Word To The Wise: Senior Housing and Other Interesting Tidbits

By E.A. Roberts



Senior housing is a complex issue at best. However, there have been some new developments locally which bear discussion. According to a 2003 AARP survey, “more than four in five (83%) of Americans age 45 and over say they strongly or somewhat agree that they would like to remain in their current residence for as long as possible, even if they have to hire outside help to care for them.” This would suggest there is a strong national preference for aging in place, rather than a desire to move to independent living facilities or downsizing to a smaller residence.

Another important point needs to be made. According to a staff report drawn up for the Davis Senior Citizens Commission: “[There is]… a lower population growth rate in Davis between 2000 and 2006 as compared to the Sacramento-Yolo CMSA. While the Sacramento-Yolo CMSA’s population increased by 15 percent, the City of Davis grew by approximately 7 percent. That 7 percent increase represents a rise in Davis’ population of slightly more than 4,000 persons, to an estimated 2006 level of 64,600.” A table of age distribution shows the rise in Davis’ population age 65 and over between the years 2000 and 2006 was 470 senior citizens; age 55 and over was 2,379 seniors.

The staff report went on to say: “Household growth trends generally mirrored population trends between 2000 and 2006, with the City lagging behind the CMSA. In the CMSA, the number of households increased by nearly 15 percent over the six-year period. In contrast, at just over six percent, the growth rate in Davis represents less than half the CMSA level. The 2006 estimate of just under 24,500 households in Davis represented an increase of approximately 1,500 new households from the number of households in the year 2000.” In other words, it could roughly be predicted in Davis there will be 24,500 + 1,500 = 26,000 households by the year 2013.

Whereas the Recommendations of the General Plan Update Steering Committee – March 20, 2008 states: “In 2006, the proportion of the Davis population ages 55 and over was 15%, while for the Sacramento-Yolo CMSA the proportion was 21%. 5% of the 6% difference between those two proportions is the result of the 16,285 UC Davis students who live in Davis. Removing that age distribution anomaly, the Davis proportion of residents over 55 grew more than twice as fast as those of the CMSA, and therefore it is reasonable to expect a change in the proportion of senior households in Davis from 15% to 18% of all households over the six years from 2008 through 2013. This change in proportion would increase the number of senior households by approximately 1,104 from a total of approximately 3,900 (=15% of approximately 26,000 total households in 2008) to 5,004 (=18% of approximately 27,800 total households in 2013). As convoluted and confusing as this “information” appears, the one thing that can be gleaned from the General Plan Update Steering Committee is their estimate that in Davis there will be 27,800 households in 2013.

National estimates of senior housing demand assume that 15% of senior households seek age-restricted housing units. Thus, the increase in “internal demand for age-restricted housing from current Davis residents is projected to be approximately 166 households (-1,104 x 15%). This demand can be rounded to 200 due to the recognized imprecision of the assumptions. The additional “external” demand from the senior parents of existing Davis residents who want to live in age-restricted housing near their children is difficult to project. This type of demand is real, however, and is arguably internally-generated by the children living in Davis. Based on proportion of ages in the 35 to 54 group, it is reasonable to project this demand as being equivalent to at least another 200 age-restricted housing units through 2013.” Despite the admitted imprecision of making such predictions, the General Plan Update Steering Committee is projecting a total need of approximately 400 age-restricted housing units by the year 2013.

Let’s take a look at the above statements more closely –

According to AARP: 83% of seniors would prefer not to move at all;

  • According to the Davis Senior Citizens Commission staff report:
  • The rise in Davis’ population between the years 2000 and 2006
  • For age 65 and over was 470 senior citizens;
  • For age 55 and over was 2,379 senior citizens.
  • It can be inferred that in Davis there will be 26,000 households by the year 2013.
  • According to the General Plan Update Steering Committee (GPUSC):
  • It is predicted in Davis there will be 27,800 households by the year 2013.
  • It is estimated in Davis there will be a need for approximately 400 age-restricted housing units by the year 2013.

Note the following:

  • There is no attempt to differentiate the housing needs of those between the ages of 55 and 65, versus age 65 and older, even though it can be vastly different.
  • In regard to the rise in Davis’ population between the years 2007 and 2013 of roughly 2,400 seniors age 55 and over, only 17% will want to move = approximately 400;
  • Staff report: in Davis by the year 2013 the number of households will be = 26,000;
  • The GPUSC: in Davis by the year 2013 the number of households will be = 27,800.
  • The GPUSC estimate of a need for approximately 400 age-restricted housing units by the year 2013 erroneously assumes all seniors want to move, whereas 83% probably will not wish to! The desire to “age in place” cuts the need for age-restricted housing down to approximately 70 units (17% of 400) – which in effect represents another facility slightly larger than the size of Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (60 units).
I had an interesting, if reluctant, conversation with the Covell Village developers the other day. They are conceptualizing a much smaller but interesting project, about a third the size of the original one. It is to be a large housing development for seniors and their families – of about 800 units at the Covell Village site. They claimed to have met with more than 340 individuals to collect opinions regarding the need for senior housing in Davis. To put it briefly, theirs is a “vision of a senior neighborhood design that will provide choices in home ownership, housing sizes and styles, and convenient access to healthcare and fitness opportunities.”

It all sounded very nice. Transportation in the form of a facility bus would be provided; the developers might be willing to kick in the cost of an ambulance station (a fourth fire station is cost prohibitive); greenbelts will abound; medical care will be had by teleconferencing; all income levels will be addressed and every senior should be able to afford something within the environs of the development; safe passage across the street to the shopping center would be built in. The list goes on.

Eventually I was asked if I would vote for approval of such a development. My answer was very equivocal, but to the point. The following questions were posed to the developers, to which I did not really receive an adequate response:

  • What are the internal needs of seniors in Davis, as opposed to external requirements? Are the developers serving internal needs first and foremost?
  • How will the city pay for the services it must provide to this new development? Will developers pay their fair share of those costs?
  • Is there a partnership between Covell Village and the Cannery project? Is there some way to influence the Cannery project to bring business into Davis, as well as workforce housing?
I did encourage the developers to come to the Davis Senior Citizens Commission, and make their pitch. They were also strongly urged by me to visit other commissions, and to listen to any responses carefully. Frankness compelled me to note their previous circumvention of governmental process led to bad feelings among commissioners and citizens alike. Trying to influence certain city council members to gain prior approval, with insufficient commission and community input, will not get them past the hurdle of the all important Measure J vote.

My concern has always been that development decisions are not being made based on the best interests of the city, e.g. developers promising schools without determining if there is sufficient funding to run the proposed facilities. Currently this latest rendition of development at the Covell Village site is nothing more than an attempt to resurrect the old project, but build it in smaller sections phased in over time. There is nothing inherently wrong with that approach – it has more likelihood of succeeding. The sticking point for me is to put a number to the “internal” need of Davis seniors for housing. How many units will be required?

The Covell Village developers seem to think 800 units will be necessary by the year 2013. Yet the GPUSC indicates somewhere between 200 and 400 is the optimal number, a rather loosey goosey estimate, with the acknowledgement such a figure is difficult to project. Whereas our commission’s staff report seems to forecast only a demand requisite of about 70 units. Which number is the most accurate becomes the million dollar question!

Now add onto that another layer of complication. Atria Covell Gardens, an assisted living facility for the frail elderly, saw rent and service hikes as high as 16% over two years. The residents were at the mercy of the corporate office, because other options are limited or nonexistent in Davis. Consequently there is probably a need for a continuing care facility that could offer effective competition.

It is also unclear to me if we have enough low cost housing for seniors in Davis. Middle income senior housing is most assuredly nonexistent. Eleanor Roosevelt Circle was supposed to address the lack of middle income housing, but almost completely failed to solve the issue. Instead, because of the mixed income rate structure that was not seen as desirable by potential residents, ERC is virtually filled with nothing but low income folks. Nevertheless, it is a model to be emulated for its on-site Social Services Director.

