Election Digest: Campaign Finance and More Endorsements


Krovoza campaign has raised over $250,000 from over 650 donors

Joe Krovoza, the mayor of Davis, has announced that over 650 supporters have contributed more than $250,000 to date toward his bid for State Assembly. The majority of these contributors gave just $100 or less, indicating widespread, grassroots support.

“At every step along the campaign trail, our fundraising has turned heads. Not just in terms of dollars, but also the number of donors, which is even more gratifying,” explained Krovoza. “650 people have contributed to my campaign, and that forms a tremendous base for us to draw upon as we approach the Primary, and then the General Election.”

Campaign finance reports filed this week with the Secretary of State reaffirm the trend established in previous reports. Bill Dodd of Napa has the most cash on hand with $528,000, a majority of which comes from “max-out” contributions of $4,100, the maximum donation size legally permitted for a State Assembly election. Krovoza has the second largest amount of cash on hand at $144,000, and Dan Wolk of Davis trails with $84,000. The race also includes two Republican candidates, Charlie Schaupp and Dustin Call, who have not yet filed campaign finance reports.

Citing Krovoza’s decades of environmental leadership in the region, the environmental community has enthusiastically rallied behind Krovoza’s candidacy, including endorsements from the Sierra Club and the California League of Conservation Voters.

At UC Davis, Joe Krovoza has worked for 17 years developing the University’s world-class academic programs in clean transportation and energy efficiency. Krovoza has a long history of public service and volunteerism, including serving as a three-time gubernatorial appointee on the California Student Aid Commission, where he fought to make college education more affordable. Krovoza has served as Mayor of Davis since 2011, where he has successfully led the city back to firm fiscal footing and has been a vocal champion for protecting the region’s environmental assets.

Krovoza, a lifelong Democrat, is a candidate for the 4th Assembly District, which includes Lake and Napa Counties, most of Yolo County, and part of Colusa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties.


Top Current & Former Yolo County Officials Join Diverse and Growing Coalition Supporting Larenda Delaini for Judge

Rexroad & Melton Add to Broad Community Support for Delaini

Today, Larenda Delaini, candidate for Yolo County Superior Court Judge, announced endorsements from County Supervisor Matt Rexroad and retired Yolo County Public Defender Barry Melton.  Supervisor Rexroad and Barry Melton join retired Yolo County Sheriff Bob Martinez and retired West Sacramento Police Chief Daniel Drummond and many others in endorsing Larenda.

“Several years ago the Sheriff, District Attorney, Presiding Judge and I all wrote letters to the Governor asking that appointments to the bench have extensive criminal trial experience,” Supervisor Rexroad said.  “Larenda will make an excellent Judge.  She is from this community, is raising her family here, and has extensive criminal trial experience.  Larenda is clearly the best choice for Judge.”

Barry Melton explained, “Larenda has an extraordinary intellect, a keen wit, patience, and understanding.  She would be a great asset to the bench of the Yolo County Superior Court.”

These endorsements come as Larenda’s support base from throughout Yolo County continues to grow.

“I’m honored to have the endorsement of these two distinguished members of our community.  Both have shown a strong commitment to the people of Yolo County and their careers are marked by service and sacrifice.  I’m grateful for their support,” said Delaini.

Larenda is a Deputy Attorney General and adjunct professor at Sacramento City College.  She also works in the legal writing program at Lincoln Law School, and volunteers in the community.  Larenda and her husband David, a Lieutenant at the West Sacramento Police Department, have two children, ages 4 and 7.

To learn more about Larenda Delaini, visit:   www.DelainiforJudge.com


Yolo County District Attorney Jeff Reisig today announced his endorsement of a candidate for election to the position of Superior Court Judge.

“I’m pleased to support Commissioner Janene Beronio for Judge,” said DA Jeff Reisig.  “Janene has proven that she cares about victims and the safety of our communities.  And she is committed to fairness.  All parties are treated equally and in accordance with the law – you can’t ask more from a Judge.”

Yolo Superior Court Commissioner Janene Beronio is a candidate for the Superior Court Judge position being vacated by Yolo’s most senior Judge, Steve Mock, who has also endorsed Beronio for election.

“This endorsement by our county district attorney is especially gratifying to me because the criminal law component is such a huge part of our job as judicial officers – because of the volume of cases  and work in criminal law, we require a majority of our Yolo Judges to cover the criminal side,” said Commissioner Beronio.  “I welcome the endorsement and support of Jeff Reisig.”

Yolo Superior Court Judge Dave Rosenberg, a long time Trial Judge handling a felony assignment, added:  “Commissioner Beronio has been endorsed by so many professionals who work in criminal justice, law enforcement and public safety, including many deputy district attorneys, many criminal defense counsel and deputy public defenders, many on the leadership team in the Yolo Public Defender’s Office, and now by the District Attorney himself. The fact that she has been endorsed by these folks from both sides of the criminal justice aisle shows that Janene is an even-handed judicial officer who treats all sides with fairness.”

Beronio is a Superior Court Commissioner in the Yolo Superior Court.  Her current assignment is covering all felony and misdemeanor arraignments.  Court Commissioners are judicial officers appointed by the collective decision of the Judges of the Superior Court.  Court Commissioners can cover virtually every assignment given to Judges, by law or the stipulation of the parties.  Commissioner Beronio has served as a Court Commissioner for the Yolo Superior Court for the past 25 years.

Commissioner Beronio has been endorsed for election to Yolo Superior Court Judge by every living Yolo Superior Court Judge, both active and retired.



Wednesday, April 2nd
6:30pm to 8:30pm
Community Chambers at City Hall (23 Russell Blvd.)

Our community deserves elected officials who are willing and able to work constructively with local businesses, concerned citizens and community organizations to find solutions for today’s problems.

Find out more online: www.davischamberpac.com

“The sole funding source for the Chamber PAC is voluntary contributions by individual members of the Davis Chamber of Commerce. No funds from the operating budget of the Davis Chamber of Commerce are used to support Davis Chamber PAC activities. The Davis Chamber of Commerce and Davis Chamber PAC are not affiliated with the US Chamber of Commerce or the California Chamber of Commerce.”


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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