The Vanguard’s Article on AgraQuest Provokes Strong Response from Both County Health Director and Building Owner

Following Friday’s article on AgraQuest and the former office on Kennedy Place, Yolo County Health Director Bette Hinton was notified of the problem. As we now know, she actually learned of this problem a year ago.

Ironically, yesterday it was announced that Dr. Hinton would retire at the end of the year.

“Yolo County Health Officer and Health Department Director, Dr. Bette G. Hinton, today announced her intention to retire at the end of this year. Dr. Hinton has served Yolo County in her current position for the past ten years.”

However, right now we focus on her response to this complaint.

Here is her full response:

“Our department became aware of Mr Bell’s complaints in October of 2007. After review of a lengthy complaint document, the hazardous materials staff agreed that the Health Department had neither the technical expertise nor the regulatory authority to investigate the allegations. They made this decision after reviewing the Agra-Quest Hazardous Materials Business Plan, consultation with staff at the County Agriculture Department, the US Department of Agriculture, the Ca Dept of Food and Agriculture , the California Dept of Industrial Relations (CalOSHA) and with the US EPA. This matter was basically a workers compensation issue and a complaint that Agra-Quest dumped biological organisms with which they were working, into the soil around their facility. Additionally, the complaints were about an issue from 1998-1999 and there had been no other associated illnesses. In order to provide due diligence, we referred the complaint to USDA (which controls soil importation), California EPA and the California Department of Pesticide regulation. None of these agencies replied to us, but they may have investigated further.

With regard to the complaint of dumping biological material at the Kennedy Place facility, it would be extremely difficult to verify that now as the soil has been exposed for 10 years to any organism that might be found in our environment and many of the organisms that were used in the facility can be found elsewhere in our soil. Additionally, any pesticides which may have been successfully would probably be legal now for use on crops, etc. that surround us in an agricultural community. Personal contact with the soil would be necessary for harm to occur. This is not a chemical complaint where one might be concerned about water contamination or fumes from the site.

In summary, our hazardous materials specialist’s evaluation is that the health department has no regulatory authority in this case. It does not appear to be an “imminent threat to public health and safety”, which in the absence of clear regulatory authority, would be the only reason we could react.”

My basic concerns with this response are threefold.

I fully understand that the Yolo County Health Department has “neither the technical expertise nor the regulatory authority to investigate the allegations.” However, I would like to think as Director of the Health Department in Yolo County her responsibility would extend past that, and toward actually finding out who would have regulatory authority. This is a problem I have had at every level in this process and before me the family and consultants to David Bell. No one has had regulatory authority but worse yet, no one in a position to help has taken the time to find out who does.

Second, out of “due diligence” they referred the complaint to USDA, Cal-EPA, and Department of Pesticides, however, while they never replied, she also never followed up with them. To me that indicates a lack of concern.

Finally in response to the “imminent threat to public health and safety” there is actually some evidence that at least 11 other workers have become sick from this lab.

As Doug Haney, an expert on molds, fungi, and microbes tells us:

“When investigating this matter I was informed that one witness has indicated that at the same time Mr. Bell became ill, eleven other employees became ill also and the laboratory was locked up and secured by the company Chief Executive Officer.”

They might not have reported their illness to the health department, but it seems unlikely that the health department has checked into this much either. Moreover, as I am sure Dr. Hinton is well aware, there are times when such impacts happen 10 to 20 years down the line.

Mr. Haney also takes issue with the claim that a sample taken ten years after the fact would not prove useful.

“To the contrary, and with the amount of chemicals and microbes that allegedly were dumped into the soil adjacent to the external wall directly behind the internal laboratory area, deep soil sampling 10 years later might render some very intriguing and revealing facts, especially those relating to microbial genetic mutational theory.”

The overall response here from Dr. Hinton is disappointing. That is coupled by the response from Ron Broward, who is the owner of the building on Kennedy Place. He called the Vanguard on Monday morning at 10:00 to ask me to retract the story.

At this point I asked him why, he said that the story was completely false. His chief complaint was the use of the photos taken at the site, particularly that of the water faucet, which he characterized as a leaky sprinkler head. He said he has regular maintenance on the grounds who deal with such things and they simply replaced the sprinkler. Given the amount of corrosion and chemical deposits on that “sprinkler” it appears it would have had to be leaky for a long period of time.

I asked Doug Haney, who viewed the “sprinkler” what he thought he had seen:

“I saw and the picture shows it as, that could only be transferred over a long period of time. That’s not a few day type accumulation. My first impression of it was as a biointeractive health psychologist is that it’s chemistry, a lot of chemistry, on the drain.”

