Gore and Lenzi Respond to District Attorney’s Office

Earlier this week, the human resource officials investigating the complaints by the District Attorney’s Senior Investigator Rick Gore, dismissed all charges for lack of evidence.

“Every material allegation made by Rick Gore was not substantiated. It was not substantiated that Jeff Reisig was or is engaging in unethical practices. There is no indication that Rick Gore was subjected to a hostile work environment, that he was retaliated against for exercising his rights, and/or that he was discriminated against on the basis of a legally protected category.”

In response District Attorney Jeff Reisig issued a lengthy statement claiming vindication.

“I am grateful that this matter is now closed and that all of the individuals who were wrongfully targeted have been vindicated and now afforded an opportunity to respond… I am looking forward to getting back to work for the citizens of Yolo County.”

At the same time, both Reisig and his employees continued to make allegations against former Deputy DA Pat Lenzi.

As reported in the Woodland Daily Democrat on Wednesday:

“In that same statement, officials at the DA’s Office reiterated their belief that Gore’s public accusations were in part orchestrated by former deputy DA Patricia Lenzi.

Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.

DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter, which he characterized as an effort to “undermine” and “embarrass” the District Attorney’s Office, which employs nearly 120 people and handles around 8,000 cases annually.

“I was quite shocked to discover that Pat Lenzi was actively involved with Mr. Gore in pursuing these accusations,” Martin said in the statement. “I thought she had moved on with her life after losing the election and resigning from the District Attorney’s Office in 2006.”

The Daily Democrat reported as well, “Neither Gore or Lenzi could be reached for comment as of Tuesday evening.”

In fact it became clear that the Daily Democrat did not have current contact information for either.

Both Lenzi and Gore have now issued responses to report and to the DA’s office response. These responses are reprinted here in full and without editorial comment.

Response by Rick Gore

I received a copy of the same report provided to the media that was prepared by Yolo County. I am disappointed with their report, lack of findings and continue to stand by my letter. It is not surprising that a Yolo County directed and controlled investigation would not find any allegations against their Department Head substantiated. After all, if they admitted to wrongdoings of Mr. Reisig, they would be accepting and admitting liability for his actions. Financially and legally, that would not be prudent. From my first dealings with County Counsel on this matter, it has been clear that they were adversarial with me about my letter. I would describe County Counsel has being as helpful as a rattlesnake in a dark room, on this matter. To put this investigation in perspective, if I were allowed to hire an attorney to conduct this same investigation, keep my investigation secret and then get the media to release my report of my findings, does anyone have any doubt that my report would be very different from the county’s report.

As for Mr. Reisig’s comments about his staff being accused only displays his unique way of deflecting my letter by trying to make it about other employees and politics with a former Deputy District Attorney. My letter was about Mr. Reisig and is consistent efforts to undermine checks and balances of the system, to grab more power from other law enforcement agencies and to enhance his political career, by whatever bully means he deems necessary. He makes it difficult for anyone to stand up for what they think is right or anything against his political agenda.

The comments posted by some employees are very “company line” responses, which I am sure, were reviewed and approved by Mr. Reisig. Since a few of these people are “at will” employees and serve at the behest of Mr. Reisig, I would not expect them to say anything negative about the person who could release them from their job without cause. Which is exactly the reason that Mr. Reisig had many positions changed to “at will” shortly after his taking over the office.

It is unfortunate that so many other people have had to have their names mentioned and dragged into this. This has never been about accusing other employees of anything, this is about Jeff Reisig. I am confident that anyone that was mentioned in my original letter or may done things that were questionable, were acting on direction or orders from Mr. Reisig. Although Mr. Reisig is a good young lawyer and an exceptional politician, I have never accused him of being unwise. The only complaints that the county substantiated were the ones where I had copies of emails from Mr. Reisig, so it would be hard for them to deny those. Mr. Reisig is smart enough to know that in order to survive his unethical practices he must not put things in writing, limit his witnesses to his behavior and he has to keep himself isolated with others so he can claim “plausible deniability” or “have someone else to blame.” Since most of my complaints happened between Mr. Reisig and me with no other witnesses, it is easy for him to say it never happened. So, many of the “not substantiated” findings were because these things happened between Mr. Reisig and me in a private setting. I might add that these private meetings were by Mr. Reisig’s design and not by accident. The angst of all these issues are with Mr. Reisig not anyone else.

I do wish the media would give a more balanced view of this investigation. I think it should be noted that no one in this investigation was questioned under oath, asked to sign a statement under penalty of perjury or sworn under penalty of perjury. I was the only one required to talk about my letter, under oath in open court. For me to testify under oath that I was ordered by Mr. Reisig, via DDA Linden, and then for the county to make a grand finding, in this extended and complete investigation, that this was “not substantiated” seems suspiciously odd. For the people out there that want to critically think and evaluate this, Mr. Linden nor Mr. Reisig took the stand and challenged my testimony. We call this a clue in law enforcement.

The County also found that Mr. Reisig did not order or direct me to only serve one person in the first Gang Injunction. If anyone would care to pull the record of Mr. Reisig’s testimony, in front of the California Appellant Court, I am sure they would find that Mr. Reisig told the court that he did in fact only serve one person since that is all he was required to do by law. The court disagreed and overturned his injunction. I am sure this is just another small oversight of the county’s complete investigation. Another shameful finding of the county is that Dave Henderson did in fact have to order Mr. Reisig to discover the gun flash test during the Halloween Homicide trial. Then the county made the finding that the test was not discovered because of my objections. In all my years, I have never had to go to the District Attorney because a Deputy DA was trying to withhold evidence from the court and the defense. The fact that this incident had to be elevated to the District Attorney, Dave Henderson, and he had to order Mr. Reisig to turn it over, is pretty good proof that this evidence was being concealed and was not going to be discovered without my objections. This appears to be another missed opportunity in the county’s investigation. I could go on with each of the county’s findings, but as the county said, it would moot, they found what they wanted to find.

Another fact about press releases that most people are not aware of is that all press releases from the DA’s office are written and or approved by Mr. Reisig. Therefore, everyone who reads the Jeff Reisig prepared press releases should analyze those articles as a political tool for Mr. Reisig to get “his” message out, the way he wants it perceived. I would again ask the people of Yolo County to critically evaluate press releases and understand they were written by Mr. Reisig and simply reprinted by the local news media. I would challenge anyone out there to find an article about the DA’s Office where Mr. Reisig admitted a mistake or accepted some responsibility for doing something wrong. You will not find it since it would not be in Mr. Reisig’s political interest to release one of those and the media normally only prints what Mr. Reisig gives them.

Lastly, the finding about Mr. Reisig’s speech did not impact the investigation seems minor and probably unclear to most. So people understand what this was about and what kind of man Mr. Reisig is, I would like to explain it a bit. When the county’s investigation started, I was ordered not to discuss the investigation and was told everyone else would be ordered not to discuss it. After I received this notice, the next day, Mr. Reisig had a mandatory meeting with every DA employee. In this meeting, he called me ignorant and made other disparaging comments about me to every employee in the office. In these comments, he accused me of interfering with and impacting the CHP murder trial and tried to connect me to the grief of the wife of the slain officer. Anyone could see that this was a warning and a message that if anyone else spoke out against Mr. Reisig, this is what they could expect. I contacted county counsel and HR and expressed what a cowardly and despicable act I thought this was by Mr. Reisig. People want to talk about dirty politics; it does not get much lower than that. The county’s response to me was Mr. Reisig has the right to do what he did. Of course, the county did not see this “public bashing” as retaliation for my letter. Since I know the county’s position on this matter, I would like to ask the people that elected Mr. Reisig to ask themselves a question. You have read, in the recent press releases from Mr. Reisig, all the grand accolades about Mr. Reisig and his ethics. For a man to use his position and power to compel his entire staff to a mandatory meeting, in a county building, where county employees are compelled to be there and then use this meeting to publicly make disparaging comments about me and my letter and infer that I am to blame for the grief of a slain CHP officer and doing this while knowing that an investigation is about to be initiated appears disgraceful at best. His actions to use a death of an officer and the grief of his spouse, for his political benefit shows a real lack of character. I ask the voter’s is this behavior really the actions of a honorable man, who is ethical, trustworthy and who has nothing to hide? I think not, but I would ask everyone to make his or her own conclusion.

My advice to anyone else who sees or knows of inappropriate conduct in Yolo County is to embrace the conduct, support it and be a good “team player”. If anyone expects honest support from Yolo County, I believe they will be sadly mistaken. This would explain the sudden loss of many senior people that have left the office since Mr. Reisig took office.

Response from Former Deputy District Attorney Pat Lenzi

Dear Mr. Reisig:

You have recently issued press releases, and you and your staff have given statements to the press regarding Rick Gore that have included false allegations about me. These pronouncements by you and your office have been published by several local media outlets including, but not limited to, the Davis Enterprise, Woodland Daily Democrat, and the Sacramento Bee.

I requested that you immediately issue a retraction of the false allegations against me that you, your office and/or staff have issued in the matter pertaining to Rick Gore. I demand that you cease and desist from any further attempts to defame me and malign my character.

In order to provide you with accurate information such that you may base your retraction on facts, I offer the following:

– I did not write Gore’s letter.

– I did not call the D.A.’s office regarding Gore or his letter

– I did not speak to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter. In fact, I have not spoken to Investigator Martin since shortly before I left the D.A’s office nearly two years ago.

– I did not call anyone at, or associated with, the Yolo County D.A.’s office to “plead Gore’s case.”

– I did not go to the Attorney General’s office with Rick Gore, or on his behalf.

Furthermore, I have no record of any calls or any contact of any sort from any reporters prior to the most recent news stories in the paper surrounding Rick Gore. I find statements to that effect objectionable.

Finally, I am not a candidate for office. I am a private citizen now. Those who continue to force my name into press releases and publications, using false statements about me that are libelous and are defamatory to me show a reckless disregard for the truth. This must cease immediately.

In addition to you issuing a retraction, I would appreciate an apology as well.


Pat Lenzi

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Court Watch


  1. Saylor and Souza’s silence on their past enthusastic support for Reisig’s election to head the Yolo DA department over Lenzie( who won a majority vote in Davis)is just another example of why they should not be reelected to our Council.

  2. Saylor and Souza’s silence on their past enthusastic support for Reisig’s election to head the Yolo DA department over Lenzie( who won a majority vote in Davis)is just another example of why they should not be reelected to our Council.

  3. Saylor and Souza’s silence on their past enthusastic support for Reisig’s election to head the Yolo DA department over Lenzie( who won a majority vote in Davis)is just another example of why they should not be reelected to our Council.

  4. Saylor and Souza’s silence on their past enthusastic support for Reisig’s election to head the Yolo DA department over Lenzie( who won a majority vote in Davis)is just another example of why they should not be reelected to our Council.

