common good, and public institutions such as libraries. yes on P is a no-brainer.

  53. I’m a renter and I support the tax. Just because I don’t own a home doesn’t mean I don’t support the tax and understand the value of libraries.

  54. I’m a renter and I support the tax. Just because I don’t own a home doesn’t mean I don’t support the tax and understand the value of libraries.

  55. I’m a renter and I support the tax. Just because I don’t own a home doesn’t mean I don’t support the tax and understand the value of libraries.

  56. I’m a renter and I support the tax. Just because I don’t own a home doesn’t mean I don’t support the tax and understand the value of libraries.

  57. Another point with regard to the economic burden of this tax is that the library is a great resource for everyone regardless of financial status. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time. The cost of the tax is the same as perhaps 5 new books per year per family. The library can provide so much more than that for those who use it.

  58. Another point with regard to the economic burden of this tax is that the library is a great resource for everyone regardless of financial status. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time. The cost of the tax is the same as perhaps 5 new books per year per family. The library can provide so much more than that for those who use it.

  59. Another point with regard to the economic burden of this tax is that the library is a great resource for everyone regardless of financial status. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time. The cost of the tax is the same as perhaps 5 new books per year per family. The library can provide so much more than that for those who use it.

  60. Another point with regard to the economic burden of this tax is that the library is a great resource for everyone regardless of financial status. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time. The cost of the tax is the same as perhaps 5 new books per year per family. The library can provide so much more than that for those who use it.

  61. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time.

    This is the answer to the question which is not being asked. If the question were should we support the library system for Davis to maintain its current level of services and continue its ability to pay its employees and buy books and other reading materials, your answer would be valid.

    Unfortunately, the question on the ballot will be, do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities, well beyond what we have now? If you find the current library facilities terribly inadequate and you want to spend a lot of prescious resources on expanding the facilities, then vote yes. Otherwise, you should vote no.

  62. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time.

    This is the answer to the question which is not being asked. If the question were should we support the library system for Davis to maintain its current level of services and continue its ability to pay its employees and buy books and other reading materials, your answer would be valid.

    Unfortunately, the question on the ballot will be, do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities, well beyond what we have now? If you find the current library facilities terribly inadequate and you want to spend a lot of prescious resources on expanding the facilities, then vote yes. Otherwise, you should vote no.

  63. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time.

    This is the answer to the question which is not being asked. If the question were should we support the library system for Davis to maintain its current level of services and continue its ability to pay its employees and buy books and other reading materials, your answer would be valid.

    Unfortunately, the question on the ballot will be, do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities, well beyond what we have now? If you find the current library facilities terribly inadequate and you want to spend a lot of prescious resources on expanding the facilities, then vote yes. Otherwise, you should vote no.

  64. Many people could not afford to buy books for themselves and their children on a weekly basis, but anyone can go to the library and take out up to 50 items at a time.

    This is the answer to the question which is not being asked. If the question were should we support the library system for Davis to maintain its current level of services and continue its ability to pay its employees and buy books and other reading materials, your answer would be valid.

    Unfortunately, the question on the ballot will be, do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities, well beyond what we have now? If you find the current library facilities terribly inadequate and you want to spend a lot of prescious resources on expanding the facilities, then vote yes. Otherwise, you should vote no.

  65. “do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities”

    I do not see this as a massive increase, it’s in fact a small increase over the ordinary cost of inflation. $3.50 per house per month is hardly a massive increase.

  66. “do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities”

    I do not see this as a massive increase, it’s in fact a small increase over the ordinary cost of inflation. $3.50 per house per month is hardly a massive increase.

  67. “do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities”

    I do not see this as a massive increase, it’s in fact a small increase over the ordinary cost of inflation. $3.50 per house per month is hardly a massive increase.

  68. “do we want to massively increase the library tax in order to substantially increase the library’s facilities”

    I do not see this as a massive increase, it’s in fact a small increase over the ordinary cost of inflation. $3.50 per house per month is hardly a massive increase.

  69. The money is partly for facilities, but as the original post states, a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    I would prefer to see them expand the current location and collection rather than open a second S. Davis branch, but regardless, this tax is definitely worth it to me and to our community as a whole.

  70. The money is partly for facilities, but as the original post states, a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    I would prefer to see them expand the current location and collection rather than open a second S. Davis branch, but regardless, this tax is definitely worth it to me and to our community as a whole.

  71. The money is partly for facilities, but as the original post states, a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    I would prefer to see them expand the current location and collection rather than open a second S. Davis branch, but regardless, this tax is definitely worth it to me and to our community as a whole.

  72. The money is partly for facilities, but as the original post states, a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    I would prefer to see them expand the current location and collection rather than open a second S. Davis branch, but regardless, this tax is definitely worth it to me and to our community as a whole.

