By Alan Pryor
I read with interest Bob Dunning’s column a week before Christmas when in the midst of his angry tirade against proposed restrictions of single-use bags he proclaimed “that virtually all Davisites are courteous and considerate and don’t burn wood on “No Burn” day“. Well, as often seems the case, Bob Dunning must inhabit an alternate Davis universe from many of the rest of us. As those of us accustomed to taking long walks on winter evenings know well, there are parts of Davis in which an acrid odor of wood smoke is almost continuously present during calm winter nights – even on those nights in which voluntary wood burning restrictions have been called.
A Pall of Wood Smoke has Been Hanging over Davis and Sacramento for Weeks
As an example, over the last two weeks there have been a continuous series of voluntary Don’t Light Tonight alerts issued by the Yolo Solano Air Quality Management District (YSAQMD). This is due to a combination of high ambient particulate matter concentrations as well as low wind speeds in the region. In neighboring Sacramento Co., the Sacramento Air Quality Management District has already called more mandatory no burn-days since December 1 and issued more complaints against citizens violating those restrictions than they did during the entire wood-burning season last year.