Vanguard Turns Seven

Vanguard_-_VJust wanted to send a quick note out.  Seven years ago today, the Vanguard published its first entry. I’ve published this piece at the exact time the first publication occurred.

This was the first entry I ever wrote, on the free blogger software.  I think it was not until late September of that year when I realized people were actually reading this stuff that I had started publishing every single day.

When I told my wife that I wanted to start a blog, her response was, isn’t that something where people talk about their feelings or write about Britney Spears?  I told her it was a powerful new medium for alternative journalism.  She told me to do what I wanted.  I did.  I would never have guessed where this journey would have taken me.

Thanks to all our readers, sponsors, contributors, commenters and donors for allowing us to become what we are today.

By the way, we need some money, so if you haven’t contributed lately, hit the link.  Thanks again.  And if you have – thanks again for all of your support – we could not do this without you.


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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Open Government


  1. Happy Birthday! Here’s Britney, singing it for you: [img][/img]

  2. Davis wrote:

    > Congratulations on seven years…

    P.S. I remember getting a free newspaper called the Vanguard on my driveway in Davis a few times about 5 years ago. Was this you? If it was when did the Vanguard paper start and end?

  3. We’ve never had a paper publication. Could have been the Flatlander or I think the Woodland Record delivered a few hard copies to Davis.

  4. “…..And many more”
    I may not always agree with you but certainly appreciate the coverage especially of local issues…has made me much more informed!

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