Mr. Broward also suggested that the crow was planted on the location. That did not seem to be a very logical deduction.

I asked Sandi Trend, the mother of David Bell about this accusation:

“Believe me, it wasn’t planted. It was suggested afterwords, well why didn’t you get it so it could be analyzed. My comment was, I’m not touching that thing.”

Instead she discovered it by happenstance when she came to look at the drain where her son had told her that he had dumped chemical drums years before.

“I took a friend of mine down and I want to see this drain where David said he was instructed to dump liquid. I didn’t even notice the crow, it was my friend. I am looking around the building for a drain and it was my friend who said oh my god, there’s a dead bird here. And that’s how I saw the dead bird.”

Of particular concern and unanswered by Mr. Broward was the lack of decomposition of this bird.

Doug Haney:

“I saw the crow two weeks later and I saw the pictures long after I saw the crow. I do know that the pictures were taken two weeks before because Sandi had told me that she had taken pictures of this crow earlier because she was putting it into her forte for her son.

That is correct [there was no decay of the bird when he inspected it]. After two weeks I would have expected to see almost bones and a little bit of feather.”

The Vanguard is trying to track down another witnessed who viewed both the crow and the sprinkler with Mr. Haney.

In the meantime, Ron Broward adamantly told the Vanguard he would not pay to examine either the interior or the exterior of the building to determine if there is a potential health risk. He argued that there is no evidence that there is. He suggested that if I wanted it examined, I could pay for it myself.

He pointed out that AgraQuest has not even been in the building for a number of years. I mentioned to him that these microorganisms can survive much longer than that period of time. He admitted he did not know anything about that.

In a follow up meeting, yesterday, on the location, Broward told myself and several others that they had done extensive remodels of the building.

However, as Doug Haney points out, unless they are specifically going in to remove microfungi agents, a routine remodel would probably not be sufficient.

Finally, Mr. Broward told me that this report had scared his tenants. I went door-to-door yesterday with a resident of the Davisille Apartments next to the business park and we probably spoke to 20 or 30 people. All of them were concerned, none of them could be characterized as frightened. People want to know if this represents a health problem, but no one is panicking about it.

This process is likely going to move on with or without the help of the authorities. It is a shame that Mr. Broward responded as he did, he could have put an end to the uncertainty very quickly.

—David M. Greenwald reporting


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. Bette Hinton is a nice person, but somewhat clueless. She sure as heck has jurisdiction over a potentially toxic local building, or had better go and find the appropriate state or federal officials. failing to act is malfeasance.

    Also, she was the local public health face for the UCD biolab campaign. attended every public meeting, cheering it on using her office’s good name. digusting.

    Imagine what would have happened to Davis if her and her friends had won the biolab, and Covell Village had won in nov 2005? this town would be an abandoned wasteland of foreclosure signs.

    thank god the progressives saved davis, again.

    DPD, go get ’em!

  2. Bette Hinton is a nice person, but somewhat clueless. She sure as heck has jurisdiction over a potentially toxic local building, or had better go and find the appropriate state or federal officials. failing to act is malfeasance.

    Also, she was the local public health face for the UCD biolab campaign. attended every public meeting, cheering it on using her office’s good name. digusting.

    Imagine what would have happened to Davis if her and her friends had won the biolab, and Covell Village had won in nov 2005? this town would be an abandoned wasteland of foreclosure signs.

    thank god the progressives saved davis, again.

    DPD, go get ’em!

  3. Bette Hinton is a nice person, but somewhat clueless. She sure as heck has jurisdiction over a potentially toxic local building, or had better go and find the appropriate state or federal officials. failing to act is malfeasance.

    Also, she was the local public health face for the UCD biolab campaign. attended every public meeting, cheering it on using her office’s good name. digusting.

    Imagine what would have happened to Davis if her and her friends had won the biolab, and Covell Village had won in nov 2005? this town would be an abandoned wasteland of foreclosure signs.

    thank god the progressives saved davis, again.

    DPD, go get ’em!

  4. Bette Hinton is a nice person, but somewhat clueless. She sure as heck has jurisdiction over a potentially toxic local building, or had better go and find the appropriate state or federal officials. failing to act is malfeasance.

    Also, she was the local public health face for the UCD biolab campaign. attended every public meeting, cheering it on using her office’s good name. digusting.