Mayor Sue Greenwald has suggested building a continuing care facility for the elderly in the downtown area, particularly at the PG&E site. I have no idea how feasible an idea that is, nor how practical. If I were to sum up my estimation of the situation, I have more questions than answers. But what I do know is it is not effective planning to have developers driving the process rather than being an integral part of it. My hope is that by inviting developers to speak with commissioners, perhaps we can help frame projects that better serve the needs of the city. Call me an eternal optimist!

Lessons to be learned: Statistics can be twisted to derive whatever result is desired. It will be very important for both the City Council and the public to take a very hard, skeptical look at the data. Allowing developers to drive the planning process will end in disaster, but making them an integral part is an absolute necessity. Developers are not inherently evil because they want to make a profit. However, land use planning should ultimately be decided by those who have no hidden agendas or built in conflicts of interest. Citizens should keep an open mind to development, but make sure it will meet internal needs that the city can afford.

From a personal perspective, I think the City of Davis should push hard for more business before it considers additional housing. We need greater sales tax revenue to pay for the inevitable increase in basic city services that will come with the expansion of residential housing development.


As part of the county planning committee, to develop the Yolo Operational Area People With Disabilities and the Elderly Annex (PWD/E Annex), I can give some insight into the multi-county emergency planning process that is currently taking place. Yolo is part of a ten county disaster preparedness project, that is attempting to build regional specific template designs of emergency shelters for the elderly and disabled in time of disaster. The individual counties will then “fill in the blanks” with details that will work for their particular area.

If a flood should occur in this county, the most likely emergency event for our region, the Yolo Office of Emergency Services will use the PWD/E Annex to form emergency shelters for the elderly and disabled, a special needs population. However, this Annex is only a small piece of an overarching emergency protocol, which as yet is still in the planning stages. The overall plan is expected to be completed in approximately 9 months. The Hurricane Katrina debacle served as a stark lesson on how not to do things when a state of emergency occurs.

Approximately 20 dedicated volunteers from various agencies and community based organizations have been diligently working on the Annex. Many times I expressed my concern that it was not addressing the harder issues of: 1) finding transportation to the shelter; 2) how to identify and notify vulnerable populations, especially those not appearing on any list; 3) developing memorandums of understanding between entities to ensure cooperation in an emergency; 4) educating the public as well as facilities for the elderly in regard to their responsibilities in any state of emergency.

I was assured that those topics would eventually be addressed at some time in this mammoth process. Apparently our group worked so efficiently and diligently, we have to wait for the other nine counties to catch up with us! Because we are the smallest of the ten counties, I suspect the delay may have to do with many counties having more complex considerations because they are more urban in nature. Large cities bring their own specialized problems to the table. The State of CA itself has some overall concerns of its own that need to be focused on as well. I will keep you posted as to any further progress.

Lessons to be learned: Prepare, prepare, prepare for emergencies, at all levels. As the county readies itself for future natural or manmade catastrophes, so must the public and senior facilities. All segments of the community must take on the responsibility of disaster preparedness.


On April 12th, Social Services Director Rose Levinson, Davis Senior Citizens Commissioner George Hinkle and I put on the “Fun Time Follies” at Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (ERC). It was a concert designed to promote intergenerational interplay between young and old alike, the intergenerational aspect being the brainchild of Lamar Heystek. Often seniors have nothing to do on weekends, feeling isolated and lonely. Rose, George and I decided it was high time to provide senior citizens with some weekend entertainment.

Originally the idea germinated by creating an informal group of musicians to play at Eleanor Roosevelt Circle. The residents there are stuck way out at the end of town, and have no facility bus. They seemed starving for something to do, and surprisingly the residents themselves have some pretty hefty musical talent. A little combo formed, called the Geriatric Generation Jammers (Jammers for short), consisting of Janet on accordion, George and June on ukulele, Sid on guitar while crooning Latin tunes, myself on flute. Aldo, a resident at ERC, belts out songs with superb operatic style. Robert on keyboard and base has recently hopped aboard our group.

The Jammers meet the first Saturday of each month from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. at ERC – and has a blast! Anyone who wants to join in the fun may drop in to either play with us, or just enjoy singing along, clapping, dancing, or sit back and listen to good music. (There is no charge.) Just about any song is fair game for us, if we can find the sheet music for it. We’ve played just about every style of composition, from classical to rock, sprinkled with various golden oldies.

The April 12th concert itself was a huge success. About 60 people attended, on a warm spring day. At least half the audience were residents of ERC. Mayor Sue Greenwald was kind enough to grace us with her presence. Food was donated by Konditerei and Ciocolat. Nugget and Safeway supplied gift cards so residents could purchase ingredients for making special food. Other residents kept the punch bowl filled, the service flowing smoothly, and provided decorations. Those in attendance munched on cake, tea sandwiches, fudge, egg rolls, and pastries in an informal café-like atmosphere.

The musical talent was amazing. The Jammers led off with a patriotic medley; Sid and Ramon played guitar while Sid sang Latin tunes as he walked around the room; Ramon riffed off a few jazz guitar numbers; Aldo gave a stirring rendition of opera selections and popular tunes; Robert provided keyboard and bass accompaniment; a High School Madrigal octet performed some lovely numbers; and the show was rounded out by a jazz duo playing trumpet and piano – who were so popular they were asked to do an encore.

I honestly don’t know who had a better time, the players or the audience! All the musicians are eager to put on another performance; and listeners begged to know when the next concert would be. As it turns out, there are plans in the works to have another resoundingly successful event on October 25, 2008 – so put that date on your calendars! Our hope is to open up the doors to the patio off the Community Room at ERC, to make space for even more people to attend. It was an honor and a privilege to be part of such a wonderful event, and a special thanks goes to Rose Levinson and George Hinkle, without whom this experiment would never have been possible!

As an aside, when the Jammers were initially formed and first started to play, a resident from ERC was so delighted to have such entertainment, she demanded to know when we were coming back. To our great disappointment, she passed away a few days later. The group was honored to have made her last few days on earth a little brighter. Another ERC resident seems to know the name of every tune we play. Thus far we have not been able to stump this sharp cookie! Seniors have clapped and sung along as we play with gusto, and it is not unknown for them to get up and dance a polka when the proper mood strikes. What a joy it is to play for such an appreciative audience.

Lessons to be learned: You are never too old to learn new tricks! Nor to be a vital part of the community. Enjoy life to its fullest by being a participant rather than just an observer, even if all you do is sing along or support an event by just showing up.

Elaine Roberts Musser is an attorney who concentrates her efforts on elder law and aging issues, especially in regard to consumer affairs. If you have a comment or particular question or topic you would like to see addressed in this column, please make your observations at the end of this article in the comment section.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Point of clarification: The following was a parenthetical statement of mine, and not part of the quote, and as such should have been punctuated properly – “(As convoluted and confusing as this “information” appears, the one thing that can be gleaned from the General Plan Update Steering Committee is their estimate that in Davis there will be 27,800 households in 2013.)” Forgive the typo!

  2. Point of clarification: The following was a parenthetical statement of mine, and not part of the quote, and as such should have been punctuated properly – “(As convoluted and confusing as this “information” appears, the one thing that can be gleaned from the General Plan Update Steering Committee is their estimate that in Davis there will be 27,800 households in 2013.)” Forgive the typo!

  3. Point of clarification: The following was a parenthetical statement of mine, and not part of the quote, and as such should have been punctuated properly – “(As convoluted and confusing as this “information” appears, the one thing that can be gleaned from the General Plan Update Steering Committee is their estimate that in Davis there will be 27,800 households in 2013.)” Forgive the typo!

  4. Point of clarification: The following was a parenthetical statement of mine, and not part of the quote, and as such should have been punctuated properly – “(As convoluted and confusing as this “information” appears, the one thing that can be gleaned from the General Plan Update Steering Committee is their estimate that in Davis there will be 27,800 households in 2013.)” Forgive the typo!

  5. There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?

    With the constraints on housing in Davis (both quanity and price), which industry/company is going to pay the kind of salaries needed by local employees?

    If we’re talking about employees commuting in from the outlying communities, you have the same problems as you have with UCD all over again – more demand on roads, congestion, increased pollution, without really increasing your tax base as those people will still go elsewhere to shop. You’ve just pushed your population problems back onto the rest Yolo County with a specious benefit to Davis.

