While we are still developing the new comment system, you can register to post comments. This will allow you to avoid the dreaded CAPTCHA system every time you post.
Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.
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Direct link – https://davisvanguard.org/profile-2/register/
Testing too.
Testing three
No CAPTCHA required
Problem in using Vanguard site with Apple phone/pad operating system and Safari: Crashes Safari whenever enlarging page to enlarge type (by spreading thumb and finger).
Perhaps it’s coming, but I hope that when the new site is fully operational, we’ll be able to see (as in the past) beneath each headline story if any comments (and how many) have been received. It’s annoying to have to scroll down each time to see if any new comments have been added since my initial reading.
THanks – keep posting the suggestions, we’re reading them all will accommodate what we can.
For some reason I still had to use a CAPTCHA code to login just now. But I seem to be registered.
I would suggest having something like a bulletin board, where readers could initiate and contribute to ongoing discussions, and maybe not feel constrained to stay on topic to the particular posted articles.
yes, crashes with iphone…..I registered successfully but do not want to be a subscriber….just go on when I want like before. But the registering process made me choose subscriber. Can I change now?
yeah optimization is needed (or I suppose desired) for all mobile devices and their predominant browsers.. site working great on Linux, Mac, and Windows though – which can be a mission in and of itself. Looking good.
A few things:
1. The post preview feature of the old site is one that should be replicated here.
2. Same with the quote function.
3. A menu item that will allow direct access to the user’s profile is needed. If one already exists, I’m not seeing it.
4. The Related Articles panel shouldn’t stand between an article and its comments. It belongs somewhere else, perhaps as a sidebar.
5. I know the horse has already left the barn, but none of this stuff is new — why did your web designer decide to reinvent so many wheels?
6. Allow persistent logins (“remember me”). Many of us connect from secure computers and don’t want to have to log in every time we visit the site.
7. Include a link to the comment in email notifications.
Mobile viewing no longer crashing since capability to enlarge apparently has been disengaged. That, of course, means mobile viewing is problematic since the text is reversed and small. When enlargement again is activated (without crashes), things will be better.
Is it necessary to occupy more than one-third of the story page widths with a column that shows numbers of Twitter, FB followers, hottest topics, popular, advertisements, etc.? That space is needed for good presentation of the stories themselves.
Agree that “related articles” shouldn’t separate a story and its comments and that the number of comments should appear in overviews so one doesn’t have to go to page to see that no one has recently commented. And there seems to be no relationship to the “related articles” and the firefighter contract article, for example.
Do you have a place for us to dump web development observations, suggestions and other feedback as we come across issues? Don’t want to look like griping and whining while you’re going through this difficult reworking of the Vanguard site….
Haven’t figured out easy way to get from one new story to the next unread one without scrolling back to the top, clicking on the Vanguard logo and opening up the next story to read.
Are Frankly’s and B.Nice’s multiple comments on the same story really most of the “hottest topics”–how do items get assigned to this list?
Seems as though the issue with crashing on iPads and iPhones has been fixed. Thanks.
The old site’s button to “go back to top” from the bottom was really useful. Pls. restore.
on the right side click from “popular” to “recent” and you gt all of the latest articles.
Thank you, Davis Progressive.
David, maybe the default for these tabs should be “recent” instead of “popular. ” Still trying to figure out what “hottest topics” is all about. And why would “popular” and “hottest” be the same thing.
Ipad: Good points. I will push the developer on the recent over popular. Poppular is supposed to be most views, hottest is supposed to be most comments.
1. The login page says I can log in with my username or email address, but only the email address option works for me.
2. On the Popular/Recent/Comments/Tags sidebar, when Comments are selected the atavar images (at least the placeholder image, which is the only one I can see at the moment) are so big (by a factor of 10 or so) that they obscures most of the comments.
3. Has editing of comments been considered (re: “obscure” versus “obscures” above)? I realize that this requires some thought in order to avoid disrupting the flow of comments (unregulated editing could produce a misleading comment history). As I’ve noted before, one approach taken by a forum I frequent is that the user can edit his remarks for 1 hour or until someone else responds after him, whichever comes first.
Regarding avatar image size, I just uploaded an image to my profile, and it displays at an appropriate size in the Comments sidebar. Perhaps it’s only the placeholder image that needs to be resized.
Jim: All of this going to be addressed in the new commenting system that is still being developed. BUt please continue with the feedback as it gives us ideas on improvement.