    Imagine what would have happened to Davis if her and her friends had won the biolab, and Covell Village had won in nov 2005? this town would be an abandoned wasteland of foreclosure signs.

    thank god the progressives saved davis, again.

    DPD, go get ’em!

  5. Without getting at all into the merits of this case, what is a “biointeractive health psychologist” and what expertise does that job title bring to the subject of irrigation pipe corrosion?
    Also, I can verify from personal observation that a dead crow will not decay in two weeks in this climate.

  6. Without getting at all into the merits of this case, what is a “biointeractive health psychologist” and what expertise does that job title bring to the subject of irrigation pipe corrosion?
    Also, I can verify from personal observation that a dead crow will not decay in two weeks in this climate.

  7. Without getting at all into the merits of this case, what is a “biointeractive health psychologist” and what expertise does that job title bring to the subject of irrigation pipe corrosion?
    Also, I can verify from personal observation that a dead crow will not decay in two weeks in this climate.

  8. Without getting at all into the merits of this case, what is a “biointeractive health psychologist” and what expertise does that job title bring to the subject of irrigation pipe corrosion?
    Also, I can verify from personal observation that a dead crow will not decay in two weeks in this climate.

  9. Happy retirement Bette G. Hinton. Now get out of the way and bring someone in who will do their job. The least you could do is bring an outside agency in to investigate the concerns.

    Just think Bette, while you are retired, there are a lot of retired people living around the potentially hazardous site who may have their health jeapordized.

    Please be responsible and have this looked into by a legitimate outsite agency and not a crony.

  10. Happy retirement Bette G. Hinton. Now get out of the way and bring someone in who will do their job. The least you could do is bring an outside agency in to investigate the concerns.

    Just think Bette, while you are retired, there are a lot of retired people living around the potentially hazardous site who may have their health jeapordized.

    Please be responsible and have this looked into by a legitimate outsite agency and not a crony.

  11. Happy retirement Bette G. Hinton. Now get out of the way and bring someone in who will do their job. The least you could do is bring an outside agency in to investigate the concerns.

    Just think Bette, while you are retired, there are a lot of retired people living around the potentially hazardous site who may have their health jeapordized.

    Please be responsible and have this looked into by a legitimate outsite agency and not a crony.

  12. Happy retirement Bette G. Hinton. Now get out of the way and bring someone in who will do their job. The least you could do is bring an outside agency in to investigate the concerns.

    Just think Bette, while you are retired, there are a lot of retired people living around the potentially hazardous site who may have their health jeapordized.

    Please be responsible and have this looked into by a legitimate outsite agency and not a crony.

  13. As Doug Haney, an expert on molds, fungi, and microbes tells us:

    “When investigating this matter I was informed that one witness has indicated that at the same time Mr. Bell became ill, eleven other employees became ill also and the laboratory was locked up and secured by the company Chief Executive Officer.”

    Is Haney working for Mr. Bell, or is he without a bias in this case?

  14. As Doug Haney, an expert on molds, fungi, and microbes tells us:

    “When investigating this matter I was informed that one witness has indicated that at the same time Mr. Bell became ill, eleven other employees became ill also and the laboratory was locked up and secured by the company Chief Executive Officer.”

    Is Haney working for Mr. Bell, or is he without a bias in this case?

  15. As Doug Haney, an expert on molds, fungi, and microbes tells us:

    “When investigating this matter I was informed that one witness has indicated that at the same time Mr. Bell became ill, eleven other employees became ill also and the laboratory was locked up and secured by the company Chief Executive Officer.”

    Is Haney working for Mr. Bell, or is he without a bias in this case?

  16. As Doug Haney, an expert on molds, fungi, and microbes tells us:

    “When investigating this matter I was informed that one witness has indicated that at the same time Mr. Bell became ill, eleven other employees became ill also and the laboratory was locked up and secured by the company Chief Executive Officer.”

    Is Haney working for Mr. Bell, or is he without a bias in this case?

  17. Any contribution by Mr. Haney is hearsay and cannot be considered evidence. He says…but has no proof.

    Last winter everyone of the employees where I work fell ill with that horrible flu. Does this mean that the building is contaminated and requires investigation by multiple agencies?

    There are people working in the building currently and have been since 1998-1999. Do any of them have similar symptoms to Mr. Bell?

    I have seen leaky fixtures in Davis develop similar characteristics to the pictures you showed in the previous post. Does this mean that these homes need to be investigated by several agencies? Or does it mean that Davis water is highly corrosive to fixtures? Do a study. Set a faucet to drip and leave it for a year and see what happens.

    David – you are losing credibility with this.

