Documents Produced by the District’s Strategic Planning Committee

schoolby Cecilia Escamilla-Greenwald

The Davis school district’s 26-member Strategic Planning Committee participated in three intense days of discussion and adopted DRAFT DOCUMENTS that will be considered by the school board on Thursday, October 17.

There are four documents to be considered by the school board that include:

1)      A Mission Statement;

2)      Belief Statements;

3)      Strategic Objectives; and

4)      Strategies that will form the basis for research which will be carried out by the action teams that will be formed in late October.

The board encourages interested community members to participate on these action teams


No new program or service will be accepted unless it is consistent with our mission and objectives, benefits outweigh costs, and provisions are made for professional development and methods for evaluation.

School-based decisions will be consistent with the beliefs, mission and objectives of the district.

We will practice fiscal responsibility by balancing the educational opportunities with the community’s ability to pay.

Belief Statements

We believe that every human being is unique and has inherent value.

We believe we are connected and have responsibility to ourselves, one another, and the whole.

We believe that a community has responsibility for the well-being of its members.

We believe that education is a fundamental right.

We believe that trust is essential to healthy relationships.

We believe that diverse perspectives enrich our community.

We believe that every person deserves to be treated with respect.

DJUSD Mission Statement

The mission of Davis Joint Unified School District, a leading center of educational innovation, is to ignite a love of learning and equip each student with the knowledge, skills, character, and well-being to thrive and contribute to an evolving and increasingly connected world, through a system characterized by

  • Optimal conditions and environments for all students to learn
  • A team of talented, resourceful, and caring staff
  • Transforming teaching, learning, and operations in our continuing pursuit of excellence
  • Resourceful, transparent, and responsible fiscal planning, and
  • A diverse and inclusive culture

Strategic Objectives

Every student will set and pursue an academic, social, and personal goal at periodic intervals throughout their school career.

Every student will meet or exceed District academic standards.

Every student will demonstrate individual and social responsibility.

****Additionally, there 4 strategies that are the basis for the action teams. ****


We will develop, implement, and assess a professional development system consistent with our mission and objectives, focusing first on social-emotional intelligence, differentiated instruction, and inquiry-based learning.

We will develop and implement a plan for physical space and technology infrastructure required to achieve our objectives and mission.

We will develop and implement a district-wide assessment system aligned with the Common Core Standards to effectively analyze student performance data at more frequent intervals in order to improve instruction, close the Achievement Gap, and ensure that all students meet or exceed district standards.

We will develop and implement a system that enables each student to set and pursue academic, social, and personal goals.





  1. Thanks for sharing this, Cecilia. Given that there are three strategic objectives listed, does that mean that there will be three action teams assembled, one for each strategic objective?

  2. wdf1 – Thank you. My understanding is that the action teams that are assembled will carry out the strategic objectives. I believe there will only be 3; however, I am not absolutely certain.


  3. wdf1 – I stand corrected. What I meant to say is that the four (4) strategies (that are missing and that I will post) are the basis for the action teams. My apologies for any confusion.


  4. wdf1, Thank you again for bringing this to my attention. I did not realize that I wrote the STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES, but not the STRATEGIES. Your question made me look at the article again and put the information up for all to see. Good catch.


  5. For those interested in serving on an action team the form has been uploaded to the following website.



  6. One of the major challenges facing the [b]physical space and technology infrastructure[/b] planning team will be to decide what the future of Emerson Junior High will be. I had a lively conversation this evening with a person who is very close to the school system, and their proposal for Emerson was to raze it to the ground and start fresh with a new building. Their logic was that the current Emerson building was a “Money Pit,” and that any attempts to rehabilitate the current structure would be throwing good money after bad.

  7. Matt Williams: [i]Their logic was that the current Emerson building was a “Money Pit,” and that any attempts to rehabilitate the current structure would be throwing good money after bad.[/i]

    Why is Emerson viewed as a money pit?

    For various reasons, it seems to be one of the more desirable venues in the district for holding performance events, maybe second only to the Brunelle Theater at DHS.

    But I know that there’s more to Emerson than just its MPR.

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