  5. I know for a fact that Pat Lenzi had gone through surgery and was in bed under the care of a home nurse recovering from this surgery during the time period that Reisig claims Pat Lenzi’s involvement in Gore’s letter. She was in no condition to do what Reisig claims she did.

    I never have a problem contacting Pat by phone. I just don’t understand how both the Democrat and the Enterprise can publish defamatory information without contacting the person. Pat is a private citizen, not a public official. Any one of her friends or family could have told them about her condition at the time if they asked around about how to contact her.

    The Enterprise coverage of this is right up there with their coverage of the Buzayan arrest. So wrong, so irresponsible.

    The investigators report did not vindicate Reisig. It merely said that the allegations were unsubstantiated – meaning that they could not be sustained or maintained by nonmaterial aid. It doesn’t mean that the conversations did not happen. Reisig should have just thanked the County for the report and let it drop. His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity. He just may be too young and inexperienced for the political demands of the office of District Attorney.

  6. If one is going to whistleblow, it would be best to have all your evidentiary ducks in a row. Rick Gore sounds as if he is nothing more than a disgruntled employee, who did not get the pay raise he was seeking or thinks he was promised (I can’t remember the exact issue that started this entire process). It is certainly possible everything Rick Gore said in his letter was absolutely true – but he did not have the evidence to back it up.

    I you plan to take down the head District Attorney in the county, then it would be wise to make sure you can absolutely prove your case. Rick Gore’s response to the perceived “whitewash” of the county’s investigation again rings hollow. It is nothing more than a litany of unsubstantiated complaints, that frankly sounds like useless whining.

    Based on what I know about the District Attorney’s Office, there are a lot of good people in that division who work extremely hard. When Rick Gore wrote the letter, unintended or not, he was smearing the entire office and all its employees, even though he would like to now beg to differ on that point. He also inadvertantly pulled Pat Lenzi into his mess, an unintended consequence.

    On the other hand, I am aware of instances where the DA’s Office has overstepped its bounds, and strictly speaking not carried out its duties in the manner required. It has flexed its muscles in a way that has been, at times, inappropriate. Example: all felony charges were dropped in a case and a misdemeanor remained, to make sure the DA and law enforcement saved face in a case that had no merit or evidence to back it up. The Buzayan case was not a stellar example of how to handle things – where the DA made the poor decision to back law enforcement no matter how flimsy the charges.

    Nevertheless, Rick Gore did not handle this situation well at all, took on “City Hall” in a way that was essentially doomed from the start. For him to plaintively claim that the investigation was nothing more than a whitewash sounds hollow, since he should have known that is exactly what would happen under the circumstances. His original letter did not allude to any solid evidence to back up any of his contentions.

    Rick Gore will now have no choice but to slink away in ignominy, even though he may have been exactly correct in his claims. But he could not prove them – a fact that as an investigator (I think that is his title) he should have known better than anyone else. What was he thinking? It makes him look like the incompetent one, and merely bolstered Jeff Reisig’s position – the exact opposite of what Rick Gore was trying to achieve. He could not have bungled things more if he had tried!

    I would also point out that by his latest outburst, he is essentially implying (even if unintentionally) the rest of the employees in the DA’s Office are too cowardly to come forward and speak out. In essence, they are willing to accept whatever illegal or unethical actions the DA’s Office is engaging in. The end result of Rick Gore’s actions will make employees even that much more afraid to say anything, in light of what has happened! Anyone with half a brain would hesitate to take on “City Hall” now! Could Rick Gore have been any more incompetent?

  7. I know for a fact that Pat Lenzi had gone through surgery and was in bed under the care of a home nurse recovering from this surgery during the time period that Reisig claims Pat Lenzi’s involvement in Gore’s letter. She was in no condition to do what Reisig claims she did.

    I never have a problem contacting Pat by phone. I just don’t understand how both the Democrat and the Enterprise can publish defamatory information without contacting the person. Pat is a private citizen, not a public official. Any one of her friends or family could have told them about her condition at the time if they asked around about how to contact her.

    The Enterprise coverage of this is right up there with their coverage of the Buzayan arrest. So wrong, so irresponsible.

    The investigators report did not vindicate Reisig. It merely said that the allegations were unsubstantiated – meaning that they could not be sustained or maintained by nonmaterial aid. It doesn’t mean that the conversations did not happen. Reisig should have just thanked the County for the report and let it drop. His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity. He just may be too young and inexperienced for the political demands of the office of District Attorney.

  8. If one is going to whistleblow, it would be best to have all your evidentiary ducks in a row. Rick Gore sounds as if he is nothing more than a disgruntled employee, who did not get the pay raise he was seeking or thinks he was promised (I can’t remember the exact issue that started this entire process). It is certainly possible everything Rick Gore said in his letter was absolutely true – but he did not have the evidence to back it up.

    I you plan to take down the head District Attorney in the county, then it would be wise to make sure you can absolutely prove your case. Rick Gore’s response to the perceived “whitewash” of the county’s investigation again rings hollow. It is nothing more than a litany of unsubstantiated complaints, that frankly sounds like useless whining.

    Based on what I know about the District Attorney’s Office, there are a lot of good people in that division who work extremely hard. When Rick Gore wrote the letter, unintended or not, he was smearing the entire office and all its employees, even though he would like to now beg to differ on that point. He also inadvertantly pulled Pat Lenzi into his mess, an unintended consequence.

    On the other hand, I am aware of instances where the DA’s Office has overstepped its bounds, and strictly speaking not carried out its duties in the manner required. It has flexed its muscles in a way that has been, at times, inappropriate. Example: all felony charges were dropped in a case and a misdemeanor remained, to make sure the DA and law enforcement saved face in a case that had no merit or evidence to back it up. The Buzayan case was not a stellar example of how to handle things – where the DA made the poor decision to back law enforcement no matter how flimsy the charges.

    Nevertheless, Rick Gore did not handle this situation well at all, took on “City Hall” in a way that was essentially doomed from the start. For him to plaintively claim that the investigation was nothing more than a whitewash sounds hollow, since he should have known that is exactly what would happen under the circumstances. His original letter did not allude to any solid evidence to back up any of his contentions.

    Rick Gore will now have no choice but to slink away in ignominy, even though he may have been exactly correct in his claims. But he could not prove them – a fact that as an investigator (I think that is his title) he should have known better than anyone else. What was he thinking? It makes him look like the incompetent one, and merely bolstered Jeff Reisig’s position – the exact opposite of what Rick Gore was trying to achieve. He could not have bungled things more if he had tried!

    I would also point out that by his latest outburst, he is essentially implying (even if unintentionally) the rest of the employees in the DA’s Office are too cowardly to come forward and speak out. In essence, they are willing to accept whatever illegal or unethical actions the DA’s Office is engaging in. The end result of Rick Gore’s actions will make employees even that much more afraid to say anything, in light of what has happened! Anyone with half a brain would hesitate to take on “City Hall” now! Could Rick Gore have been any more incompetent?

  9. I know for a fact that Pat Lenzi had gone through surgery and was in bed under the care of a home nurse recovering from this surgery during the time period that Reisig claims Pat Lenzi’s involvement in Gore’s letter. She was in no condition to do what Reisig claims she did.

    I never have a problem contacting Pat by phone. I just don’t understand how both the Democrat and the Enterprise can publish defamatory information without contacting the person. Pat is a private citizen, not a public official. Any one of her friends or family could have told them about her condition at the time if they asked around about how to contact her.

    The Enterprise coverage of this is right up there with their coverage of the Buzayan arrest. So wrong, so irresponsible.

    The investigators report did not vindicate Reisig. It merely said that the allegations were unsubstantiated – meaning that they could not be sustained or maintained by nonmaterial aid. It doesn’t mean that the conversations did not happen. Reisig should have just thanked the County for the report and let it drop. His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity. He just may be too young and inexperienced for the political demands of the office of District Attorney.

  10. If one is going to whistleblow, it would be best to have all your evidentiary ducks in a row. Rick Gore sounds as if he is nothing more than a disgruntled employee, who did not get the pay raise he was seeking or thinks he was promised (I can’t remember the exact issue that started this entire process). It is certainly possible everything Rick Gore said in his letter was absolutely true – but he did not have the evidence to back it up.

    I you plan to take down the head District Attorney in the county, then it would be wise to make sure you can absolutely prove your case. Rick Gore’s response to the perceived “whitewash” of the county’s investigation again rings hollow. It is nothing more than a litany of unsubstantiated complaints, that frankly sounds like useless whining.

    Based on what I know about the District Attorney’s Office, there are a lot of good people in that division who work extremely hard. When Rick Gore wrote the letter, unintended or not, he was smearing the entire office and all its employees, even though he would like to now beg to differ on that point. He also inadvertantly pulled Pat Lenzi into his mess, an unintended consequence.

    On the other hand, I am aware of instances where the DA’s Office has overstepped its bounds, and strictly speaking not carried out its duties in the manner required. It has flexed its muscles in a way that has been, at times, inappropriate. Example: all felony charges were dropped in a case and a misdemeanor remained, to make sure the DA and law enforcement saved face in a case that had no merit or evidence to back it up. The Buzayan case was not a stellar example of how to handle things – where the DA made the poor decision to back law enforcement no matter how flimsy the charges.

    Nevertheless, Rick Gore did not handle this situation well at all, took on “City Hall” in a way that was essentially doomed from the start. For him to plaintively claim that the investigation was nothing more than a whitewash sounds hollow, since he should have known that is exactly what would happen under the circumstances. His original letter did not allude to any solid evidence to back up any of his contentions.

    Rick Gore will now have no choice but to slink away in ignominy, even though he may have been exactly correct in his claims. But he could not prove them – a fact that as an investigator (I think that is his title) he should have known better than anyone else. What was he thinking? It makes him look like the incompetent one, and merely bolstered Jeff Reisig’s position – the exact opposite of what Rick Gore was trying to achieve. He could not have bungled things more if he had tried!

    I would also point out that by his latest outburst, he is essentially implying (even if unintentionally) the rest of the employees in the DA’s Office are too cowardly to come forward and speak out. In essence, they are willing to accept whatever illegal or unethical actions the DA’s Office is engaging in. The end result of Rick Gore’s actions will make employees even that much more afraid to say anything, in light of what has happened! Anyone with half a brain would hesitate to take on “City Hall” now! Could Rick Gore have been any more incompetent?

  11. I know for a fact that Pat Lenzi had gone through surgery and was in bed under the care of a home nurse recovering from this surgery during the time period that Reisig claims Pat Lenzi’s involvement in Gore’s letter. She was in no condition to do what Reisig claims she did.

    I never have a problem contacting Pat by phone. I just don’t understand how both the Democrat and the Enterprise can publish defamatory information without contacting the person. Pat is a private citizen, not a public official. Any one of her friends or family could have told them about her condition at the time if they asked around about how to contact her.