  18. Any contribution by Mr. Haney is hearsay and cannot be considered evidence. He says…but has no proof.

    Last winter everyone of the employees where I work fell ill with that horrible flu. Does this mean that the building is contaminated and requires investigation by multiple agencies?

    There are people working in the building currently and have been since 1998-1999. Do any of them have similar symptoms to Mr. Bell?

    I have seen leaky fixtures in Davis develop similar characteristics to the pictures you showed in the previous post. Does this mean that these homes need to be investigated by several agencies? Or does it mean that Davis water is highly corrosive to fixtures? Do a study. Set a faucet to drip and leave it for a year and see what happens.

    David – you are losing credibility with this.

  19. Any contribution by Mr. Haney is hearsay and cannot be considered evidence. He says…but has no proof.

    Last winter everyone of the employees where I work fell ill with that horrible flu. Does this mean that the building is contaminated and requires investigation by multiple agencies?

    There are people working in the building currently and have been since 1998-1999. Do any of them have similar symptoms to Mr. Bell?

    I have seen leaky fixtures in Davis develop similar characteristics to the pictures you showed in the previous post. Does this mean that these homes need to be investigated by several agencies? Or does it mean that Davis water is highly corrosive to fixtures? Do a study. Set a faucet to drip and leave it for a year and see what happens.

    David – you are losing credibility with this.

  20. Any contribution by Mr. Haney is hearsay and cannot be considered evidence. He says…but has no proof.

    Last winter everyone of the employees where I work fell ill with that horrible flu. Does this mean that the building is contaminated and requires investigation by multiple agencies?

    There are people working in the building currently and have been since 1998-1999. Do any of them have similar symptoms to Mr. Bell?

    I have seen leaky fixtures in Davis develop similar characteristics to the pictures you showed in the previous post. Does this mean that these homes need to be investigated by several agencies? Or does it mean that Davis water is highly corrosive to fixtures? Do a study. Set a faucet to drip and leave it for a year and see what happens.

    David – you are losing credibility with this.

  21. If David Bell was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis he most likely acquired it from exposure to contaminated soil. But who knows, at this late date, if Agraquest had procedures in place to protect their employees from possible exposure – or even if their employees followed those procedures.

  22. If David Bell was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis he most likely acquired it from exposure to contaminated soil. But who knows, at this late date, if Agraquest had procedures in place to protect their employees from possible exposure – or even if their employees followed those procedures.

  23. If David Bell was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis he most likely acquired it from exposure to contaminated soil. But who knows, at this late date, if Agraquest had procedures in place to protect their employees from possible exposure – or even if their employees followed those procedures.

  24. If David Bell was diagnosed with Histoplasmosis he most likely acquired it from exposure to contaminated soil. But who knows, at this late date, if Agraquest had procedures in place to protect their employees from possible exposure – or even if their employees followed those procedures.

  25. Dead Crows are fairly common in this area, due to West Nile Virus. Corrosion from the extremely hard water in Davis? Reaction of the piping material to the chemicals in hard water?

    A dead crow cannot decay in 2 weeks? Depends on the heat, bacteria within and the local insects finding the carcass. Yes, there can be a lot of deterioration in 2 weeks or less.

    Histoplasmosis? Are you in contact with the everyday world or just have a weak immune system? I hink 11 people might have been sickened?

    Was a disgruntled employee looking for a large settlement or a medical disability thru workmen’s comp?

    David Greenwald please do not waste the fleeting time of life on this dead end pursuit. Don Shor had a good question about the, “Biointeractive Health Psychologist”. Also Don you should not sit around watching crows decay. Because not only can viruses and bacteria be contracted from others they can be airborne from slight winds that can deposit them on you, or in your facial orifices, through dust and invisible water droplets.

  26. Dead Crows are fairly common in this area, due to West Nile Virus. Corrosion from the extremely hard water in Davis? Reaction of the piping material to the chemicals in hard water?

    A dead crow cannot decay in 2 weeks? Depends on the heat, bacteria within and the local insects finding the carcass. Yes, there can be a lot of deterioration in 2 weeks or less.

    Histoplasmosis? Are you in contact with the everyday world or just have a weak immune system? I hink 11 people might have been sickened?

    Was a disgruntled employee looking for a large settlement or a medical disability thru workmen’s comp?

    David Greenwald please do not waste the fleeting time of life on this dead end pursuit. Don Shor had a good question about the, “Biointeractive Health Psychologist”. Also Don you should not sit around watching crows decay. Because not only can viruses and bacteria be contracted from others they can be airborne from slight winds that can deposit them on you, or in your facial orifices, through dust and invisible water droplets.

