Cal-OSHA Again Shuts Down Farm Labor Contractor Responsible for 17-Year-Old Worker’s Death

A few weeks ago, the Vanguard reported on the sad story of a 17-year-old farm worker who died of heat stroke after working for hours in the heat without adequate water, rest, or shade. (Click here to listen to our interview with Marilyn Calderon of the United Farm Workers).

On Friday, the Sacramento Bee reported on an update to the situation. The Merced Farm Labor had been allowed to reopen and send its laborers back to the fields as of June 26 after demonstrating to CAL-OSHA that it met all the requirements for heat protection for its workers. The company had been shut down because it was not requiring its employees to receive heat training. However, on Thursday, July 3, state inspectors found once again that the company was failing to comply with regulations.

The Stockton Record is reporting that the state is in the process of revoking the contractor license of owner Maria De Colunga who is under investigation for the death of Maria Isabel who died from heat exhaustion in May.

The Record goes on to quote Paul Feist a spokesman for the California Labor and Development Agency, which oversees Cal/OSHA.

Feist said the department is working to revoke De Colugna’s contractor license by September, the month her license comes up for renewal.

“Revocation would most likely prevent them from renewing again,” Feist said.

“We’re not going to let this contractor operate until we’re fully convinced they’re in compliance,” Feist said.

These regulations are not exactly rocket science. They are required to provide water, periodic breaks, and shade. The company had been shut down and warned and they still cannot comply with heat regulations?

Here are the regulations as reported in the Stockton Record.

Companies with outdoor employees are required by state law to provide:

• Training: Train all employees and supervisors about heat illness prevention.

• Water: Provide enough fresh water so that each employee can drink at least one quart per hour, and encourage them to do so.

• Shade: Provide access to shade for at least five minutes of rest when an employee believes he or she needs a preventative recovery period. Employees should not wait until they feel sick to do so.

• Planning: Develop and implement written procedures for complying with the Cal/OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Standard.

Source: Department of Industrial Relations

None of these seem overbearing and most of it is commonsense.

We also now know that Maria Isabel was part of the production team for Bronco Winery which produces the “Two-Buck Chuck”–a best selling wine that is available exclusively at Trader Joe’s stores.

The United Farm Workers are working to put pressure on Trader Joe’s to change their corporate policies in order to protect farm workers.

Because Maria worked for a labor contractor, she most likely never knew she was part of the production team for Bronco Winery who is better known for Charles Shaw wines–commonly called “Two-Buck Chuck.” This best selling wine is available exclusively at Trader Joe’s stores. According to Trader Joe’s web site, “these super-value wines began as the result of an oversupply of wine and a great relationship with a valued supplier.”

Help us ask Trader Joe’s to use their “great relationship” to protect the workers who labor to pick the crop. Ask Trader Joe’s to implement a corporate policy to ensure that their suppliers are not violating the law by failing to provide farm workers with basic protections such as cold water, shade and clean bathrooms.

Requests of this type are not new to Trader Joe’s. Back in 2005 after the Humane Society and customers expressed concerns, Trader Joe’s agreed to sell only cage free eggs under the company’s label. We commend Trader Joe’s for this corporate responsibility and ask them to do the same for farm workers. After all isn’t the life of a farm worker as important as the life of a chicken?

Trader Joe’s web site says “we listen to what our customers tell us about the choices we give them.” Please ask Trader Joe’s to listen and take action today. As the exclusive distributor of Charles Shaw wines, they need to take corporate responsibility before more farm workers, like Maria die due to grower neglect.

This morning’s Stockton record has an article on Trader Joe’s and the UFW.

According to the article here is the connection between the farm and Trader Joe’s.

The connection: West Coast Grape Farming is owned by the Franzia family, which also owns Bronco Wine Co., which produces Charles Shaw wines. The selection of wines, sometimes known as Two Buck Chuck, are exclusively sold at Trader Joe’s, which caters to health-conscious consumers. Trader Joe’s has a store in Lincoln Center in Stockton.

However, Trader Joe’s has issued a statement saying that those grapes are not used for Two Buck Chuck.

Alison Mochizuki, a Trader Joe’s spokeswoman, said in a written statement that the vineyard where Jimenez pruned does not supply grapes for Charles Shaw wines.

“The company employing the young farm worker has no more of a relation to Trader Joe’s than they do to any other wine retailer or restaurant,” Mochizuki said.

Further, the spokeperson claims that the company already implements strict policies for its vendors.


“Our vendors have a strong record of providing safe and healthy work environments and we will continue to make certain that our vendors are meeting, if not exceeding, government standards,” Mochizuki said.


However Roman Pinal is not buying the explanation. He called the reply a “disheartening attempt to try to distance themselves.”

To me this is a very basic request for human dignity. It is appalling that people have attempted in some quarters to justify this tragedy under the guise of the debate on immigration. Regardless of the implications of that debate, there will be farm laborers and they deserve basic workplace protections. What hiker even on a cool day would not bring a bottle of water? Now imagine working all day in the hot sun, with limited breaks, and even more limited water?

Remember that hot weekend in May when it was well over 100 degrees? Maria Isabel was out in the fields working for hours. They made water available to the workers finally after several hours but it was a 10 minute walk and they were only given a 10 minute break. After she collapsed, they put her in a hot van and waited for the other laborers before driving around looking for alcohol. They refused to take her to the hospital because they did not want to admit that she was underage.

As far as I am concerned, they should be in jail for manslaughter. And they should be civilly liable as well.

My patience with Trader Joe’s has already warn thin due to local issues involving a proposed Trader Joe’s that the company want to open at University Mall in a spot already occupied. They need to step up here and it is apparent that they may not. Until they do, I will not be one of their customers.

The worst part of this tragedy is that basic commonsense at any point along the way would have prevented the death of Maria Isabel. Now it is time for us to examine working conditions in this county and hope that we are doing the right thing.