    The Enterprise coverage of this is right up there with their coverage of the Buzayan arrest. So wrong, so irresponsible.

    The investigators report did not vindicate Reisig. It merely said that the allegations were unsubstantiated – meaning that they could not be sustained or maintained by nonmaterial aid. It doesn’t mean that the conversations did not happen. Reisig should have just thanked the County for the report and let it drop. His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity. He just may be too young and inexperienced for the political demands of the office of District Attorney.

  12. If one is going to whistleblow, it would be best to have all your evidentiary ducks in a row. Rick Gore sounds as if he is nothing more than a disgruntled employee, who did not get the pay raise he was seeking or thinks he was promised (I can’t remember the exact issue that started this entire process). It is certainly possible everything Rick Gore said in his letter was absolutely true – but he did not have the evidence to back it up.

    I you plan to take down the head District Attorney in the county, then it would be wise to make sure you can absolutely prove your case. Rick Gore’s response to the perceived “whitewash” of the county’s investigation again rings hollow. It is nothing more than a litany of unsubstantiated complaints, that frankly sounds like useless whining.

    Based on what I know about the District Attorney’s Office, there are a lot of good people in that division who work extremely hard. When Rick Gore wrote the letter, unintended or not, he was smearing the entire office and all its employees, even though he would like to now beg to differ on that point. He also inadvertantly pulled Pat Lenzi into his mess, an unintended consequence.

    On the other hand, I am aware of instances where the DA’s Office has overstepped its bounds, and strictly speaking not carried out its duties in the manner required. It has flexed its muscles in a way that has been, at times, inappropriate. Example: all felony charges were dropped in a case and a misdemeanor remained, to make sure the DA and law enforcement saved face in a case that had no merit or evidence to back it up. The Buzayan case was not a stellar example of how to handle things – where the DA made the poor decision to back law enforcement no matter how flimsy the charges.

    Nevertheless, Rick Gore did not handle this situation well at all, took on “City Hall” in a way that was essentially doomed from the start. For him to plaintively claim that the investigation was nothing more than a whitewash sounds hollow, since he should have known that is exactly what would happen under the circumstances. His original letter did not allude to any solid evidence to back up any of his contentions.

    Rick Gore will now have no choice but to slink away in ignominy, even though he may have been exactly correct in his claims. But he could not prove them – a fact that as an investigator (I think that is his title) he should have known better than anyone else. What was he thinking? It makes him look like the incompetent one, and merely bolstered Jeff Reisig’s position – the exact opposite of what Rick Gore was trying to achieve. He could not have bungled things more if he had tried!

    I would also point out that by his latest outburst, he is essentially implying (even if unintentionally) the rest of the employees in the DA’s Office are too cowardly to come forward and speak out. In essence, they are willing to accept whatever illegal or unethical actions the DA’s Office is engaging in. The end result of Rick Gore’s actions will make employees even that much more afraid to say anything, in light of what has happened! Anyone with half a brain would hesitate to take on “City Hall” now! Could Rick Gore have been any more incompetent?

  13. “His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity.”

    What would you expect Reisig to do, under the circumstances? He was under attack, trying to protect his reputation. There is no doubt in my mind he felt Pat Lenzi was behind the attacks – but even if he believed that, he should not have said so unless he could prove it with solid evidence. Neither Rick Gore nor Jeff Reisig have acquitted themselves very well here – but Jeff came out of it in a lot better shape than Rick! In fact, Reisig probably feels vindicated, and will be twice as arrogant. So what did Rick Gore achieve in the end? More than likely he made a bad situation that much worse!

  14. “His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity.”

    What would you expect Reisig to do, under the circumstances? He was under attack, trying to protect his reputation. There is no doubt in my mind he felt Pat Lenzi was behind the attacks – but even if he believed that, he should not have said so unless he could prove it with solid evidence. Neither Rick Gore nor Jeff Reisig have acquitted themselves very well here – but Jeff came out of it in a lot better shape than Rick! In fact, Reisig probably feels vindicated, and will be twice as arrogant. So what did Rick Gore achieve in the end? More than likely he made a bad situation that much worse!

  15. “His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity.”

    What would you expect Reisig to do, under the circumstances? He was under attack, trying to protect his reputation. There is no doubt in my mind he felt Pat Lenzi was behind the attacks – but even if he believed that, he should not have said so unless he could prove it with solid evidence. Neither Rick Gore nor Jeff Reisig have acquitted themselves very well here – but Jeff came out of it in a lot better shape than Rick! In fact, Reisig probably feels vindicated, and will be twice as arrogant. So what did Rick Gore achieve in the end? More than likely he made a bad situation that much worse!

  16. “His press release attacking Pat Lenzi was out of line. Reisig clearly despises Pat Lenzi and is lying about her involvement. His handling of Gore’s letter shows his level of immaturity.”

    What would you expect Reisig to do, under the circumstances? He was under attack, trying to protect his reputation. There is no doubt in my mind he felt Pat Lenzi was behind the attacks – but even if he believed that, he should not have said so unless he could prove it with solid evidence. Neither Rick Gore nor Jeff Reisig have acquitted themselves very well here – but Jeff came out of it in a lot better shape than Rick! In fact, Reisig probably feels vindicated, and will be twice as arrogant. So what did Rick Gore achieve in the end? More than likely he made a bad situation that much worse!

  17. The fact that his deputies are lying about Lenzi going to the AG’s office and having conversations with them in the press looks very bad. They are lucky if she does not sue them for slander/ libel.

    I don’t necessarily disagree about Rick Gore, I don’t think he thought things through well enough, although there may be evidence coming out soon that will vindicate him.

  18. The fact that his deputies are lying about Lenzi going to the AG’s office and having conversations with them in the press looks very bad. They are lucky if she does not sue them for slander/ libel.

    I don’t necessarily disagree about Rick Gore, I don’t think he thought things through well enough, although there may be evidence coming out soon that will vindicate him.

  19. The fact that his deputies are lying about Lenzi going to the AG’s office and having conversations with them in the press looks very bad. They are lucky if she does not sue them for slander/ libel.

    I don’t necessarily disagree about Rick Gore, I don’t think he thought things through well enough, although there may be evidence coming out soon that will vindicate him.

  20. The fact that his deputies are lying about Lenzi going to the AG’s office and having conversations with them in the press looks very bad. They are lucky if she does not sue them for slander/ libel.

    I don’t necessarily disagree about Rick Gore, I don’t think he thought things through well enough, although there may be evidence coming out soon that will vindicate him.

  21. What Reisig should have done was collect facts. His office and the prior DA, Henderson, did not and do not do this.

    The office of the Yolo DA has quite a reputation and has for years.

    It used to be run by a DA with several DUIs on his record who then went after those with DUIs. Now, it’s run by someone who’s just out to get anyone who disagrees with him. Just talk to staff that Reisig “let go” because of insecurities and they will tell you the way he runs the dept. is creepy.

    Bring some professionalism to the Yolo County DA’s office. Get a new DA.

    We get a good laugh here from Sacramento.

  22. What Reisig should have done was collect facts. His office and the prior DA, Henderson, did not and do not do this.

    The office of the Yolo DA has quite a reputation and has for years.

    It used to be run by a DA with several DUIs on his record who then went after those with DUIs. Now, it’s run by someone who’s just out to get anyone who disagrees with him. Just talk to staff that Reisig “let go” because of insecurities and they will tell you the way he runs the dept. is creepy.

    Bring some professionalism to the Yolo County DA’s office. Get a new DA.

    We get a good laugh here from Sacramento.

  23. What Reisig should have done was collect facts. His office and the prior DA, Henderson, did not and do not do this.

    The office of the Yolo DA has quite a reputation and has for years.

    It used to be run by a DA with several DUIs on his record who then went after those with DUIs. Now, it’s run by someone who’s just out to get anyone who disagrees with him. Just talk to staff that Reisig “let go” because of insecurities and they will tell you the way he runs the dept. is creepy.

    Bring some professionalism to the Yolo County DA’s office. Get a new DA.

    We get a good laugh here from Sacramento.

  24. What Reisig should have done was collect facts. His office and the prior DA, Henderson, did not and do not do this.

    The office of the Yolo DA has quite a reputation and has for years.

    It used to be run by a DA with several DUIs on his record who then went after those with DUIs. Now, it’s run by someone who’s just out to get anyone who disagrees with him. Just talk to staff that Reisig “let go” because of insecurities and they will tell you the way he runs the dept. is creepy.

    Bring some professionalism to the Yolo County DA’s office. Get a new DA.

    We get a good laugh here from Sacramento.

  25. oops, mistakenly posted this down below

    In that same statement, officials at the DA’s Office reiterated their belief that Gore’s public accusations were in part orchestrated by former deputy DA Patricia Lenzi.

    Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.

    DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter, which he characterized as an effort to “undermine” and “embarrass” the District Attorney’s Office, which employs nearly 120 people and handles around 8,000 cases annually.

    “I was quite shocked to discover that Pat Lenzi was actively involved with Mr. Gore in pursuing these accusations,” Martin said in the statement. “I thought she had moved on with her life after losing the election and resigning from the District Attorney’s Office in 2006.”

    This is a form of political projection. This is how Reisig and his supporters do things, orchestrating leaks of information to the media, as they did with the Buzayan case with the Enterprise, so they just naturally assume everyone else conducts themselves in a similar, disreputable fashion.

    –Richard Estes

  26. oops, mistakenly posted this down below

    In that same statement, officials at the DA’s Office reiterated their belief that Gore’s public accusations were in part orchestrated by former deputy DA Patricia Lenzi.

    Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.

    DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter, which he characterized as an effort to “undermine” and “embarrass” the District Attorney’s Office, which employs nearly 120 people and handles around 8,000 cases annually.

    “I was quite shocked to discover that Pat Lenzi was actively involved with Mr. Gore in pursuing these accusations,” Martin said in the statement. “I thought she had moved on with her life after losing the election and resigning from the District Attorney’s Office in 2006.”

    This is a form of political projection. This is how Reisig and his supporters do things, orchestrating leaks of information to the media, as they did with the Buzayan case with the Enterprise, so they just naturally assume everyone else conducts themselves in a similar, disreputable fashion.

    –Richard Estes

  27. oops, mistakenly posted this down below

    In that same statement, officials at the DA’s Office reiterated their belief that Gore’s public accusations were in part orchestrated by former deputy DA Patricia Lenzi.

    Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.

    DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter, which he characterized as an effort to “undermine” and “embarrass” the District Attorney’s Office, which employs nearly 120 people and handles around 8,000 cases annually.

