Davis Ranked 3rd In The State For Reducing Water Use In September

(city of Davis press release)

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) released a “Per Capita Daily Water Use Numbers” report today.  Davis was ranked 3rd in the State for reducing residential water use in September, with a water reduction rate of 28%.

According to a press release from the State Water Board, the statewide conservation rate leveled off in September after three months of steady improvement. Total urban water conservation statewide in September was 10.3 percent, compared with September 2013. That was down slightly from the 11.6 percent year-over-year conservation rate for August.

In April, the Governor issued a proclamation of a continued state of emergency under the California Emergency Services Act based on continued drought conditions. On July 28, the State Water Board enacted emergency regulations to promote further conservation.  The regulations required urban water suppliers to activate their previously adopted, Water Code-compliant Water Shortage Contingency Plans at the stage that imposes mandatory restrictions on outdoor irrigation of ornamental landscapes or turf.  In Davis, this represents a Stage Three Water Shortage emergency, which City Council enacted on September 2, imposing mandatory water use restrictions that were effective immediately, to reduce the amount of water pumped from City wells by 30%.  A full list of the mandatory water use restrictions is available at SaveDavisWater.org.

In a presentation made to the State Water Board, Davis was specifically called out as having reduced water use in September by 28%.

“We are very pleased with the 28% reduction,” says Stacey Winton, City of Davis Media & Communications Officer. “We’re not yet at our goal of reaching 30%, but we are very close.”

The City has implemented a new water conservation program “Save Davis Water” that provides public information on ways to save water in homes and businesses. The water conservation program includes information on the water mandate distributed by flyers and social media, posters at city facilities, mirror clings in all City restrooms, and workshops on water conservation topics.  The City has also placed signage on City vehicles on how to report leaks in the City.
The City has ‘lawn signs’ available to those that conserve and would like to encourage others to so. The lawns signs are free.  The City can drop them off at your home or you can pick up at sign at the Public Works Department front Counter at City Hall, 23 Russell Blvd.
“Despite the recent rains and cooler weather, the drought is still continuing, and water conservation efforts are still critical,” said Felicia Marcus, Chair of the State Water Board.

The City will be hosting a water conservation workshop “Lower the flow and increase savings” on Thursday, November 20 from 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. at the Senior Center Valente Room.
This free workshop will show homeowners and renters small steps to achieve great water savings. Participants will learn about how to monitor their water use, how to conduct an at-home water audit, simple steps for conserving water indoors, and more. RSVP to PWWeb@CityofDavis.org or 530-757-5686 to reserve your spot today!

What’s next in water conservation? Soon to come are toolkits for apartments and businesses, fliers delivered to residents, and lawn signs in City facilities, parks and greenbelts that have been improved to reduce water usage.  All program insights can be found at SaveDavisWater.org


  • David Greenwald

    Greenwald is the founder, editor, and executive director of the Davis Vanguard. He founded the Vanguard in 2006. David Greenwald moved to Davis in 1996 to attend Graduate School at UC Davis in Political Science. He lives in South Davis with his wife Cecilia Escamilla Greenwald and three children.

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