Day #6 Update – Davis/Yolo Team Cap-to-Cap Trip – Reality Takes Over Back Home


by Councilmember Rochelle Swanson

April 15, 2012 (Washington DC) – We were met today with the shocking and sad news today from our home about the incredible loss of two very important community members. It was hard to focus today and Joe, Lucas and I have been keeping in constant touch with Chief Black and city manager Steve Pinkerton for updates and information.

This terrible community loss was then compounded by the news from Boston.  Security in DC became very tight and they shut the park to the north of the White House.

It seems contradictory to today’s events to spend time tonight detailing the meetings and appointments today, but suffice it to say that even with all of the loss and heartache caused by these events the connections today were some of the best yet.

Additionally, our Mayor issued the statement below on behalf of all of the Council.

I will detail more tomorrow.  Tonight, we will spend time fondly remembering our fellow community members and focus on the healing for our city and the City of Boston.


Earlier statement from Joe Krovoza issied on behalf of Council

It’s with great of sadness that the City Council and I have received news of the deaths of Claudia Maupin and Chip Northup.  Our hearts go out to their families, friends, fellow congregants at the Davis Unitarian Universalist Church, and the many groups in Davis they touched.  While Davis achieves a high degree of safety through our police and the watchful eyes of all, we are not immune from terrible acts. Let us all redouble our efforts to protect our fellow citizens and give support to those who have suffered this irreversible loss.  Our Council is staying well-informed on the quick and comprehensive response of our police, and our Police Department’s efforts will not cease until the case is brought to closure.




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