    “I was quite shocked to discover that Pat Lenzi was actively involved with Mr. Gore in pursuing these accusations,” Martin said in the statement. “I thought she had moved on with her life after losing the election and resigning from the District Attorney’s Office in 2006.”

    This is a form of political projection. This is how Reisig and his supporters do things, orchestrating leaks of information to the media, as they did with the Buzayan case with the Enterprise, so they just naturally assume everyone else conducts themselves in a similar, disreputable fashion.

    –Richard Estes

  28. oops, mistakenly posted this down below

    In that same statement, officials at the DA’s Office reiterated their belief that Gore’s public accusations were in part orchestrated by former deputy DA Patricia Lenzi.

    Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.

    DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter, which he characterized as an effort to “undermine” and “embarrass” the District Attorney’s Office, which employs nearly 120 people and handles around 8,000 cases annually.

    “I was quite shocked to discover that Pat Lenzi was actively involved with Mr. Gore in pursuing these accusations,” Martin said in the statement. “I thought she had moved on with her life after losing the election and resigning from the District Attorney’s Office in 2006.”

    This is a form of political projection. This is how Reisig and his supporters do things, orchestrating leaks of information to the media, as they did with the Buzayan case with the Enterprise, so they just naturally assume everyone else conducts themselves in a similar, disreputable fashion.

    –Richard Estes

  29. “Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.”

    I like this part, since it was 2006.

    The bitter part was on the part of Reisig, look at some of his attacks and his supporters attacks on Lenzi in the paper.

  30. “Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.”

    I like this part, since it was 2006.

    The bitter part was on the part of Reisig, look at some of his attacks and his supporters attacks on Lenzi in the paper.

  31. “Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.”

    I like this part, since it was 2006.

    The bitter part was on the part of Reisig, look at some of his attacks and his supporters attacks on Lenzi in the paper.

  32. “Lenzi ran an unsuccessful and, at times, bitterly worded campaign against Reisig in 2004.”

    I like this part, since it was 2006.

    The bitter part was on the part of Reisig, look at some of his attacks and his supporters attacks on Lenzi in the paper.

  33. Pat Lenzi would probably be considered a Public Figure, not private citizen. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise and Daily Democrat were quite arguably (at the very least) reckless with their ” defamatory” publication. Obviously, both newspapers are biased because of what appears to be
    admiration for Jeff Reisig and his regime- I mean office.
    Again, Davis voters did not vote for this man who is (without question) inappropriate in his role as DA. Hopefully, the rest of the county will act accordingly next election.

  34. Pat Lenzi would probably be considered a Public Figure, not private citizen. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise and Daily Democrat were quite arguably (at the very least) reckless with their ” defamatory” publication. Obviously, both newspapers are biased because of what appears to be
    admiration for Jeff Reisig and his regime- I mean office.
    Again, Davis voters did not vote for this man who is (without question) inappropriate in his role as DA. Hopefully, the rest of the county will act accordingly next election.

  35. Pat Lenzi would probably be considered a Public Figure, not private citizen. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise and Daily Democrat were quite arguably (at the very least) reckless with their ” defamatory” publication. Obviously, both newspapers are biased because of what appears to be
    admiration for Jeff Reisig and his regime- I mean office.
    Again, Davis voters did not vote for this man who is (without question) inappropriate in his role as DA. Hopefully, the rest of the county will act accordingly next election.

  36. Pat Lenzi would probably be considered a Public Figure, not private citizen. Nevertheless, the Davis Enterprise and Daily Democrat were quite arguably (at the very least) reckless with their ” defamatory” publication. Obviously, both newspapers are biased because of what appears to be
    admiration for Jeff Reisig and his regime- I mean office.
    Again, Davis voters did not vote for this man who is (without question) inappropriate in his role as DA. Hopefully, the rest of the county will act accordingly next election.

  37. Anonymous (10:46 a.m.):

    Why would she be a public figure once she resigned from the office and is not an elected official (ulike Reisig)? She left the public eye for the private sector. I disagree with you on that.

    Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    I, for my part, think Reisig is immature and has a lot of growing to do. I do not think we should be spending county dollars for his education, especially since it seems to be at the expense of justice and fairness.

    Since he’s been in office, Bobby Harris’ case was dismissed; the first gang injunction he sought was overturned on appeal; the Buzayan case fell apart and the office is still being sued; Serena’s case was dismissed; the D-Q U “tresspass” charges were dismissed. Any others to add to this list? He’s still overcharging cases and forcing his deputies to go forward on junk cases.

    Here’s a website with 9 cases dismissed in Yolo since Resig was elected:

    and another:

    just do a web search of “Yolo” and “charges dismissed.”

    I do not need to be paying tax dollars for this. I have to save the money for my gasoline!

  38. Anonymous (10:46 a.m.):

    Why would she be a public figure once she resigned from the office and is not an elected official (ulike Reisig)? She left the public eye for the private sector. I disagree with you on that.

    Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    I, for my part, think Reisig is immature and has a lot of growing to do. I do not think we should be spending county dollars for his education, especially since it seems to be at the expense of justice and fairness.

    Since he’s been in office, Bobby Harris’ case was dismissed; the first gang injunction he sought was overturned on appeal; the Buzayan case fell apart and the office is still being sued; Serena’s case was dismissed; the D-Q U “tresspass” charges were dismissed. Any others to add to this list? He’s still overcharging cases and forcing his deputies to go forward on junk cases.

    Here’s a website with 9 cases dismissed in Yolo since Resig was elected:

    and another:

    just do a web search of “Yolo” and “charges dismissed.”

    I do not need to be paying tax dollars for this. I have to save the money for my gasoline!

  39. Anonymous (10:46 a.m.):

    Why would she be a public figure once she resigned from the office and is not an elected official (ulike Reisig)? She left the public eye for the private sector. I disagree with you on that.

    Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    I, for my part, think Reisig is immature and has a lot of growing to do. I do not think we should be spending county dollars for his education, especially since it seems to be at the expense of justice and fairness.

    Since he’s been in office, Bobby Harris’ case was dismissed; the first gang injunction he sought was overturned on appeal; the Buzayan case fell apart and the office is still being sued; Serena’s case was dismissed; the D-Q U “tresspass” charges were dismissed. Any others to add to this list? He’s still overcharging cases and forcing his deputies to go forward on junk cases.

    Here’s a website with 9 cases dismissed in Yolo since Resig was elected:

    and another:

    just do a web search of “Yolo” and “charges dismissed.”

    I do not need to be paying tax dollars for this. I have to save the money for my gasoline!

  40. Anonymous (10:46 a.m.):

    Why would she be a public figure once she resigned from the office and is not an elected official (ulike Reisig)? She left the public eye for the private sector. I disagree with you on that.

    Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    I, for my part, think Reisig is immature and has a lot of growing to do. I do not think we should be spending county dollars for his education, especially since it seems to be at the expense of justice and fairness.

    Since he’s been in office, Bobby Harris’ case was dismissed; the first gang injunction he sought was overturned on appeal; the Buzayan case fell apart and the office is still being sued; Serena’s case was dismissed; the D-Q U “tresspass” charges were dismissed. Any others to add to this list? He’s still overcharging cases and forcing his deputies to go forward on junk cases.

    Here’s a website with 9 cases dismissed in Yolo since Resig was elected:

    and another:

    just do a web search of “Yolo” and “charges dismissed.”

    I do not need to be paying tax dollars for this. I have to save the money for my gasoline!

  41. Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    Basically, it means imputing your poltical methods to your opponent. One usually encounters it amongst sleazy political figures and operatives who assume, when they get into trouble, that someone conspired behind the scenes to get them there, like they have done to others in the past. Their narcissism prevents them from comprehending that there are others with values and ethics different from theirs.

    –Richard Estes

  42. Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    Basically, it means imputing your poltical methods to your opponent. One usually encounters it amongst sleazy political figures and operatives who assume, when they get into trouble, that someone conspired behind the scenes to get them there, like they have done to others in the past. Their narcissism prevents them from comprehending that there are others with values and ethics different from theirs.

    –Richard Estes

  43. Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    Basically, it means imputing your poltical methods to your opponent. One usually encounters it amongst sleazy political figures and operatives who assume, when they get into trouble, that someone conspired behind the scenes to get them there, like they have done to others in the past. Their narcissism prevents them from comprehending that there are others with values and ethics different from theirs.

    –Richard Estes

  44. Richard Estes, please define what you mean by “political projection” generally and more specifically in this instance.

    Basically, it means imputing your poltical methods to your opponent. One usually encounters it amongst sleazy political figures and operatives who assume, when they get into trouble, that someone conspired behind the scenes to get them there, like they have done to others in the past. Their narcissism prevents them from comprehending that there are others with values and ethics different from theirs.

    –Richard Estes

  45. to 11:03 AM

    Pat certainly would be considered a public figure. Her election bid was still fairly recent and she has been active in public affairs since then. There is no doubt that she would be viewed as a public figure which, unfortunately, constrains her ability to seek real reprisals against attacks of this nature.

  46. to 11:03 AM

    Pat certainly would be considered a public figure. Her election bid was still fairly recent and she has been active in public affairs since then. There is no doubt that she would be viewed as a public figure which, unfortunately, constrains her ability to seek real reprisals against attacks of this nature.

  47. to 11:03 AM

    Pat certainly would be considered a public figure. Her election bid was still fairly recent and she has been active in public affairs since then. There is no doubt that she would be viewed as a public figure which, unfortunately, constrains her ability to seek real reprisals against attacks of this nature.

  48. to 11:03 AM

    Pat certainly would be considered a public figure. Her election bid was still fairly recent and she has been active in public affairs since then. There is no doubt that she would be viewed as a public figure which, unfortunately, constrains her ability to seek real reprisals against attacks of this nature.

  49. She is a private citizen. Just because we have a bully DA in Yolo County who likes to go after people who shed light on his inabilities does not make one a “public figure.”

    She is not running for public office and is a “private” citizen.

  50. She is a private citizen. Just because we have a bully DA in Yolo County who likes to go after people who shed light on his inabilities does not make one a “public figure.”

    She is not running for public office and is a “private” citizen.

  51. She is a private citizen. Just because we have a bully DA in Yolo County who likes to go after people who shed light on his inabilities does not make one a “public figure.”

    She is not running for public office and is a “private” citizen.

  52. She is a private citizen. Just because we have a bully DA in Yolo County who likes to go after people who shed light on his inabilities does not make one a “public figure.”

    She is not running for public office and is a “private” citizen.

  53. Isn’t Pat’s letter what you would write before you sue someone? It sounds like she is getting ready to sue the DA if he doesn’t make a retraction.

    As for Reisig it seems people are missing the big picture. He has been giving people serious consequences. Some guy just got 30 years for shooting into houses and he got the chair for the speed freak that killed Andy Stevens in cold blood.