—Doug Paul Davis reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Labor Issues


  1. “Feist said the department is working to revoke De Colugna’s contractor license by September…,” this will give De Colugna time to have a new ID/Front-person to apply and thus…..the hive goes on, unabatedly buzzzzzzing.

  2. “Feist said the department is working to revoke De Colugna’s contractor license by September…,” this will give De Colugna time to have a new ID/Front-person to apply and thus…..the hive goes on, unabatedly buzzzzzzing.

  3. “Feist said the department is working to revoke De Colugna’s contractor license by September…,” this will give De Colugna time to have a new ID/Front-person to apply and thus…..the hive goes on, unabatedly buzzzzzzing.

  4. “Feist said the department is working to revoke De Colugna’s contractor license by September…,” this will give De Colugna time to have a new ID/Front-person to apply and thus…..the hive goes on, unabatedly buzzzzzzing.

  5. Tor, It looks like there needs to be legislation put forth to address what you are saying. If in fact they (farm labor contractors) put up another family member or colleague to obtain the contractor license under their name.

    Recently there have been people who have become sick with salmonella from eating tomatoes.

    Even if people wish to not care about the farm laborers and their working conditions with proper breaks and drinking water they should for their own self interest be concerned that the people who are picking their fruits and vegetables do not have proper restroom facilities with soap and water to wash their hands.

    As for Trader Joe’s I will not shop there. Thank you for the story on their refusal to do anything. I visit Trader Joe’s when I’m nearby one every other weekend or so. No need to do that. It will save me time, money, and gas. I will simply go to the local Davis Food Co-op.

  6. Tor, It looks like there needs to be legislation put forth to address what you are saying. If in fact they (farm labor contractors) put up another family member or colleague to obtain the contractor license under their name.

    Recently there have been people who have become sick with salmonella from eating tomatoes.

    Even if people wish to not care about the farm laborers and their working conditions with proper breaks and drinking water they should for their own self interest be concerned that the people who are picking their fruits and vegetables do not have proper restroom facilities with soap and water to wash their hands.

    As for Trader Joe’s I will not shop there. Thank you for the story on their refusal to do anything. I visit Trader Joe’s when I’m nearby one every other weekend or so. No need to do that. It will save me time, money, and gas. I will simply go to the local Davis Food Co-op.

  7. Tor, It looks like there needs to be legislation put forth to address what you are saying. If in fact they (farm labor contractors) put up another family member or colleague to obtain the contractor license under their name.

    Recently there have been people who have become sick with salmonella from eating tomatoes.

    Even if people wish to not care about the farm laborers and their working conditions with proper breaks and drinking water they should for their own self interest be concerned that the people who are picking their fruits and vegetables do not have proper restroom facilities with soap and water to wash their hands.

    As for Trader Joe’s I will not shop there. Thank you for the story on their refusal to do anything. I visit Trader Joe’s when I’m nearby one every other weekend or so. No need to do that. It will save me time, money, and gas. I will simply go to the local Davis Food Co-op.

  8. Tor, It looks like there needs to be legislation put forth to address what you are saying. If in fact they (farm labor contractors) put up another family member or colleague to obtain the contractor license under their name.

    Recently there have been people who have become sick with salmonella from eating tomatoes.

    Even if people wish to not care about the farm laborers and their working conditions with proper breaks and drinking water they should for their own self interest be concerned that the people who are picking their fruits and vegetables do not have proper restroom facilities with soap and water to wash their hands.

    As for Trader Joe’s I will not shop there. Thank you for the story on their refusal to do anything. I visit Trader Joe’s when I’m nearby one every other weekend or so. No need to do that. It will save me time, money, and gas. I will simply go to the local Davis Food Co-op.

  9. I care about laborer’s that are forced to work in substandard conditions, like in many places in the world, including Mexico. Legislation might also include mass mailings to the parents of these children to keep them home and not send them hundreds of miles away so they can send money home.
    It might also include some sort of push to activism so that their own corrupt country can be turned around to create jobs and educate their people. Although this might all be in vain, because a high percentage of them cannot read and the postal system has a 30% avg. non delivery due to theft. One thing they do well is reproduce.
    It is a difficult situation,(I’ve been there), at best. I won’t be punishing, Trader Joe’s for Mexico’s gross lack of attention to it’s people. I’ll still shop there.
    Do you understand that this will continue until it is fixed at it’s source?

  10. I care about laborer’s that are forced to work in substandard conditions, like in many places in the world, including Mexico. Legislation might also include mass mailings to the parents of these children to keep them home and not send them hundreds of miles away so they can send money home.
    It might also include some sort of push to activism so that their own corrupt country can be turned around to create jobs and educate their people. Although this might all be in vain, because a high percentage of them cannot read and the postal system has a 30% avg. non delivery due to theft. One thing they do well is reproduce.
    It is a difficult situation,(I’ve been there), at best. I won’t be punishing, Trader Joe’s for Mexico’s gross lack of attention to it’s people. I’ll still shop there.
    Do you understand that this will continue until it is fixed at it’s source?

  11. I care about laborer’s that are forced to work in substandard conditions, like in many places in the world, including Mexico. Legislation might also include mass mailings to the parents of these children to keep them home and not send them hundreds of miles away so they can send money home.
    It might also include some sort of push to activism so that their own corrupt country can be turned around to create jobs and educate their people. Although this might all be in vain, because a high percentage of them cannot read and the postal system has a 30% avg. non delivery due to theft. One thing they do well is reproduce.
    It is a difficult situation,(I’ve been there), at best. I won’t be punishing, Trader Joe’s for Mexico’s gross lack of attention to it’s people. I’ll still shop there.
    Do you understand that this will continue until it is fixed at it’s source?

  12. I care about laborer’s that are forced to work in substandard conditions, like in many places in the world, including Mexico. Legislation might also include mass mailings to the parents of these children to keep them home and not send them hundreds of miles away so they can send money home.
    It might also include some sort of push to activism so that their own corrupt country can be turned around to create jobs and educate their people. Although this might all be in vain, because a high percentage of them cannot read and the postal system has a 30% avg. non delivery due to theft. One thing they do well is reproduce.
    It is a difficult situation,(I’ve been there), at best. I won’t be punishing, Trader Joe’s for Mexico’s gross lack of attention to it’s people. I’ll still shop there.
    Do you understand that this will continue until it is fixed at it’s source?

