by Robb Davis –
Those who were at the Davis City Council meeting on Tuesday evening July 10, 2012 experienced a moment of genuine excitement and hope in the midst of the many serious challenges we face as a city. The excitement was, no doubt, a product of the fact that those in attendance were, for the most part, the supporters of one or more of the new Council members. However, even if one was not a backer of one or more of them, it was hard not to have a sense of pride at having participated in a process that delivered a new group of willing public servants ready to help us move forward as a community. With their smiling faces and friends and family at their sides, it was easy to clap and smile with them and wish them the best, even as the specter of the hard road ahead shadowed the room.
I suspect that part of the excitement was also due to the fact that we were participating in that all too rare (in our culture and time) event that one might call a public ritual. Besides graduations, civil union ceremonies or memorial services we seem to participate in relatively few public rituals. Far more rare are the ones that include our elected officials standing before us to make solemn vows-to take oaths and make promises to us as citizens. The seriousness of the moment should not escape any of us as we consider the importance of leaders making promises to us-those whom they will lead.