    I remember during the campaign Reisig was excited before the closing arguments in the Holloween murders case. I thought to myself this guy is a competitor. It is more about winning than it is about public safety. It disturbed me and still does.

    I think there is an issue with Reisig and Yolo County that is more important than any of this inside the DA’s office stuff. Do we want a DA that goes for the death penalty in capital cases or long sentences in others? I don’t think the underbelly gets the relationship between long sentences and deterrance so what is the point of all this hard ass prosecution.
    I think that is the approach someone should take if they challenge Jeff in the next election, challenge him on whether his approach to law enforcement and prosecution, which I would characterize as the hangin judge type of DA is what this county really wants.

  54. Isn’t Pat’s letter what you would write before you sue someone? It sounds like she is getting ready to sue the DA if he doesn’t make a retraction.

    As for Reisig it seems people are missing the big picture. He has been giving people serious consequences. Some guy just got 30 years for shooting into houses and he got the chair for the speed freak that killed Andy Stevens in cold blood.

    I remember during the campaign Reisig was excited before the closing arguments in the Holloween murders case. I thought to myself this guy is a competitor. It is more about winning than it is about public safety. It disturbed me and still does.

    I think there is an issue with Reisig and Yolo County that is more important than any of this inside the DA’s office stuff. Do we want a DA that goes for the death penalty in capital cases or long sentences in others? I don’t think the underbelly gets the relationship between long sentences and deterrance so what is the point of all this hard ass prosecution.
    I think that is the approach someone should take if they challenge Jeff in the next election, challenge him on whether his approach to law enforcement and prosecution, which I would characterize as the hangin judge type of DA is what this county really wants.

  55. Isn’t Pat’s letter what you would write before you sue someone? It sounds like she is getting ready to sue the DA if he doesn’t make a retraction.

    As for Reisig it seems people are missing the big picture. He has been giving people serious consequences. Some guy just got 30 years for shooting into houses and he got the chair for the speed freak that killed Andy Stevens in cold blood.

    I remember during the campaign Reisig was excited before the closing arguments in the Holloween murders case. I thought to myself this guy is a competitor. It is more about winning than it is about public safety. It disturbed me and still does.

    I think there is an issue with Reisig and Yolo County that is more important than any of this inside the DA’s office stuff. Do we want a DA that goes for the death penalty in capital cases or long sentences in others? I don’t think the underbelly gets the relationship between long sentences and deterrance so what is the point of all this hard ass prosecution.
    I think that is the approach someone should take if they challenge Jeff in the next election, challenge him on whether his approach to law enforcement and prosecution, which I would characterize as the hangin judge type of DA is what this county really wants.

  56. Isn’t Pat’s letter what you would write before you sue someone? It sounds like she is getting ready to sue the DA if he doesn’t make a retraction.

    As for Reisig it seems people are missing the big picture. He has been giving people serious consequences. Some guy just got 30 years for shooting into houses and he got the chair for the speed freak that killed Andy Stevens in cold blood.

    I remember during the campaign Reisig was excited before the closing arguments in the Holloween murders case. I thought to myself this guy is a competitor. It is more about winning than it is about public safety. It disturbed me and still does.

    I think there is an issue with Reisig and Yolo County that is more important than any of this inside the DA’s office stuff. Do we want a DA that goes for the death penalty in capital cases or long sentences in others? I don’t think the underbelly gets the relationship between long sentences and deterrance so what is the point of all this hard ass prosecution.
    I think that is the approach someone should take if they challenge Jeff in the next election, challenge him on whether his approach to law enforcement and prosecution, which I would characterize as the hangin judge type of DA is what this county really wants.

  57. Pat WAS a public figure when she ran. She is not one anymore. So she’s active in plitics. Is Jerry Kaneko a public figure because he’s active in politics? Is Theresa, his wife, a public figure? Let Reisig go after Betty Weir for being active in local politics, or Mark Pruner, or Thomas Randall. Who, you ask on the last two? Chair of the Yolo county Republican central committee and a YCRCC board member for the 4th Supervisorial district. Just because one is active in local politics does not elevate that person to “public figure” status.

    She is a private citizen now. You don’t have to hide in a closet to become a private citizen after a political run. No one attacks Tom Purtell and calls him a public figure. He was the elected DA for years and then ran for judge and lost. Yet he is not a “public figure.”

    The DA uses a double standard for Ms. Lenzi. That is not fair. It’s just not right.

  58. Pat WAS a public figure when she ran. She is not one anymore. So she’s active in plitics. Is Jerry Kaneko a public figure because he’s active in politics? Is Theresa, his wife, a public figure? Let Reisig go after Betty Weir for being active in local politics, or Mark Pruner, or Thomas Randall. Who, you ask on the last two? Chair of the Yolo county Republican central committee and a YCRCC board member for the 4th Supervisorial district. Just because one is active in local politics does not elevate that person to “public figure” status.

    She is a private citizen now. You don’t have to hide in a closet to become a private citizen after a political run. No one attacks Tom Purtell and calls him a public figure. He was the elected DA for years and then ran for judge and lost. Yet he is not a “public figure.”

    The DA uses a double standard for Ms. Lenzi. That is not fair. It’s just not right.

  59. Pat WAS a public figure when she ran. She is not one anymore. So she’s active in plitics. Is Jerry Kaneko a public figure because he’s active in politics? Is Theresa, his wife, a public figure? Let Reisig go after Betty Weir for being active in local politics, or Mark Pruner, or Thomas Randall. Who, you ask on the last two? Chair of the Yolo county Republican central committee and a YCRCC board member for the 4th Supervisorial district. Just because one is active in local politics does not elevate that person to “public figure” status.

    She is a private citizen now. You don’t have to hide in a closet to become a private citizen after a political run. No one attacks Tom Purtell and calls him a public figure. He was the elected DA for years and then ran for judge and lost. Yet he is not a “public figure.”

    The DA uses a double standard for Ms. Lenzi. That is not fair. It’s just not right.

  60. Pat WAS a public figure when she ran. She is not one anymore. So she’s active in plitics. Is Jerry Kaneko a public figure because he’s active in politics? Is Theresa, his wife, a public figure? Let Reisig go after Betty Weir for being active in local politics, or Mark Pruner, or Thomas Randall. Who, you ask on the last two? Chair of the Yolo county Republican central committee and a YCRCC board member for the 4th Supervisorial district. Just because one is active in local politics does not elevate that person to “public figure” status.

    She is a private citizen now. You don’t have to hide in a closet to become a private citizen after a political run. No one attacks Tom Purtell and calls him a public figure. He was the elected DA for years and then ran for judge and lost. Yet he is not a “public figure.”

    The DA uses a double standard for Ms. Lenzi. That is not fair. It’s just not right.

  61. Prosecutors frequently say “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”. Based on the specifics provided by Rick G. and knowing something about his character, I’ve no doubt that most, if not all, of his claims occurred as he’s said. I also believe that Mr. Reisig’s counter-attack on Pat Lenzi is somewhat probative of his guilt, because why bother going “off point” (the point being a hostile and vindictive work environment, at minimum) unless you don’t want an examination of the main claim. It’s just a distraction, which doesn’t address the claims. If Jeff Reisig were as open and forthright a public servant as he wants the public to believe he is, why wouldn’t he publicly invite the Attorney General, or the State Bar association to investigate in order “to clear the air”? That however hasn’t happened. Instead, the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims. Does Yolo County HR have a conflict of interest in these issues? Absolutely. Has the issue “gone away”? Mr. Reisig is hoping so and that the public is thick enough that it can’t see a “whitewash” that would be obvious to anybody with an IQ over 90. Honestly, there is a stench in Woodland that should not go away absent a credible examination of Rick Gore’s claims of ethics, and employment law violations. Some of us are still waiting for some answers we can believe in.

  62. Prosecutors frequently say “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”. Based on the specifics provided by Rick G. and knowing something about his character, I’ve no doubt that most, if not all, of his claims occurred as he’s said. I also believe that Mr. Reisig’s counter-attack on Pat Lenzi is somewhat probative of his guilt, because why bother going “off point” (the point being a hostile and vindictive work environment, at minimum) unless you don’t want an examination of the main claim. It’s just a distraction, which doesn’t address the claims. If Jeff Reisig were as open and forthright a public servant as he wants the public to believe he is, why wouldn’t he publicly invite the Attorney General, or the State Bar association to investigate in order “to clear the air”? That however hasn’t happened. Instead, the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims. Does Yolo County HR have a conflict of interest in these issues? Absolutely. Has the issue “gone away”? Mr. Reisig is hoping so and that the public is thick enough that it can’t see a “whitewash” that would be obvious to anybody with an IQ over 90. Honestly, there is a stench in Woodland that should not go away absent a credible examination of Rick Gore’s claims of ethics, and employment law violations. Some of us are still waiting for some answers we can believe in.

  63. Prosecutors frequently say “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”. Based on the specifics provided by Rick G. and knowing something about his character, I’ve no doubt that most, if not all, of his claims occurred as he’s said. I also believe that Mr. Reisig’s counter-attack on Pat Lenzi is somewhat probative of his guilt, because why bother going “off point” (the point being a hostile and vindictive work environment, at minimum) unless you don’t want an examination of the main claim. It’s just a distraction, which doesn’t address the claims. If Jeff Reisig were as open and forthright a public servant as he wants the public to believe he is, why wouldn’t he publicly invite the Attorney General, or the State Bar association to investigate in order “to clear the air”? That however hasn’t happened. Instead, the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims. Does Yolo County HR have a conflict of interest in these issues? Absolutely. Has the issue “gone away”? Mr. Reisig is hoping so and that the public is thick enough that it can’t see a “whitewash” that would be obvious to anybody with an IQ over 90. Honestly, there is a stench in Woodland that should not go away absent a credible examination of Rick Gore’s claims of ethics, and employment law violations. Some of us are still waiting for some answers we can believe in.

  64. Prosecutors frequently say “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”. Based on the specifics provided by Rick G. and knowing something about his character, I’ve no doubt that most, if not all, of his claims occurred as he’s said. I also believe that Mr. Reisig’s counter-attack on Pat Lenzi is somewhat probative of his guilt, because why bother going “off point” (the point being a hostile and vindictive work environment, at minimum) unless you don’t want an examination of the main claim. It’s just a distraction, which doesn’t address the claims. If Jeff Reisig were as open and forthright a public servant as he wants the public to believe he is, why wouldn’t he publicly invite the Attorney General, or the State Bar association to investigate in order “to clear the air”? That however hasn’t happened. Instead, the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims. Does Yolo County HR have a conflict of interest in these issues? Absolutely. Has the issue “gone away”? Mr. Reisig is hoping so and that the public is thick enough that it can’t see a “whitewash” that would be obvious to anybody with an IQ over 90. Honestly, there is a stench in Woodland that should not go away absent a credible examination of Rick Gore’s claims of ethics, and employment law violations. Some of us are still waiting for some answers we can believe in.