  27. Dead Crows are fairly common in this area, due to West Nile Virus. Corrosion from the extremely hard water in Davis? Reaction of the piping material to the chemicals in hard water?

    A dead crow cannot decay in 2 weeks? Depends on the heat, bacteria within and the local insects finding the carcass. Yes, there can be a lot of deterioration in 2 weeks or less.

    Histoplasmosis? Are you in contact with the everyday world or just have a weak immune system? I hink 11 people might have been sickened?

    Was a disgruntled employee looking for a large settlement or a medical disability thru workmen’s comp?

    David Greenwald please do not waste the fleeting time of life on this dead end pursuit. Don Shor had a good question about the, “Biointeractive Health Psychologist”. Also Don you should not sit around watching crows decay. Because not only can viruses and bacteria be contracted from others they can be airborne from slight winds that can deposit them on you, or in your facial orifices, through dust and invisible water droplets.

  28. Dead Crows are fairly common in this area, due to West Nile Virus. Corrosion from the extremely hard water in Davis? Reaction of the piping material to the chemicals in hard water?

    A dead crow cannot decay in 2 weeks? Depends on the heat, bacteria within and the local insects finding the carcass. Yes, there can be a lot of deterioration in 2 weeks or less.

    Histoplasmosis? Are you in contact with the everyday world or just have a weak immune system? I hink 11 people might have been sickened?

    Was a disgruntled employee looking for a large settlement or a medical disability thru workmen’s comp?

    David Greenwald please do not waste the fleeting time of life on this dead end pursuit. Don Shor had a good question about the, “Biointeractive Health Psychologist”. Also Don you should not sit around watching crows decay. Because not only can viruses and bacteria be contracted from others they can be airborne from slight winds that can deposit them on you, or in your facial orifices, through dust and invisible water droplets.

  29. I did not have a chance yesterday to address some of the comments here.

    First, I dropped a book by Doug Haney off with Don Shor today, it’s called “Toxic Mold, Toxic Enemy.” I have three other copies I can give away, so anyone interested in reading about this issue of microfungi infections and sick building syndrome, drop me an email

    Second, this is an incredibly complex subject. I made a decision to attempt to simplify a lot of this, as I assume did the News and Review. For example, David Bell has tested positive for a large number of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. A lot of these match the components listed on patents either held by Agraquest or used by Agraquest and most of these are not common infections that would have been obtained elsewhere. I think it is a pretty strongly compelling case here, but it gets incredibly complex very quickly and I am not a doctor.

    I do have copies of several doctor reports including a few pretty renowned doctors, one of whom is unfortunately deceased and also the report from the Mayo Clinic. Anyone who suggests that a reputable doctor would scoff at this really isn’t knowledgeable about this situation.

    The person who suggested he was basically faking this, really has no idea what they are talking about.

    Anyone who wants further information is welcome to contact me and I will get them what they need. I will be continuing to follow up on this story as new information comes to light.

  30. I did not have a chance yesterday to address some of the comments here.

    First, I dropped a book by Doug Haney off with Don Shor today, it’s called “Toxic Mold, Toxic Enemy.” I have three other copies I can give away, so anyone interested in reading about this issue of microfungi infections and sick building syndrome, drop me an email

    Second, this is an incredibly complex subject. I made a decision to attempt to simplify a lot of this, as I assume did the News and Review. For example, David Bell has tested positive for a large number of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. A lot of these match the components listed on patents either held by Agraquest or used by Agraquest and most of these are not common infections that would have been obtained elsewhere. I think it is a pretty strongly compelling case here, but it gets incredibly complex very quickly and I am not a doctor.

    I do have copies of several doctor reports including a few pretty renowned doctors, one of whom is unfortunately deceased and also the report from the Mayo Clinic. Anyone who suggests that a reputable doctor would scoff at this really isn’t knowledgeable about this situation.

    The person who suggested he was basically faking this, really has no idea what they are talking about.

    Anyone who wants further information is welcome to contact me and I will get them what they need. I will be continuing to follow up on this story as new information comes to light.