  13. I understand that the ill treatment of workers will continue until we as a country make it a priority here in the U.S.

    The U.S. needs to set an example and start at home with enforcing the laws that are currently on the books and passing legislation where needed.

    Anonymous 11:31 must not be very familiar with quasi third world countries. I laughed when you said, “the parents should know better than to send their children here…”

    That 17-year-old girl is a woman by her country’s standard. It’s not like the U.S. where children are children until the age of 18. They don’t have opportunities for a good education when trying to figure out how to survive. They don’t have piano lessons, after school sports, etc.

    She was doing what was necessary to keep her family alive. It may be a hard concept for some to understand in the U.S. where there is so much taken for granted, but people from many different countries work in the U.S. and send money home.

    I know that I can be more responsible by NOT shopping at Trader Joe’s. They DO HAVE A SAY over which wines and produce they will buy from which vendors. They DO NOT have to buy wines from farm labor contractors who treat their employees in an inhumane way.

    Besides, I want to support local businesses such as the Davis Food Co-op that sells wines that are not made with the inhumane treatment of workers. I know that their produce, their meats and eggs are good.

    I encourage others to make the change too and not shop at Trader Joe’s but instead support our local food co-op.

    I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall. I saw it as a Wal Mart mentality, but thought that had changed their ways. Apparently they have not, so I am bringing my shopping local.

  14. I understand that the ill treatment of workers will continue until we as a country make it a priority here in the U.S.

    The U.S. needs to set an example and start at home with enforcing the laws that are currently on the books and passing legislation where needed.

    Anonymous 11:31 must not be very familiar with quasi third world countries. I laughed when you said, “the parents should know better than to send their children here…”

    That 17-year-old girl is a woman by her country’s standard. It’s not like the U.S. where children are children until the age of 18. They don’t have opportunities for a good education when trying to figure out how to survive. They don’t have piano lessons, after school sports, etc.

    She was doing what was necessary to keep her family alive. It may be a hard concept for some to understand in the U.S. where there is so much taken for granted, but people from many different countries work in the U.S. and send money home.

    I know that I can be more responsible by NOT shopping at Trader Joe’s. They DO HAVE A SAY over which wines and produce they will buy from which vendors. They DO NOT have to buy wines from farm labor contractors who treat their employees in an inhumane way.

    Besides, I want to support local businesses such as the Davis Food Co-op that sells wines that are not made with the inhumane treatment of workers. I know that their produce, their meats and eggs are good.

    I encourage others to make the change too and not shop at Trader Joe’s but instead support our local food co-op.

    I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall. I saw it as a Wal Mart mentality, but thought that had changed their ways. Apparently they have not, so I am bringing my shopping local.

  15. I understand that the ill treatment of workers will continue until we as a country make it a priority here in the U.S.

    The U.S. needs to set an example and start at home with enforcing the laws that are currently on the books and passing legislation where needed.

    Anonymous 11:31 must not be very familiar with quasi third world countries. I laughed when you said, “the parents should know better than to send their children here…”

    That 17-year-old girl is a woman by her country’s standard. It’s not like the U.S. where children are children until the age of 18. They don’t have opportunities for a good education when trying to figure out how to survive. They don’t have piano lessons, after school sports, etc.

    She was doing what was necessary to keep her family alive. It may be a hard concept for some to understand in the U.S. where there is so much taken for granted, but people from many different countries work in the U.S. and send money home.

    I know that I can be more responsible by NOT shopping at Trader Joe’s. They DO HAVE A SAY over which wines and produce they will buy from which vendors. They DO NOT have to buy wines from farm labor contractors who treat their employees in an inhumane way.

    Besides, I want to support local businesses such as the Davis Food Co-op that sells wines that are not made with the inhumane treatment of workers. I know that their produce, their meats and eggs are good.

    I encourage others to make the change too and not shop at Trader Joe’s but instead support our local food co-op.

    I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall. I saw it as a Wal Mart mentality, but thought that had changed their ways. Apparently they have not, so I am bringing my shopping local.

  16. I understand that the ill treatment of workers will continue until we as a country make it a priority here in the U.S.

    The U.S. needs to set an example and start at home with enforcing the laws that are currently on the books and passing legislation where needed.

    Anonymous 11:31 must not be very familiar with quasi third world countries. I laughed when you said, “the parents should know better than to send their children here…”

    That 17-year-old girl is a woman by her country’s standard. It’s not like the U.S. where children are children until the age of 18. They don’t have opportunities for a good education when trying to figure out how to survive. They don’t have piano lessons, after school sports, etc.

    She was doing what was necessary to keep her family alive. It may be a hard concept for some to understand in the U.S. where there is so much taken for granted, but people from many different countries work in the U.S. and send money home.

    I know that I can be more responsible by NOT shopping at Trader Joe’s. They DO HAVE A SAY over which wines and produce they will buy from which vendors. They DO NOT have to buy wines from farm labor contractors who treat their employees in an inhumane way.

    Besides, I want to support local businesses such as the Davis Food Co-op that sells wines that are not made with the inhumane treatment of workers. I know that their produce, their meats and eggs are good.

    I encourage others to make the change too and not shop at Trader Joe’s but instead support our local food co-op.

    I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall. I saw it as a Wal Mart mentality, but thought that had changed their ways. Apparently they have not, so I am bringing my shopping local.

  17. This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government.

    When these laws aren’t enforced as they’re supposed to, then workers lack adequate workplace protections.

  18. This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government.

    When these laws aren’t enforced as they’re supposed to, then workers lack adequate workplace protections.

  19. This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government.

    When these laws aren’t enforced as they’re supposed to, then workers lack adequate workplace protections.

  20. This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government.

    When these laws aren’t enforced as they’re supposed to, then workers lack adequate workplace protections.