  6. There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?

    With the constraints on housing in Davis (both quanity and price), which industry/company is going to pay the kind of salaries needed by local employees?

    If we’re talking about employees commuting in from the outlying communities, you have the same problems as you have with UCD all over again – more demand on roads, congestion, increased pollution, without really increasing your tax base as those people will still go elsewhere to shop. You’ve just pushed your population problems back onto the rest Yolo County with a specious benefit to Davis.

  7. There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?

    With the constraints on housing in Davis (both quanity and price), which industry/company is going to pay the kind of salaries needed by local employees?

    If we’re talking about employees commuting in from the outlying communities, you have the same problems as you have with UCD all over again – more demand on roads, congestion, increased pollution, without really increasing your tax base as those people will still go elsewhere to shop. You’ve just pushed your population problems back onto the rest Yolo County with a specious benefit to Davis.

  8. There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?

    With the constraints on housing in Davis (both quanity and price), which industry/company is going to pay the kind of salaries needed by local employees?

    If we’re talking about employees commuting in from the outlying communities, you have the same problems as you have with UCD all over again – more demand on roads, congestion, increased pollution, without really increasing your tax base as those people will still go elsewhere to shop. You’ve just pushed your population problems back onto the rest Yolo County with a specious benefit to Davis.

  9. David:

    You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase. I saw the presentation some time ago. The first phase was the bottom 1/3. Second phase is the next roughly 1/3. When asked to put an easement over the rest of the property, the remaining 1/3 or so, Whitcombe refused. That means to me, he plans to develop the entire parcel. Apparently, he is no longer mentioning the other phase in his presentation. Don’t be fooled by the current pitch.

  10. David:

    You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase. I saw the presentation some time ago. The first phase was the bottom 1/3. Second phase is the next roughly 1/3. When asked to put an easement over the rest of the property, the remaining 1/3 or so, Whitcombe refused. That means to me, he plans to develop the entire parcel. Apparently, he is no longer mentioning the other phase in his presentation. Don’t be fooled by the current pitch.

  11. David:

    You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase. I saw the presentation some time ago. The first phase was the bottom 1/3. Second phase is the next roughly 1/3. When asked to put an easement over the rest of the property, the remaining 1/3 or so, Whitcombe refused. That means to me, he plans to develop the entire parcel. Apparently, he is no longer mentioning the other phase in his presentation. Don’t be fooled by the current pitch.

  12. David:

    You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase. I saw the presentation some time ago. The first phase was the bottom 1/3. Second phase is the next roughly 1/3. When asked to put an easement over the rest of the property, the remaining 1/3 or so, Whitcombe refused. That means to me, he plans to develop the entire parcel. Apparently, he is no longer mentioning the other phase in his presentation. Don’t be fooled by the current pitch.

  13. “There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?”

    Sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis, being scooped up particularly by Woodland – which has positioned itself so well financially, that they have been able to build a huge new high school and community/senior center. They are not laying off any teachers, I might add. In short, Woodland is laughing all the way to the bank!

    The city of Davis tends to be viewed as anti-business, and as such is missing out on sales tax revenue. We cannot continue to pay for city employee compensation packages if we keep building additional housing and never push for more business. In the long run, housing becomes a drain on the city’s budget, because new housing developments mean more city services must be provided.

    Whereas business that generates sales tax revenue will start filling the city’s coffers with much needed funding for the city’s already existing services. For instance, if the Cannery site is kept zoned light industrial, perhaps workforce housing can be included as part of the package. But business should come first and foremost in light of the city’s current budget problems, Navazio’s disingenuous projections of no budget deficit notwithstanding.

  14. “There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?”

    Sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis, being scooped up particularly by Woodland – which has positioned itself so well financially, that they have been able to build a huge new high school and community/senior center. They are not laying off any teachers, I might add. In short, Woodland is laughing all the way to the bank!

    The city of Davis tends to be viewed as anti-business, and as such is missing out on sales tax revenue. We cannot continue to pay for city employee compensation packages if we keep building additional housing and never push for more business. In the long run, housing becomes a drain on the city’s budget, because new housing developments mean more city services must be provided.

    Whereas business that generates sales tax revenue will start filling the city’s coffers with much needed funding for the city’s already existing services. For instance, if the Cannery site is kept zoned light industrial, perhaps workforce housing can be included as part of the package. But business should come first and foremost in light of the city’s current budget problems, Navazio’s disingenuous projections of no budget deficit notwithstanding.

  15. “There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?”

    Sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis, being scooped up particularly by Woodland – which has positioned itself so well financially, that they have been able to build a huge new high school and community/senior center. They are not laying off any teachers, I might add. In short, Woodland is laughing all the way to the bank!

    The city of Davis tends to be viewed as anti-business, and as such is missing out on sales tax revenue. We cannot continue to pay for city employee compensation packages if we keep building additional housing and never push for more business. In the long run, housing becomes a drain on the city’s budget, because new housing developments mean more city services must be provided.

    Whereas business that generates sales tax revenue will start filling the city’s coffers with much needed funding for the city’s already existing services. For instance, if the Cannery site is kept zoned light industrial, perhaps workforce housing can be included as part of the package. But business should come first and foremost in light of the city’s current budget problems, Navazio’s disingenuous projections of no budget deficit notwithstanding.

  16. “There is one thing that is never adressed in the push for more business in Davis: where are the employees going to live?”

    Sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis, being scooped up particularly by Woodland – which has positioned itself so well financially, that they have been able to build a huge new high school and community/senior center. They are not laying off any teachers, I might add. In short, Woodland is laughing all the way to the bank!

    The city of Davis tends to be viewed as anti-business, and as such is missing out on sales tax revenue. We cannot continue to pay for city employee compensation packages if we keep building additional housing and never push for more business. In the long run, housing becomes a drain on the city’s budget, because new housing developments mean more city services must be provided.

    Whereas business that generates sales tax revenue will start filling the city’s coffers with much needed funding for the city’s already existing services. For instance, if the Cannery site is kept zoned light industrial, perhaps workforce housing can be included as part of the package. But business should come first and foremost in light of the city’s current budget problems, Navazio’s disingenuous projections of no budget deficit notwithstanding.

  17. “You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase.”

    In my opinion, having listened to the new Covell Village proposal, Tandem Properties is merely presenting a rehash of their original proposal, but phasing it in piecemeal (probably three phases as the above commenter correctly notes). It is a smarter way to develop the property, to overcome citizen concerns that the original Covell Village project was too large. However, it does not change the fact that the project most likely is catering to external needs, rather than internal ones.

    This becomes problematic, as we are using up valuable and scarce city resources (to provide services) to external demands, yet not addressing current internal needs. Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (ERC) is a case in point.

    ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer. But middle income seniors were not interested in paying above market rate for a tiny one bedroom apartment, while they could go elsewhere in the city for far less. So now, ERC is essentially a low income facility, and heavily subsidized. Middle income seniors are still without housing options, the very problem ERC was supposed to address.

  18. “You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase.”

    In my opinion, having listened to the new Covell Village proposal, Tandem Properties is merely presenting a rehash of their original proposal, but phasing it in piecemeal (probably three phases as the above commenter correctly notes). It is a smarter way to develop the property, to overcome citizen concerns that the original Covell Village project was too large. However, it does not change the fact that the project most likely is catering to external needs, rather than internal ones.

    This becomes problematic, as we are using up valuable and scarce city resources (to provide services) to external demands, yet not addressing current internal needs. Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (ERC) is a case in point.

    ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer. But middle income seniors were not interested in paying above market rate for a tiny one bedroom apartment, while they could go elsewhere in the city for far less. So now, ERC is essentially a low income facility, and heavily subsidized. Middle income seniors are still without housing options, the very problem ERC was supposed to address.

  19. “You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase.”

    In my opinion, having listened to the new Covell Village proposal, Tandem Properties is merely presenting a rehash of their original proposal, but phasing it in piecemeal (probably three phases as the above commenter correctly notes). It is a smarter way to develop the property, to overcome citizen concerns that the original Covell Village project was too large. However, it does not change the fact that the project most likely is catering to external needs, rather than internal ones.

