Chief Darren Pytel

Commentary: There Are Legitimate Problems at Pacifico, but Some of the Public Comments Were Inappropriate

There were legitimate complaints from people living in the area to be sure. But there was not an adequate distinction at times between the population its and the management (or lack there of) of the facility. Those should be treated as separate and distinct – and remedies should focus on better management of the population, not removing a vulnerable population from the area that has realistically no other place to go for valuable services.

City Denying Requests to Release Picnic Day Records under New Law

As the city wrote on January 10, 2019: “The finding concerning the press release was that the initial press release issued by DPD following the Picnic Day incident was inaccurate but there was no finding of dishonesty. The Gennaco report similarly notes the inaccuracies in the press release but never describes it as dishonest. Rather, the finding was that DPD violated Policy 1.30-A because neither the involved officers nor the immediate supervisor to the incident reviewed the press release prior to it being released to ensure the accuracy of the events pursuant to Policy.”