  65. “…the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims.”

    We all remember our Davis City Council majority of Asmundson, Saylor and Souza claiming that there was nothing to the allegations made by the Buzayan family concerning violations of their daughter’s rights by the DPD, now in the process of being adjudicated in Federal Court.Rumor has it that the Buzayans were offered the Buzayans a 7 figure(million) settlement if they would drop the case..refused.

  66. “…the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims.”

    We all remember our Davis City Council majority of Asmundson, Saylor and Souza claiming that there was nothing to the allegations made by the Buzayan family concerning violations of their daughter’s rights by the DPD, now in the process of being adjudicated in Federal Court.Rumor has it that the Buzayans were offered the Buzayans a 7 figure(million) settlement if they would drop the case..refused.

  67. “…the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims.”

    We all remember our Davis City Council majority of Asmundson, Saylor and Souza claiming that there was nothing to the allegations made by the Buzayan family concerning violations of their daughter’s rights by the DPD, now in the process of being adjudicated in Federal Court.Rumor has it that the Buzayans were offered the Buzayans a 7 figure(million) settlement if they would drop the case..refused.

  68. “…the Yolo County Human Resources department (an “interested party” obviously) has publicly opined that there’s no substance to the claims.”

    We all remember our Davis City Council majority of Asmundson, Saylor and Souza claiming that there was nothing to the allegations made by the Buzayan family concerning violations of their daughter’s rights by the DPD, now in the process of being adjudicated in Federal Court.Rumor has it that the Buzayans were offered the Buzayans a 7 figure(million) settlement if they would drop the case..refused.

  69. To 8:35 P.M.

    Ms Lenzi is a public figure. It is irrelevant whether she is seeking public office or not. The point is that in the past she was a deputy DA and then a political candidate and now someone who is frequently seen in public forums, etc.

    I think you misunderstand the point as a criticism of Ms. Lenzi. It is not. It is simply an observation that as a public figure she has a much higher burden of proof against those who would assail her, criticize her, etc. than a truly private citizen would.

  70. To 8:35 P.M.

    Ms Lenzi is a public figure. It is irrelevant whether she is seeking public office or not. The point is that in the past she was a deputy DA and then a political candidate and now someone who is frequently seen in public forums, etc.

    I think you misunderstand the point as a criticism of Ms. Lenzi. It is not. It is simply an observation that as a public figure she has a much higher burden of proof against those who would assail her, criticize her, etc. than a truly private citizen would.

  71. To 8:35 P.M.

    Ms Lenzi is a public figure. It is irrelevant whether she is seeking public office or not. The point is that in the past she was a deputy DA and then a political candidate and now someone who is frequently seen in public forums, etc.

    I think you misunderstand the point as a criticism of Ms. Lenzi. It is not. It is simply an observation that as a public figure she has a much higher burden of proof against those who would assail her, criticize her, etc. than a truly private citizen would.

  72. To 8:35 P.M.

    Ms Lenzi is a public figure. It is irrelevant whether she is seeking public office or not. The point is that in the past she was a deputy DA and then a political candidate and now someone who is frequently seen in public forums, etc.

    I think you misunderstand the point as a criticism of Ms. Lenzi. It is not. It is simply an observation that as a public figure she has a much higher burden of proof against those who would assail her, criticize her, etc. than a truly private citizen would.

  73. To the people who continue to flail at the notion that Pat is a “private citizen” it’s important to bear in mind that time is a factor here. A number of individuals are cited including former councilmember Kaneko and DA candidate Tom Purtell. But in both of these cases their time as public figures is long past. With Lenzi it is much more recent. Still, even with the passage of time it may be harder for an individual to win a judgement against someone than it would be for someone who, for example, had never sought public office. It is the exploitation of this particular reality that has kept publications like the “Flatlander” from being sued for its recurring falsehoods, half-truths and blatant attacks. Its editors understand that their is virtually no chance that someone who has been in the public eye could win a lawsuit against them.

  74. To the people who continue to flail at the notion that Pat is a “private citizen” it’s important to bear in mind that time is a factor here. A number of individuals are cited including former councilmember Kaneko and DA candidate Tom Purtell. But in both of these cases their time as public figures is long past. With Lenzi it is much more recent. Still, even with the passage of time it may be harder for an individual to win a judgement against someone than it would be for someone who, for example, had never sought public office. It is the exploitation of this particular reality that has kept publications like the “Flatlander” from being sued for its recurring falsehoods, half-truths and blatant attacks. Its editors understand that their is virtually no chance that someone who has been in the public eye could win a lawsuit against them.

  75. To the people who continue to flail at the notion that Pat is a “private citizen” it’s important to bear in mind that time is a factor here. A number of individuals are cited including former councilmember Kaneko and DA candidate Tom Purtell. But in both of these cases their time as public figures is long past. With Lenzi it is much more recent. Still, even with the passage of time it may be harder for an individual to win a judgement against someone than it would be for someone who, for example, had never sought public office. It is the exploitation of this particular reality that has kept publications like the “Flatlander” from being sued for its recurring falsehoods, half-truths and blatant attacks. Its editors understand that their is virtually no chance that someone who has been in the public eye could win a lawsuit against them.

  76. To the people who continue to flail at the notion that Pat is a “private citizen” it’s important to bear in mind that time is a factor here. A number of individuals are cited including former councilmember Kaneko and DA candidate Tom Purtell. But in both of these cases their time as public figures is long past. With Lenzi it is much more recent. Still, even with the passage of time it may be harder for an individual to win a judgement against someone than it would be for someone who, for example, had never sought public office. It is the exploitation of this particular reality that has kept publications like the “Flatlander” from being sued for its recurring falsehoods, half-truths and blatant attacks. Its editors understand that their is virtually no chance that someone who has been in the public eye could win a lawsuit against them.

  77. I think the most interesting thing about Pat Lenzi’s denial, published by The Vanguard, is that she denies some things no one charged her with and fails to refute some of the things she was actually accused of. Because she is a skilled lawyer, I have to assume this obfuscation was on purpose. (I base my conclusions on everything published in the local newspapers.)

    This is the specific Reisig statement that apparently upset Ms. Lenzi: “On March 6, 2008, the Yolo County District Attorney’s office received notice that former candidate for the office of District Attorney, Patricia Lenzi, and current District Attorney Investigator, Rick Gore, have accused several currently employed prosecutors and investigators, including the District Attorney, of committing unethical acts.

    “On behalf of the entire office, including the prosecutors and investigators targeted by these accusations, I deny these false and reckless allegations. I have requested an independent investigation, will be fully cooperative and look forward to the results.”

    The Enterprise also added this: “Pete Martin, chief investigator for the DA’s office, told The Enterprise today that Lenzi called another of his senior investigators Friday ‘to speak to him on Rick Gore’s behalf regarding the memo.'”

    LENZI replies: “I did not write Gore’s letter.”

    She was not accused of writing the letter. She was accused of being a part of the accusations in the letter. She never denied that.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call the D.A.’s office regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of calling the DA’s office. She was accused of calling “another senior investigator.” She could have called him/her anywhere. She never denied calling “another senior investigator.”

    LENZI replies: “I did not speak to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of speaking to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.

    LENZI replies: “In fact, I have not spoken to Investigator Martin since shortly before I left the D.A’s office nearly two years ago.”

    For purposes of full disclosure, I have never spoken with Pete Martin. And like Lenzi, no one has accused me of speaking with him.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call anyone at, or associated with, the Yolo County D.A.’s office to ‘plead Gore’s case.'”

    The key part of this reply by Lenzi is “calling to plead Gore’s case.” She was accused of calling someone associated with the DA’s office. But she was not accused of calling that person “to plead Gore’s case.” So once again, she doth protest too much charges not leveled against her.

    LENZI replies: “I did not go to the Attorney General’s office with Rick Gore, or on his behalf.”

    She was never accused of doing this.

    LENZI replies: “Furthermore, I have no record of any calls or any contact of any sort from any reporters prior to the most recent news stories in the paper surrounding Rick Gore.”

    The March 11 Enterprise story says this: “Reached by phone Monday, Lenzi did not confirm or deny assisting with the memo, saying only, ‘That was Rick’s preparation.’

  78. I think the most interesting thing about Pat Lenzi’s denial, published by The Vanguard, is that she denies some things no one charged her with and fails to refute some of the things she was actually accused of. Because she is a skilled lawyer, I have to assume this obfuscation was on purpose. (I base my conclusions on everything published in the local newspapers.)

    This is the specific Reisig statement that apparently upset Ms. Lenzi: “On March 6, 2008, the Yolo County District Attorney’s office received notice that former candidate for the office of District Attorney, Patricia Lenzi, and current District Attorney Investigator, Rick Gore, have accused several currently employed prosecutors and investigators, including the District Attorney, of committing unethical acts.

    “On behalf of the entire office, including the prosecutors and investigators targeted by these accusations, I deny these false and reckless allegations. I have requested an independent investigation, will be fully cooperative and look forward to the results.”

    The Enterprise also added this: “Pete Martin, chief investigator for the DA’s office, told The Enterprise today that Lenzi called another of his senior investigators Friday ‘to speak to him on Rick Gore’s behalf regarding the memo.'”

    LENZI replies: “I did not write Gore’s letter.”

    She was not accused of writing the letter. She was accused of being a part of the accusations in the letter. She never denied that.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call the D.A.’s office regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of calling the DA’s office. She was accused of calling “another senior investigator.” She could have called him/her anywhere. She never denied calling “another senior investigator.”

    LENZI replies: “I did not speak to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of speaking to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.

    LENZI replies: “In fact, I have not spoken to Investigator Martin since shortly before I left the D.A’s office nearly two years ago.”

    For purposes of full disclosure, I have never spoken with Pete Martin. And like Lenzi, no one has accused me of speaking with him.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call anyone at, or associated with, the Yolo County D.A.’s office to ‘plead Gore’s case.'”

    The key part of this reply by Lenzi is “calling to plead Gore’s case.” She was accused of calling someone associated with the DA’s office. But she was not accused of calling that person “to plead Gore’s case.” So once again, she doth protest too much charges not leveled against her.

    LENZI replies: “I did not go to the Attorney General’s office with Rick Gore, or on his behalf.”

    She was never accused of doing this.

    LENZI replies: “Furthermore, I have no record of any calls or any contact of any sort from any reporters prior to the most recent news stories in the paper surrounding Rick Gore.”

    The March 11 Enterprise story says this: “Reached by phone Monday, Lenzi did not confirm or deny assisting with the memo, saying only, ‘That was Rick’s preparation.’