    This becomes problematic, as we are using up valuable and scarce city resources (to provide services) to external demands, yet not addressing current internal needs. Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (ERC) is a case in point.

    ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer. But middle income seniors were not interested in paying above market rate for a tiny one bedroom apartment, while they could go elsewhere in the city for far less. So now, ERC is essentially a low income facility, and heavily subsidized. Middle income seniors are still without housing options, the very problem ERC was supposed to address.

  20. “You did not hear the whole story about the plans for the Covell site. The development of the bottom 1/3 with 800 units is only the first phase.”

    In my opinion, having listened to the new Covell Village proposal, Tandem Properties is merely presenting a rehash of their original proposal, but phasing it in piecemeal (probably three phases as the above commenter correctly notes). It is a smarter way to develop the property, to overcome citizen concerns that the original Covell Village project was too large. However, it does not change the fact that the project most likely is catering to external needs, rather than internal ones.

    This becomes problematic, as we are using up valuable and scarce city resources (to provide services) to external demands, yet not addressing current internal needs. Eleanor Roosevelt Circle (ERC) is a case in point.

    ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer. But middle income seniors were not interested in paying above market rate for a tiny one bedroom apartment, while they could go elsewhere in the city for far less. So now, ERC is essentially a low income facility, and heavily subsidized. Middle income seniors are still without housing options, the very problem ERC was supposed to address.

  21. More business,

    I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.

    Our family has no personal investment in the city of Davis. Davis wants us as consumers, but not as residents so we fight back with our dollars. We shop primarily outside of Davis though we live and work here (renting).

  22. More business,

    I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.

    Our family has no personal investment in the city of Davis. Davis wants us as consumers, but not as residents so we fight back with our dollars. We shop primarily outside of Davis though we live and work here (renting).

  23. More business,

    I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.

    Our family has no personal investment in the city of Davis. Davis wants us as consumers, but not as residents so we fight back with our dollars. We shop primarily outside of Davis though we live and work here (renting).

  24. More business,

    I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.

    Our family has no personal investment in the city of Davis. Davis wants us as consumers, but not as residents so we fight back with our dollars. We shop primarily outside of Davis though we live and work here (renting).

  25. I was on the Affordable Housing Task Force awhile back that wrestled with task of how to sustain the stock of moderate income housing in Davis availability to workers and families. Davis has a huge problem of investors buying those housing for rentals thus making them unavailable for sale to workers and other moderate income folks. There were discussions on how to prevent or limit the ability of new owners to sell these homes by requiring them to live in them at least two years and how would this be monitored. We discussed prior efforts that failed in that many of the new owners sold out and bought homes in nearby communities. There were lively discussions of the property rights of such affordable housing owners. The Task Force ended without determining how to sustain permanent for-sale housing for moderate or low income citizens.
    Anybody have the answer?

  26. I was on the Affordable Housing Task Force awhile back that wrestled with task of how to sustain the stock of moderate income housing in Davis availability to workers and families. Davis has a huge problem of investors buying those housing for rentals thus making them unavailable for sale to workers and other moderate income folks. There were discussions on how to prevent or limit the ability of new owners to sell these homes by requiring them to live in them at least two years and how would this be monitored. We discussed prior efforts that failed in that many of the new owners sold out and bought homes in nearby communities. There were lively discussions of the property rights of such affordable housing owners. The Task Force ended without determining how to sustain permanent for-sale housing for moderate or low income citizens.
    Anybody have the answer?

  27. I was on the Affordable Housing Task Force awhile back that wrestled with task of how to sustain the stock of moderate income housing in Davis availability to workers and families. Davis has a huge problem of investors buying those housing for rentals thus making them unavailable for sale to workers and other moderate income folks. There were discussions on how to prevent or limit the ability of new owners to sell these homes by requiring them to live in them at least two years and how would this be monitored. We discussed prior efforts that failed in that many of the new owners sold out and bought homes in nearby communities. There were lively discussions of the property rights of such affordable housing owners. The Task Force ended without determining how to sustain permanent for-sale housing for moderate or low income citizens.
    Anybody have the answer?

  28. I was on the Affordable Housing Task Force awhile back that wrestled with task of how to sustain the stock of moderate income housing in Davis availability to workers and families. Davis has a huge problem of investors buying those housing for rentals thus making them unavailable for sale to workers and other moderate income folks. There were discussions on how to prevent or limit the ability of new owners to sell these homes by requiring them to live in them at least two years and how would this be monitored. We discussed prior efforts that failed in that many of the new owners sold out and bought homes in nearby communities. There were lively discussions of the property rights of such affordable housing owners. The Task Force ended without determining how to sustain permanent for-sale housing for moderate or low income citizens.
    Anybody have the answer?

  29. Tansey,

    I wish I had the answer myself. They only thing I’ve seen come close to helping with the issue is UCD sponsored housing developments such as West Village but it doesn’t even come close to answering the problems.

    West Village is restricted not only to UCD employees, but also by type of employee. Most of the units are reserved for faculty. Faculty already receive many perks such as seed money loans. Staff get nothing. Also, the prices of the units are high – $340k is not affordable to the majority of UCD staff. They were asking for 30% downpayments which again locks out most staff which I think is what they want. But at least it keeps the investors out.

    So, West Village is really not affordable to any but top income brackets and yet the city fights against it. All I can figure out is that the people of Davis want everything and nothing. How do you meet those sort of demands?

  30. Tansey,

    I wish I had the answer myself. They only thing I’ve seen come close to helping with the issue is UCD sponsored housing developments such as West Village but it doesn’t even come close to answering the problems.

    West Village is restricted not only to UCD employees, but also by type of employee. Most of the units are reserved for faculty. Faculty already receive many perks such as seed money loans. Staff get nothing. Also, the prices of the units are high – $340k is not affordable to the majority of UCD staff. They were asking for 30% downpayments which again locks out most staff which I think is what they want. But at least it keeps the investors out.

    So, West Village is really not affordable to any but top income brackets and yet the city fights against it. All I can figure out is that the people of Davis want everything and nothing. How do you meet those sort of demands?

  31. Tansey,

    I wish I had the answer myself. They only thing I’ve seen come close to helping with the issue is UCD sponsored housing developments such as West Village but it doesn’t even come close to answering the problems.

    West Village is restricted not only to UCD employees, but also by type of employee. Most of the units are reserved for faculty. Faculty already receive many perks such as seed money loans. Staff get nothing. Also, the prices of the units are high – $340k is not affordable to the majority of UCD staff. They were asking for 30% downpayments which again locks out most staff which I think is what they want. But at least it keeps the investors out.

    So, West Village is really not affordable to any but top income brackets and yet the city fights against it. All I can figure out is that the people of Davis want everything and nothing. How do you meet those sort of demands?

  32. Tansey,

    I wish I had the answer myself. They only thing I’ve seen come close to helping with the issue is UCD sponsored housing developments such as West Village but it doesn’t even come close to answering the problems.

    West Village is restricted not only to UCD employees, but also by type of employee. Most of the units are reserved for faculty. Faculty already receive many perks such as seed money loans. Staff get nothing. Also, the prices of the units are high – $340k is not affordable to the majority of UCD staff. They were asking for 30% downpayments which again locks out most staff which I think is what they want. But at least it keeps the investors out.

    So, West Village is really not affordable to any but top income brackets and yet the city fights against it. All I can figure out is that the people of Davis want everything and nothing. How do you meet those sort of demands?

  33. DPD,
    I just received a brochure in the mail supporting your wife for council. I found it interesting that there was a picture of Cecilia and Calvin Handy in front of the Davis Police dept. I just happened to drive by there that day and saw not only Cecelia and Handy in front of the DPD but also former chief Gonzales there with them.
    Was that a staged photo to make it look like the Davis Police dept. supports them? I’ll bet it was. Then there was the Photo of Cruz Reynoso with Cecilia. I have know Mr. Reynoso since my late teens. Cruz is a very nice person but was always an ambulance chaser and a very poor supreme court justice.
    Finally, Handy and Gonzales were two of the worst Chiefs of Police we have ever had.
    Cecilia just lost my vote.

