Dear Members of the Davis City Council:
My name in Nancy Erickson and I have lived, worked, and raised my children in Davis over the last 25 years. I am a retired Speech-Language Pathologist who has worked with adults in medical settings.
I am writing to express my deep concern over the incident between plainclothes members of the Davis Police Department and youth on Russel Street during Picnic Day. Written accounts I have seen on-line with pictures make it clear that there is a major discrepancy between the official police report and the eye-witness accounts and pictures. Given that there is such a wide discrepancy, the incident should be thoroughly examined by the police auditor.
The availability of a police auditor is one of the favorable features of the Davis Police Department that was described by Chief Pytel during his recent meeting the Davis citizens. I am aware that the current police auditor is leaving in June; therefore this case would need to be examined by his replacement. Thank-you for your attention to this matter.
Sincerely, Nancy Erickson