  21. Anonymous 12:32 said

    “This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government”

    please stop with the incendiary politicization of this clearly non-political issue. We need to work on the problem at hand, not turn to political name calling.

  22. Anonymous 12:32 said

    “This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government”

    please stop with the incendiary politicization of this clearly non-political issue. We need to work on the problem at hand, not turn to political name calling.

  23. Anonymous 12:32 said

    “This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government”

    please stop with the incendiary politicization of this clearly non-political issue. We need to work on the problem at hand, not turn to political name calling.

  24. Anonymous 12:32 said

    “This whole incident (the death of a young pregnant woman) represents the lax mindset of republican control of government”

    please stop with the incendiary politicization of this clearly non-political issue. We need to work on the problem at hand, not turn to political name calling.

  25. “Another excellent piece by the People’s Vanguard of Stockton.”

    You’re welcome to submit a story to me on whatever topic you choose. This is a story that directly impacts Yolo County in a number of ways.

  26. “Another excellent piece by the People’s Vanguard of Stockton.”

    You’re welcome to submit a story to me on whatever topic you choose. This is a story that directly impacts Yolo County in a number of ways.

  27. “Another excellent piece by the People’s Vanguard of Stockton.”

    You’re welcome to submit a story to me on whatever topic you choose. This is a story that directly impacts Yolo County in a number of ways.

  28. “Another excellent piece by the People’s Vanguard of Stockton.”

    You’re welcome to submit a story to me on whatever topic you choose. This is a story that directly impacts Yolo County in a number of ways.

    I laughed also when I read your entry here. You have made an error by assuming. I worked in the fields with mexican laborers, 10 hours a day. I lived right on the border next to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, MEXICO.

    Why don’t they have piano lessons and after school sports? That is exactly what I was asking about their worthless self serving government and why don’t the people do something about it?

    A 17 year old girl is a woman by her country’s standards? Where did you get that idea? Did you ask her mother? She was doing what is necessary to keep her family ALIVE? How do you know that? Women are treated as sex objects and beasts of burden in mexico by males. They grow up thinking that is who and what they are.

    Your statements are astoundingly inaccurate and only exceeded by your ignorance. Have you run a competetive business like Trader Joe’s? Most likely not,(an assumption)? I’m still going to shop there because of the products and prices. Yeah, I have a family to keep alive too.

    A suggestion. Do some research next time before your white liberal guilt,(thats been laid on you), takes over.

    I laughed also when I read your entry here. You have made an error by assuming. I worked in the fields with mexican laborers, 10 hours a day. I lived right on the border next to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, MEXICO.

    Why don’t they have piano lessons and after school sports? That is exactly what I was asking about their worthless self serving government and why don’t the people do something about it?

    A 17 year old girl is a woman by her country’s standards? Where did you get that idea? Did you ask her mother? She was doing what is necessary to keep her family ALIVE? How do you know that? Women are treated as sex objects and beasts of burden in mexico by males. They grow up thinking that is who and what they are.

    Your statements are astoundingly inaccurate and only exceeded by your ignorance. Have you run a competetive business like Trader Joe’s? Most likely not,(an assumption)? I’m still going to shop there because of the products and prices. Yeah, I have a family to keep alive too.

    A suggestion. Do some research next time before your white liberal guilt,(thats been laid on you), takes over.

    I laughed also when I read your entry here. You have made an error by assuming. I worked in the fields with mexican laborers, 10 hours a day. I lived right on the border next to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, MEXICO.

    Why don’t they have piano lessons and after school sports? That is exactly what I was asking about their worthless self serving government and why don’t the people do something about it?

    A 17 year old girl is a woman by her country’s standards? Where did you get that idea? Did you ask her mother? She was doing what is necessary to keep her family ALIVE? How do you know that? Women are treated as sex objects and beasts of burden in mexico by males. They grow up thinking that is who and what they are.

    Your statements are astoundingly inaccurate and only exceeded by your ignorance. Have you run a competetive business like Trader Joe’s? Most likely not,(an assumption)? I’m still going to shop there because of the products and prices. Yeah, I have a family to keep alive too.

    A suggestion. Do some research next time before your white liberal guilt,(thats been laid on you), takes over.

    I laughed also when I read your entry here. You have made an error by assuming. I worked in the fields with mexican laborers, 10 hours a day. I lived right on the border next to one of the most corrupt countries in the world, MEXICO.

    Why don’t they have piano lessons and after school sports? That is exactly what I was asking about their worthless self serving government and why don’t the people do something about it?

    A 17 year old girl is a woman by her country’s standards? Where did you get that idea? Did you ask her mother? She was doing what is necessary to keep her family ALIVE? How do you know that? Women are treated as sex objects and beasts of burden in mexico by males. They grow up thinking that is who and what they are.

    Your statements are astoundingly inaccurate and only exceeded by your ignorance. Have you run a competetive business like Trader Joe’s? Most likely not,(an assumption)? I’m still going to shop there because of the products and prices. Yeah, I have a family to keep alive too.

    A suggestion. Do some research next time before your white liberal guilt,(thats been laid on you), takes over.

  33. anonymous 6:03, I have a family to feed too. I will not throw my ethics out the door when there are plenty of other places to shop that have good food including produce, meats, grains, beer and wine, etc.

    We have the power to make changes in our own city, county and state and that is what my family and I are doing with our dollars.

    You may choose to do otherwise and that is okay, because that is your choice; however, I sleep well at night knowing that I AM supporting local businesses and not giving my money to a business like Trader Joe’s.

    TJ’s does not take responsibility for the vendors that it does business with, so I cannot support them. The co-op is much better and so are other stores.

    When you resort to name calling it becomes loud and clear that you don’t have any intelligent comments to make so I won’t spend much time elaborating for you, but I’m sure you realize that we need to hold the farmers and farm labor contractors accountable, because they are the ones that “recruit” people for the jobs.

    With ignorant comments such as, “one thing they do well is produce…” it’s difficult to take you seriously.