  34. DPD,
    I just received a brochure in the mail supporting your wife for council. I found it interesting that there was a picture of Cecilia and Calvin Handy in front of the Davis Police dept. I just happened to drive by there that day and saw not only Cecelia and Handy in front of the DPD but also former chief Gonzales there with them.
    Was that a staged photo to make it look like the Davis Police dept. supports them? I’ll bet it was. Then there was the Photo of Cruz Reynoso with Cecilia. I have know Mr. Reynoso since my late teens. Cruz is a very nice person but was always an ambulance chaser and a very poor supreme court justice.
    Finally, Handy and Gonzales were two of the worst Chiefs of Police we have ever had.
    Cecilia just lost my vote.

  35. DPD,
    I just received a brochure in the mail supporting your wife for council. I found it interesting that there was a picture of Cecilia and Calvin Handy in front of the Davis Police dept. I just happened to drive by there that day and saw not only Cecelia and Handy in front of the DPD but also former chief Gonzales there with them.
    Was that a staged photo to make it look like the Davis Police dept. supports them? I’ll bet it was. Then there was the Photo of Cruz Reynoso with Cecilia. I have know Mr. Reynoso since my late teens. Cruz is a very nice person but was always an ambulance chaser and a very poor supreme court justice.
    Finally, Handy and Gonzales were two of the worst Chiefs of Police we have ever had.
    Cecilia just lost my vote.

  36. DPD,
    I just received a brochure in the mail supporting your wife for council. I found it interesting that there was a picture of Cecilia and Calvin Handy in front of the Davis Police dept. I just happened to drive by there that day and saw not only Cecelia and Handy in front of the DPD but also former chief Gonzales there with them.
    Was that a staged photo to make it look like the Davis Police dept. supports them? I’ll bet it was. Then there was the Photo of Cruz Reynoso with Cecilia. I have know Mr. Reynoso since my late teens. Cruz is a very nice person but was always an ambulance chaser and a very poor supreme court justice.
    Finally, Handy and Gonzales were two of the worst Chiefs of Police we have ever had.
    Cecilia just lost my vote.

  37. “I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.”

    There are about 65,000 folks in Davis. They have to shop somewhere, and a good number are purchasing things at WalMart, CostCo, Target, etc. in Woodland and other places outside Davis. As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).

    Building more houses in Davis will not bring about the change you are suggesting happened in Woodland because that city chose to build a ton of houses. Woodland is doing well financially because they are welcoming all sorts of business. Business generates tax revenue. A certain percentage of that tax revenue was used to build the new community center.

    If Davis were to build a ton of new houses, and not welcome business, how would it pay for the expanded services that will be needed for the new housing developments? With any new housing there must be new business to generate the tax revenue that will pay for whatever new services will be needed for the new houses.

  38. “I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.”

    There are about 65,000 folks in Davis. They have to shop somewhere, and a good number are purchasing things at WalMart, CostCo, Target, etc. in Woodland and other places outside Davis. As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).

    Building more houses in Davis will not bring about the change you are suggesting happened in Woodland because that city chose to build a ton of houses. Woodland is doing well financially because they are welcoming all sorts of business. Business generates tax revenue. A certain percentage of that tax revenue was used to build the new community center.

    If Davis were to build a ton of new houses, and not welcome business, how would it pay for the expanded services that will be needed for the new housing developments? With any new housing there must be new business to generate the tax revenue that will pay for whatever new services will be needed for the new houses.

  39. “I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.”

    There are about 65,000 folks in Davis. They have to shop somewhere, and a good number are purchasing things at WalMart, CostCo, Target, etc. in Woodland and other places outside Davis. As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).

    Building more houses in Davis will not bring about the change you are suggesting happened in Woodland because that city chose to build a ton of houses. Woodland is doing well financially because they are welcoming all sorts of business. Business generates tax revenue. A certain percentage of that tax revenue was used to build the new community center.

    If Davis were to build a ton of new houses, and not welcome business, how would it pay for the expanded services that will be needed for the new housing developments? With any new housing there must be new business to generate the tax revenue that will pay for whatever new services will be needed for the new houses.

  40. “I agree that Woodland is laughing at Davis and they should. I agree that sales tax revenue is a steadilly leaving Davis but I disagree on why. People are shopping where they live, not where they work. The reason Woodland is doing well is because they did allow more housing and it is affordable, especially to young families which tend to spend more then older, empty nesters.”

    There are about 65,000 folks in Davis. They have to shop somewhere, and a good number are purchasing things at WalMart, CostCo, Target, etc. in Woodland and other places outside Davis. As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).

    Building more houses in Davis will not bring about the change you are suggesting happened in Woodland because that city chose to build a ton of houses. Woodland is doing well financially because they are welcoming all sorts of business. Business generates tax revenue. A certain percentage of that tax revenue was used to build the new community center.

    If Davis were to build a ton of new houses, and not welcome business, how would it pay for the expanded services that will be needed for the new housing developments? With any new housing there must be new business to generate the tax revenue that will pay for whatever new services will be needed for the new houses.

  41. Cruz Reynoso is a well respected member of the law community and the civil rights community. Anyone who would disparage him does not have much credibility in my book.

  42. Cruz Reynoso is a well respected member of the law community and the civil rights community. Anyone who would disparage him does not have much credibility in my book.

  43. Cruz Reynoso is a well respected member of the law community and the civil rights community. Anyone who would disparage him does not have much credibility in my book.

  44. Cruz Reynoso is a well respected member of the law community and the civil rights community. Anyone who would disparage him does not have much credibility in my book.

  45. Elaine Roberts wrote: “ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer.

    Dear Elaine:

    This section you write about ERC is not true. I provided all the extensive city documents about ERC to DPD last year for him to review.

    In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.”

    The facts are that the ERC site is required by the city to be 47 units of housing for low income housing people. It was not as you say “supposed to be a middle income facility”. Because we were able to go to 3 floors and one bedroom units we were able to build 60 units (one managers unit). As a result the city allowed us to make the 12 units over the 47 required low income units available at above 80%. We are proud to say that we worked very hard for this to be the first and only time the city has allowed non low income units to be built on a dedicated or donated site. We built what we promised. I’m happy to send that set of documents to you and anyone else who would like to see them. Email me at dthompcoop@aol.com.

    All of those of us who worked for over ten years to bring ERC to fruition are very pleased as to how ERC came out. In a very short time, as we had planned and hoped the Community Room has become the most active for any low income senior community in Davis. We have many classes there and host a number of the OLLI (Osher Life Long Learning) classes.

    I had the great pleasure of attending the Fun Time Follies and it was a great event for our residents and people from the community. I thank you for your contribution of time and your flute playing. I look forward to the next time.

    I will be there tomorrow Saturday from noon to 2pm for our Souper Saturday. Come join us at 675 Cantrill. It’s a fund raiser for more raised garden beds. I believe it is $7 for a great set of soups and certainly for a good cause. The original ones we built are very popular and all taken and other seniors want to garden graciously. We are donating $250 towards the new garden beds. If Elaine or others reading the blog would like to donate get in touch with our wonderful Social Services Coordinator Rose Levinson at RWLevinson@sbcglobal.net.

  46. Elaine Roberts wrote: “ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer.

    Dear Elaine:

    This section you write about ERC is not true. I provided all the extensive city documents about ERC to DPD last year for him to review.

    In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.”

    The facts are that the ERC site is required by the city to be 47 units of housing for low income housing people. It was not as you say “supposed to be a middle income facility”. Because we were able to go to 3 floors and one bedroom units we were able to build 60 units (one managers unit). As a result the city allowed us to make the 12 units over the 47 required low income units available at above 80%. We are proud to say that we worked very hard for this to be the first and only time the city has allowed non low income units to be built on a dedicated or donated site. We built what we promised. I’m happy to send that set of documents to you and anyone else who would like to see them. Email me at dthompcoop@aol.com.

    All of those of us who worked for over ten years to bring ERC to fruition are very pleased as to how ERC came out. In a very short time, as we had planned and hoped the Community Room has become the most active for any low income senior community in Davis. We have many classes there and host a number of the OLLI (Osher Life Long Learning) classes.

