Donation Info

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On March 2, 2009, the Vanguard has taken yet another big step.  Thanks to the contributions from donors like you, we have been able to build a dynamic new website to take the Vanguard to the next level.

2008 was a big year for the Vanguard. In our second full year in existence, the Vanguard increased its readership by a full forty percent over the previous year.

More importantly, the Vanguard performed major investigative exposes of long underreported news stories such as Tahir Ahad’s use of the Davis School District to start his own business with DJUSD employees. The Vanguard also became a larger public watch dog organization, detailing the explosion of employee salaries and examining city and school district budgets.

The Vanguard has been able to achieve all of this despite a very limited budget and income.

With this new website, the Vanguard can support the broader goal of creating a place where members of the community can read the news of the day, share their own thoughts, post their own material, and keep the community informed about various events.

This is just the start.  There are a growing number of independent public watchdog and reporting groups arising across the nation because they fill a void that is missing for investigative reports, detailed accounts of public affairs, public meetings, and daily coverage of city, county, and educational issues. These models all rely on reader support.

So I ask you today to help make the People’s Vanguard of Davis even better and more vital than it was before.

Your donation can help put us on track to accomplish our very ambitious goals for 2009.

Please send your donation today. Whether you can afford to give $10 a month or $5000, your gift is vital to the future success of the Vanguard and to help ensure that Davis always has an independent source for news, analysis, and commentary.




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