  34. anonymous 6:03, I have a family to feed too. I will not throw my ethics out the door when there are plenty of other places to shop that have good food including produce, meats, grains, beer and wine, etc.

    We have the power to make changes in our own city, county and state and that is what my family and I are doing with our dollars.

    You may choose to do otherwise and that is okay, because that is your choice; however, I sleep well at night knowing that I AM supporting local businesses and not giving my money to a business like Trader Joe’s.

    TJ’s does not take responsibility for the vendors that it does business with, so I cannot support them. The co-op is much better and so are other stores.

    When you resort to name calling it becomes loud and clear that you don’t have any intelligent comments to make so I won’t spend much time elaborating for you, but I’m sure you realize that we need to hold the farmers and farm labor contractors accountable, because they are the ones that “recruit” people for the jobs.

    With ignorant comments such as, “one thing they do well is produce…” it’s difficult to take you seriously.

  35. anonymous 6:03, I have a family to feed too. I will not throw my ethics out the door when there are plenty of other places to shop that have good food including produce, meats, grains, beer and wine, etc.

    We have the power to make changes in our own city, county and state and that is what my family and I are doing with our dollars.

    You may choose to do otherwise and that is okay, because that is your choice; however, I sleep well at night knowing that I AM supporting local businesses and not giving my money to a business like Trader Joe’s.

    TJ’s does not take responsibility for the vendors that it does business with, so I cannot support them. The co-op is much better and so are other stores.

    When you resort to name calling it becomes loud and clear that you don’t have any intelligent comments to make so I won’t spend much time elaborating for you, but I’m sure you realize that we need to hold the farmers and farm labor contractors accountable, because they are the ones that “recruit” people for the jobs.

    With ignorant comments such as, “one thing they do well is produce…” it’s difficult to take you seriously.

  36. anonymous 6:03, I have a family to feed too. I will not throw my ethics out the door when there are plenty of other places to shop that have good food including produce, meats, grains, beer and wine, etc.

    We have the power to make changes in our own city, county and state and that is what my family and I are doing with our dollars.

    You may choose to do otherwise and that is okay, because that is your choice; however, I sleep well at night knowing that I AM supporting local businesses and not giving my money to a business like Trader Joe’s.

    TJ’s does not take responsibility for the vendors that it does business with, so I cannot support them. The co-op is much better and so are other stores.

    When you resort to name calling it becomes loud and clear that you don’t have any intelligent comments to make so I won’t spend much time elaborating for you, but I’m sure you realize that we need to hold the farmers and farm labor contractors accountable, because they are the ones that “recruit” people for the jobs.

    With ignorant comments such as, “one thing they do well is produce…” it’s difficult to take you seriously.

  37. anonymous @6:03 – what a wank of a comment! “before your white liberal guilt takes over!?” What is that about? Geeeez…. take a chill pill.

  38. anonymous @6:03 – what a wank of a comment! “before your white liberal guilt takes over!?” What is that about? Geeeez…. take a chill pill.

  39. anonymous @6:03 – what a wank of a comment! “before your white liberal guilt takes over!?” What is that about? Geeeez…. take a chill pill.

  40. anonymous @6:03 – what a wank of a comment! “before your white liberal guilt takes over!?” What is that about? Geeeez…. take a chill pill.

    It appears that no one called you a name, they just did’nt agree with you, and I might add they had a pretty good argument. You have chosen to attack the perosn who did not agree with you. That does not make you ignorant, which is cureable.

    It only makes you appear closed minded and ultimately un-intelligent,which is not cureable. You did not answer the rebuttal with any logic whatsoever.

    It appears that no one called you a name, they just did’nt agree with you, and I might add they had a pretty good argument. You have chosen to attack the perosn who did not agree with you. That does not make you ignorant, which is cureable.

    It only makes you appear closed minded and ultimately un-intelligent,which is not cureable. You did not answer the rebuttal with any logic whatsoever.

    It appears that no one called you a name, they just did’nt agree with you, and I might add they had a pretty good argument. You have chosen to attack the perosn who did not agree with you. That does not make you ignorant, which is cureable.

    It only makes you appear closed minded and ultimately un-intelligent,which is not cureable. You did not answer the rebuttal with any logic whatsoever.

    It appears that no one called you a name, they just did’nt agree with you, and I might add they had a pretty good argument. You have chosen to attack the perosn who did not agree with you. That does not make you ignorant, which is cureable.

    It only makes you appear closed minded and ultimately un-intelligent,which is not cureable. You did not answer the rebuttal with any logic whatsoever.

  45. Why are people singling out TJ’s?. Bronco sells a large quantity of cheap wine and it probably is sold in every gorcery/liquor store in Davis. I know the cheap Safeway brand is also produced by Bronco.

    Bronco sells about 50 brands and about 20 million cases per year.

  46. Why are people singling out TJ’s?. Bronco sells a large quantity of cheap wine and it probably is sold in every gorcery/liquor store in Davis. I know the cheap Safeway brand is also produced by Bronco.

    Bronco sells about 50 brands and about 20 million cases per year.

  47. Why are people singling out TJ’s?. Bronco sells a large quantity of cheap wine and it probably is sold in every gorcery/liquor store in Davis. I know the cheap Safeway brand is also produced by Bronco.

    Bronco sells about 50 brands and about 20 million cases per year.

  48. Why are people singling out TJ’s?. Bronco sells a large quantity of cheap wine and it probably is sold in every gorcery/liquor store in Davis. I know the cheap Safeway brand is also produced by Bronco.

    Bronco sells about 50 brands and about 20 million cases per year.

  49. I think 9:36 is the same anonymous as earlier. Having a difference of opinion is not close minded. It’s simply a difference of opinion. I stop reading or listening too when people make ridiculous comments about immigrants. It does sound a bit ignorant, since many of our ancestors were immigrants at one time or another.

    I shop at the coop and farmer’s market as well. At one time I thought it would be good to have a TJ’s come to Davis, but when I saw that they were insistent on locating a U Mall instead of locating in West or East Davis and they were trying to kick out another business I knew they were not right for our community.