    I had the great pleasure of attending the Fun Time Follies and it was a great event for our residents and people from the community. I thank you for your contribution of time and your flute playing. I look forward to the next time.

    I will be there tomorrow Saturday from noon to 2pm for our Souper Saturday. Come join us at 675 Cantrill. It’s a fund raiser for more raised garden beds. I believe it is $7 for a great set of soups and certainly for a good cause. The original ones we built are very popular and all taken and other seniors want to garden graciously. We are donating $250 towards the new garden beds. If Elaine or others reading the blog would like to donate get in touch with our wonderful Social Services Coordinator Rose Levinson at RWLevinson@sbcglobal.net.

  47. Elaine Roberts wrote: “ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer.

    Dear Elaine:

    This section you write about ERC is not true. I provided all the extensive city documents about ERC to DPD last year for him to review.

    In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.”

    The facts are that the ERC site is required by the city to be 47 units of housing for low income housing people. It was not as you say “supposed to be a middle income facility”. Because we were able to go to 3 floors and one bedroom units we were able to build 60 units (one managers unit). As a result the city allowed us to make the 12 units over the 47 required low income units available at above 80%. We are proud to say that we worked very hard for this to be the first and only time the city has allowed non low income units to be built on a dedicated or donated site. We built what we promised. I’m happy to send that set of documents to you and anyone else who would like to see them. Email me at dthompcoop@aol.com.

    All of those of us who worked for over ten years to bring ERC to fruition are very pleased as to how ERC came out. In a very short time, as we had planned and hoped the Community Room has become the most active for any low income senior community in Davis. We have many classes there and host a number of the OLLI (Osher Life Long Learning) classes.

    I had the great pleasure of attending the Fun Time Follies and it was a great event for our residents and people from the community. I thank you for your contribution of time and your flute playing. I look forward to the next time.

    I will be there tomorrow Saturday from noon to 2pm for our Souper Saturday. Come join us at 675 Cantrill. It’s a fund raiser for more raised garden beds. I believe it is $7 for a great set of soups and certainly for a good cause. The original ones we built are very popular and all taken and other seniors want to garden graciously. We are donating $250 towards the new garden beds. If Elaine or others reading the blog would like to donate get in touch with our wonderful Social Services Coordinator Rose Levinson at RWLevinson@sbcglobal.net.

  48. Elaine Roberts wrote: “ERC was supposed to be a middle income facility, then was reconfigured as a mixed income facility because of the type of funding obtained by the developer.

    Dear Elaine:

    This section you write about ERC is not true. I provided all the extensive city documents about ERC to DPD last year for him to review.

    In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.”

    The facts are that the ERC site is required by the city to be 47 units of housing for low income housing people. It was not as you say “supposed to be a middle income facility”. Because we were able to go to 3 floors and one bedroom units we were able to build 60 units (one managers unit). As a result the city allowed us to make the 12 units over the 47 required low income units available at above 80%. We are proud to say that we worked very hard for this to be the first and only time the city has allowed non low income units to be built on a dedicated or donated site. We built what we promised. I’m happy to send that set of documents to you and anyone else who would like to see them. Email me at dthompcoop@aol.com.

    All of those of us who worked for over ten years to bring ERC to fruition are very pleased as to how ERC came out. In a very short time, as we had planned and hoped the Community Room has become the most active for any low income senior community in Davis. We have many classes there and host a number of the OLLI (Osher Life Long Learning) classes.

    I had the great pleasure of attending the Fun Time Follies and it was a great event for our residents and people from the community. I thank you for your contribution of time and your flute playing. I look forward to the next time.

    I will be there tomorrow Saturday from noon to 2pm for our Souper Saturday. Come join us at 675 Cantrill. It’s a fund raiser for more raised garden beds. I believe it is $7 for a great set of soups and certainly for a good cause. The original ones we built are very popular and all taken and other seniors want to garden graciously. We are donating $250 towards the new garden beds. If Elaine or others reading the blog would like to donate get in touch with our wonderful Social Services Coordinator Rose Levinson at RWLevinson@sbcglobal.net.

  49. “In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.””

    If you had to comment on and correct the project’s designation as a “middle income facility” as you did, then clearly many (including some on the City Council) understood the ORIGINAL intent (not necessarily yours as the developer) was for that of a “middle income facility”. Once funding was obtained (by you) that required a low income component, it was clear only a “mixed income facility” could be sustained in order to retain the funding for the project.

    In fact, the City Council gave permission to open up ERC to more low income folks than originally designated, because the middle income units were not selling and remained vacant. (The unfortunate result was a transferred vacancy rate at Shasta Point instead.) That leaves middle income seniors with very few options in Davis, a problem that still needs to be rectified.

    The ERC model is certainly one to be admired and hopefully replicated, in so far as the Social Services component is concerned. However, you yourself indicated at a recent Senior Citizen Commission meeting that the mixed income financial model had problems. Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard rental rates had been reduced for some units at ERC?

  50. “In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.””

    If you had to comment on and correct the project’s designation as a “middle income facility” as you did, then clearly many (including some on the City Council) understood the ORIGINAL intent (not necessarily yours as the developer) was for that of a “middle income facility”. Once funding was obtained (by you) that required a low income component, it was clear only a “mixed income facility” could be sustained in order to retain the funding for the project.

    In fact, the City Council gave permission to open up ERC to more low income folks than originally designated, because the middle income units were not selling and remained vacant. (The unfortunate result was a transferred vacancy rate at Shasta Point instead.) That leaves middle income seniors with very few options in Davis, a problem that still needs to be rectified.

    The ERC model is certainly one to be admired and hopefully replicated, in so far as the Social Services component is concerned. However, you yourself indicated at a recent Senior Citizen Commission meeting that the mixed income financial model had problems. Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard rental rates had been reduced for some units at ERC?

  51. “In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.””

    If you had to comment on and correct the project’s designation as a “middle income facility” as you did, then clearly many (including some on the City Council) understood the ORIGINAL intent (not necessarily yours as the developer) was for that of a “middle income facility”. Once funding was obtained (by you) that required a low income component, it was clear only a “mixed income facility” could be sustained in order to retain the funding for the project.

    In fact, the City Council gave permission to open up ERC to more low income folks than originally designated, because the middle income units were not selling and remained vacant. (The unfortunate result was a transferred vacancy rate at Shasta Point instead.) That leaves middle income seniors with very few options in Davis, a problem that still needs to be rectified.

    The ERC model is certainly one to be admired and hopefully replicated, in so far as the Social Services component is concerned. However, you yourself indicated at a recent Senior Citizen Commission meeting that the mixed income financial model had problems. Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard rental rates had been reduced for some units at ERC?

  52. “In his blog of April 2, 2007 DPD quoted me saying, “Nowhere in any of the documents I have that were approved by the city is there either a mention of, description of or promise that: The project would be all “moderate income housing” or that it would be a “continuing care facility”.” …“Mr. Thompson sent me a number of documents used in 2002 when the City Council first approved this project and his claim appears to be accurate.””

    If you had to comment on and correct the project’s designation as a “middle income facility” as you did, then clearly many (including some on the City Council) understood the ORIGINAL intent (not necessarily yours as the developer) was for that of a “middle income facility”. Once funding was obtained (by you) that required a low income component, it was clear only a “mixed income facility” could be sustained in order to retain the funding for the project.

    In fact, the City Council gave permission to open up ERC to more low income folks than originally designated, because the middle income units were not selling and remained vacant. (The unfortunate result was a transferred vacancy rate at Shasta Point instead.) That leaves middle income seniors with very few options in Davis, a problem that still needs to be rectified.

    The ERC model is certainly one to be admired and hopefully replicated, in so far as the Social Services component is concerned. However, you yourself indicated at a recent Senior Citizen Commission meeting that the mixed income financial model had problems. Correct me if I am wrong, but I heard rental rates had been reduced for some units at ERC?

  53. Hi Mel,
    You made a broad statement about Cruz Reynoso on behalf of a lot of people. That makes you hardly credible also. I don’t care about your book of credibility. I still think Cruz is a nice person in spite of his record.