  31. I did not have a chance yesterday to address some of the comments here.

    First, I dropped a book by Doug Haney off with Don Shor today, it’s called “Toxic Mold, Toxic Enemy.” I have three other copies I can give away, so anyone interested in reading about this issue of microfungi infections and sick building syndrome, drop me an email

    Second, this is an incredibly complex subject. I made a decision to attempt to simplify a lot of this, as I assume did the News and Review. For example, David Bell has tested positive for a large number of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. A lot of these match the components listed on patents either held by Agraquest or used by Agraquest and most of these are not common infections that would have been obtained elsewhere. I think it is a pretty strongly compelling case here, but it gets incredibly complex very quickly and I am not a doctor.

    I do have copies of several doctor reports including a few pretty renowned doctors, one of whom is unfortunately deceased and also the report from the Mayo Clinic. Anyone who suggests that a reputable doctor would scoff at this really isn’t knowledgeable about this situation.

    The person who suggested he was basically faking this, really has no idea what they are talking about.

    Anyone who wants further information is welcome to contact me and I will get them what they need. I will be continuing to follow up on this story as new information comes to light.

  32. I did not have a chance yesterday to address some of the comments here.

    First, I dropped a book by Doug Haney off with Don Shor today, it’s called “Toxic Mold, Toxic Enemy.” I have three other copies I can give away, so anyone interested in reading about this issue of microfungi infections and sick building syndrome, drop me an email

    Second, this is an incredibly complex subject. I made a decision to attempt to simplify a lot of this, as I assume did the News and Review. For example, David Bell has tested positive for a large number of microorganisms including bacteria and fungi. A lot of these match the components listed on patents either held by Agraquest or used by Agraquest and most of these are not common infections that would have been obtained elsewhere. I think it is a pretty strongly compelling case here, but it gets incredibly complex very quickly and I am not a doctor.

    I do have copies of several doctor reports including a few pretty renowned doctors, one of whom is unfortunately deceased and also the report from the Mayo Clinic. Anyone who suggests that a reputable doctor would scoff at this really isn’t knowledgeable about this situation.

    The person who suggested he was basically faking this, really has no idea what they are talking about.

    Anyone who wants further information is welcome to contact me and I will get them what they need. I will be continuing to follow up on this story as new information comes to light.

  33. It seems unlikely that the crow would hang around the water source long enough to die from it and it also seems unlikely that the water source would kill so fast that the crow would not have an opportunity to wander off. Maybe the dead crow was feeling ill (West Nile) and died next to a water source. As the person who took the picture did not collect the bird and have it tested, we will never know.

  34. It seems unlikely that the crow would hang around the water source long enough to die from it and it also seems unlikely that the water source would kill so fast that the crow would not have an opportunity to wander off. Maybe the dead crow was feeling ill (West Nile) and died next to a water source. As the person who took the picture did not collect the bird and have it tested, we will never know.

  35. It seems unlikely that the crow would hang around the water source long enough to die from it and it also seems unlikely that the water source would kill so fast that the crow would not have an opportunity to wander off. Maybe the dead crow was feeling ill (West Nile) and died next to a water source. As the person who took the picture did not collect the bird and have it tested, we will never know.

  36. It seems unlikely that the crow would hang around the water source long enough to die from it and it also seems unlikely that the water source would kill so fast that the crow would not have an opportunity to wander off. Maybe the dead crow was feeling ill (West Nile) and died next to a water source. As the person who took the picture did not collect the bird and have it tested, we will never know.

  37. David Bell is a mentally ill individual and his position throughout this whole escapade is not predicated on any merit whatsoever (do your homework, you’ll see for yourself).

    Let’s move on and stop wasting everyone’s time with this non-issue.

  38. David Bell is a mentally ill individual and his position throughout this whole escapade is not predicated on any merit whatsoever (do your homework, you’ll see for yourself).

    Let’s move on and stop wasting everyone’s time with this non-issue.

  39. David Bell is a mentally ill individual and his position throughout this whole escapade is not predicated on any merit whatsoever (do your homework, you’ll see for yourself).

    Let’s move on and stop wasting everyone’s time with this non-issue.

  40. David Bell is a mentally ill individual and his position throughout this whole escapade is not predicated on any merit whatsoever (do your homework, you’ll see for yourself).

    Let’s move on and stop wasting everyone’s time with this non-issue.

  41. Having read the reports from various doctors, I don’t think that’s accurate. However, since David Bell is a private citizen, your post is libelous.

  42. Having read the reports from various doctors, I don’t think that’s accurate. However, since David Bell is a private citizen, your post is libelous.

  43. Having read the reports from various doctors, I don’t think that’s accurate. However, since David Bell is a private citizen, your post is libelous.

  44. Having read the reports from various doctors, I don’t think that’s accurate. However, since David Bell is a private citizen, your post is libelous.

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