  79. I think the most interesting thing about Pat Lenzi’s denial, published by The Vanguard, is that she denies some things no one charged her with and fails to refute some of the things she was actually accused of. Because she is a skilled lawyer, I have to assume this obfuscation was on purpose. (I base my conclusions on everything published in the local newspapers.)

    This is the specific Reisig statement that apparently upset Ms. Lenzi: “On March 6, 2008, the Yolo County District Attorney’s office received notice that former candidate for the office of District Attorney, Patricia Lenzi, and current District Attorney Investigator, Rick Gore, have accused several currently employed prosecutors and investigators, including the District Attorney, of committing unethical acts.

    “On behalf of the entire office, including the prosecutors and investigators targeted by these accusations, I deny these false and reckless allegations. I have requested an independent investigation, will be fully cooperative and look forward to the results.”

    The Enterprise also added this: “Pete Martin, chief investigator for the DA’s office, told The Enterprise today that Lenzi called another of his senior investigators Friday ‘to speak to him on Rick Gore’s behalf regarding the memo.'”

    LENZI replies: “I did not write Gore’s letter.”

    She was not accused of writing the letter. She was accused of being a part of the accusations in the letter. She never denied that.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call the D.A.’s office regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of calling the DA’s office. She was accused of calling “another senior investigator.” She could have called him/her anywhere. She never denied calling “another senior investigator.”

    LENZI replies: “I did not speak to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of speaking to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.

    LENZI replies: “In fact, I have not spoken to Investigator Martin since shortly before I left the D.A’s office nearly two years ago.”

    For purposes of full disclosure, I have never spoken with Pete Martin. And like Lenzi, no one has accused me of speaking with him.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call anyone at, or associated with, the Yolo County D.A.’s office to ‘plead Gore’s case.'”

    The key part of this reply by Lenzi is “calling to plead Gore’s case.” She was accused of calling someone associated with the DA’s office. But she was not accused of calling that person “to plead Gore’s case.” So once again, she doth protest too much charges not leveled against her.

    LENZI replies: “I did not go to the Attorney General’s office with Rick Gore, or on his behalf.”

    She was never accused of doing this.

    LENZI replies: “Furthermore, I have no record of any calls or any contact of any sort from any reporters prior to the most recent news stories in the paper surrounding Rick Gore.”

    The March 11 Enterprise story says this: “Reached by phone Monday, Lenzi did not confirm or deny assisting with the memo, saying only, ‘That was Rick’s preparation.’

  80. I think the most interesting thing about Pat Lenzi’s denial, published by The Vanguard, is that she denies some things no one charged her with and fails to refute some of the things she was actually accused of. Because she is a skilled lawyer, I have to assume this obfuscation was on purpose. (I base my conclusions on everything published in the local newspapers.)

    This is the specific Reisig statement that apparently upset Ms. Lenzi: “On March 6, 2008, the Yolo County District Attorney’s office received notice that former candidate for the office of District Attorney, Patricia Lenzi, and current District Attorney Investigator, Rick Gore, have accused several currently employed prosecutors and investigators, including the District Attorney, of committing unethical acts.

    “On behalf of the entire office, including the prosecutors and investigators targeted by these accusations, I deny these false and reckless allegations. I have requested an independent investigation, will be fully cooperative and look forward to the results.”

    The Enterprise also added this: “Pete Martin, chief investigator for the DA’s office, told The Enterprise today that Lenzi called another of his senior investigators Friday ‘to speak to him on Rick Gore’s behalf regarding the memo.'”

    LENZI replies: “I did not write Gore’s letter.”

    She was not accused of writing the letter. She was accused of being a part of the accusations in the letter. She never denied that.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call the D.A.’s office regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of calling the DA’s office. She was accused of calling “another senior investigator.” She could have called him/her anywhere. She never denied calling “another senior investigator.”

    LENZI replies: “I did not speak to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.”

    She was not accused of speaking to Pete Martin regarding Gore or his letter.

    LENZI replies: “In fact, I have not spoken to Investigator Martin since shortly before I left the D.A’s office nearly two years ago.”

    For purposes of full disclosure, I have never spoken with Pete Martin. And like Lenzi, no one has accused me of speaking with him.

    LENZI replies: “I did not call anyone at, or associated with, the Yolo County D.A.’s office to ‘plead Gore’s case.'”

    The key part of this reply by Lenzi is “calling to plead Gore’s case.” She was accused of calling someone associated with the DA’s office. But she was not accused of calling that person “to plead Gore’s case.” So once again, she doth protest too much charges not leveled against her.

    LENZI replies: “I did not go to the Attorney General’s office with Rick Gore, or on his behalf.”

    She was never accused of doing this.

    LENZI replies: “Furthermore, I have no record of any calls or any contact of any sort from any reporters prior to the most recent news stories in the paper surrounding Rick Gore.”

    The March 11 Enterprise story says this: “Reached by phone Monday, Lenzi did not confirm or deny assisting with the memo, saying only, ‘That was Rick’s preparation.’

  81. I have to say that when I read Lenzi’s statement I had the same reaction Rifkin had. Why is she denying stuff that Reisig and his boys didn’t accuse her of? Seems strange to me.

  82. I have to say that when I read Lenzi’s statement I had the same reaction Rifkin had. Why is she denying stuff that Reisig and his boys didn’t accuse her of? Seems strange to me.

  83. I have to say that when I read Lenzi’s statement I had the same reaction Rifkin had. Why is she denying stuff that Reisig and his boys didn’t accuse her of? Seems strange to me.

  84. I have to say that when I read Lenzi’s statement I had the same reaction Rifkin had. Why is she denying stuff that Reisig and his boys didn’t accuse her of? Seems strange to me.

  85. As far as I can tell, the ONLY one in this fray who’s been “completely forthcoming” is Gore. He’s staked his career on his actions, and his actions have been putting out detailed statements to the public in writing, the AG’s office, and the State Bar. If somebody characterizes that as “not being forthcoming”, that person needs to get a grip on reality as the rest of the world defines it. As to the “off their meds” comment, would you care to expand? The involement or non-involvement of Lenzi is a “red herring” for Reisig, and as such is a non-issue (except for those who are easily misled).

  86. As far as I can tell, the ONLY one in this fray who’s been “completely forthcoming” is Gore. He’s staked his career on his actions, and his actions have been putting out detailed statements to the public in writing, the AG’s office, and the State Bar. If somebody characterizes that as “not being forthcoming”, that person needs to get a grip on reality as the rest of the world defines it. As to the “off their meds” comment, would you care to expand? The involement or non-involvement of Lenzi is a “red herring” for Reisig, and as such is a non-issue (except for those who are easily misled).

  87. As far as I can tell, the ONLY one in this fray who’s been “completely forthcoming” is Gore. He’s staked his career on his actions, and his actions have been putting out detailed statements to the public in writing, the AG’s office, and the State Bar. If somebody characterizes that as “not being forthcoming”, that person needs to get a grip on reality as the rest of the world defines it. As to the “off their meds” comment, would you care to expand? The involement or non-involvement of Lenzi is a “red herring” for Reisig, and as such is a non-issue (except for those who are easily misled).

  88. As far as I can tell, the ONLY one in this fray who’s been “completely forthcoming” is Gore. He’s staked his career on his actions, and his actions have been putting out detailed statements to the public in writing, the AG’s office, and the State Bar. If somebody characterizes that as “not being forthcoming”, that person needs to get a grip on reality as the rest of the world defines it. As to the “off their meds” comment, would you care to expand? The involement or non-involvement of Lenzi is a “red herring” for Reisig, and as such is a non-issue (except for those who are easily misled).

  89. For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him. The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.

    The Emptyprise claimed she made calls to a senior investigator (which Martin is) to plead Gore’s case.

    Don’t be so “Davis centric”. She might have been addressing more than this town’s coverage.

  90. For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him. The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.

    The Emptyprise claimed she made calls to a senior investigator (which Martin is) to plead Gore’s case.

    Don’t be so “Davis centric”. She might have been addressing more than this town’s coverage.

  91. For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him. The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.

    The Emptyprise claimed she made calls to a senior investigator (which Martin is) to plead Gore’s case.

    Don’t be so “Davis centric”. She might have been addressing more than this town’s coverage.

  92. For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him. The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.

    The Emptyprise claimed she made calls to a senior investigator (which Martin is) to plead Gore’s case.

    Don’t be so “Davis centric”. She might have been addressing more than this town’s coverage.

  93. “The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.”

    This is an appallingly common phenomenon reflecting the sad state of journalism today. A single call is made and if not returned immediately, the story is run with the patently false suggestion that there was “no comment” or “they could not be reached for comment”.

  94. “The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.”

    This is an appallingly common phenomenon reflecting the sad state of journalism today. A single call is made and if not returned immediately, the story is run with the patently false suggestion that there was “no comment” or “they could not be reached for comment”.

  95. “The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.”

    This is an appallingly common phenomenon reflecting the sad state of journalism today. A single call is made and if not returned immediately, the story is run with the patently false suggestion that there was “no comment” or “they could not be reached for comment”.

  96. “The Woodland paper claimed she could not be reached for comment on the most recent story they published.”

    This is an appallingly common phenomenon reflecting the sad state of journalism today. A single call is made and if not returned immediately, the story is run with the patently false suggestion that there was “no comment” or “they could not be reached for comment”.

  97. As initially stated, Pat Lenzi is a Public Figure, not a private citizen. This is not, however, a justification for the press or Jeff Reisig to have free reign to attack her character. This simply means that because she has been recently in the public eye and has access to media to counter statements/accusations, the press has constitutional protection regarding ” freedom of speech.” Personally, the malice standard probably has been met and Pat should sue the Davis Enterprise, Daily Democrat and the DA’s Office for defamation.
    In the meantime, everyone please do not lose sight of the fact that Yolo County DA’s Office is being led by someone out “to win” at any costs- that is if we take into account the “unsubstantiated” accusations of Rick Gore and others.
    What happened to the Attorney General’s Office and the State Bar? The internal investigation recently done was an inside joke at best.

  98. As initially stated, Pat Lenzi is a Public Figure, not a private citizen. This is not, however, a justification for the press or Jeff Reisig to have free reign to attack her character. This simply means that because she has been recently in the public eye and has access to media to counter statements/accusations, the press has constitutional protection regarding ” freedom of speech.” Personally, the malice standard probably has been met and Pat should sue the Davis Enterprise, Daily Democrat and the DA’s Office for defamation.
    In the meantime, everyone please do not lose sight of the fact that Yolo County DA’s Office is being led by someone out “to win” at any costs- that is if we take into account the “unsubstantiated” accusations of Rick Gore and others.
    What happened to the Attorney General’s Office and the State Bar? The internal investigation recently done was an inside joke at best.