  54. Hi Mel,
    You made a broad statement about Cruz Reynoso on behalf of a lot of people. That makes you hardly credible also. I don’t care about your book of credibility. I still think Cruz is a nice person in spite of his record.

  55. Hi Mel,
    You made a broad statement about Cruz Reynoso on behalf of a lot of people. That makes you hardly credible also. I don’t care about your book of credibility. I still think Cruz is a nice person in spite of his record.

  56. Hi Mel,
    You made a broad statement about Cruz Reynoso on behalf of a lot of people. That makes you hardly credible also. I don’t care about your book of credibility. I still think Cruz is a nice person in spite of his record.

  57. “As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).”

    In case you hadn’t noticed, Davis will have a Target store in 2009. But if any more peripheral big box stores are built, the downtown businesses and all the neighborhood shopping centers will decline — even worse than the two shopping centers that are already on the skids. Peripheral big box development has many drawbacks from a planning standpoint.

    Any chain store that wants to build in Davis can do so right now. All they have to do is submit a plan for one of the existing shopping centers that is within the current size limit. It hasn’t stopped Big 5, Gottschalks, or any number of other chain stores from locating here; chain stores that have played by the rules. There is space available in existing shopping centers.

    The city should also continue, with DDBA, to encourage consumers from nearby cities to visit the unique stores that are already here. I regularly get customers from Natomas. There are restaurants that draw from all over Sacramento. Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.

  58. “As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).”

    In case you hadn’t noticed, Davis will have a Target store in 2009. But if any more peripheral big box stores are built, the downtown businesses and all the neighborhood shopping centers will decline — even worse than the two shopping centers that are already on the skids. Peripheral big box development has many drawbacks from a planning standpoint.

    Any chain store that wants to build in Davis can do so right now. All they have to do is submit a plan for one of the existing shopping centers that is within the current size limit. It hasn’t stopped Big 5, Gottschalks, or any number of other chain stores from locating here; chain stores that have played by the rules. There is space available in existing shopping centers.

    The city should also continue, with DDBA, to encourage consumers from nearby cities to visit the unique stores that are already here. I regularly get customers from Natomas. There are restaurants that draw from all over Sacramento. Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.

  59. “As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).”

    In case you hadn’t noticed, Davis will have a Target store in 2009. But if any more peripheral big box stores are built, the downtown businesses and all the neighborhood shopping centers will decline — even worse than the two shopping centers that are already on the skids. Peripheral big box development has many drawbacks from a planning standpoint.

    Any chain store that wants to build in Davis can do so right now. All they have to do is submit a plan for one of the existing shopping centers that is within the current size limit. It hasn’t stopped Big 5, Gottschalks, or any number of other chain stores from locating here; chain stores that have played by the rules. There is space available in existing shopping centers.

    The city should also continue, with DDBA, to encourage consumers from nearby cities to visit the unique stores that are already here. I regularly get customers from Natomas. There are restaurants that draw from all over Sacramento. Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.

  60. “As long as Davis refuses to have any big box retail, it will leak tax revenue to outlying areas. (Actually Ace Hardware is big box – cleverly divided into thirds to hide that fact).”

    In case you hadn’t noticed, Davis will have a Target store in 2009. But if any more peripheral big box stores are built, the downtown businesses and all the neighborhood shopping centers will decline — even worse than the two shopping centers that are already on the skids. Peripheral big box development has many drawbacks from a planning standpoint.

    Any chain store that wants to build in Davis can do so right now. All they have to do is submit a plan for one of the existing shopping centers that is within the current size limit. It hasn’t stopped Big 5, Gottschalks, or any number of other chain stores from locating here; chain stores that have played by the rules. There is space available in existing shopping centers.

    The city should also continue, with DDBA, to encourage consumers from nearby cities to visit the unique stores that are already here. I regularly get customers from Natomas. There are restaurants that draw from all over Sacramento. Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.

  61. “Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.”

    Thanks for the clarification on what constitutes a “big box store” – assuming you are correct in your definition. I also think you make a good point, when you note that big box stores are having their own problems. My understanding is that Borders Books is having financial problems, and so is Gottchalks (as are many small businesses in Davis). Nevertheless, sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis. Just ask Woodland, who is reaping the benefits.

    We need to draw in more business to Davis. High tech would be great if we can get it. Smaller stores would be great too. But I would also suggest that Davis needs Target. It represents a chain store that sells inexpensive generic items at a reasonable price, unlike a lot of Davis businesses, that charge an arm and a leg.

    Interestingly enough, the restaurants in Davis are outstanding. They generally serve good food at a reasonable price. If you go to Woodland, they have very few choices that aren’t either fast food or extremely expensive. Because of the UC students here, restaurants in Davis are very competitive. We need that same competitive edge in the retail market.

    Many decry big box, but Safeway and Nugget have cornered the market by being bigger. It is obviously what the consumer wants – one stop shopping. It is convenient, saves time, saves on car trips too!!!

    About the only stores I frequent in downtown Davis are the restaurants, Ace Hardware/Hibbert Lumber, Watermelon Music, and Kinko’s. If I want inexpensive goods, I make a once a month trip to Walmart in Woodland. Sorry, but it saves me quite a bit of money. One item I purchase is $23 at Longs, but only $13 at Walmart – for the exact same product brand. My budget is extremely limited.

  62. “Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.”

    Thanks for the clarification on what constitutes a “big box store” – assuming you are correct in your definition. I also think you make a good point, when you note that big box stores are having their own problems. My understanding is that Borders Books is having financial problems, and so is Gottchalks (as are many small businesses in Davis). Nevertheless, sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis. Just ask Woodland, who is reaping the benefits.

    We need to draw in more business to Davis. High tech would be great if we can get it. Smaller stores would be great too. But I would also suggest that Davis needs Target. It represents a chain store that sells inexpensive generic items at a reasonable price, unlike a lot of Davis businesses, that charge an arm and a leg.

    Interestingly enough, the restaurants in Davis are outstanding. They generally serve good food at a reasonable price. If you go to Woodland, they have very few choices that aren’t either fast food or extremely expensive. Because of the UC students here, restaurants in Davis are very competitive. We need that same competitive edge in the retail market.

    Many decry big box, but Safeway and Nugget have cornered the market by being bigger. It is obviously what the consumer wants – one stop shopping. It is convenient, saves time, saves on car trips too!!!

    About the only stores I frequent in downtown Davis are the restaurants, Ace Hardware/Hibbert Lumber, Watermelon Music, and Kinko’s. If I want inexpensive goods, I make a once a month trip to Walmart in Woodland. Sorry, but it saves me quite a bit of money. One item I purchase is $23 at Longs, but only $13 at Walmart – for the exact same product brand. My budget is extremely limited.

  63. “Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.”

    Thanks for the clarification on what constitutes a “big box store” – assuming you are correct in your definition. I also think you make a good point, when you note that big box stores are having their own problems. My understanding is that Borders Books is having financial problems, and so is Gottchalks (as are many small businesses in Davis). Nevertheless, sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis. Just ask Woodland, who is reaping the benefits.

    We need to draw in more business to Davis. High tech would be great if we can get it. Smaller stores would be great too. But I would also suggest that Davis needs Target. It represents a chain store that sells inexpensive generic items at a reasonable price, unlike a lot of Davis businesses, that charge an arm and a leg.

    Interestingly enough, the restaurants in Davis are outstanding. They generally serve good food at a reasonable price. If you go to Woodland, they have very few choices that aren’t either fast food or extremely expensive. Because of the UC students here, restaurants in Davis are very competitive. We need that same competitive edge in the retail market.

    Many decry big box, but Safeway and Nugget have cornered the market by being bigger. It is obviously what the consumer wants – one stop shopping. It is convenient, saves time, saves on car trips too!!!

    About the only stores I frequent in downtown Davis are the restaurants, Ace Hardware/Hibbert Lumber, Watermelon Music, and Kinko’s. If I want inexpensive goods, I make a once a month trip to Walmart in Woodland. Sorry, but it saves me quite a bit of money. One item I purchase is $23 at Longs, but only $13 at Walmart – for the exact same product brand. My budget is extremely limited.