    Good story today DPD. I haven’t read about any of this in the Davis Enterprise.

    Do you know anything about the family suing the farmers or the farm labor contractor?

    I guess you can call me a shopper with a conscious.

  50. I think 9:36 is the same anonymous as earlier. Having a difference of opinion is not close minded. It’s simply a difference of opinion. I stop reading or listening too when people make ridiculous comments about immigrants. It does sound a bit ignorant, since many of our ancestors were immigrants at one time or another.

    I shop at the coop and farmer’s market as well. At one time I thought it would be good to have a TJ’s come to Davis, but when I saw that they were insistent on locating a U Mall instead of locating in West or East Davis and they were trying to kick out another business I knew they were not right for our community.

    Good story today DPD. I haven’t read about any of this in the Davis Enterprise.

    Do you know anything about the family suing the farmers or the farm labor contractor?

    I guess you can call me a shopper with a conscious.

  51. I think 9:36 is the same anonymous as earlier. Having a difference of opinion is not close minded. It’s simply a difference of opinion. I stop reading or listening too when people make ridiculous comments about immigrants. It does sound a bit ignorant, since many of our ancestors were immigrants at one time or another.

    I shop at the coop and farmer’s market as well. At one time I thought it would be good to have a TJ’s come to Davis, but when I saw that they were insistent on locating a U Mall instead of locating in West or East Davis and they were trying to kick out another business I knew they were not right for our community.

    Good story today DPD. I haven’t read about any of this in the Davis Enterprise.

    Do you know anything about the family suing the farmers or the farm labor contractor?

    I guess you can call me a shopper with a conscious.

  52. I think 9:36 is the same anonymous as earlier. Having a difference of opinion is not close minded. It’s simply a difference of opinion. I stop reading or listening too when people make ridiculous comments about immigrants. It does sound a bit ignorant, since many of our ancestors were immigrants at one time or another.

    I shop at the coop and farmer’s market as well. At one time I thought it would be good to have a TJ’s come to Davis, but when I saw that they were insistent on locating a U Mall instead of locating in West or East Davis and they were trying to kick out another business I knew they were not right for our community.

    Good story today DPD. I haven’t read about any of this in the Davis Enterprise.

    Do you know anything about the family suing the farmers or the farm labor contractor?

    I guess you can call me a shopper with a conscious.

    It is good to stop reading when you feel someone has a closed mind and does not agree with you. It proves their point. Did that person mention, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? No.

    It appears you are not inclined to see any logical point of view, only your own. I seldom visit this blog. When I do, I can always count on someone like you to ignore the big
    picture. I do not think you are ignorant. You are unwilling to see the facts. That makes you un-intelligent, aka stupid. KMA

    It is good to stop reading when you feel someone has a closed mind and does not agree with you. It proves their point. Did that person mention, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? No.

    It appears you are not inclined to see any logical point of view, only your own. I seldom visit this blog. When I do, I can always count on someone like you to ignore the big
    picture. I do not think you are ignorant. You are unwilling to see the facts. That makes you un-intelligent, aka stupid. KMA

    It is good to stop reading when you feel someone has a closed mind and does not agree with you. It proves their point. Did that person mention, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? No.

    It appears you are not inclined to see any logical point of view, only your own. I seldom visit this blog. When I do, I can always count on someone like you to ignore the big
    picture. I do not think you are ignorant. You are unwilling to see the facts. That makes you un-intelligent, aka stupid. KMA

    It is good to stop reading when you feel someone has a closed mind and does not agree with you. It proves their point. Did that person mention, ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION? No.

    It appears you are not inclined to see any logical point of view, only your own. I seldom visit this blog. When I do, I can always count on someone like you to ignore the big
    picture. I do not think you are ignorant. You are unwilling to see the facts. That makes you un-intelligent, aka stupid. KMA

  57. “I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall.”

    This is far too simplistic an explanation. Trader Joes has chosen this location but the decision as to whether it will be available is the Mall owners’. The Mall owner rightly believes that having Trader Joes in his Mall will increase the total value(retail sales) of his property. RAS would move if it was made “worth their while”. The only question is whether the Mall owner is willing to pay their price as Trader Joes does not look to be willing to “poney up”.

  58. “I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall.”

    This is far too simplistic an explanation. Trader Joes has chosen this location but the decision as to whether it will be available is the Mall owners’. The Mall owner rightly believes that having Trader Joes in his Mall will increase the total value(retail sales) of his property. RAS would move if it was made “worth their while”. The only question is whether the Mall owner is willing to pay their price as Trader Joes does not look to be willing to “poney up”.

  59. “I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall.”

    This is far too simplistic an explanation. Trader Joes has chosen this location but the decision as to whether it will be available is the Mall owners’. The Mall owner rightly believes that having Trader Joes in his Mall will increase the total value(retail sales) of his property. RAS would move if it was made “worth their while”. The only question is whether the Mall owner is willing to pay their price as Trader Joes does not look to be willing to “poney up”.

  60. “I was turned off by Trader Joe’s when they were trying to displace RAS from University Mall.”

    This is far too simplistic an explanation. Trader Joes has chosen this location but the decision as to whether it will be available is the Mall owners’. The Mall owner rightly believes that having Trader Joes in his Mall will increase the total value(retail sales) of his property. RAS would move if it was made “worth their while”. The only question is whether the Mall owner is willing to pay their price as Trader Joes does not look to be willing to “poney up”.

  61. You are correct it is far too simple an explanation. And I’ve written on it extensively. Trader Joe’s has told the city that they would only move into the University Mall and nowhere else. The University Mall is actually a poor location given existing traffic congestion, bird issues, and parking. Meanwhile we have two shopping centers lying vacant that Trader Joe’s could have moved into immediately. Instead they, along with the landlord of the mall, are trying to force the move of RAS. Let’s be honest, people in Davis would go to Woodland to shop at Trader Joe’s, they go to Sacramento and Vacaville as it is. They would certainly go to East Davis Manor or West Lake Shopping Center to visit it as well. To me, Trader Joe’s has shown itself to be just like any other corporation and as such, I will no longer give them my business and no longer wish for them to come to Davis. Hope that explanation is more sufficient for you.