  73. a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    The county revenues have increased by almost 50% in the last 6 years. The population has at the same time increased by 4.5%. In inflation adjusted dollars, the county has not increased the funds to the Davis library at all in the last 6 years. The worst thing we could do would be to pass this tax. It will encourage the county to shift its new money away from the libraries and into other programs, which is just what they have done for too many years. The problem here is that the county supes do not value the library and for that reason they don’t fund it properly. It is not true that they don’t have the money. The county is flush, but for all the increases in funding they have allocated to other programs.

  74. a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    The county revenues have increased by almost 50% in the last 6 years. The population has at the same time increased by 4.5%. In inflation adjusted dollars, the county has not increased the funds to the Davis library at all in the last 6 years. The worst thing we could do would be to pass this tax. It will encourage the county to shift its new money away from the libraries and into other programs, which is just what they have done for too many years. The problem here is that the county supes do not value the library and for that reason they don’t fund it properly. It is not true that they don’t have the money. The county is flush, but for all the increases in funding they have allocated to other programs.

  75. a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    The county revenues have increased by almost 50% in the last 6 years. The population has at the same time increased by 4.5%. In inflation adjusted dollars, the county has not increased the funds to the Davis library at all in the last 6 years. The worst thing we could do would be to pass this tax. It will encourage the county to shift its new money away from the libraries and into other programs, which is just what they have done for too many years. The problem here is that the county supes do not value the library and for that reason they don’t fund it properly. It is not true that they don’t have the money. The county is flush, but for all the increases in funding they have allocated to other programs.

  76. a lot of the money will go to general operating costs for library hours, books and other materials, etc.

    The county revenues have increased by almost 50% in the last 6 years. The population has at the same time increased by 4.5%. In inflation adjusted dollars, the county has not increased the funds to the Davis library at all in the last 6 years. The worst thing we could do would be to pass this tax. It will encourage the county to shift its new money away from the libraries and into other programs, which is just what they have done for too many years. The problem here is that the county supes do not value the library and for that reason they don’t fund it properly. It is not true that they don’t have the money. The county is flush, but for all the increases in funding they have allocated to other programs.

  77. Wouldn’t this whole process be a lot easier if the county simply
    increased funding for the library, rather than go through the whole rigamarole of a ballot measure?
    It wouldn’t cost all that much money to keep the library open as many hours per week as it is now, and maintain the staff at current levels, or even, what the hey, give them a raise. They deserve it.
    Also, simple maintenance like painting and carpet cleaning could be funded in this way.
    If all the proposed construction were deferred, then these basic items could be taken care of by the normal county budgetary process. Also, the county would spare itself the expense of running the election by which Measure P would be decided.

  78. Wouldn’t this whole process be a lot easier if the county simply
    increased funding for the library, rather than go through the whole rigamarole of a ballot measure?
    It wouldn’t cost all that much money to keep the library open as many hours per week as it is now, and maintain the staff at current levels, or even, what the hey, give them a raise. They deserve it.
    Also, simple maintenance like painting and carpet cleaning could be funded in this way.
    If all the proposed construction were deferred, then these basic items could be taken care of by the normal county budgetary process. Also, the county would spare itself the expense of running the election by which Measure P would be decided.

  79. Wouldn’t this whole process be a lot easier if the county simply
    increased funding for the library, rather than go through the whole rigamarole of a ballot measure?
    It wouldn’t cost all that much money to keep the library open as many hours per week as it is now, and maintain the staff at current levels, or even, what the hey, give them a raise. They deserve it.
    Also, simple maintenance like painting and carpet cleaning could be funded in this way.
    If all the proposed construction were deferred, then these basic items could be taken care of by the normal county budgetary process. Also, the county would spare itself the expense of running the election by which Measure P would be decided.

  80. Wouldn’t this whole process be a lot easier if the county simply
    increased funding for the library, rather than go through the whole rigamarole of a ballot measure?
    It wouldn’t cost all that much money to keep the library open as many hours per week as it is now, and maintain the staff at current levels, or even, what the hey, give them a raise. They deserve it.
    Also, simple maintenance like painting and carpet cleaning could be funded in this way.
    If all the proposed construction were deferred, then these basic items could be taken care of by the normal county budgetary process. Also, the county would spare itself the expense of running the election by which Measure P would be decided.

  81. shocked to see folks against the library. 3.50 a month? gimme a break. you spent more than that on a war in Iraq just in the time it took to read this last word.

  82. shocked to see folks against the library. 3.50 a month? gimme a break. you spent more than that on a war in Iraq just in the time it took to read this last word.

  83. shocked to see folks against the library. 3.50 a month? gimme a break. you spent more than that on a war in Iraq just in the time it took to read this last word.

  84. shocked to see folks against the library. 3.50 a month? gimme a break. you spent more than that on a war in Iraq just in the time it took to read this last word.

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