  64. “Getting into a big box bidding war with nearby communities is not going to work in the long run. Sales at Lowes are down, Home Depot is closing stores. Vacaville is overbuilt for retail and having trouble filling the new developments along the freeway. The freeway-based big box model is probably an anachronism. Even the biggest retailers are beginning to build small, community-sized stores. Which they are welcome to do right now in Davis, if they so choose.

    No, Davis Ace Hardware is NOT “big box” by any definition of the term. It is a total of 37,000 sq. ft. between all the stores. Target will be 140,000 sq. ft. “Big box” usually refers to stores of 80,000 sq. ft. or more.”

    Thanks for the clarification on what constitutes a “big box store” – assuming you are correct in your definition. I also think you make a good point, when you note that big box stores are having their own problems. My understanding is that Borders Books is having financial problems, and so is Gottchalks (as are many small businesses in Davis). Nevertheless, sales tax revenue is leaking out of Davis. Just ask Woodland, who is reaping the benefits.

    We need to draw in more business to Davis. High tech would be great if we can get it. Smaller stores would be great too. But I would also suggest that Davis needs Target. It represents a chain store that sells inexpensive generic items at a reasonable price, unlike a lot of Davis businesses, that charge an arm and a leg.

    Interestingly enough, the restaurants in Davis are outstanding. They generally serve good food at a reasonable price. If you go to Woodland, they have very few choices that aren’t either fast food or extremely expensive. Because of the UC students here, restaurants in Davis are very competitive. We need that same competitive edge in the retail market.

    Many decry big box, but Safeway and Nugget have cornered the market by being bigger. It is obviously what the consumer wants – one stop shopping. It is convenient, saves time, saves on car trips too!!!

    About the only stores I frequent in downtown Davis are the restaurants, Ace Hardware/Hibbert Lumber, Watermelon Music, and Kinko’s. If I want inexpensive goods, I make a once a month trip to Walmart in Woodland. Sorry, but it saves me quite a bit of money. One item I purchase is $23 at Longs, but only $13 at Walmart – for the exact same product brand. My budget is extremely limited.

  65. Here’s a bio on Cruz Reynoso I found. The readers can decide. This is from an awards ceremony from last fall. Funny, I don’t see any mention of ambulance chaser.

    “What: Gala honoring Cruz Reynoso, who rose from a Brea barrio to become the first Latino to serve on the California Supreme Court, as he retires from public life. A civil rights champion for more than five decades, he served two California governors and two U.S. presidents. He has been a professor of law at UC Davis since 2001. Reynoso will receive the University Medal, the highest honor bestowed by UC Davis, along with tributes from some of the most important figures in California’s labor, legal and legislative communities, including Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, José Padilla, executive director, California Rural Legal Assistance and state Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles. Event is free and open to the public.

    When: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15

    Where: Jackson Hall, Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts at UC Davis
    Who: In addition to Huerta, Padilla and Cedillo, special guests will include Mario Obledo, president of the National Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, and the Honorable Patricio M. Serna, a justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court.

    Background: Reynoso was born May 2, 1931. He graduated from Pomona College in 1953 and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall in 1958. He was assistant chief of the California Fair Employment Practices Commission, associate general counsel of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and director of California Rural Legal Assistance.

    He was appointed associate justice of the California Courts of Appeal in 1976. In 1982, he was appointed to the California Supreme Court. President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2000.

  66. Here’s a bio on Cruz Reynoso I found. The readers can decide. This is from an awards ceremony from last fall. Funny, I don’t see any mention of ambulance chaser.

    “What: Gala honoring Cruz Reynoso, who rose from a Brea barrio to become the first Latino to serve on the California Supreme Court, as he retires from public life. A civil rights champion for more than five decades, he served two California governors and two U.S. presidents. He has been a professor of law at UC Davis since 2001. Reynoso will receive the University Medal, the highest honor bestowed by UC Davis, along with tributes from some of the most important figures in California’s labor, legal and legislative communities, including Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, José Padilla, executive director, California Rural Legal Assistance and state Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles. Event is free and open to the public.

    When: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15

    Where: Jackson Hall, Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts at UC Davis
    Who: In addition to Huerta, Padilla and Cedillo, special guests will include Mario Obledo, president of the National Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, and the Honorable Patricio M. Serna, a justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court.

    Background: Reynoso was born May 2, 1931. He graduated from Pomona College in 1953 and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall in 1958. He was assistant chief of the California Fair Employment Practices Commission, associate general counsel of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and director of California Rural Legal Assistance.

    He was appointed associate justice of the California Courts of Appeal in 1976. In 1982, he was appointed to the California Supreme Court. President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2000.

  67. Here’s a bio on Cruz Reynoso I found. The readers can decide. This is from an awards ceremony from last fall. Funny, I don’t see any mention of ambulance chaser.

    “What: Gala honoring Cruz Reynoso, who rose from a Brea barrio to become the first Latino to serve on the California Supreme Court, as he retires from public life. A civil rights champion for more than five decades, he served two California governors and two U.S. presidents. He has been a professor of law at UC Davis since 2001. Reynoso will receive the University Medal, the highest honor bestowed by UC Davis, along with tributes from some of the most important figures in California’s labor, legal and legislative communities, including Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, José Padilla, executive director, California Rural Legal Assistance and state Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles. Event is free and open to the public.

    When: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15

    Where: Jackson Hall, Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts at UC Davis
    Who: In addition to Huerta, Padilla and Cedillo, special guests will include Mario Obledo, president of the National Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, and the Honorable Patricio M. Serna, a justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court.

    Background: Reynoso was born May 2, 1931. He graduated from Pomona College in 1953 and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall in 1958. He was assistant chief of the California Fair Employment Practices Commission, associate general counsel of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and director of California Rural Legal Assistance.

    He was appointed associate justice of the California Courts of Appeal in 1976. In 1982, he was appointed to the California Supreme Court. President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2000.

  68. Here’s a bio on Cruz Reynoso I found. The readers can decide. This is from an awards ceremony from last fall. Funny, I don’t see any mention of ambulance chaser.

    “What: Gala honoring Cruz Reynoso, who rose from a Brea barrio to become the first Latino to serve on the California Supreme Court, as he retires from public life. A civil rights champion for more than five decades, he served two California governors and two U.S. presidents. He has been a professor of law at UC Davis since 2001. Reynoso will receive the University Medal, the highest honor bestowed by UC Davis, along with tributes from some of the most important figures in California’s labor, legal and legislative communities, including Dolores Huerta, co-founder of the United Farm Workers, José Padilla, executive director, California Rural Legal Assistance and state Sen. Gil Cedillo, D-Los Angeles. Event is free and open to the public.

    When: 5 to 7 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 15

    Where: Jackson Hall, Robert and Margrit Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts at UC Davis
    Who: In addition to Huerta, Padilla and Cedillo, special guests will include Mario Obledo, president of the National Coalition of Hispanic Organizations, and the Honorable Patricio M. Serna, a justice of the New Mexico Supreme Court.

    Background: Reynoso was born May 2, 1931. He graduated from Pomona College in 1953 and earned his law degree from UC Berkeley’s Boalt Hall in 1958. He was assistant chief of the California Fair Employment Practices Commission, associate general counsel of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and director of California Rural Legal Assistance.

    He was appointed associate justice of the California Courts of Appeal in 1976. In 1982, he was appointed to the California Supreme Court. President Clinton awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, in 2000.

  69. Mel,
    You did not know him as I did.
    Nice words and awards for a nice guy. And it was political racial correctness. He also praticed in El Centro California, that’s how long I have known him.

  70. Mel,
    You did not know him as I did.
    Nice words and awards for a nice guy. And it was political racial correctness. He also praticed in El Centro California, that’s how long I have known him.

  71. Mel,
    You did not know him as I did.
    Nice words and awards for a nice guy. And it was political racial correctness. He also praticed in El Centro California, that’s how long I have known him.

  72. Mel,
    You did not know him as I did.
    Nice words and awards for a nice guy. And it was political racial correctness. He also praticed in El Centro California, that’s how long I have known him.

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