  62. You are correct it is far too simple an explanation. And I’ve written on it extensively. Trader Joe’s has told the city that they would only move into the University Mall and nowhere else. The University Mall is actually a poor location given existing traffic congestion, bird issues, and parking. Meanwhile we have two shopping centers lying vacant that Trader Joe’s could have moved into immediately. Instead they, along with the landlord of the mall, are trying to force the move of RAS. Let’s be honest, people in Davis would go to Woodland to shop at Trader Joe’s, they go to Sacramento and Vacaville as it is. They would certainly go to East Davis Manor or West Lake Shopping Center to visit it as well. To me, Trader Joe’s has shown itself to be just like any other corporation and as such, I will no longer give them my business and no longer wish for them to come to Davis. Hope that explanation is more sufficient for you.

  63. You are correct it is far too simple an explanation. And I’ve written on it extensively. Trader Joe’s has told the city that they would only move into the University Mall and nowhere else. The University Mall is actually a poor location given existing traffic congestion, bird issues, and parking. Meanwhile we have two shopping centers lying vacant that Trader Joe’s could have moved into immediately. Instead they, along with the landlord of the mall, are trying to force the move of RAS. Let’s be honest, people in Davis would go to Woodland to shop at Trader Joe’s, they go to Sacramento and Vacaville as it is. They would certainly go to East Davis Manor or West Lake Shopping Center to visit it as well. To me, Trader Joe’s has shown itself to be just like any other corporation and as such, I will no longer give them my business and no longer wish for them to come to Davis. Hope that explanation is more sufficient for you.

  64. You are correct it is far too simple an explanation. And I’ve written on it extensively. Trader Joe’s has told the city that they would only move into the University Mall and nowhere else. The University Mall is actually a poor location given existing traffic congestion, bird issues, and parking. Meanwhile we have two shopping centers lying vacant that Trader Joe’s could have moved into immediately. Instead they, along with the landlord of the mall, are trying to force the move of RAS. Let’s be honest, people in Davis would go to Woodland to shop at Trader Joe’s, they go to Sacramento and Vacaville as it is. They would certainly go to East Davis Manor or West Lake Shopping Center to visit it as well. To me, Trader Joe’s has shown itself to be just like any other corporation and as such, I will no longer give them my business and no longer wish for them to come to Davis. Hope that explanation is more sufficient for you.

  65. Nobody should die for lack of water and shade, but one has to ask why these workers don’t have the common sense to bring water with them when they know that the law of the fields is not the law of the land. Lack of law enforcement against businesses is a problem for all Americans all over this country. California needs a white collar law enforcement office with the expertise and mandate to pursue all business lawbreakers, including insurance companies, health care businesses and doctors, and fraudsters of all stripes.

  66. Nobody should die for lack of water and shade, but one has to ask why these workers don’t have the common sense to bring water with them when they know that the law of the fields is not the law of the land. Lack of law enforcement against businesses is a problem for all Americans all over this country. California needs a white collar law enforcement office with the expertise and mandate to pursue all business lawbreakers, including insurance companies, health care businesses and doctors, and fraudsters of all stripes.

  67. Nobody should die for lack of water and shade, but one has to ask why these workers don’t have the common sense to bring water with them when they know that the law of the fields is not the law of the land. Lack of law enforcement against businesses is a problem for all Americans all over this country. California needs a white collar law enforcement office with the expertise and mandate to pursue all business lawbreakers, including insurance companies, health care businesses and doctors, and fraudsters of all stripes.

  68. Nobody should die for lack of water and shade, but one has to ask why these workers don’t have the common sense to bring water with them when they know that the law of the fields is not the law of the land. Lack of law enforcement against businesses is a problem for all Americans all over this country. California needs a white collar law enforcement office with the expertise and mandate to pursue all business lawbreakers, including insurance companies, health care businesses and doctors, and fraudsters of all stripes.

  69. Does anyone know the particulars of RAS’ lease? I would guess that it does have a termination date. If Trader Joes wants to move into this location, they can wait a few years more.. they have already waited for many years to open in Davis.

  70. Does anyone know the particulars of RAS’ lease? I would guess that it does have a termination date. If Trader Joes wants to move into this location, they can wait a few years more.. they have already waited for many years to open in Davis.

  71. Does anyone know the particulars of RAS’ lease? I would guess that it does have a termination date. If Trader Joes wants to move into this location, they can wait a few years more.. they have already waited for many years to open in Davis.

  72. Does anyone know the particulars of RAS’ lease? I would guess that it does have a termination date. If Trader Joes wants to move into this location, they can wait a few years more.. they have already waited for many years to open in Davis.

  73. I bet most people treat their pets better than the farm workers are treated. I don’t care what happened in Mexico – it is irrelevant. The businesses here have a requirement to abide by AMERICAN LAW, and provide water and shelter for its field workers. This was not done. My question is why it will take the gov’t so long to shut down this business? I am disturbed at its sloth, whoever is the party in power. Our workforce laws need to be enforced, period.

    Traitor Joe’s has shown itself to be a ruthless business, and as such, I do not intend on shopping there. That is my personal choice. Other’s may do as they choose. However, boycotting is often an effective and nonviolent tactic to stop illicit conduct. It worked for African-Americans all those years ago, and it can work here.

  74. I bet most people treat their pets better than the farm workers are treated. I don’t care what happened in Mexico – it is irrelevant. The businesses here have a requirement to abide by AMERICAN LAW, and provide water and shelter for its field workers. This was not done. My question is why it will take the gov’t so long to shut down this business? I am disturbed at its sloth, whoever is the party in power. Our workforce laws need to be enforced, period.

