(From Press Release) – Davis Chamber of Commerce announced Tuesday that CEO Christina Blackman has tendered her resignation to take a position with UC Davis.
Blackman, who has been with the chamber since 2015, will leave the position on July 21, 2018. After assessing the future needs for the chamber, the board of directors will begin their search for a replacement CEO in the near future.
Under Blackman’s leadership, the chamber has: expanded the board to 20 voting members and 5 ex-officio non-voting members, ensuring that important voices in the business community were represented; consistently increased the total membership; and, refocused on nurturing and growing relationships with local and regional partners such as the City of Davis, UC Davis, and others.
“We are proud of what Christina has accomplished in the past three years, putting the chamber in an amazing position for growth and long-term sustainability. Our fiscal house is in order and we are a better organization due to her leadership. We wish her the best in her future endeavors,” stated Rob White, board chair.
Blackman, who is a lifelong resident of Davis, previously served on the board and was board chair prior to becoming chamber CEO. “I am passionate about our community and feel privileged to have led this dynamic membership organization over the past three years. We have a strong board and two very capable staff who will keep things moving until the board finds my replacement. I will always be a champion for the chamber and their mission of promoting, supporting, and advocating for the general economic vitality of its membership and the quality of life for the community.”
The Davis Chamber of Commerce has a long and successful history of representing the business community. With roots dating back to 1905, the organization formed to campaign to become the home for the University of California Farm School to help put Davis on the map. The Davis Chamber of Commerce is a not-for profit membership organization. To learn more about the chamber visit www.davischamber.com
They should look at promoting Aaron. He seems to be the most visible and effective representative of the chamber.
Earlier today the link suggested did not work … it’s “.com”, not “.org”… I made that mistake… It is fixed now to the correct link http://www.davischamber.com
Interesting where UCD recruits talent, from both local gov’t and private sectors… and, why they accept…
If you don’t “get” the ‘referents’, you are truly a “newbie”…
High salaries, good benefits, relatively secure employment and a bigger pond in which to swim. I think John and Karl both traded up well.