  99. As initially stated, Pat Lenzi is a Public Figure, not a private citizen. This is not, however, a justification for the press or Jeff Reisig to have free reign to attack her character. This simply means that because she has been recently in the public eye and has access to media to counter statements/accusations, the press has constitutional protection regarding ” freedom of speech.” Personally, the malice standard probably has been met and Pat should sue the Davis Enterprise, Daily Democrat and the DA’s Office for defamation.
    In the meantime, everyone please do not lose sight of the fact that Yolo County DA’s Office is being led by someone out “to win” at any costs- that is if we take into account the “unsubstantiated” accusations of Rick Gore and others.
    What happened to the Attorney General’s Office and the State Bar? The internal investigation recently done was an inside joke at best.

  100. As initially stated, Pat Lenzi is a Public Figure, not a private citizen. This is not, however, a justification for the press or Jeff Reisig to have free reign to attack her character. This simply means that because she has been recently in the public eye and has access to media to counter statements/accusations, the press has constitutional protection regarding ” freedom of speech.” Personally, the malice standard probably has been met and Pat should sue the Davis Enterprise, Daily Democrat and the DA’s Office for defamation.
    In the meantime, everyone please do not lose sight of the fact that Yolo County DA’s Office is being led by someone out “to win” at any costs- that is if we take into account the “unsubstantiated” accusations of Rick Gore and others.
    What happened to the Attorney General’s Office and the State Bar? The internal investigation recently done was an inside joke at best.

  101. “For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him.”

    Not really.

    The Democrat’s story only conflicts with The Enterprise’s story over one point.

    The Democrat reported, “DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter.”

    The Enterprise reported Martin told them that Lenzi instead called somebody else in the DA’s office. It’s possible one of the papers got the story wrong or that Martin accused Lenzi of both phone calls.

    That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.

    The Democrat story never said Lenzi wrote Gore’s letter or went to the DA’s office on Gore’s behalf.

    While the Enterprise reportedly spoke with Lenzi, the Democrat story said, “Neither Gore or Lenzi could be reached for comment as of Tuesday evening.”

  102. “For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him.”

    Not really.

    The Democrat’s story only conflicts with The Enterprise’s story over one point.

    The Democrat reported, “DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter.”

    The Enterprise reported Martin told them that Lenzi instead called somebody else in the DA’s office. It’s possible one of the papers got the story wrong or that Martin accused Lenzi of both phone calls.

    That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.

    The Democrat story never said Lenzi wrote Gore’s letter or went to the DA’s office on Gore’s behalf.

    While the Enterprise reportedly spoke with Lenzi, the Democrat story said, “Neither Gore or Lenzi could be reached for comment as of Tuesday evening.”

  103. “For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him.”

    Not really.

    The Democrat’s story only conflicts with The Enterprise’s story over one point.

    The Democrat reported, “DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter.”

    The Enterprise reported Martin told them that Lenzi instead called somebody else in the DA’s office. It’s possible one of the papers got the story wrong or that Martin accused Lenzi of both phone calls.

    That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.

    The Democrat story never said Lenzi wrote Gore’s letter or went to the DA’s office on Gore’s behalf.

    While the Enterprise reportedly spoke with Lenzi, the Democrat story said, “Neither Gore or Lenzi could be reached for comment as of Tuesday evening.”

  104. “For those ‘nit picking” Lenzi’s statement – did you ever read the Woodland Daily Democrat paper? She was accused of each of those things in that paper and Pete Martin was quoted as saying she called him.”

    Not really.

    The Democrat’s story only conflicts with The Enterprise’s story over one point.

    The Democrat reported, “DA investigator Peter Martin said in a prepared statement that Lenzi called him the evening before the allegations were made public to “discuss” Gore’s letter.”

    The Enterprise reported Martin told them that Lenzi instead called somebody else in the DA’s office. It’s possible one of the papers got the story wrong or that Martin accused Lenzi of both phone calls.

    That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.

    The Democrat story never said Lenzi wrote Gore’s letter or went to the DA’s office on Gore’s behalf.

    While the Enterprise reportedly spoke with Lenzi, the Democrat story said, “Neither Gore or Lenzi could be reached for comment as of Tuesday evening.”

  105. “That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.”

    Problem here is everyone is assuming that each newspaper reported everything that happened. I suspect Pat Lenzi may have been addressing things not necessarily reported in the two newspapers. Why would she respond to accusations never made? That would not make sense.

  106. “That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.”

    Problem here is everyone is assuming that each newspaper reported everything that happened. I suspect Pat Lenzi may have been addressing things not necessarily reported in the two newspapers. Why would she respond to accusations never made? That would not make sense.

  107. “That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.”

    Problem here is everyone is assuming that each newspaper reported everything that happened. I suspect Pat Lenzi may have been addressing things not necessarily reported in the two newspapers. Why would she respond to accusations never made? That would not make sense.

  108. “That is the only conflict between the two stories. Lenzi said in her statement that she never spoke with Martin about this matter. So if the Democrat’s story is right, either Lenzi or Martin lied.”

    Problem here is everyone is assuming that each newspaper reported everything that happened. I suspect Pat Lenzi may have been addressing things not necessarily reported in the two newspapers. Why would she respond to accusations never made? That would not make sense.

  109. The Davis Enterprise posted more on their website than appeared in their paper. There were three articles on the paper’s website, including a full statement from Reisig that accuses Pat Lenzi of initiating the complaint. This is the press release directly from the DA’s Office.

    These people are spending way too much time on this. Maybe we should cut the budget to the DA’s Office as they seem to have an inordinate amount of time to spend on “investigating” non-crimes and things that are not their job. The changing stories about actions of others that they have little proof of, gathering statements from local deli owners, etc. – make the office just look worse and worse. They leave out the fact that Pat has been battling cancer and was having surgery during the same time that they say she was meeting people in Woodland and driving to Sacramento and making phone calls to organize an attack on Jeff Reisig. They are behaving like bullies and I am believing Gore’s accusations more and more. It is very difficult to break down a hateful or vengeful working environment to a series of exact conversations or occurrances to start with, especially if conversations are in private and nothing is in writing. However, the actions that the DA and his staff have taken in dealing with Gore’s letter demonstrates the aggressiveness and complete lack of compassion that they show in shutting someone down and in making someone’s life as miserable as possible if they are not on the team. Confidence in the community in the ability to do their job in a professional manner is slipping with each new press release and article in the newspaper.

  110. The Davis Enterprise posted more on their website than appeared in their paper. There were three articles on the paper’s website, including a full statement from Reisig that accuses Pat Lenzi of initiating the complaint. This is the press release directly from the DA’s Office.

    These people are spending way too much time on this. Maybe we should cut the budget to the DA’s Office as they seem to have an inordinate amount of time to spend on “investigating” non-crimes and things that are not their job. The changing stories about actions of others that they have little proof of, gathering statements from local deli owners, etc. – make the office just look worse and worse. They leave out the fact that Pat has been battling cancer and was having surgery during the same time that they say she was meeting people in Woodland and driving to Sacramento and making phone calls to organize an attack on Jeff Reisig. They are behaving like bullies and I am believing Gore’s accusations more and more. It is very difficult to break down a hateful or vengeful working environment to a series of exact conversations or occurrances to start with, especially if conversations are in private and nothing is in writing. However, the actions that the DA and his staff have taken in dealing with Gore’s letter demonstrates the aggressiveness and complete lack of compassion that they show in shutting someone down and in making someone’s life as miserable as possible if they are not on the team. Confidence in the community in the ability to do their job in a professional manner is slipping with each new press release and article in the newspaper.

  111. The Davis Enterprise posted more on their website than appeared in their paper. There were three articles on the paper’s website, including a full statement from Reisig that accuses Pat Lenzi of initiating the complaint. This is the press release directly from the DA’s Office.

    These people are spending way too much time on this. Maybe we should cut the budget to the DA’s Office as they seem to have an inordinate amount of time to spend on “investigating” non-crimes and things that are not their job. The changing stories about actions of others that they have little proof of, gathering statements from local deli owners, etc. – make the office just look worse and worse. They leave out the fact that Pat has been battling cancer and was having surgery during the same time that they say she was meeting people in Woodland and driving to Sacramento and making phone calls to organize an attack on Jeff Reisig. They are behaving like bullies and I am believing Gore’s accusations more and more. It is very difficult to break down a hateful or vengeful working environment to a series of exact conversations or occurrances to start with, especially if conversations are in private and nothing is in writing. However, the actions that the DA and his staff have taken in dealing with Gore’s letter demonstrates the aggressiveness and complete lack of compassion that they show in shutting someone down and in making someone’s life as miserable as possible if they are not on the team. Confidence in the community in the ability to do their job in a professional manner is slipping with each new press release and article in the newspaper.

  112. The Davis Enterprise posted more on their website than appeared in their paper. There were three articles on the paper’s website, including a full statement from Reisig that accuses Pat Lenzi of initiating the complaint. This is the press release directly from the DA’s Office.

    These people are spending way too much time on this. Maybe we should cut the budget to the DA’s Office as they seem to have an inordinate amount of time to spend on “investigating” non-crimes and things that are not their job. The changing stories about actions of others that they have little proof of, gathering statements from local deli owners, etc. – make the office just look worse and worse. They leave out the fact that Pat has been battling cancer and was having surgery during the same time that they say she was meeting people in Woodland and driving to Sacramento and making phone calls to organize an attack on Jeff Reisig. They are behaving like bullies and I am believing Gore’s accusations more and more. It is very difficult to break down a hateful or vengeful working environment to a series of exact conversations or occurrances to start with, especially if conversations are in private and nothing is in writing. However, the actions that the DA and his staff have taken in dealing with Gore’s letter demonstrates the aggressiveness and complete lack of compassion that they show in shutting someone down and in making someone’s life as miserable as possible if they are not on the team. Confidence in the community in the ability to do their job in a professional manner is slipping with each new press release and article in the newspaper.

  113. Does the Democrat paper have any reporters that are not in favored to the DA’S office?

    Lets focus on the DIRTY DA JEFF REISIG and his little puppets!!

    Can’t you see that they are trying very hard to have every one look at Lenzi and not the real truth lets get with it!!!

  114. Does the Democrat paper have any reporters that are not in favored to the DA’S office?

    Lets focus on the DIRTY DA JEFF REISIG and his little puppets!!

    Can’t you see that they are trying very hard to have every one look at Lenzi and not the real truth lets get with it!!!

  115. Does the Democrat paper have any reporters that are not in favored to the DA’S office?

    Lets focus on the DIRTY DA JEFF REISIG and his little puppets!!

    Can’t you see that they are trying very hard to have every one look at Lenzi and not the real truth lets get with it!!!

  116. Does the Democrat paper have any reporters that are not in favored to the DA’S office?

    Lets focus on the DIRTY DA JEFF REISIG and his little puppets!!

    Can’t you see that they are trying very hard to have every one look at Lenzi and not the real truth lets get with it!!!

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