    Traitor Joe’s has shown itself to be a ruthless business, and as such, I do not intend on shopping there. That is my personal choice. Other’s may do as they choose. However, boycotting is often an effective and nonviolent tactic to stop illicit conduct. It worked for African-Americans all those years ago, and it can work here.

  75. I bet most people treat their pets better than the farm workers are treated. I don’t care what happened in Mexico – it is irrelevant. The businesses here have a requirement to abide by AMERICAN LAW, and provide water and shelter for its field workers. This was not done. My question is why it will take the gov’t so long to shut down this business? I am disturbed at its sloth, whoever is the party in power. Our workforce laws need to be enforced, period.

    Traitor Joe’s has shown itself to be a ruthless business, and as such, I do not intend on shopping there. That is my personal choice. Other’s may do as they choose. However, boycotting is often an effective and nonviolent tactic to stop illicit conduct. It worked for African-Americans all those years ago, and it can work here.

  76. I bet most people treat their pets better than the farm workers are treated. I don’t care what happened in Mexico – it is irrelevant. The businesses here have a requirement to abide by AMERICAN LAW, and provide water and shelter for its field workers. This was not done. My question is why it will take the gov’t so long to shut down this business? I am disturbed at its sloth, whoever is the party in power. Our workforce laws need to be enforced, period.

    Traitor Joe’s has shown itself to be a ruthless business, and as such, I do not intend on shopping there. That is my personal choice. Other’s may do as they choose. However, boycotting is often an effective and nonviolent tactic to stop illicit conduct. It worked for African-Americans all those years ago, and it can work here.

  77. It’s funny that people are waking up to Trader Joe’s being like any other corporation. They are a national retailer. Not quite like a local coop. They will do whatever brings them the highest profit. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise. Clever marketing and image management doesn’t change the wolf’s clothing.

    As for the young girl dying, the people who set up water stations 10minutes away by foot should be prosecuted. I don’t care if they have a 30 or 60 minute break. It makes no sense to make someone walk a measurable distance in the heat to get water. Can you imagine the reaction and public outrage if one of the firefighters working on the California wildfires (not from Davis FD) dyed from poor hydration? It would never happen and would never be accepted.

  78. It’s funny that people are waking up to Trader Joe’s being like any other corporation. They are a national retailer. Not quite like a local coop. They will do whatever brings them the highest profit. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise. Clever marketing and image management doesn’t change the wolf’s clothing.

    As for the young girl dying, the people who set up water stations 10minutes away by foot should be prosecuted. I don’t care if they have a 30 or 60 minute break. It makes no sense to make someone walk a measurable distance in the heat to get water. Can you imagine the reaction and public outrage if one of the firefighters working on the California wildfires (not from Davis FD) dyed from poor hydration? It would never happen and would never be accepted.

  79. It’s funny that people are waking up to Trader Joe’s being like any other corporation. They are a national retailer. Not quite like a local coop. They will do whatever brings them the highest profit. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise. Clever marketing and image management doesn’t change the wolf’s clothing.

    As for the young girl dying, the people who set up water stations 10minutes away by foot should be prosecuted. I don’t care if they have a 30 or 60 minute break. It makes no sense to make someone walk a measurable distance in the heat to get water. Can you imagine the reaction and public outrage if one of the firefighters working on the California wildfires (not from Davis FD) dyed from poor hydration? It would never happen and would never be accepted.

  80. It’s funny that people are waking up to Trader Joe’s being like any other corporation. They are a national retailer. Not quite like a local coop. They will do whatever brings them the highest profit. I don’t know why anyone would think otherwise. Clever marketing and image management doesn’t change the wolf’s clothing.

    As for the young girl dying, the people who set up water stations 10minutes away by foot should be prosecuted. I don’t care if they have a 30 or 60 minute break. It makes no sense to make someone walk a measurable distance in the heat to get water. Can you imagine the reaction and public outrage if one of the firefighters working on the California wildfires (not from Davis FD) dyed from poor hydration? It would never happen and would never be accepted.

  81. DPD,
    Trader Joe’s and Wal Mart provide jobs and income for people. Dpd and his union wife may not like the level of income and benefits these two businesses provide for employee’s but, that’s tough.

    The prices are right for those of us barely making ends meet. In spite of what unions want, almost 100% of people will look for the least cost to provide the most for their families.

    Dpd may not understand this. However in a very short time down this road of life the reality of a very bad economy will hit everyone hard. Yes, DPD, even in affluent Davis.
    Hurray for Trader Joes’ and Wal Mart

  82. DPD,
    Trader Joe’s and Wal Mart provide jobs and income for people. Dpd and his union wife may not like the level of income and benefits these two businesses provide for employee’s but, that’s tough.

    The prices are right for those of us barely making ends meet. In spite of what unions want, almost 100% of people will look for the least cost to provide the most for their families.

    Dpd may not understand this. However in a very short time down this road of life the reality of a very bad economy will hit everyone hard. Yes, DPD, even in affluent Davis.
    Hurray for Trader Joes’ and Wal Mart

  83. DPD,
    Trader Joe’s and Wal Mart provide jobs and income for people. Dpd and his union wife may not like the level of income and benefits these two businesses provide for employee’s but, that’s tough.

    The prices are right for those of us barely making ends meet. In spite of what unions want, almost 100% of people will look for the least cost to provide the most for their families.

    Dpd may not understand this. However in a very short time down this road of life the reality of a very bad economy will hit everyone hard. Yes, DPD, even in affluent Davis.
    Hurray for Trader Joes’ and Wal Mart

  84. DPD,
    Trader Joe’s and Wal Mart provide jobs and income for people. Dpd and his union wife may not like the level of income and benefits these two businesses provide for employee’s but, that’s tough.

    The prices are right for those of us barely making ends meet. In spite of what unions want, almost 100% of people will look for the least cost to provide the most for their families.

    Dpd may not understand this. However in a very short time down this road of life the reality of a very bad economy will hit everyone hard. Yes, DPD, even in affluent Davis.
    Hurray for Trader Joes’ and Wal Mart

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