Election Digest: Krovoza Racks Up Fourth Newspaper Endorsement


Independent Newspapers Agree: Krovoza for Assembly

On Tuesday, the Santa Rosa Press Democrat endorsed Joe Krovoza for State Assembly. The Press Democrat is now the fourth major newspaper to take a stance on the 4th Assembly District race, and all four have endorsed Krovoza, who currently serves as the mayor of Davis.

“He brings a no-nonsense practical approach toward confronting unfunded liabilities, playing a pivotal role in helping Davis confront its escalating pension problems through collective bargaining and belt-tightening,” wrote the Press Democrat.

The editorial continued, “His expertise in water law and his knowledge of energy sustainability would be invaluable in Sacramento given mandates for carbon reduction, rising debate about climate change and growing concern about drought.”

The editorial closed its description of Krovoza by saying, “With his passion for preserving the state’s fiscal and environmental future, Krovoza comes with the credentials and the focus California needs.”

Krovoza said of his growing number of newspaper endorsements, “I am humbled that these newspapers throughout the district have each independently concluded that I would best serve our district. My focus is policy over politics — always doing what is right for our people and our communities — and our newspapers recognize the value of this less partisan approach.”

The Press Democrat joins the Sacramento Bee, the Davis Enterprise, and the Woodland Daily Democrat in endorsing Krovoza for Assembly. These papers have consistently pointed to Krovoza’s impressive record of accomplishments, his policy expertise, and his independent thinking.

Krovoza has also received the endorsements of every environmental organization that has weighed in on this Assembly race, along with the state’s leading LGBT rights organization, Equality California.

Krovoza, a Democrat, is a candidate for the 4th Assembly District, which includes Lake and Napa Counties, most of Yolo County, and part of Colusa, Solano, and Sonoma Counties. Learn more at joekrovoza.org.

Neustadt-SamLetter on Behalf of Sam Neustadt

I served as the Deputy Superintendent for the Yolo County Office of Education until my retirement in 2012. Over my twenty year career I was directly involved in critical budget and Special Education issues for every school district in Yolo County. It was my experience that the most important factors affecting an administrator’s success were relevant experience and a complete understanding of the programs offered for the student populations they serve. The County Superintendent is a position requiring both administrative leadership experience and highly specialized technical knowledge. Sam Neustadt is the only candidate for Yolo County Superintendent of Schools with the relevant K-12 and County Office experience that would allow him to successfully serve the students and community of Yolo County.

The County Superintendent is a K-12 educational leader who approves or disapproves school district Local Control Accountability Plans, the administrator responsible for verifying fiscal solvency for each school district in the budget approval process, and the employer of nearly 260 employees. The County Offices operates some of the most complex and compliance intense programs for the most vulnerable student populations. The experience and knowledge required to fulfill these responsibilities take years to acquire. Sam Neustadt has the relevant experience and K-12 expertise to avoid costly educational and financial mistakes. Sam has the practical daily experience that turns board policy into positive opportunities for students.

Yolo County deserves an experienced K-12 educator to serve as the next County Superintendent. I had the opportunity to work directly with Sam when the Yolo County Office of Education contracted with him to develop the Yolo County Special Education Local Plan. Sam was knowledgeable about the program, masterful at getting people to work together for a common goal, and always focused on students. Individuals and organizations often endorse candidates based on what is in the best interest of their constituents. In this election parents and the larger community have the opportunity to vote based on what it in the best interest of students. I urge you to learn more about Sam by visiting his website at www.samneustadt.com and then join me in electing Sam Neustadt as the next Yolo County Superintendent of Schools.

Linda Legnitto


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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  1. interesting. the other candidates are treating krovoza as an after thought despite his war chest of $300,000. the newspapers clearly like him. does wolk have any newspaper endorsements? why not?

  2. David, my comment which follows is a bit off topic, so remove it if you must, but I learned something about the Davis Municipal Code I never before knew.

    What I found out is that, while we have a 6 square feet maximum size for campaign signs on residential properties, much larger signs–up to “eighteen square feet per street frontage” on commercial and industrial properties.

    Why I looked up the ordinance is that this morning I spotted a giant sign advertising Brennan for Judge out front of a business on G Street. I guess it was 3 feet tall and 6 feet wide (though, of course, I did not measure it). I thought: wow, that’s a flagrant violation of the ordinance on campaign signs within the city limits. But, in fact, I was wrong. We have two size standards.

  3. DP

    I cannot put forward an answer to your question on why the newspapers are not endorsing Dan. But I can speculate on why some may be writing off Joe Krovoza’s candidacy. Joe is not running as a partisan as Dan is.
    The fact that Joe and I have disagreed, and sometimes vehemently on some issues, does not deter me from supporting him. As frustrating as it may be for me when he takes a position against my own, at least I know that he has gone through his own thought process to arrive at his ( sometimes unfathomable to me ) position. He is beholding to no one. He genuinely makes his decisions based on what he believes is the best interest of those he represents. This has value for me regardless of how wrong I think he may be. I believe that Dan, while he may get to this point with experience, is frequently swayed by whether or not his position will be seen as that of a
    true “Democrat”. This is what he is running on in his literature and unfortunately, I believe it is true of him at this time. I would like to see Dan succeed in his political aspirations in time. However, I think his lack of independent though at this time indicates that this is not his time and that he needs more experience and more independence in order to be a truly effective leader.

    1. Good response Tia, and I agree. I think many underestimate the work load and the resultant value of being mayor. I think serving his term as mayor will be beneficial to Dan in ways that you have enumerated. It will be tougher than being a councilman in that he will be running the meetings, conferring with staff to set agendas and set forth policy discussions, etc. All good for him.

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